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Program Studi : Mata Kuliah Universitas Semester : Ganjil 2023/2024

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Beban SKS : 2 sks
Ranah Topik : Kecakapan Berbahasa Dosen Pengampu :
Kode Mata Kuliah : 200001108 (Koordinator & Lia Dewinta S.S., M.Hum

Tugas : 1 (satu) Jenis Tugas : Mandiri


1. There will be 7 grammatical structure section. Every

section has its own instruction to be carefully read in order
to be done correctly. WRITING

2. An essay is given as the final section of the assignment. Answering questions


1  Your paper should be submitted in pdf file with the title: Tugas Bahasa
 Include your information: name, NPM, etc. in your answer sheet,
 Assignment is due on Saturday, January 28th,2024 at 23.00 WIB,
 Late submission is not accepted.

1. How many parts of speech do you know? noun(kata benda), verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata
sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan), conjunction (kata penghubung),
interjection (kata seru), dan pronoun (kata ganti).
2. Based on your understanding of the parts of speech, identify parts of speech of the bolded
words in the text below:
The sun was setting, and the sky turned a brilliant shade of range. Birds chirped peacefully as
they settled in for the night. A gentle breeze whispered through the leaves, creating
a soothing rustle. Nearby, a stream flowed steadily, its waters glistening in the fading light.
Children played in the distance, their laughter carrying on the wind. An old man sat on a
bench, watching the day come to an end. He felt a sense of calm wash over him.
The park was his favorite place to reflect on life’s simple joys. As darkness fell, he stood up
and walked home, content with the day’s serenity.
Answer :

1. Noun (The word “sun” is a thing, hence a noun.)

2. Adverb (It describes how birds chirped, hence an adverb.)
3. Adjective (It describes the noun “breeze,” hence an adjective.)
4. Verb (It is an action performed by the subject “breeze,” hence a verb.)
5. Noun (The word “leaves” is a plural noun, referring to things.)
6. Adjective (It describes the noun “rustle,” hence an adjective.)
7. Noun (The word “stream” is a thing, hence a noun.)
8. Adverb (It describes how the stream flowed, hence an adverb.)
9. Noun (The word “waters” is a plural noun, referring to things.)
10.Verb (It is an action performed by the subject “Children,” hence a verb.)
11.Noun (The word “laughter” is a thing, hence a noun.)
12.Adjective (It describes the noun “man,” hence an adjective.)
13.Verb (It is an action performed by the subject “man,” hence a verb.)
14.Verb (It is a present participle verb used in a continuous tense.)
15.Verb (It is an action performed by the subject “He,” hence a verb.)
16.Noun (The word “calm” is a thing, hence a noun. It could also be
considered an adjective in a different context, but here it is a noun as it is
something he felt.)
17.Noun (The word “park” is a thing, hence a noun.)
18.Verb (It is an action that the subject “he” can perform, hence a verb.)
19.Noun (The word “joys” is a plural noun, referring to things.)
20.Adjective (It describes the noun “he” in the state of being content, hence
an adjective.

3. Make 5 sentences from the bolded words of the text in no.2

1.She Walked In the Street Everyday
2. He Played This Footbal Everyweek
3. She Is Watching Television Now
4. Shee doesn,t look old
5. How do you make a Minimalist Front Park

Some verbs can act either as action verbs or linking verbs. To tell the difference, you have to pay
attention to how each type of verb is used in a sentence—linking verbs are used for descriptions,
whereas action verbs tell you what someone (or something) is doing.
Identify sentences below, whether they are action verbs or linking verbs.
1. Kelly grows tired after hours of gardening. [Action verb]
2. Kelly grows sunflowers in her yard.[Action verb]
3. I was about to leave last night when he suddenly appeared in the doorway. [Linking verb]
4. You've got to appear calm in an interview even if you're terrified underneath. [Linking verb]
5. Never in her life had she felt so happy. [Linking verb]
6. My suitcase began to feel really heavy after a while. [Linking verb]
7. She gently felt the softness of the baby's cheek. [Action Verb]
8. We stopped off on the motorway to get some breakfast. [Action verb]
9. He gets really upset if you mention his baldness. [Action verb]
10. Shall we get a taxi to the station? [Linking verb]
11. They looked at the picture and laughed. [Action verb]
12. That dress looks nice on you. [Linking verb]
13. He remained silent. [Lingking verb]
14. Can you stay after work to play tennis? [Action verb]
15. The person on my left turned to me and whispered "Not another speech!". [Action verb]

There are 5 common verb patterns: verb + object; verb + object + question word; verb + object +
infinitive; verb + ‘that’ clause; verb + (object) + preposition.
Using the patterns, complete these sentences in a logical way.
1. Some of them were getting hungry, so I suggested…
2. The water can make you ill and I warned…
3. Paula went to that new Greek restaurant and said…
4. She didn’t have any money, so she wanted…
5. She said there were strange noises outside her flat, so I advised…

Use the present simple or continuous tenses and future forms to complete this text.
I don’t do housework on Sundays normally. But tomorrow I Will tidy my room, because my
boyfriend Jim Is Coming. The Will Arrive at 10. I think Jim Will Come on time as usual, because he
He Likes to be punctual. I am looking forward to him. We have date every Sunday and I always
look forward to him. Tomorrow we are having a special date. We will go to see his parents. We will
have a good time, I hope.

