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Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

A ......................... assessment appt. ................ appointment

aa ....................... of each aPTT ................ activated partial thromboplastin time
AA ....................Alcoholics Anonymous; Aplastic anemia aq……………….water
AAA ..................... abdominal aortic aneurysm aq dist .............. distilled water
AAOx3 ......alert, awake, oriented to time, place & person ARDS .............. acute respiratory distress syndrome
AAROM ........... active assistive range of motion ARF ................. acute renal failure
abd................... abdomen, abdominal, abduction ARMD .............. age related macular degeneration
ABG................. arterial blood gases AROM.............. active range of motion
abn................... abnormal arwy ................. airway
ABW................ actual body weight AS ................... aortic stenosis
Abx .................. antibiotics ASAP .............. as soon as possible
AC ................... before meals ASCVD ............ arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
AD ................... Alzheimer’s Disease, ASHD .............. arteriosclerotic heart disease
ADA ................. American Diabetes Association, as tol ................ as tolerated
Add................... adduction AST ................. aspartate amino-transaminase
Adeq. ............... adequate Astig ................ astigmatism
ADH ................. antidiuretic hormone atr fib ................ atrial fibrillation
ADHD .............. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder AUR ................. acute urinary retention
ADL ................. activities of daily living ax..................... axillary
ad lib ................ as often as desired AV.................... arterioventricular
Adm ................. admission avg ................... average
ADR ................. allergic drug reaction AVM................. arteriovenous malformation
AED…………..automatic external defibrillator AV node ........... atrioventricular node
AF.................... atrial fibrillation
afeb .................. afebrile B
AIDS ................ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Ba .................... barium
AKA ................. above the knee amputation bact ................. bacteria
alb.................... albumin Ba. Swallow ..... barium swallow
ALD ................. alcoholic liver disease BBB ................. bundle branch block
alk .................... alkaline BC ................... blood culture, bedside commode
alk phos, ALKP.. alkaline phosphatase BCP ................. birth control pills
ALL .................. acute lymphocytic leukemia BCSW ............. Board Certified Social Worker
ALOC…………..altered level of conscious BE ................... barium
ALS ................. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis BG ................... blood glucose
ALT .................. alanine amino-transaminase BIPAP .............. Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure
A.M. ................. before noon bicarb ............... bicarbonate
A-Mask ............ aerosol mask bid.................... twice daily
AMA ................ against medical advice, American bilat .................. bilateral
Medical Association bili .................... bilirubin
amb ................. ambulatory BK ................... below the knee
amb care .......... ambulatory care BKA ................. below the knee amputation
AMI .................. acute myocardial infarction BLE ................. both lower extremities
AML ................. acute myelogenous leukemia Bleph ............... blepharoplasty
amp ................. ampule BLS ................. Basic Life Support
amt .................. amount BM................... bowel movement
ANA ................. antinuclear antibody bmd ................. bone mineral density
ANC ................. Absolute neutrophil count BMP ................ Basic Metabolic Panel
ANLL................ acute non-lymphocytic leukemia BMR ................ basal metabolic rate
Ant ................... anterior BMT ................. bone marrow transplant
ante ................. before BOM ................ bilateral otitis media
A/O .................. alert and oriented BPD ................. Bipolar Disorder
AODM.............. adult onset diabetes mellitus BP ................... blood pressure
AOM ................ acute otitis media BPH ................. benign prostatic hypertrophy
AP & LAT ......... anteroposterior and lateral bpm ................. beats per minute
A & P Repair .... anterior and posterior repair BR ................... bed rest
approx .............. approximately

Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

brat .................. banana, rice cereal, apple sauce, tea CIS................... carcinoma in-situ
BRP ................. bathroom privileges ck .................... check, creatine kinase
BRVO .............. brance retinal vein occlu-sion cl ..................... chloride,clearanc-e, contact lens
BS ................... bowel sounds, blood sugar CLL .................. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
BSA ................. body surface area cm ................... centimeter
BSO................. bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy CML ................. chronic myelogenous leukemia
BSOM.............. bilateral serous otitis media CMP ................ Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
BTL .................. Bilateral Tubal Ligation CMS…………. circulation, movement, sensation
BW .................. body weight CMV ................ cytomegalovirus
Bx .................... biopsy CNP…………….Certified Nurse Practitioner
CNS ................. central nervous system, Clinical Nurse
C Specialist
c ...................... with CNI, CNII, etc. .. cranial nerve I,II, etc.
C...................... centigrade, concentration c/o ................... complaining of
C & S ............... culture and sensitivity c/w ................... consistent with
Ca+ .................. calcium CO .................... cardiac output
CA ................... carcinoma COAG .............. chronic open angle glaucoma
CABG .............. coronary artery bypass graft COLD ............... chronic obstructive lung disease
CaCl2 ............... calcium chloride colpo ................ colposcopy
CAD ................. coronary artery disease comp................ compound
Cal ................... kilocalorie calories, calcium conc ................. concentrate
CAP ................. Cancer of the prostate, capsule conf .................. conference
CAPD .............. continuous ambulatory peritoneal conj .................. conjunctiva
dialysis cont ................. continued, continuous
carb ................. carbohydrate COPD .............. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cat ................... cataract CO2 ................. carbon dioxide
cath ................. catheter, catheterization, catheterized CP ................... chest pain, cerebral palsy
CBC ................. complete blood count C & P ............... cystoscopy & pyelogram
cc………………. cubic centimeter CPAP ............... continuous positive airway pressure
CCA ................. calcium channel antagonist CPR ................. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CCB ................. calcium channel blocker CPS ................. Chronic Paronoid Schizophrenia
CCMS .............. clear catch midstream CPT ................. chest physiotherapy
CCU ................. coronary care unit C1,C2,etc. ....... first, second, etc. cervical vertebra
CDC ................. Center for Disease Control creat ................ creatinine
CD & L Spine ... cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine CRF ................. chronic renal failure
CDE ................. Certified Diabetes Educator CRI ................... chronic renal insufficiency
CDU ................. chemical dependency unit CRNA .............. certified registered nurse anesthetist
CE ................... continuing education CRT ................. certified respiratory therapist
CEA ................. carcinoembryonic antigen cryo ................. cryosurgery
CEO................. chief executive officer CS .................... Central Supply
cerv .................. cervical C&S……………..culture & sensitivity
CETN ............... Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse CSF ................. cerebrospinal fluid
CF.................... cystic fibrosis CT .................... computer tomography, chest tube
CHD ................. coronary heart disease CTA.................. clear to auscultation
chem................ chemistry cult ................... culture
CHF ................. congestive heart failure CV ................... cerebrovascular, cardiovascular
chg................... change CVA ................. cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
CHL ................. conductive hearing loss CVL ................. central venous line
CHO................. carbohydrate CWMS…………color, warmth, movement, sensation
chol .................. cholesterol CXR ................. chest x-ray
CHPX ............... chickenpox Cysto ............... cystoscopy/cystoscopic
chr ................... chronic
CHTN ............... chronic hypertension D
CI ..................... cardiac index D...................... Distance, dose
CIC................... clean intermittent catheterization DBE ................. Diabetic Education
CIRC ................ circumcision DBP ................. diastolic blood pressure
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

D/C…………….. discontinue, discharge EEG................. electroencephalogram

D & C……………dilatation and curettage EENT ............... eyes, ears, nose and throat
D & D ............... diarrhea and dehydration EF.................... ejection fraction
DDD ................. degenerative disc disease e.g. .................. for example
decr ................. decreased EGD................. esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Derm ................ dermatology, dermatitis EHC ................. Employee Health Clinic
DES ................. dry eye syndrome EKG................. electrocardiogram
dev ................... deviation elev .................. elevation
DHT ................. dehydration ELISA .............. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
diam ................. diameter elix ................... elixir
diff .................... differential EMG ................ electromyogram
Dil .................... dilate EMS ................ Emergency Medical Services
Dils .................. dilutions EMT ................. Emergency Medical Technician
dis .................... disease ENDO ................. endoscopy
Disp ................. disposition ENT ................. ears, nose and throat
Dist .................. distance ENUC .............. enucleation
DJD.................. degenerative joint disease EOM ................ extraocular movement
DKA ................. diabetic ketoacidosis EPAP ............... Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure
dL .................... deciliter Epith ................ epithelium
DM................... diabetes mellitus EPO................. erythropoietin
DME ................ Durable Medical Equipment EPS ................. extrapyramidal symptoms
DNR ................. do not resuscitate ER ................... emergency room
DO ................... Doctor of Osteopathy ERCP .............. endoscopic retrograde
DOB................. date of birth cholangiopancreatography
DOE................. dyspnea on exertion ERT ................. estrogen replacement therapy
DPOA…………..Durable Power of Attorney ERV ................. expiratory reserve volume
doz................... dozen ESLD ............... end stage liver disease
DPA ................. Discharge Planning Assessment Esoph .............. esophagus
DPI ................... Dry Power Inhaler ESR ................. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
dr ..................... dram ESRD .............. end stage renal disease
drng ................. drainage EST ................. electroshock therapy
D/T………………due to ET .................... endotracheal,
DRE ................. Digital Rectal Exam ETCO2 ............. end tidal carbon dioxide
DRG................. diagnostic-related group etc ................... and so forth
DRSG .............. dressing etio ................... etiology
DT .................... delirium tremens Etoh ................. ethanol
DTR ................. deep tendon reflexes ETOH ............... alcohol
DU ................... duodenal ulcer ETT .................. endotracheal tube, Enterstomal
DUB ................. dysfunctional uterine bleeding Therapy
D & V ............... diarrhea and vomiting ex. ................... excision, exercise
DVT ................. deep vein thrombosis exam................ examination
Dx……………….Diagnosis exp................... expiration
exp. lap. .......... exploratory laparotomy
E ext ................... extract, extension, external exam
extr .................. extremity
ea .................... each
EAC ................. external auditory canal Ext. Rot ........... external rotation
EBL ................. estimated blood loss
EBV ................. Epstein-Barr virus F
EC ................... enteric-coated F ...................... Fahrenheit
ECC ................. Emergency Care Center FB.................... foreign body, followed by
ECCE .............. extracapsular cataract extraction FBS ................. fasting blood sugar
ECF ................. extend care facility FC.................... foley catheter
ECG................. electrocardiogram FDA ................. Food & Drug Administration
echo ................. echocardiogram Fe .................... iron
ECT ................. electroconvulsive therapy FEF ................. florced expiratory flow
ED ................... emergency department Feb .................. febrile
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

