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Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb. Good morning, everyone.

First of all, I would like

to thank God Allah Swt. Who has been giving us blessings and mercies so we
can attend today’s in good condition.
I also want to thank the master of ceremony for giving me the opportunity to
deliver the speech. My name is agisca halimatus zahra you can call me agisca or
gisca it’s up to you. On this occasion, i’am going to give a motivation about the
influence of women on the future. Ladies and gentleman, you know? A woman
is very influential for life. But women are often underestimated and even their
existence is considered weak for men. Without women, generations will not be
created is’nt it?. Even a smart woman can create a golden generation in the
future. We as the next woman, who will create generations, should be aware of
this. We must be able to become strong women, intellectually intelligent and
emotionally intelligent. A smart woman is not only seen from her academic
grades but can also be seen from her behavior, speech, and how she behaves. A
smart woman can interpret everything in her life. Can always solve her
problems. Sometimes someone says, why do women go to high school, later
they will also become housewives and only be busy in the kitchen, serving her
husband and taking care of her children. Do you think that’s true? Maybe some
of you think it’s true. But by going to high school, a woman will create a
priceless generation, she will become a teacher for her child, teach everything to
her child, until her child becomes a smart person and can be useful for the
nation and successful with the upbringing of a woman. As an example of an
Indonesian heroine named Raden Ajeng Kartini. A hero for Indonesian women
who was able to change the nature and dignity of a woman throughout
Indonesia. She is a woman who is able to create a smart generation with her
dedication to continuing education in college. We must continue the struggle of
Raden Ajeng Kartini by maintaining and increasing women’s self-esteem.
That’s all from me, hopefully this is a little useful, thank you and keep the spirit
for all of us.

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