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Jenis sekolah : Sekolah Dasar (SD)

Jumlah soal : 20 Soal
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Bentuk soal/tes : Pilihan Ganda
Penyusun : Lupiya Saniawati, S. Pd.
Alokasi waktu : 90 menit
Bahan/ Materi Indikator Soal Nomor
No. Kompetensi Dasar Kelas Level
Pokok Soal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana 6 Holiday Disajikan soal, peserta didik dapat melengkapi L2/C3 Pilihan 1
nama tempat tujuan liburan Ganda
dengan tindakan secara berterima
Narrative Disajikan gambar, peerta didik dapat L3/C4 Pilihan 4
dalam konteks kelas dan sekolah
menyeleksi bahan membuat boneka (puppets) Ganda

2. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana 6 Fables Disajikan teks, peserta didik dapat menemukan L2/C3 Uraian 17
pernyataan yang salah
secara verbal
Disajikan teks (sama dengan teks soal no. 4), L2/C3 Uraian 18
peserta didik dapat menentukan kalimat yang
At The Shop Disajikan gambar, peserta didik dapat L1/C1 Pilihan 5
menyebutkan warna buah Ganda
Disajikan soal, peserta didik dapat L1/C2 Pilihan 6
mengklasifikasikan kalimat dalam jual beli Ganda

3. Memahami kalimat, pesan tertulis, 6 Going Green Disajikan gambar, peserta didik dapat L2/C3 Pilihan 2
dan teks dekriptif bergambar sangat menghitung banyak pohon yang ditanam Ganda
Disajikan gambar, peserta didik dapat
sederhana secara tepat dan berterima
menentukan profesi yang dimaksud L2/C3 Pilihan 3
Technology Disajikan teks, peserta didik dapat Ganda
Around Us menggantikan kata yang salah L1/C2 Pilihan 7

4. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan, 6 Personal Disajikan soal, peserta didik dapat menyebutkan L1/C1 Pilihan 8
Interest suatu jenis cita-cita Ganda
tekanan, dan intonasi secara tepat
Disajikan soal, peserta didik dapat menentukan L2/C3 Pilihan 9
dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata,
kata simple present tense Ganda
frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana Giving Disajikan denah, peserta didik dapat L2/C3 Pilihan 10
Directions menentukan kalimat yang benar sesuai gambar Ganda
Disajikan narasi singkat, peserta didik dapat
Describing menentukan ciri-ciri seseorang L2/C3 Uraian 19

5. Mengeja kalimat sangat sederhana 6 Hobbies Disajikan gambar, peserta didik dapat L1/C2 Pilihan 11
mengkatagori jenis hobi yang dimaksud Ganda
secara tepat dan berterima
Things To Do Disajikan teks, peserta didik dapat menganalisis L3/C4 Pilihan 12
On Holidays kalimat yang mengandung simple past tense Ganda

6. Memahami kalimat dan pesan 6 My Living Disajikan soal, peserta didik dapat melengkapi L2/C3 Pilihan 13
Room kalimat yang tidak utuh Ganda
tertulis sangat sederhana
In the garden Disajikan kata-kata acak, peserta didik dapat L2/C3 Uraian 20
mengurutkan menjadi kalimat yang utuh
7. Membaca nyaring dengan 6 Food And Disajikan narasi, peserta didik dapat L1/C1 Pilihan 14
Drink menyebutkan nama makanan yang dimaksud Ganda
melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang
Disajikan gambar, peserta didik dapat
tepat yang melibatkan kata, frasa,
Toys menyebutkan nama mainan yang dimaksud L1/C1 Pilihan 15
dan kalimat sangat sederhana Disajikan percakapan, pserta didik dapat Ganda
melengkapi kalimat pada percakapan
Weather L2/C3 Uraian 16
Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C or D!

1. It is a place of tourist attraction in Purwakarta. Every Saturday night, there is a water fountain show at
those place. The place named....
A. Taman Surawisesa C. Taman Maya Datar
B. Taman Sri Baduga D. Taman Pembaharuan
2. Look at the picture!


Mr. Seno has six banana trees. Three of them are ready to harvest. So, the rest is ....
A. Six B. Five C. Four D. Three
3. Look at the picture!


She is a ....
A. Doctor B. Teacher C. Secretary D. Observer
4. Look at the picture!


For make sock puppets, you do not need ....

A. Tape B. Scissors C. Buttons D. Elastic band
5. Look at the picture!


The color of those fruit is ....