FEM-POP ........ femoral-popliteal hal .................... hallucinations

FeSO4 ............. ferrous sulfate H&P ................. history and physical
FEV1 ............... forced expiratory volume in one second HAV ................. Hepatitis A virus
FFP ................. fresh frozen plasma Hb, Hgb............ hemoglobin
FH.................... family history HBIG ................ Hepatitis B immune globulin
FIF ................... forced inspiratory flow HBP ................. high blood pressure
FiO2 ................. fraction of inspired oxygen HbsAg .............. hepatitis B surface antigen
fl ....................... fluid HBV ................. Hepatitis B virus
fl dr ................... fluid dram HC ................... home care
fl oz .................. fluid ounce HCO3 ............... bicarbonate
Flex ................. flexion Hct ................... hematocrit
FM ................... face mask HCV ................. Hepatitis C virus
FOB ................. fecal occult blood test HCVD .............. hypertensive Cardiovascular disease
FSBS................ Finger Stick Blood Sugar HD ................... Hodgkin’s Disease, hemodialysis
FSH ................. follicle stimulating hormone HEENT............. head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
FTT .................. failure to thrive heme................ hemorrhage
F/U................... follow-up hemi ................. one side of the body
FUB ................. functional uterine bleeding HEPA ............... high-efficiency particular air
FUO ................. fever, unknown origin Heplock .......... heparin lock
FVC ................. forced vital capacity HF.................... heart failure
FWB ................ full weight bearing Hg .................... mercury
Fx .................... fracture hgb................... hemoglobin
HGH................. human growth hormone
G HH ................... hiatal hernia; Home Health
HHC ................. Home Health Care
G ..................... Gravida, gram
GAD................. generalized anxiety disorder HHN ................. hand held nebulizer
GB ................... gallbladder H&H ................. Hemoglobin & hematocr-it
GB Series ........ gallbladder series H/I .................... homicidal ideation
GC ................... gonorrhea, gonococcus Hib ................... hemophilus influenza type B
GCS................. Glasgow Coma Score Histo ................ histoplasmosis
gen................... general HIV................... human immunodeficiency virus
GERD .............. gastroesophageal reflux disease HJR.................. hepatojugular reflux
GFR ................. glomerular filtration rate HL .................... heplock; hearling loss
GGT ................. gamma glutamyl transferase HLA ................. human leukocyte antigen
GGTP .............. gamma glutamyl transpeptidase HO ................... history of
GH ................... growth hormone HOB................. head of bed
GI ..................... gastrointestinal HP ................... hot packs
GI Series ......... gastrointestinal tract study hr ..................... hour, heart rate
glob .................. globulin HRT ................. hormone replacement therapy
glu.................... glucose h.s. .................. at bedtime; hour of sleep
gm ................... gram HSV ................. herpes simplex virus
GN ................... glomerulonephritis ht ..................... height
GP ................... General Practitioner HTLV-III ..........human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III
g ...................... grain HTN ................. hypertensive, hypertension
GRH................. growth releasing hormone hx .................... history
GSW................ gunshot wound HZ .................... herpes zoster
G-Tube..............gastrostomy tube HZV ................. herpes zoster virus
gtt .................... drops H2O ................. water
GTT ................. glucose tolerance test
GU ................... genitourinary I
GVH................. graft versus host (reaction) I & D................... incision & drainage
GVHD .............. graft versus host disease I & A................. irrigation and aspiration
GYN................. Gynecology I & O .................. intake & output
IABP ................ intra-aortic balloon pump
H IBD................... inflammatory bowel disease
IBW ................. ideal body weight
HA ................... hearing aide, headache
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

