Beneath Phandelver - Chapter 2 - Town Center

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Chapter 2 - Phandalin: Town Center

nce a thriving town, the old Phandalin was citizens. The town center is a key example of this fact.

a settlement who allied and benefited from The shared common space holds a number of key NPCs
the Phandelver Pact. Gnomes, dwarves, with valuable information, quests, and story that begins
and humans all worked together here and to lay the framework for the rest of Phandalin.
prospered from the riches and magic of
the Wave Echo Cave. However, when Running This Chapter
Wave Echo Cave was destroyed - so was Many of the NPCs in Phandalin are key to the story,
the old Phandalin. quest givers, and hopefully friends. Many of them should
Reestablished in the last five years, people have be run as kind and friendly. By the time Phandalin
begun settling atop the old ruins in the last three to four begins to change due to the mind flayers plot in later
years. Home to farmers, masons, woodcutters, miners, chapters, players should feel invested in these NPCs
and many other craftsmen - Phandalin has become a and want to save them and Phandalin.
place for people to start a new and better life. In the last There are however some NPCs that are not
few months, a few organizations have begun to interrupt interested in the wellbeing of the party or Phandalin. It’s
that possibility though. Redbrands have been extorting up to the players to figure out who they should trust and
and harassing the people of Phandalin. Most of the what they should do in Phandalin.
town knows about the Redbrands, but the Redbrands
have been so effective at intimidating, terrorizing, and
harming those who speak out that the populace of Notice
Phandalin is hesitant to speak out and ask for help. Only This guide is an incomplete guide of Phandalin and is only
recently with the disappearance of Thel Dendrar will for the Town Center. Other areas of Phandalin will be

people speak out when convinced. developed in the future. References to the other areas made

Phandalin is a small village that doesn’t contain many in this guide will be developed as this project continues. This
guide is also still under development and welcomes any
attractions or sights. What it doesn’t have in landmarks, feedback.
it makes up for in close relationships between its

Map of Phandalin
Town Center

Shrine of Luck
At the north end of the town center rests a collection of
stones and rubble that strikes your senses. Seemingly out of
place, the candles lit around it and offerings placed within it
reveal the collection to be a shrine. At the top of the pile of
stones that forms into an arch is a black obsidian like stone
taking the place of the keystone. The altar below is a fine
smooth light colored granite slab with carvings in it. The
carvings, in multiple languages, but in Common state “A
copper to the Lady returns tenfold in gold.” Offerings of
coins of various values are placed on or around the granite
slab. Beside the altar stands a young long haired blonde
elven woman with a bright fervor behind her eyes that you
notice when they meet yours. In a simple, yet beautiful green
and white gown, she smiles at each of you. Harnessed to a
belt around her waist is a simple dagger.

Within Phandalin, the Shrine of Luck dedicated to intelligence that the Zhentarim are searching for
Tymora is the only temple. In a developing town focused Bowgentle’s spellbook, but the motivations are unclear.
on gaining wealth through trade and resource Sister Garaele’s superiors in Neverwinter asked her to
extraction, it’s only fitting that a shrine to the Goddess locate the book and identify the reasons for the
of Good Luck is the first and only to be established so Zhentarim’s interest in it. Finally, sightings of strange,
far. The keystone at the top is a piece of the broken misshapen humanoid creatures have been reported to
obelisk from Wave Echo Cave. the Harpers and villagers speak of them in hushed
Sister Garaele - The Harper
whispers and prayers, but it’s unclear if these are false
rumors or can be substantiated. With all of this, Sister
Sister Garaele, the acolyte dedicated to caring for the Garaele has a long list of tasks that she would be
shrine, is a zealous and passionate individual who is a interested in obtaining assistance with, but not at the
member of the Harpers. The Harpers are a network of cost of revealing her cover if players push too far.
adventurers and spies focused on ridding the world of Quest - Sister Garaele’s Bargain
evil, stand for equality, and discreetly work against At a moment that feels appropriate, Sister Garaele
individuals who abuse their power. Using the would introduce this quest:
information they gather throughout Faerun, Harpers foil
the plans of authoritarians and oppressors. Assisting
the oppressed, desperate, and downtrodden - Harpers Looking at the shrine, Sister Garaele whispers softly.
have lofty goals of improving the world around them. “In order to remove the possibility of a great misfortune, I
Sister Garaele holds the values of the Harpers and need to find a book owned by a man named Bowgentle,
her demeanor reveals that she truly is invested and which could bring about a great pain to the world. I was able
believes in the goals of the Harpers. However, Sister
Garaele is aware that being an agent of the Harpers to track the book and that it had made its way to Conyberry.

requires discretion. Her outwardly bright and kind When I arrived to find the woman I suspected had the book,

disposition serves as a way to conceal her cunning and Conyberry had been destroyed and she had become a
clandestine intentions. If people were to speak of Sister banshee. Underestimating her, I incurred her wrath and I
Garaele, they would mention how dedicated she is to had to flee.”
the shrine and how kind she is to all. People would also “However, I saw trinkets and baubles around her lair as I
be shocked and would disbelieve any mention that she fled. It seems as if Agatha, the banshee, has taken an
was a Harper. However, Sister Garaele views her interest in objects of beauty. The vanity that spun her into a
purpose as to help those in need and stand in opposition
to those who cause misfortune. She would describe her banshee clings to her even in undeath.”

role as to help aid others to bring about the good Sister Garaele reaches for a pouch on her waist and

fortune that they deserve. Sister Garaele is also a cleric reveals a silver comb with small diamonds along the
of Tymora who hasn’t felt a connection to her goddess decorative piece of the handle.
as of late. “She won’t be willing to speak to me again based on our
interaction, but if you could bring this to her as a gift and
persuade her with it to give information on Bowgentle’s
book - I would be happy to repay you for your services.”

