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The Story of Nuh's Patience with His People

Prophet Musa AS is one of the groups Ulul Azmi. Ulul Azmi is a group of prophets and messengers who
are known to have extraordinary fortitude. The group consists of Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, Musa As, Isa As
and prophet Muhammad SAW.

The inspiring story of prophet Musa facing Fir’aun and Bani Israil was indeed full of extraordinary tests
of patience.

Prophet Musa was also included in the apostles ulul Azmi because of his patience in dealing with the
Children of Israel. This people is known as a people who like to disobey the rules of Allah SWT. Apart
from that, he also faced King Pharaoh who was known as a king who claimed to be God.

Prophet Musa was born in the land of Egypt. At that time Egypt was ruled by a tyrannical and cruel king.
The king of Egypt was named Fir'aun. He claimed to be God and commanded the people to worship him.

One night Fir'aun dreamed that his kingdom was destroyed by a young man from the Children of Israel.
He is restless and worried that his dream will come true. So Fir'awn ordered his soldiers to kill all male
baby boys of the Children of Israel.

One night the Prophet Musa received a revelation from Allah SWT. on the Sinai hill. He was ruled by
Allah SWT. to deliver his da'wah to Fir'aun. So Musa went to Egypt accompanied by Prophet Harun to
bring the king of Pharaoh to his senses. Prophet Musa AS reminded Fira'un to worship Allah. Fir'aun
refused and laughed at him.

Prophet Musa took out the miracle of a stick that turned into a snake and hands that could glow.
Pharaoh actually called Musa a magician. So Pharaoh's magicians were summoned to defeat Moses.

The sorcerers threw ropes which turned into numerous small snakes. Allah SWT. ordered Moses to
throw his staff. The staff of Moses turned into a large snake that ate small snakes. Pharaoh's magicians
surrendered and submitted to Musa.

Fir'aun was angry and ordered his soldiers to arrest Musa and all his followers. Musa and his followers
fled to the shore of the Red Sea.

Allah SWT. ordered Musa to strike his stick into the sea, and the sea was split open so that Musa and his
followers managed to cross it. Meanwhile Fir'aun and his troops were still chasing Musa. When Pharaoh
was in the middle of the ocean, Musa hit his stick back into the sea. The sea then reunited until Fir'aun
and his troops sank in the middle of the sea.

Among the noble qualities of the story of the prophet Moses that we can imitate as a lesson are:

a. Prophet Musa As. has a helpful heart, works diligently so that the Prophet Shuaib liked him too.
b. Prophet Musa As. realized he was not fluent in speaking so he shamelessly asked the Prophet
Harun for help to preach.

c. Prophet Musa As. preaching with full tawakal to Allah SWT

d. No matter how great humans are, they will not be able to match the power of Allah SWT

e. Pride, evil, and disobedience to Allah SWT. will bring wrath and punishment from Allah. So stay
away from arrogant, evil, and disobedient attitudes to Allah SWT.

Reading Materials

Surah Al-'Alaq

‫ِ ِبْس ِم ِهّٰللا الَّرْح ٰم ِن الَّر ِح ْيِم‬

In the Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

‫ِاْقَر ْأ ِباْس ِم َرِّبَك اَّلِذ ْي َخ َلَۚق‬

Read ! in The Name of your Lord Who has created

‫َخ َلَق اِاْل ْنَساَن ِم ْن َع َلٍۚق‬

Has created man from a clot

‫ِاْقَر ْأ َو َر ُّبَك اَاْلْك َر ُۙم‬

Read ! And Your Lord is The Most Generous

‫اَّلِذ ْي َع َّلَم ِباْلَقَلِۙم‬

Who has taught by the pen

‫َع َّلَم اِاْل ْنَساَن َم ا َلْم َيْع َلْۗم‬

He has taught man that which he knew not

‫ۙ َك ٓاَّل ِاَّن اِاْل ْنَساَن َلَيْطٰغ ٓى‬

Nay ! Verily, man does transgress

‫َاْن َّر ٰا ُه اْسَتْغ ٰن ۗى‬

Because he considers him selfself- sufficient

‫ِاَّن ِاٰل ى َر ِّبَك الُّر ْج ٰع ۗى‬

Surely, Unto your Lord is the return

‫َاَر َاْيَت اَّلِذ ْي َيْنٰه ۙى‬

Have you O, Muhammad seen him who prevents

‫َعْبًدا ِاَذ ا َص ّٰل ۗى‬

A slave Muhammad when he prays

‫َاَر َاْيَت ِاْن َك اَن َع َلى اْلُهٰد ۙٓى‬

Tell me, if he Muhammad is on the guidance of Allah

‫َاْو َاَم َر ِبالَّتْقٰو ۗى‬

Or enjoins piety ?