ICBG ................ iliac crest bone graft kcal .................. kilocalorie

ICCE ................ intraocular cataract extraction KCL ................. potassium chloride
ICD-9-CM ......... International Classification of Diseases, Kel ................... elimination rate constant
9th Edition, Clinical Modification KG ................... kilogram
ICF ................... intermediate care facility k ...................... kilometer
ICH................... intracranial hemorrhage KP04................ potassium phosphate
ICP................... intracranial pressure KUB ................. kidney, ureter, bladder
ICS................... intercostal space KVO................. keep vein open
ICU................... intensive care unit
I.D. ................... Infectious Diseases
IDDM................ insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
L ...................... liter, lower, left
Ig ..................... immunoglobulin LA .................... left atrium, left arm
IgG................... Immunoglobulin G L & A................ light and accommodation
IHD................... ischemic heart disease lab.................... laboratory
IICP .................. increased intracranial pressure lac .................... laceration
IJ ...................... internal jugular lat .................... lateral
IM .................... intramuscular LAVH ............... laparoscopic assisted vaginal
IMP .................. impression hysterectomy
Incr ................... increased lb ..................... pound
INF ................... interferon LBBB ............... left bundle branch block
Inj ..................... injection LBP ................. low back pain
INR................... international normalized ratio LDL .................. low density lipoprotein
INS................... insurance, inspiration LDN ................. Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist
Instr. ................. instructions LE .................... lupus erythematosus, lower extremity
insuff ................ insufficient LES ................. lower esophageal sphincter
int ..................... internal LFT .................. liver function tests
Int Med ............. internal medicine lg ..................... large
IOL ................... intraocular lens LHC ................. left heart catheterization
IOP .................. intraocular pressure Li—.................. lithium
IOT ................... intraocular tension LIH ................... left inguinal hernia
IPAP ................ Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure liq ..................... liquid
IPPB ................ intermittent positive pressure breathing LKS ................. liver, kidneys, spleen
IQ..................... intelligence quotient L/L ................... lids and lashes
IR ..................... internal rotation LLE .................. left lower extremity
IRV................... inspiratory reserve volume LLL................... left lower lobe, left lower lid
ISH................... isolated systolic hypertension LLQ.................. left lower quadrant
ISOL ................ isolation LLWC............... long leg walking cast
IV ..................... intravenous LMP ................. last menstrual period
IVC................... inspiratory vital capacity LN .................... lymph node
IVDA ................ intravenous drug abuse LOA ................. leave of absence
IVF ................... intravenous fluids LOC ................. loss of consciousness, level of
IVP………………IV push consciousness
J LOS ................. length of stay
LP..................... lumbar puncture
JP .................... Jackson-Pratt drain LPN ................. licensed practical nurse
Jr ..................... junior LPT .................. licensed physical therapist
JRA.................. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis LRT .................. Licensed Respiratory Technician
J-Tube………… jejunostomy tube LS .................... lumbosacral
Juv ................... juvenile L/S ratio ........... lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio
JVD.................. jugular venous distention LSO ................. left salpingo-oophorectomy
JVP.................. jugular venous pressure LSP ................. left sacrum posterior*
LST .................. left sacrum transverse*
K Lt ...................... left
K ...................... cornea LTC……………..Long term care
K+.................... potassium LTCF ................ long term care facility
KA ................... keratoacanthoma LUE ................. left upper extremity
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

LUL .................. left upper lobe NAG................. narrow angle glaucoma

