Assignment of EM-III - (2021-22)

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SUBJECT CODE : MT4001 (B.Tech- Sem-3)


Ordinary linear differential equations of second order and higher order

Short Questions:

1. Define Order and Degree of the differential equation.

6 3
d4 x d5 x
2. Find order of ( 4
) +( 5
) = m4
dt dt
3 5
𝑑3 𝑦 2 𝑑5 𝑦 2
3. Find the degree of given differential equation (𝑑𝑥 3 ) = (1 + 𝑑𝑥 5 ) + 𝑦 .
2 2
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦 𝑑3 𝑦
4. Find the degree and order of the differential equation (𝑑𝑥 2 ) + 3 𝑑𝑥 + (𝑑𝑥 3 ) = 0.
𝑑4 𝑦 𝑑𝑦 𝑑3 𝑦
5. Find the order and degree of given differential equation 2𝑥 4 +3 + 5𝑥 2 ( 3 ) − 𝑥𝑦 = 0
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
6. Find 𝑦𝑐 ,If m = 2 , 2
7. Find 𝑦𝑐 , If m = 1 , 2
8. Find the Complimentary function ,if m = 2 , 2 , 3
9. Find the Complimentary function , If m = 3 , 3 , 3
10. Find 𝑦𝑐 , If m = 2 ± 3𝑖
11. If m = −1 ± 3𝑖 then 𝑦𝑐 is____
12. Find the Complimentary function of 𝑦 ′′ − 6𝑦 ′ + 9 = 0 .
13. If (D2 – 5D + 6 )y = 0, then 𝑦𝑝 is______
14. If (D2 – D -2 )y = 0, then 𝑦𝑝 is______
15. The Particular integral of ( 𝐷2 − 𝐷 − 6)𝑦 = 0 is
16. Write the U.C set of : 𝑒 2𝑥 , 𝑒 3𝑥 , 𝑒 −4𝑥 , 𝑒 5𝑥 ……..
17. Write the U.C set of : 𝑥 4 , 𝑥 5 , 𝑥 3 , 𝑥 2 … … ..
18. Write the U.C set of : 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑥, sin4x,sin3x……..
19. Write the U.C set of : 𝑐𝑜𝑠4𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠5𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠6𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠3𝑥 … … .. .
20. Define Linearly dependent and independent for function.
Long Questions :

Find the GENERAL SOLUTION of the following differential equations.

1. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 6𝑦 ′ + 8𝑦 = 0
2. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ + 5𝑦 ′ + 6𝑦 = 0
3. Solve : (D2 +10D +24 )y=0
4. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 12𝑦 ′ + 36𝑦 = 0
5. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ + 10𝑦 ′ + 25𝑦 = 0
6. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 2𝑦 ′ + 5𝑦 = 0
7. Solve : (D2 +9D )y=0
8. Solve : 𝑦 ′′′ − 4𝑦 ′′ + 𝑦 ′ + 6𝑦 = 0
9. Solve :( D3-5D2 +7D -3 )y=0
10. Solve : (D2 - 4D + 3 )y= 𝑒 3𝑥
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
11. Solve : −5 + 6𝑦 = 2𝑒 4𝑥
𝑑𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥

12. Solve : (D2 - 3D +2 )y = 𝑒 𝑥

13. Solve :( D3-5D2 +7D -3 )y = 3𝑒 𝑥
14. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 𝑦 ′ − 2𝑦 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑥
15. Solve : (D2 +9)y = 𝑐𝑜𝑠3𝑥
16. Solve : (D2 +4)y = 𝑒 𝑥 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑥
17. Solve : (D2 - 4)y = 𝑥
18. Solve : (D2 +9)y = 𝑥 2
19. Solve : (𝐷2 − 1)𝑦 = 4𝑥 2
20. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 5𝑦 ′ + 6𝑦 = 𝑒 2𝑥 . 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑥
21. Solve : (𝐷 + 1)3 𝑦 = 𝑒 −𝑥 . 𝑥 2
22. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 2𝑦 ′ − 3𝑦 = 2𝑒 𝑥 − 10𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 by using Undetermined Coefficient Method.
23. Solve : (D2 +9)y = 5𝑥 3 − 6𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 by using Undetermined Coefficient Method.
24. Find whether the following functions are linearly dependent or independent :
(i) {1, 𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑒 −𝑥 } (ii) {𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑒 5+𝑥 } (iii) {𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑥, 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑥} (iv) {1 + 𝑥 2 , 𝑥, 𝑥 2 }
𝑑2 𝑦
25. Solve : 𝑑𝑥 2 + 9𝑦 = 𝑠𝑒𝑐3𝑥 by using Variation Parameter Method.
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
26. Solve : 𝑑𝑥 2 − 6 𝑑𝑥 + 9𝑦 = 𝑒 3𝑥 by using Variation Parameter Method.
27. Solve Cauchy-Euler differential equation (𝑥 2 D2 + 3xD +1 )y = 0 .
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
28. Solve Cauchy-Euler differential equation 𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 𝑑𝑥 + 4𝑦 = 𝑥 2
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
29. Solve Legendre’s Linear differential equation (𝑥 + 1)2 𝑑𝑥 2 + (𝑥 + 1) 𝑑𝑥 + 𝑦 = 4cos[log(𝑥 + 1)]
𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
30. Solve Legendre’s Linear differential equation (2𝑥 + 3)2 𝑑𝑥 2 + (2𝑥 + 3) 𝑑𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 24𝑥 2