Use past tenses, present perfect or past perfect tenses to complete these sentences.
1. We stayed in Bristol from January to March. (stay)
2. Where is my wine? Someone has drunk my wine! (drink)

3. When you crashed,did you drive really fast? (crash, drive)

4. I'm sorry. Dad isn't here. Has been decorating our neighbour's flat since the morning. (decorate)
5. What a nice coat! Where did you buy it? (buy)
6. I want to learn French. But I haven’t started yet. (not start)
7. We didn't want to spend our holiday in Strobl because we had already been
8. Here he is! He wasn,t looking for me all the time, he was waiting for Ann! (not look, wait)

Read the sentence in column A, and choose a sentence with similar meaning in column B
No. Column A Column B
1. In a couple of hours there will be no a. In a couple of hours all goods on the
goods on the shelves. shelves will be disappearing.
b. In a couple of hours all goods on the
shelves will have disappeared.
2. This is my second year at university. a. This year I’ll have been studying at
university for two years.
b. This year I’ll be studying at university
for two years.
3. Please, don't call me while I'm driving a. I’ll have been driving to work at 7, so
to work in the morning. don’t call me.
b. I’ll be driving to work at 7, so don’t call
4. He is going to finish his work at the a. He'll be finishing his work at the end of
end of November. November.
b. He'll have been finishing his work at
the end of November
5. Five years from now, companies will a. In five years' time, most people in the
have most customers on the Internet. world will be shopping on the Internet.
b. In five years' time, most people in the
world will have shopped on the

Correct the errors. Some of the sentences contain spelling or singular-plural errors.
1. During class the students must sit quietly. When the student have questions, they must raise
their hands.
2. When I was a child, I could go to the roof of my house and see all the other houses and streets.
3. I used to break my leg in soccer game three months ago.
4. could you please help me with this?
5. Many students would rather to study on their own than go to classes.
6. You can have a very good time as a tourist in my country. My country has many different
weather areas, so you had better plan ahead before you come.

Change these stories in passive voice.

1.Last night, the school was robbed by some people. Some supplies were taken, a window was
broken, and a television along with two computers were stolen. Finally, all the final exam papers
were photocopied.

2.Every day, the children are woken up by my mother. They are driven to school by her, where
different subjects are learned. Exams are taken once a week, and their favorite sport, soccer, is
played on Fridays.

Use the words to make sentences.
I'll play with you ...................................................................................................................
help | housework | you | if | me | the | with
I'll play with if you help me with the housework.

1. Will you tell me, if you go out ?

(go | out | if | you)
2. If sarah does not reply to my email , I'll phone her.
(not reply | my | to | Sarah | email | if)
3. If the meeting is late, we'll let you know.
(meeting | for | we | late | if | be | the)
4. What will you do if peter is not in his office?
(his | Peter | not be | | if | office | in)

Correct one mistake in each sentence.

If you helped me, we will finish in time.
If you helped me, we would finish in time.

1. He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he passed it.
2. I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it.
3. They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they couldn’t stand hot weather.
4. If I were you, I would listen to your parents.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets

1. My new classmates were friendly. If my teachers behaved in a friendly manner too, I would like
the new school. (behave | like)

2. I never ate sushi in Japan. I was afraid that I would feel sick if I tried it. (feel | try)
3. You couldn't believe Jill. If you told her a secret, she would give it away. (tell | give)

Write a personal reflective essay using the title:
“My English learning process and progress”
"My English Learning Process and Progress"

Embarking on the journey of learning English has been a significant chapter in my life, filled
with challenges, growth, and moments of triumph. Reflecting on my English learning
process and progress, I am struck by the transformative nature of this linguistic adventure.
When I first started learning English, it seemed like an overwhelming task. The unfamiliar
sounds, the peculiar grammar rules, and the vast vocabulary were like a maze that I had to
navigate. At times, it felt like I was in a foreign land without a map. However, the initial
confusion and frustration eventually gave way to determination and resilience.

One of the crucial aspects of my English learning process was immersion. Surrounding
myself with the language in various forms – reading books, watching movies, and engaging
in conversations with native speakers – played a pivotal role in enhancing my proficiency. It
was not merely about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules but understanding the
nuances and cultural context embedded in the language.

As I delved deeper into my English studies, I realized the importance of consistent practice.
Writing essays, participating in discussions, and even maintaining a journal in English
became daily rituals. These exercises not only honed my language skills but also provided
a platform for self-expression. Each essay, no matter how simple, marked a milestone in my

Of course, learning a language is not without its stumbling blocks. There were moments of
self-doubt, instances when I struggled to articulate my thoughts, and periods when
progress seemed elusive. However, these challenges became stepping stones rather than
obstacles. They pushed me to seek guidance, whether from teachers, language exchange
partners, or online resources. In doing so, I discovered the importance of a supportive
community in the language learning journey.

The sense of achievement that accompanies milestones in language acquisition is

unparalleled. From constructing my first grammatically correct sentence to holding a fluent
conversation, each accomplishment fueled my motivation to continue. Celebrating these
victories, big or small, became a source of inspiration and a testament to the progress I had

Looking back, my English learning process has been a dynamic and evolving experience. It
has taught me not only the mechanics of a language but also the art of communication.
Beyond the syntax and semantics, I have come to appreciate the beauty of expressing
thoughts and emotions in a language that transcends borders.

In conclusion, my English learning journey has been an enriching expedition marked by

perseverance, discovery, and a continuous thirst for improvement. It is an ongoing process,
and as I move forward, I am excited about the prospect of further refinement and mastering
this language that has become an integral part of my personal and academic life.
***good luck***


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(Lia Dewinta S.S., M.Hum) (……………………..)

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