LUQ ................. left upper quadrant NaHCO3 .......... sodium bicarbonate
NAO................. nasal airway obstruction
M N/C .................. no complaints, nasal cannula
NED ................. no evidence of disease
M ..................... meter
MA………………Medicaid neg................... negative
MAO ................ monamine oxidase NEO................. neosynephrine
MAP ................ mean arterial pressure; Medical NEURO ............neurology, neurologic
Assistance Program NGT ................. nasogastric tube
MAR ................ medication administration record NH ................... Nursing Home
max ................. maximum NHL ................. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
mcg or ug ........ micrograms NHP ................. Nursing Home Placement
MD................... medical doctor NI ..................... no improvement
MDA ................ Muscular Dystrophy Association NIA................... niacin,niacinamide
MDI .................. metered dose inhaler NICU ................ Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
MDE ................ Major Depressive Episode NIDDM ............. non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
mech................ mechanical NKA ................. no known allergies
MED ................ medication, medical, Medicine NKDA .............. no known drug allergies
mEq ................. milliequivalent nl ..................... normal
mEq/L .............. milliequivalent per liter NMI .................. no middle initial
MFB................. metallic foreign body Noc……………..night
mg ................... milligram noct ................. night
MI .................... myocardial infarction, mitral insufficiency Norepi .............. norepinephrine
micro ................ microcytosis NOS................. not otherwise specified
min................... minimum, minute NPC ................. nonproductive cough
ml .................... milliliter NPO…………….Nothing by mouth
MM .................. multiple myeloma NPH ................. neutral protamine hagedorn
mm .................. millimeter NR ................... nonreactive
mM .................. millimolar NS ................... normal saline
mm/hr .............. millimeters per hour NSA ................. no significant abnormality
MMR ................ measles, mumps and rubella NSAIDS ........... nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug
MMSE ................mini mental status exam NSR ................. normal sinus rhythm
MN................... midnight NSS ................. normal saline solution
mod ................. moderate NST ................. non-stress test
mono................ monocyte NT/ND .............. non-distended/non-tender
MRI .................. magnetic resonance imaging NTS ................. nasotracheal suction
MRM................ modified radical mastoidectomy NV ................... neurovascular
MRND .............. modified radical neck dissection nvd ................... neck venous distention, nausea,
MRSA .............. methicillin resistant staph aureus vomiting, diarrhea
MS................... musculoskeletal, multiple sclerosis, NVFCD ............ nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and
medical student, morphine sulfate diarrhea
MSW ............... Master’s of Social Work NWB................ non-weight bearing
M.T. ................. medical technologist
MTD ................. maximum tolerated dose O
mva .................. motor vehicle accident O ..................... objective/observation
MVI .................. multivitamin OA ................... osteoarthritis, observation
MVR ................ mitral valve replacement and assessment
OB, OB/GYN ... Obstetrics and Gynecology
N obj .................... objective
obl .................... oblique
N...................... nitrogen
N & V ................. nausea & vomiting OBS................. organic brain syndrome
Na .................... sodium OCA................. oral contraceptive agent
NA ................... Nursing Assistant, no answer, not occ................... occasional, occiput
applicable OCD................. obsessive-compulsive disorder
NaCl ................. sodium chloride OCG ................ oral cholecystogram
NAD ................. no acute distress OCP................. ova, cysts, parasites
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

OD…………….. Right eye PCO2 .............. partial pressure of carbon dioxide

OE ................... otitis externa PCP ................. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia,
OH ................... Occupational Health Primary Care Provider
OM................... otitis media PDR ................. Physician’s Desk Reference
OOB ................ out of bed PE ................... physical examination, pulmonary
op .................... outpatient, operation, occiput posterior, embolism, pulmonary edema
operation, outpatient PEEP .............. positive end expiratory pressure
O & P .............. ova and parasites PEF ................. peak expiratory flow
OPC................. Order for protective custody PEFR ............... peak expiratory flow rate
OPD................. Outpatient department PEG................. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
OPS................. outpatient surgery perf ................... perforations
OPT ................. ophthalmology PERLA.............. pupils equal, reactive to light and
OPV.................. oral polio vaccine accommodation
O.R. ................. operating room PERRLA .......... pupils equal, round, reactive to light and
Orient ............... oriented, orientation accommodation
ORIF ................ open reduction/internal fixation PET ................. positron emission tomography
ORT ................. orthopaedic, orthopedic pH .................... hydrogen ion concentration, acid/base
os .................... mouth index
OS…………….. left eye PH ................... past history
OSA................. obstructive sleep apena pharm .............. pharmacy
OSHA .............. Occupational Safety and Health PharmD............ Doctor of Pharmacy
Administration phos ................. phosphatase
OSU................. Oral Surgery PHP ................. phosphorus
OT.................... occupational therapy PHN ................. public health nurse
otc ................... over the counter PICC……………peripherally inserted central catheter
OTO ................. Otolaryngology PID................... pelvic inflammatory disease
OTT .................. orotracheal tube PIP................... positive inspiratory pressure
O.U. ................. each eye, both eyes PIV................... peripheral intravenous
oz .................... ounce PK ................... pharmacokinetics
O2.................... oxygen p.m. ................. afternoon or evening
O2 sat .............. oxygen saturation PMB ................ post menopausal bleeding
PM Flap ........... pectoralis major flap
P PMH ................ past medical history
PMR ................ physical medicine and rehabilitation
p ...................... after, pulse
P ...................... pain, para, pulse, percussion, plan, PND ................. post nasal drainage, paroxysmal
pressure nocturnal dyspnea
P&T ................. peak and trough po .................... by mouth
PA.................... physician’s assistant, Post op ............ post operative
pulmonary artery,posterior anterior POA................. power of attorney
PAC ................. premature atrial contraction POAG .............. primary open-angle glaucoma
PA02 ................ alveolar oxygen tension POD................. post operative day
PaC02 .............. arterial carbon dioxide tension POI .................. post operative instructions
PACO2............. alveolar carbon dioxide tension pos................... positive
PACU............... post anesthesia care unit poss ................. possible
palp .................. palpable, palpations Post. ................ posterior
Pap .................. pananicoaou smear post op ............. postoperative
para ................. paraplegic, paralysis po2................... partial pressure of oxygen
PAT .................. paroxysmal atrial tachycardia po4................... phosphate
path ................. pathology POX ................. pulse oximetry
paw .................. airway pressure PP ................... postprandial (after eating)
PAWP.............. pulmonary artery wedge pressure PPBG .............. postprandial blood glucose
PBD ................. post burn day ppd................... packs per day
PC ................... packed cells, post cast, pressure control PPD ................. purified protein derivative (tuberculin)
after meals, posterior chamber PPN ................. peripheral parenteral nutrition
PCA ................. patient controlled analgesic pr ..................... per rectum
PCN ................. penicillin, PRBC .............. packed red blood cells

Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

PRE ................. progressive resistance exercise RBC ................. red blood cells
preop................ preoperative RCA ................. right coronary artery
prep ................. prepare RD ................... retinal detachment, Registered Dietician
prn ................... as often as necessary RDA ................. recommended daily allowance
procto .............. proctoscopic RDS ................. respiratory distress syndrome
Pro ................... protein re ..................... regarding, concerning
PROM.............. passive range of motion readm .............. readmission
PSA ................. prostate specific antigen, Poly- rec’d ................. received
Substance Abuse ref .................... referred
PSC ................. posterior subcapsular cataract refrax ................ refraction
PSH ................. past surgical history reg. .................. regular
PSVT ............... paroxysmal supraventricular REHAB ............ rehabilitation
tachycardia REM ................ rapid eye movements
PSY ................. Psychiatry rep ................... repeat
pt ..................... patient req ................... request
pt. ed. .............. patient education Resp. ............... respiration
P.T. ................... physical therapy RF.................... rheumatoid factor, renal failure,
PTA.................. prior to admission, physical therapy Rheumatic fever
assistant RFA ................. right forearm, reason for admission
PTCA ............... percutaneous transluminal coronary RHD ................. rheumatic heart disease
angioplasty Rh neg ............. Rhesus factor negative
PTH ................. parathyroid hormone Rh pos ............. Rhesus factor positive
PT/PTT............. prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin RHC ................. right heart catheterization
time RK ................... radial keratomy
PU ................... pressure ulcer RLE ................. right lower extremity
PUD ................. peptic ulcer disease RLL .................. right lower lobe, right lower leg
Pulm ................ pulmonary RLQ ................. right lower quadrant
Pulv .................. powder RML ................. right middle lobe
PVD ................. peripheral vascular disease, posterior RN ................... Registered Nurse
vitreous detachment RNA ................. ribonucleic acid
PWB ................ partial weight bearing RN,App ............ Registered Nurse, applicant
Pyelo ............... pyelonephritis RNP ................. Registered Nurse Practitioner
PZI ................... protamine zinc insulin R/O .................. rule out
ROM ................ range of motion
Q RPG................. retrograde pyelogram
R.Ph. ............... Registered Pharmacist
q ...................... every
qam ................. every morning RPM ................ revolutions per minute
qh .................... every hour RPT ................. Registered Physical Therapist
q2h,q3h ............ every 2 hours, every 3 hours RQ ................... respiratory quotient
qhs……………...every bedtime (hour of sleep) RR ................... recovery room, respiratory rate
qid.................... four times a day RRR ................. regular rate and rhythm
QL. ................... quality of life RRT ................. Registered Respiratory Therapist
qpm ................. every evening RRP ................. radical retropubic prostatectomy
qs .................... every shift, sufficient quantity RSO................. right salpingo-oophorectomy
qt ..................... quart RT .................... recreational therapy, radiation therapy,
quad ................. quadripegic, paralysis of all four Respiratory Therapy, Registered
extremities Technologist
qual .................. qualitative RTC ................. return to clinic
quant ................ quantitative RU ................... residual urine
RUE ................. right upper extremity
R RUG................. retrograde urethrogram
RUL ................. right upper lobe
RA ................... rheumatoid rthritis, right arm, right rupt. ................. ruptured
atrium, room air RUQ................. right upper quadrant
rad ................... reactive airway disease, Radiology RV ................... rectovaginal, right ventricle, residual
RAE ................. right atrial enlargement volume
RBBB .............. right bundle branch block
Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