Short Questions:
1. Define : Power series, Ordinary point, Singular Point, Regular singular and Irregular singular point.
2. Find ORDINARY and SINGULAR POINT of the following differential equations:
𝑑2 𝑦
I. 𝑑𝑥 2
2 5
II. 𝑦 ′′ + 𝑥−3 𝑦 ′ + 𝑥−3 𝑦 = 0

III. (𝑥 2 − 4)𝑦 ′′ + 𝑥𝑦 ′ − 2𝑦 = 0
IV. (𝑥 2 + 1)𝑦 ′′ − 𝑥𝑦 ′ + 𝑦 = 0
1 1
V. 𝑦 ′′ + 𝑦′ − 𝑦=0
𝑥−2 𝑥−1

VI. 𝑦 ′′ + 𝑒 𝑥 𝑦 ′ + (𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥)𝑦 = 0
5 2
VII. 𝑦 ′′ − 𝑥 𝑦 ′ + 𝑥 𝑦 = 0

VIII. (𝑥 2 − 1)𝑦 ′′ − 6𝑥𝑦 ′ − 4𝑦 = 0

𝑑2 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
IX. 𝑥2 −𝑥 − 3𝑦 = 0
𝑑𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥
𝑑2 𝑦 1 𝑑𝑦 1
X. 𝑑𝑥 2
+ 𝑥−3 𝑑𝑥
+ 𝑥−2 𝑦 = 0

Long Questions:

Classify the singularity of the following differential equations:

1. 𝑥 (𝑥 − 1)3 𝑦 ′′ + 2(𝑥 − 1)3 𝑦 ′ + 3𝑦 = 0
2. 𝑥 2 (𝑥 + 1)2 𝑦′′ + (𝑥 2 − 1)𝑦′ + 2𝑦 = 0
3. 2𝑥 (𝑥 − 2)2 𝑦 ′′ + 3𝑥𝑦 ′ + (𝑥 − 2)𝑦 = 0
4. 𝑥(𝑥 − 1)𝑦 ′′ + 𝑥2 𝑦 ′ + 𝑦 = 0
5. 𝑥 3 (𝑥 − 1)𝑦′′ + 2(𝑥 − 1)𝑦′ + 5𝑥𝑦 = 0
6. (𝑥 2 − 9)𝑦 ′′ + (𝑥 + 3)𝑦 ′ − (𝑥 − 3)𝑦 = 0
Solve the followings by using POWER SERIES method.
𝑑2 𝑦
7. 𝑑𝑥 2

8. 𝑦 ′′ = 𝑦 ′
9. 𝑦 ′ − 𝑦 = 0
10. 𝑦 ′ = 2𝑥𝑦

1. Define Order and degree of the PDE.

2. Find Order and Degree of the following PDE:
2 4
𝜕3 𝑢 𝜕5 𝑢
I. ( 3
) +( 5
) −𝑦=0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥
3 4
𝜕3 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕𝑢
II. (
𝜕𝑥 3
) + ( 2) − = 0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕3 𝑢
III. (
𝜕𝑥 2
) + ( 3) = 0
4 3
𝜕4 𝑢 𝜕5 𝑢 𝜕𝑢
IV. (
𝜕𝑥 4
) + ( 5) =
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
3. Write an example of a Parabolic PDE.
4. Write an example of a Hyperbolic PDE
5. Write an example of a Elliptic PDE
6. Give an example of one dimensional Heat equation.
7. Give an example of one dimensional Wave equation.
8. Give an example of two dimensional Elliptic equation.
9. Classify which of the following PDE are PARABOLIC, HYPERBOLIC and ELLIPTIC PDE:
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
I. + 3 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 − 2 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕𝑥 2

𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
II. 4 𝜕𝑥 2 + 3 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 + 𝜕𝑦2 = 0

𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
III. 4 𝜕𝑥 2 − 9 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 + 5 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑧 𝜕2 𝑧 𝜕2 𝑧
IV. 𝜕𝑥 2
+ 6 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 + 9 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
V. 3 𝜕𝑥 2 + 4 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
VI. 𝑥 2 𝜕𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 + 4 𝜕𝑦2 = 0

𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
VII. 𝑥 + (2𝑥 − 1) 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 + (𝑥 − 1) 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕𝑥 2

𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
VIII. + 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 − 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕𝑥 2

𝜕2 𝑧 𝜕2 𝑧
IX. 6 𝜕𝑥 2 − 9 𝜕𝑦2 = 0

𝜕2 𝑧 𝜕2 𝑧
X. + 𝜕𝑦2 = 0
𝜕𝑥 2

Long Questions :

1. Form a PDE by Eliminating arbitrary constants from the following equations:

I. 𝑧 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦
II. 𝑧 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 + 𝑎𝑏
III. 𝑧 = 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑦2 + 𝑎𝑏
IV. 𝑧 = (𝑥 − 𝑎)(𝑦 − 𝑏)
V. 𝑧 = (𝑥 − 𝑎 )2 + (𝑦 − 𝑏 )2
VI. 𝑧 = 𝑎2 𝑥2 + 𝑏2 𝑦2 + 𝑎2 𝑏2
2. Form a PDE by Eliminating arbitrary functions from the following equations:
I. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑥 2 − 𝑦 2 )
II. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑦)
III. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑒 𝑎𝑥+𝑏𝑦 )
IV. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 )
V. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑦)
VI. 𝑧 = 𝑓(𝑥𝑦)
3. Find the GENERAL SOLUTION of the following PDE :
𝜕2 𝑢
I. Solve : 3 = 4𝑦 by method of Direct Integration.
𝜕𝑥 2
𝜕2 𝑧
II. Solve : 𝜕𝑦2 = 6𝑥 3 𝑦 by method of Direct Integration.

𝜕2 𝑢
III. Solve : 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑦 by method of Direct Integration.

𝜕2 𝑢
IV. Solve : 𝜕𝑦𝜕𝑥 = 𝑒𝑦 . 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 by method of Direct Integration.

V. Solve : 𝑥𝑝 + 𝑦𝑞 = 3𝑧
VI. Solve : 𝑦𝑧𝑝 − 𝑥𝑧𝑞 = 𝑥𝑦
VII. Solve : 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥𝑝 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑞 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑧
VIII. Solve : 𝑥𝑝 + 𝑦𝑞 = 𝑧
IX. Solve : 2𝑝 + 3𝑞 = 1
X. Solve : 𝑝3 − 𝑞3 = 0
XI. Solve : 𝑝2 + 𝑞2 = 4
XII. Solve : 𝑝𝑞 + 𝑝 + 𝑞 = 0
XIII. Solve : 𝑝𝑞 = 𝑝 + 𝑞
XIV. Solve : 𝑝 − 𝑥 2 = 𝑞 + 𝑦 2
XV. Solve : 𝑝 + 𝑞 = 𝑥 + 𝑦
XVI. Solve : 𝑝 + 𝑞 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑦
XVII. Solve : 𝑝𝑞 = 𝑥𝑦
XVIII. Solve : 𝑞 − 𝑝 + 𝑥 − 𝑦 = 0
4. Solve the following PDE by using SEPARATION VARIABLE METHOD:
𝜕𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
I. 2 𝜕𝑡 − 3 𝜕𝑥 2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
II. 3 𝜕𝑡 2 + 𝜕𝑥 2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕2 𝑢
III. 2 𝜕𝑥 2 − 𝜕𝑡 2 = 0
𝜕2 𝑢 𝜕𝑢
IV. 𝜕𝑥 2
− 𝜕𝑡 −= 0


Short questions:

