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The Bronze Age KS2

Key Events Timeline

2500- The Bell Beaker Culture 5000 BC AD 500
Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age
1500 BC arrived in Britain.
Ancient Egypt Roman
Metalwork became more Ancient Sumer Britain Stonehenge, completed
2500- and more sophisticated 0 during the Bronze Age.
800 BC - axes, daggers and
spearheads. The Bronze Age
• A period of time, with no written records, where early humans made tools
1200- Celtic culture and tribal
from bronze.
800 BC kingdoms start to emerge.
• The Bronze Age in Britain lasted around 1500 years.
The Bronze Age came to an
800 BC • The Bronze Age started at different times in different countries. People travelled to
end and the Iron Age began.
other countries and brought skills, tools and knowledge with them.
Clothing • The use of bronze was brought to Britain around 2100 BC.
• Made from wool woven into sheets • Bronze was used for tools, weapons, armour and building materials.
of fabric.
Houses Land
• Women wore long,
• Rectangular thatched buildings • Farming was a big part of life.
woollen skirts and
made from timber with walls of • People moved from the hills to the valleys where
short tunics.
wattle and daub. it was easier to grow food.
• Men wore knee-
• 6-10 people would live together. Weapons
length wrap-
• From 1500 BC, • Daggers, blades, spearheads, chisels, axes and
around skirts
roundhouses armour could all now be made out of
(similar to kilts),
• were more bronze which was harder and more
tunics, cloaks and
• common. durable than stone.
woollen hats.

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The Bronze Age KS2

Key Vocabulary How Did the Bronze Age Spread around the World?
Arsenic A natural material dug from 3600-3500 BC Bronze used as farm tools and weapons in the Middle East.
bronze the ground. 3500-3001 BC Bronze started being used in eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.
A type of metal made from 2500-2300 BC Bronze used in India and China.
bronze copper and tin to make it
2100 BC Bronze used in Britain to make weapons and tools.
harder and more durable.

A soft metal that, when added

to tin, is made stronger.

To melt in order to separate

different metals.

An outer layer of clothing

usually coming to the knee.

A container, similar to a vase.

The Beaker Culture
It is often where the ashes
urn Some of the people who It was thought that They were named this after
from someone who has died
are stored. migrated to Britain Bronze was first brought the distinctive bell-shaped
were known as the ‘Bell into Britain by the Bell pottery that was decorated
The building material of Beaker People’. Beaker People. with impressions made from a
a house made from sticks comb or cord.
(wattle) and clay, straw or
daub The pots were used for Intricate pottery would The Bell Beaker People also
manure (daub).
drinking from or to show someone’s wealth introduced different types
To move from one country or smelt copper, store food and status. of weapons and jewellery
region to another. or to use as urns. into Britain.

View more The Bronze Age planning resources. visit

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