Rx .................... prescription T or temp .........temperature

T&A .................tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
S T. Bili ...............total bilirubin
tab ...................tablet
s ...................... without
SA ................... sinoatrial tachy ...............tachycardia
SAH ................. subarachnoid hemorrhage TAH..................total abdominal hysterectomy
SAO2 ............... arterial oxygen saturation TAH BSO ........total abdominal hysterectomy and
SBE ................. subacute bacterial endocarditis Bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
SBO................. small bowel obstruction TB ...................tuberculosis
SBP ................. systolic blood pressure TBSE ..............total body skin exam
SBS ................. small bowel study tbsp .................tablespoon
SCCA .............. squamous cell carcinoma TCA .................tricyclic antidepressant
SCLC ............... small cell lung cancer TCN .................tetracycline
scop ................. scopolamine TCollar .............trach collar
Scr ................... serum creatinine TE ....................tracheoespophageal
seb derm .......... seborrheic dermatitis temp ................ temperature
sec................... seconds (exposure time) TENS ...............transcutaneous electrical nerve
sed rate............ sedimentation rate stimulation
segs ................. segments TFT ..................thyroid function test
SEM ................ systolic ejection murmur TG.................... triglyceride
sens .................sensitivity THR .................total hip replacement (Total hip
serv ..................service arthroplasty)
SG ................... specific gravity TIA ...................transient ischemia attack
SH ................... social history, suicidal/homicidal ideation TIBC ................total iron binding capacity
SK ................... seborrheic keratosis tid .................... three times a day
SLP ................. Speech and Language Pathology TKA .................total knee arthroplasty
S/I .................... supervision/instruction, suicidal ideation tko ...................to keep open
SIADH .............. syndrome of inappropriate secretion of TKR .................total knee replacement
antidiuretic hormone TL ....................total larynegectomy
SIC................... self-intermittent catheterization TLC .................total lung capacity
SICU ................ surgical intensive care unit TLP .................total laryngophayngectomey
sig .................... label (prescriptions) TLV .................total lung volume
SIMV................ synchronized intermittent TM ...................tympanic membrane
mandatory ventilation TMJ .................temporomandibular joint
SIRS ................ systematic inflammatory response TMPSMX..........trimethoprim sulfamethoxazide
Syndrome TNTC................ too numerous to count
SK ................... seborrheic keratosis TO.................... telephone order
SL .................... sublingual Tol .................... tolerated
SLE ................. systemic lupus erythematosus TP .................... total protein
SNHL ............... sensorineural hearling loss TPN ................. total parenteral nutrition
SO ................... salpingo-oophorectomy TPR ................. temperature, pulse and respiration
SOAP .............. subjective, objective data, assessment tr ...................... tincture
and plan trach ................ tracheostomy
SOB................. shortness of breath TSH ................. thyroid stimulating hormone
sol ....................solution tsp ................... teaspoon
solv ..................dissolve TSP ................. total serum protein
sono. ................sonogram TSS ................. toxic shock syndrome
S/P .................. suprapubic, status post TTP .................. thrombolytic thrombocytopenia
SPF ................. sun protection factor TUR ................. transurethral resection
spec .................specimen TURBT .............Transurethral Resection of Bladder
SPG................. specific gravity Tumor
SSI……………. Sliding scale insulin TURP ............... Transurethral Resection of Prostate
STAT………….. immediately TV .................... television, tidal volume
STEMI………..ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction TVH ................. transvaginal hysterectomy
Tx .................... treatment,traction
T T1/2 ................. half life

Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

WFL ................. within functional limits

U Whp ................. whirlpool
wk .................... week, weak
U/A .................. Urinalysis
UE ................... upper extremity WM.................. white male
UGI .................. upper gastrointestinal Wt………………weight
ULQ ................. upper left quadrant x ...................... except
Ung .................. ointment x-rays .............. roentgen rays
unilat ................ unilateral XRT .................. radiation therapy
UOQ ................ upper outer quadrant y/o ................... years old
UOP................. urine output yr ..................... year
UP ................... upright Zn0................... zinc oxide
UR ................... Utilization Review,urine
URI ................... upper respiratory infection BE CAREFUL WITH DECIMALS - Errors in drug
URO................. Urology strength and dosage have occurred with decimals
URQ................. upper right quadrant due to the use of a trailing zero (1.0 mg) or
US ................... ultrasound absence of a leading zero (.5 mg). A terminal or
USG................. ultrasonography trailing zero should NEVER be used after a decimal
USI ................... urinary stress incontinence and a leading zero should always precede a
USP ................. United States Pharmacopeia decimal expression of less than one. If questions,
Ut dic ............... as directed
check with nurse.
UTI ................... Urinary Tract Infection
UV ................... ultraviolet
va ..................... visual acuity, Veteran’s Administration
Vacc ................ vaccine, vaccination NEED TO CHANGE AN ORDER? - Correcting
VC ................... vocal cord, vital capacity errant orders correctly is important. The nurse
VD ................... venereal disease should cross out the entire order, initial/date it, and
VE ................... expired minute volume then REWRITE IT. The nurse should not add
vent .................. ventilation, ventilator, ventricular additional information to the order, making it
VER ................. visual evoked response unclear. If questions, check with nurse.
VF or V-fib ................. ventricular fibrillation NEED TO DISCONTINUE AN ORDER? - Every
V-flutter ............ ventricular flutter action on a MAR requires an order. If an action
V/H .................. visual hallucinations such as discontinuation is required, the nurse
vit ..................... vitamin,vitreous
should write it out the entire word, ‘Discontinue’,
VHLA ............... vaginal hysterectomy laparoscopically
assisted date and initial it. The MedAide must have a written
VMA ................ vanillymandelic acid order on the MAR in order to administer the med. If
V-mask ............ venturi-mask (oxygen mask) questions, check with nurse.
VO ................... verbal order
VOD................. veno-occlusive disease
vol .................... volume Symbol and Definition
vp ..................... venous pressure
V/Q .................. ventilation/perfusion ∅ none
VSD ................. Ventricular Septal Defect
VS ................... vital signs, volume support
Ō with no
VSS ................. vital signs stable ♀ female
VT .................... ventricular tachycardia ♂ male
VUR ................. Vesioureteral Reflux ↑ increase
w/ ..................... with ↓ decrease
WA .................. while awake # number
WBAT .............. weight bearing as tolerated % percent
WBC................ White Blood Count Δ change
W/C ................. wheelchair ∞ infinity
W/D ................. warm and dry 1° primary or first degree
WD & WN ........ well developed & well nourished
weak ................ weakness
2° secondary or second degree
WF................... white female 3° tertiary or third degree

Terminology, Abbreviations, and Symbols Avera Education & Staffing Solutions
Medication Aide Training Program

÷ divided by or division XIX Nineteen

~ approximately XX Twenty
(-) negative L Fifty
(+) positive C One Hundred
º degree D Five Hundred
= equals M One Thousand
≠ not equal to
X times Abbreviations of Measurements
@ at 1 gram = 1000 milligrams (mg)
check or checked 1 cubic centimeter (cc) = 1 milliliter (mL)
< less than 5 cc = 1 teaspoon; 100 cc = 20 teaspoons
≤ less than or equal to 15 cc = 1 tablespoon
> greater than 30 cc = 1 ounce
≥ greater than or equal to 1000 cc = 1 litre
& and 8 oz = 1 cup
µg microgram 2 cups = 1 pint
ā before 2 pints = 1 quart
β beta 4 quarts = 1 gallon

One of two, three of

something something

Symbol and Definition (cont.) PLEASE NOTE:

This list contains abbreviations,
℥ ounce acronyms, and symbols that have been
commonly used in the medical world to
ʒ dram
save time and space while writing in a
gr. grain resident/patient medical record. As
various specialties have evolved, each
has developed a collection of commonly
Roman Numeral and Numeric Value
used abbreviations within its practice,
I One which may not be recognizable to those
II Two not working within the same field.
III Three According to the Institute for Safe
IV Four
Medication Practices and The Joint
V Five
VI Six Commission, errors and harm have
VII Seven occurred due to use of abbreviations
VIII Eight and symbols. Strictly follow your
IX Nine facility policy and procedure related to
X Ten
XI Eleven use of abbreviations and symbols.
XII Twelve
XIII Thirteen
XIV Fourteen
XV Fifteen
XVI Sixteen
XVII Seventeen
XVIII Eighteen

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