1. Define Laplace Transform.

2. State first shifting property of Laplace transform.
3. State linearity property of Laplace transform.
4. Find the values of the following functions: [ Formula based similar types questions]
I. 𝐿(5), 𝐿(𝑒 5𝑡 ), 𝐿(𝑒 −2𝑡 ), 𝐿(cos 7𝑡), 𝐿(sin 4𝑡),𝐿( 𝑡 3 ), 𝐿(cos ℎ3𝑡), 𝐿(sinh 2𝑡), 𝐿(𝑒 3𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠4𝑡), 𝐿(𝑡 2 )
6𝑠 3 2𝑠 1
II. 𝐿−1 (𝑠 2−16), 𝐿−1 (𝑠+4) , 𝐿−1 (𝑠 2−4), 𝐿−1 (𝑠2−4)…………..

5. Define Inverse Laplace Transform.

6. State first shifting property of Inverse Laplace transform.
7. State linearity property of Inverse Laplace transform.
8. State Convolution Theorem.
9. Find the value of 1*1 by using convolution theorem.

Long Questions:

Evaluate the following functions:

1. 𝐿{𝑒 𝑎𝑡 − 𝑒 𝑏𝑡 } =?
2. 𝐿{3𝑡 4 − 2𝑒 4𝑡 + 4𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑡 + 3𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ5𝑡} =?
3. 𝐿 {4𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ3𝑡 − 2𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ4𝑡 + 𝑒 −5𝑡 + 𝑡 2 } =?

4. 𝐿{𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑡. 𝑐𝑜𝑠3𝑡} =?
5. 𝐿{𝑐𝑜𝑠5𝑡. 𝑐𝑜𝑠3𝑡} =?
6. 𝐿{𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 2𝑡} =?
7. 𝐿{(5𝑒 2𝑡 + 3)2 } =?
8. 𝐿{(3𝑡 3 − 5)3 } =?
9. If 𝐿{𝑓 (𝑡)} = 𝑠 2 −4𝑠
, then find the value of 𝐿{𝑓(2𝑡)} =?
𝑠 2 +2𝑠
10. If 𝐿{𝑓 (𝑡)} = 𝑠+1
, then find the value of 𝐿{𝑓(−4𝑡)} =?

11. 𝐿{𝑒 2𝑡 . 𝑡 3 } =?
12. 𝐿{𝑒 3𝑡 (3𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑡 + 4𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ3𝑡)}
13. 𝐿 {𝑒 −𝑡 (𝑡 4 − 2𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ2𝑡 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠3𝑡 + 2𝑡 2 )}

14. 𝐿{𝑡. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡}, 𝐿{𝑡 2 . 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ𝑡}

𝑒 −𝑎𝑡 −𝑒 −𝑏𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠6𝑡−𝑐𝑜𝑠4𝑡
15. 𝐿 { 𝑡
}, 𝐿 {
2𝑠+1 (𝑠+2)3 2𝑠 2 +3𝑠+9
16. 𝐿−1 { 𝑠2−1 } , 𝐿−1 { 𝑠6
} , 𝐿−1 {
5𝑠 3
3(𝑠+1) 𝑠+1 𝑠+3
17. 𝐿−1 {(𝑠+1)4 } , 𝐿−1 {𝑠2 −6𝑠+25} , 𝐿−1 {𝑠2+10𝑠+20}
𝑠+𝑎 𝑎2 𝑠 2 +9
18. 𝐿−1 {log (𝑠+𝑏 )} , 𝐿−1 {log (1 + 𝑠2 )} , 𝐿−1 {log (𝑠2−4)}

By using PARTIAL FRACTION Solve Q18 only:

5𝑠 2 +3𝑠−16 4𝑠+5 𝑠 2+2𝑠+3 𝑠+3
19. 𝐿−1 {(𝑠−1)(𝑠−2)(𝑠−3) } , 𝐿−1 {(𝑠−1)2(𝑠+2)} , 𝐿−1 {(𝑠2+2𝑠+2)(𝑠2+2𝑠+5)} , 𝐿−1 {(𝑠2+6𝑠+13)2 }

20. Solve the following ODE by using L.T and Inverse L.T.
I. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ − 2𝑦 ′ − 8𝑦 = 0 ; 𝑦(0) = 3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 ′ (0) = 6
II. Solve : 𝑦 ′′ + 3𝑦 ′ + 2𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑡 ; 𝑦(0) = 1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 ′ (0) = 0
III. Solve : 𝑦 ′ − 𝑦 = 𝑒 3𝑡 ; 𝑦(0) = 2