‫َاَر َاْيَت ِاْن َك َّذ َب َو َتَو ّٰل ۗى‬

Tell me if he ( AbuJahl ) denies and turns away ?

‫َاَلْم َيْع َلْم ِبَاَّن َهّٰللا َيٰر ۗى‬

Knows he not that Allah does see

‫َك اَّل َل ْن َّلْم َيْنَتِه ۙە َلَنْس َفًع ۢا ِبالَّناِص َيِۙة‬


Nay ! If he ( Abu Jahl ) caeses not, we will catch him by the forelock

‫َناِص َيٍة َكاِذَبٍة َخ اِط َئٍۚة‬

A lying, sinful forelock !

‫َفْلَيْدُع َناِدَيۙٗه‬

Then let him call upon his council of helpers

‫َس َنْدُع الَّز َباِنَيَۙة‬

We will call the guards of hell

‫َك ۗاَّل اَل ُتِط ْعُه َو اْسُج ْد َو اْقَتِرْب‬

Nay ! O, Muhammad ! Don’t obey him ( AbuJahl ). Fall prostrate and draw near to Allah

The Characteristic Surah Al-'Alaq :

1. The meaning is a clot of blood

2. The sequence number is the 96th in Al-Quran and consist of 19 verses

3. It was revealed in Mecca and called by Makiyah

4. It is called al-'Alaq because it is taken from the second verse. Al-‘Alaq 5. Verses 1 to 5 of
this surah are the verses of the Al-Qur'an that were first revealed, namely when the Prophet
Muhammad was meditating in the cave of Hira.

The content of surah Al-'Alaq :

1. Verses 1 - 8 contain the wisdom of creating humans and teaching them to read and write. There is
an order to read the Koran and all actions will be held accountable later.

2. Verses 9 - 19 contain descriptions of defiance and threats to the perpetrators. Allah SWT will repay
his acts of disobedience and lies by torturing him in hell in the future. Meanwhile, Allah SWT commands
His faithful people to always bow down to Him.

Sunnah Rawatib Prayer

The Sunnah Rowatib prayer is a sunnah prayer whose time of day accompanies the five daily fardhu
prayers. The prayer is performed before or after the fardhu prayer.

The Sunnah Rawatib prayer which is performed before the fardhu prayer is called qobliyah, while the
Sunnah Rawatib prayer which is performed before the fardhu prayer is called ba'diyah.

When viewed from a legal perspective, the Sunnah Rawatib prayer is divided into two:

a. The Sunnah Rawatib Muakkad prayer is a sunnah prayer which is highly recommended to be carried
out, because it was always done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The Rawatib Muakkad Sunnah Prayer consists of:

1. 2 raka'ah before Fajr prayer.

2. 2 or 4 raka'ah before Dhuhur prayer.

3. 2 raka'ah after Dhuhur prayer.

4. 2 raka'ah after Maghrib prayer.

5. 2 raka'ah after Isha' prayer

b. The Sunnah Rawatib ghoiru Muakkad prayer is a sunnah prayer which is not recommended to be
carried out, because the Prophet Muhammad did not always carry it out.

The Rawatib ghairu Muakkad circumcision prayer consists of:

1. 2 raka'ah before Dhuhr prayer.

2. 2 raka'ah after Dhuhur prayer.

3. 4 raka'ah before Asr prayer.

4. 2 raka'ah before Maghrib Prayer

5. 2 raka'ah before Isha' prayer

The sunnah prayer of careib is performed to make up for the shortcomings of the obligatory worship, so
At-tathowwu' (additional worship or sunnah worship) is prescribed.

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