A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow D. Violet
6. I need a kilo of apples. ... ?
A. How was is it? C. How much is it?
B. How long is it? D. How deep is it?
7. Read the following text!
Indonesian literary legend Nurhayati Sri Hardini Siti Nukatin, renowned as NH Dini, would have
turned 84 on Saturday – an event commemorated with a Google Doodle. Illustrate by Jakarta-based
artist Kathrin Honesta, the doodle has the prolific writer wearing glasses while filling pages upon pages
of paper with words.
Sumber :

The corect word to replace Illustrate in this sentence is ....

A. Illustrating B. Illustrated C. Illustrater D. Illustrately
8. I want to be like NH Dini, known as ....
A. An author B. A producer C. An artist D. A teacher
9. Nizam likes (play) games.
For being of the simple present tense, so the sentence be like ....
A. Nizam likes play games C. Nizam likes played games
B. Nizam likes to play games D. Nizam likes playing games
10. Look at the picture!


How you go to library?

A. Go straight at Bond street, in the traffic light crossroad and turn right
B. Go straight on Bond street, in the traffic light crossroad and turn left
C. Go straight at Bond street, in the traffic light crossroad and turn left
D. Go straight on Bond street, in the traffic light crossroad and turn right
11. Look at the picture!


Their hobbies is ....

A. Art B. Culinary C. Sports D. Adventures
12. Read the text following carefully!
My mother is a tailor so I learn how to sew from her. My mother helped me too. Sewing used
clothes and towels was very fun. We produced many useful things. Finally, I really enjoyed my last

The simple past tense on the paragraph is ....

A. My mother is a tailor C. We produce many
B. My mother helped me too D. I really enjoyed
13. There is some stuffs in my bedroom, except ....
A. Mirror B. Table C. Cupboard D. Stove
14. It is my favourite drink. The color is black and sweet if you add some sugar.
A. Milk B. Tea C. Coffee D. Ice
15. Look at the picture!


Rido like to play ... with his friends.

A. Kite B. Lego C. Doll D. Chess
II. Answer the following questions correctly!
16. Arya : What do you do on a ...?
Suta : I usually watch tv and drink a cup of hot chocolate
Ade : I usually sleep with my blanket
The correct answer to fill the blank is ....

Read the following text to answer number 17 and 18!

The Ant and The Dove
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to
a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she
slipped and fell into the water.
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in
trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant
moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Just at that time,
a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.
Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter
dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

17. What is the tittle of the text above ?

18. What did the ant help the dove?
19. She is my friend. Her name is Sally.
Describe the physical of Sally, please !

20. in – some – garden - flowers - are - There - the.

Arrange the words above into the right sentences!


1 B 11 C

2 D 12 A

3 B 13 D

4 A 14 C

5 D 15 A

6 C

7 B

8 A

9 B

10 B



Rainy day

The tittle of the text above is the ant and the dove.

The ant quickly bit hunter on the heel.

19 Sally is a cute. She has small body. She also has blonde and straight hair. Her skin is
white. Her face is around.

There are some flowers in the garden.

Keterangan PG Uraian

Jumlah soal 15 5

Bobot Bentuk Soal 70 30

Bobot Tiap Soal 1 Sama, 20,20,20,20,20

Skor Perolehan 10 79,96

Skor maksimum 15 100

Contoh Perhitungan PG :

Skor Perolehan PG = 10

Nilai PG = x 70=46 ,66

Tabel Nilai PG

No Jumlah Benar Nilai PG

1 15 70,00

2 14 65,33

3 13 60,66

4 12 56,00

5 11 51,33

6 10 46,66

7 9 42,00

8 8 37,33

9 7 32,66

10 6 28,00

11 5 23,33

12 4 18,66

13 3 14,00
14 2 9,33

15 1 4,66

Contoh Rumus penilaian soal Uraian :

Skor Skor Nilai

Soal maksimum perolehan perolehan

16 20 3 1 1/3 x 20 = 6,66

17 20 3 2 2/3 x 20 = 13,3

18 20 3 3 3/3 x 20 = 20

19 20 3 3 3/3 x 20 = 20

20 20 3 3 3/3 x 20 = 20

Nilai Soal Uraian 79,96



Rumus Skor perolehan / skor maksimum x bobot

PG 10 / 15 x 70 = 46,66

Uraian 79,96 / 100 x 30 = 23,99

Nilai B.Inggris 70,65

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