Short Questions:

1. Define Fourier series.

2. Define Periodic function.
3. Find period of the following functions:
𝑠𝑖𝑛3𝑥 , 𝑠𝑖𝑛7𝑥, 𝑠𝑖𝑛11𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠5𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠13𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑠5𝑥, 𝑡𝑎𝑛3𝑥, 𝑡𝑎𝑛5𝑥, 𝑡𝑎𝑛7𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑡6𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑡9𝑥, 𝑐𝑜𝑡11𝑥 … … … ..
4. Find the Fourier coefficients value of 𝑏𝑛 for the given function 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥 2 ; −𝜋 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝜋
5. Find Fourier coefficients value of 𝑏𝑛 for the given function 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥 ; −𝜋 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝜋
6. Find the Fourier coefficients value of a𝑛 for the given function 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥 ; −𝜋 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝜋
7. Write Fourier series expansion of an even function.
8. Write the formula of 𝑎0 for Fourier series in the interval 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝜋 .
9. Write the formula of 𝑎0 for Fourier series in the interval 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝜋 .
10. Write the formula of 𝑎0 for Fourier series in the interval 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝜋 .
11. Find the value of 𝑎0 for 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 𝑒 𝑥 ; 0 < 𝑥 < 𝜋 .
12. Write Fourier series expansion of an odd function.
13. Find the value of 𝑎0 for 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 𝑒 2𝑥 ; 0 < 𝑥 < 𝜋 .
14. Obtain Fourier coefficient value 𝑎0 to represent 𝑓 (𝑥) = in the interval 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝜋.
15. Write the Fourier cosine and sine integral for 𝑓 (𝑥).
Long Questions:

1. Find the formula of Fourier coefficients 𝑎0 , 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑛 for F(x).

2. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑒 𝑥 in the interval (0,2𝜋).
3. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝜋 − 𝑥 in the interval (0,2𝜋).
4. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥 2 in the interval −𝜋 ≤ 0 ≤ 𝜋.
5. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑥 3 in the interval −𝜋 ≤ 0 ≤ 𝜋.
0, −1 < 𝑥 < 0
6. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = {
1, 0 < 𝑥 < 1
7. Obtain the Fourier Cosine series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 3𝑥 2 in the interval (0,2).
8. Obtain the Fourier Sine series expansion of 𝑓 (𝑥) = 2𝑥 in the interval (0,1).
9. Obtain the Fourier Cosine Integral of 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑒 −𝑘𝑥 ; 𝑘 > 0, 𝑥 > 0
10. Obtain the Fourier Sine Integral of 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑒 −𝑘𝑥 ; 𝑘 > 0, 𝑥 > 0


Short Questions:

1. Define sample space.

2. Define Mutual exclusive events.
3. If a die is throwing once, then write the Sample space .
4. If a dice is throwing twice , then find the probability of getting product of both number is odd
5. If a dice is throwing once, then find the probability of getting “ a prime number”
6. If a dice is throwing once, then find the probability of getting “ an even number”.
3 4
7. If P(A)= 12 and P(B) = 13, then find the value of 𝑃(𝐴𝑐 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝐵𝑐 ) .
8. If a dice is throwing once, then find the probability of getting “ an odd number”.
9. If a dice is throwing once, then probability of getting “ a number greater than or equal to 6”.
10. What is the Sample space of well-shuffled pack of playing cards ?
11. Find the probability of getting “ an ace” from a well-shuffled pack of playing cards.
12. Find the probability of getting “ a queen” from a well-shuffled pack of playing card.
13. Find the probability of getting “ an diamond” from a well-shuffled pack of playing cards .
4 8
14. If P(A)= 15 and P(B) = 21, then find the value of 𝑃(𝐴𝑐 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝐵𝑐 ) .
15. If a dice is throwing once, then find the probability of getting “ a number less than or equal to3”.
16. If a dice is throwing twice , then find the probability of getting six on both side.
3 5 3
17. If P(A)= 8 , P(B) = 8 and (𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 2 then the value of P ( A/B) is
18. If mean is 16 and variance is 8, then find the value of q.
19. If mean is 12 and standard deviation is 2, then find the value of p .
20. Find the probability of getting a sum is more than 10 in a single throw of two dice.

