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This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to produce organic fertilizers which
include tasks such as preparing composting area and raw materials and carrying- out composting
activities and finally, harvesting of fertilizer. Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that are naturally
produced. Fertilizers are materials that can be added to soil or plants, in order to provide
nutrients and sustain growth. Typical organic fertilizers include all animal waste including meat
processing waste and manure; plus plant based fertilizers such as compost; and bio solids.
Inorganic "organic fertilizers" include minerals and ash.


1. CRH

CARBONIZED RICE HULL is made from incomplete or partial burning of rice hull.
(Carbonized Rice Hull) is a very good soil fertilizer and conditioner as it contains Phosphorous
(P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and micronutrients vital to growing crops.
Benefits of carbonized rice hulls include:
 Lightweight.
 Increased porosity.
 Higher water retention.
 Better water drainage.
 Sterility – helps to prevent the spread of disease and pests.
 Provide good aeration.
 Resistance to decay.
 pH neutral
Compost is the result of the natural rotting process that occurs with all organic material.
Compost contains valuable nutrients and is rich in humus. Humus is long-lasting in the soil and
can be beneficial in providing for improved physical, chemical and biological conditions.
Basic raw materials for composting
 Vegetable scraps.
 Fruit scraps.
 Coffee grounds.
 Eggshells (though they can take a while to break down)
 Grass and plant clippings.
 Dry leaves.
 Finely chopped wood and bark chips.
 Shredded newspaper.
Benefits of Compost
 Improves plant growth and health.
 Provides plant nutrients in a stable organic form.
 Increases plant rooting depth.
 Improves physical, biological, and chemical soil properties.
 Reduces erosion.
 Conserves water.
 Mulch reduces weed germination and moderates soil temperature.

Compost is ready to use after anywhere from one to 12 months, depending on the size of the materials
placed in the compost system, the degree of management, and the intended use. Compost that will be used
as a top dressing or mulch can be applied after the least amount of time.
VERMICASTING, also called vermicomposting, is the processing of organic wastes through
earthworms. It is a natural, odorless, aerobic process, much different from traditional
Vermicast into soil provides the following benefits:

 Adds organic matter.

 Helps soil to absorb and retain water.
 Breaks up clay soils.
 Improves soil structure.
 Increases cation exchange capacity.
 Eases cultivation.
 Helps form soil aggregates.
 Enhances soil fertility.

How long does it take for vermicomposting?

It will take your worms 6-8 weeks to produce a noticeable amount of vermicompost. The
castings appear as small, dark, clumps that easily break apart. There are several methods for
removing the finished compost: Every 3-4 months, stop feeding for a few weeks and rake the
compost to one side of the bin
COMPOSTED MANURE is animal manure left to decompose. It can then be used as a
nutrient-rich soil amendment for gardens. It no longer smells or contains dangerous pathogens. It
may be made solely from manure, but most often it contains other composted materials like
straw or sawdust.
Manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients that plants need to grow. Farmers
can often save money by properly using manure as a fertilizer. Farmers can also sell manure
or manure products to gardeners, landscapers, golf courses, and others who use nutrients to
grow plants.
How long does it take for manure to decompose?
Manure that is piled and left alone will decompose slowly. This can take three to four months if
conditions are ideal. It can take a year or more if the starting material contains a wide carbon,
nitrogen ratio (as is the case when manure contains wood chips)

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