Long Questions:

1. A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards .What is the probability that the card is a spade or a king ?
2. Two unbiased dice are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability that the sum of numbers on the
upper face of dice is 9 or 12.
3. The lottery tickets are numbered from 1 to 20 . The tickets having numbers in multiple of 3 or 5 bears
the prize. If one ticket is purchased then what is the probability that it bears a prize.
4. If A and B are two events and 2𝑃(𝐴) = 3𝑃(𝐵) = 4𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) = 2 , then find 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) ?
5. If A,B,C are three mutually exclusive events and 3𝑃(𝐴) = 2𝑃(𝐵) = 𝑃 (𝐶 ) = 4 , then
find (𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 ∪ 𝐶 ) ?
6. If A,B,C are three mutually exclusive and exhaustive events and 2𝑃(𝐴) = 𝑃(𝐵) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃 (𝐶 ) = 5
then find 𝑃(𝐵 ∪ 𝐶 ) ?
7. If A and B are independent events, then prove that 𝐴′ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵′ are also independent events.
1 3 11
8. If 𝑃(𝐴) = 3 , 𝑃(𝐵) = 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 12 , find 𝑃(𝐴⁄𝐵) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝐵⁄𝐴).
9. If A,B,C are three mutually exclusive and exhaustive events and 2𝑃(𝐴) = 3𝑃(𝐵) = 4 𝑃(𝐶 ),
then find 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) ?
10. If 𝑃(𝐴) = 2𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) = 𝑃(𝐴⁄𝐵) = 0.4, then find
i. 𝑃 (𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)

ii. 𝑃 (𝐴′ ∩ 𝐵)

iii. 𝑃(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵)

iv. 𝑃 (𝐴′ ∩ 𝐵′ )
11. If A and B are two events and 2𝑃(𝐴) = 3𝑃(𝐵) = 5𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) = 2 , then find
i. 𝑃(𝐴⁄𝐵)
ii. 𝑃(𝐴′ ∩ 𝐵′ )

iii 𝑃(𝐴′ ∪ 𝐵′ )

iv .𝑃(𝐵 − 𝐴)
5 1 1
12. If 𝑃 (𝐴 ∪ 𝐵) = 6 and 𝑃 (𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) = 3 and 𝑃(𝐵′ )= , find 𝑃(𝐴) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃(𝐵) ?
18 5 1
13. If 𝑃(𝐴) = 25 , 𝑃(𝐵⁄𝐴) = 12 and 𝑃(𝐴 ⁄ 𝐵)′ =3 , then find 𝑃(𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) and (𝐵) ?
2 12
14. If 𝑃(𝐴) = 3 , 𝑃(𝐵) = 25 and A , B are independent events then find 𝑃(𝐴′ ∪ 𝐵′ ) ?

15. For Binomial variate 𝑥, if 𝑛 = 8 and 16𝑃(𝑥 = 2) = 𝑃(𝑥 = 6). Find the probability of success.
16. For Binomial distribution if 𝑛 = 6 and 9𝑃(𝑥 = 4) = 𝑃(𝑥 = 2). Find p.
𝑃(𝑥=4) 2
17. In a Binomial distribution if = 3 and 𝑛 = 10, find p.
𝑃(𝑥=1) 8
18. In a Binomial distribution if = 11 and 𝑛 = 6, find p.

19. For Poisson variate 𝑥, if 𝑃(𝑥 = 3) = 𝑃(𝑥 = 4) then find 𝑃 (𝑥 = 0).

20. For Poisson distribution, if 𝑒 −𝑚 = 0.1353 and 𝑃(𝑥 = 1) = 0.2706, find m.
21. For Poisson variate 𝑥, if 𝑃(1) = 𝑃 (2) then find 𝑃(3).
22. For Poisson distribution, if 𝑃(𝑥 = 0) = 𝑃 (𝑥 = 1) = 𝑘 then show that 𝑘 = 𝑒 .

23. For Poisson distribution, if 3𝑃(𝑥 = 2) = 𝑃(𝑥 = 4) ,find mean and variance of the distribution and
also find 𝑃(3).
24. In a normal distribution if 𝑃(0 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 𝑧1 ) = 0.3621,z is standard normal variate then find,
(i) 𝑃(−1.09 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 1.09) (ii) 𝑃(𝑧 ≤ 1.09) (iii) 𝑃(𝑧 ≥ −1.09).
25. In a normal distribution if 𝑃(0 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 2.04) = 0.4793,z is standard normal variate then find ,
(i) 𝑃(−2.04 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 2.04) (ii) 𝑃(𝑧 ≤ 2.04) (iii) 𝑃(𝑧 ≥ −2.04)

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