Silver Comb

Sister Garaele

Sent here with a few missions, Sister Garaele is trying

to gain information for the Harpers on a few threats in
the area. Harper intel has revealed there is Zhentarim
influence in this area - particularly through the Sister Garaele is willing to reward the party with three
intimidation and racketeering of nearby miners and healing potions and 50 gold pieces for information on
loggers. Infiltrators in the Zhentarim also discovered Bowgentle’s book.
the Forge of Spells from afar. They stand next to a mind
Joining the Harpers flayer fanatic monitoring the assault on Wave Echo
If the party assists Sister Garaele by learning about Cave from afar. Players should wonder if this is a scene
Bowgentle’s spellbook or by bringing it back, Garaele will from the past, present, or future they are witnessing. If
approach certain members of the party she deems to be
trustworthy and suggest they join the Harpers. She would
they bring up the vision to Sister Garaele she will say:
approach those who are also interested in enacting positive
change. If a character agrees, Garaele awards the “A few visitors to the shrine has mentioned having visions as
individual(s) with the title of “Watcher” and gives them a well. I’m uncertain as to what is causing the phenomena.”
Harper pin that resembles her own. As this adventure
continues, players will have opportunities to support or
request support from the Harpers. The vision is triggered by the black obelisk shard in the
shrine itself. It is up to the DM if they would like this to
Backgrounds become apparent to the players or not at this point.
A banshee offering answers to lost spellbook should be Quest - Misshapen Beings
of great interest to the Eldritch Truth’s plot hook. Sister Garaele would bring this up if asked about
In the off-chance the player with the Abnormal strange goblins, misshapen people, strange occurrences
Antique’s plot hook shows Sister Garaele the amulet in the village, or about town gossip. This would be
they have, Sister Garaele would be able to identify it and information that might interest someone who chose the
state it’s a useful magical item that connects the user Succor and the Folk Hero plot hook.
with others. She isn’t entirely sure about who it
connects the wearer to though. She would ask to
investigate the amulet for the player for a short time. “I’ve heard from many villagers as they offer prayers to
If a player has the Absence of Divine Intervention plot Tymora about strange-looking people who they’ve never
hook, they may ask Sister Garaele about her connection seen before moving about at night. They talk of misshapen
to Tymora. Sister Garaele would state silhouettes. To be honest, I have often heard prayers like this
throughout my time as a cleric of Tymora. What we don’t
“I’ve never spoken directly to the Goddess of Good Fortune, understand, see clearly, or comprehend frightens us, so we
but there was always a feeling. It was a sense that things seek guidance and answers to ease our concerns. It’s
would play out in my favor that I knew didn’t come from possible these are all just rumors, folk tales, and
within, but from Tymora herself. I viewed it as her guidance. misunderstandings as I have seen before. If you come
However, that feeling has been absent as of late.” across something like this, I would be interested to hear
what you find.”

If a player has the Aberrant Self plot hook, they would She motions for you to come close to whisper something

experience a vision: “Wramble mentioned hearing strange wailing and

chanting from the hills east of the Whateley residence. Ruins
are the only thing that remains up there though. Maybe
Your vision clouds until you see a dark cave. Hardly
speaking with Wramble, the Whateleys, or looking up there
illuminated a figure can be seen standing next to you with a
may be a place to begin.”
hood drawn over their face. Unable to see their face leaves
you only the robes to identify them, which are identical to
the robes of the courtiers you have seen before. The earth
trembles and gently shakes until it begins breaking apart
before you. You fall to the ground as the movement becomes
more violent while the courtier begins to hover just inches
above the ground - facing forward not seeming to notice
your presence. The stone ceiling begins to crumble and as
light shines through from a hole in the ceiling, you see large
chunks of debris scattering across the sky. The courtier
standing next to you turns and begins to slowly descend a
tunnel behind you into the darkness. You snap back to
seeing the shrine.

The character has experienced a vision depicting the

destruction of the Black Obelisk, Wave Echo Cave, and
Quest - Investigate Zhentarim Common Room
If a player completes missions for Sister Garaele, has a
Harper background, or earns her trust - she’ll reveal she As you enter, you see a common room kept tidy. Wooden
is a Harper and provide the following quest: paneled walls and flooring with a window in the front kept
open. Thin drapes blow gently in the wind. To the left, there
Sister Garaele gestures for you to follow as she approaches is a fireplace with a rudimentary stove and a cast iron pot
the door to her house near the shrine. atop it. The fireplace leads up to a stone chimney. Nearby, a
Once you enter, she closes the door quietly and makes her wooden table and utensils provide a place and tools for meal
way into the interior of the house. In a hushed voice, she preparation. Wooden furniture, clearly used for a long period
whispers of time before Sister Garaele arrived in town, as evidenced
“I’ve been sent here to do more than look after the good by the knicks and pieces missing from it, decorate the home.
fortunes of the villagers of Phandalin. As a Harper, I’m here Cushioned pillows surround a low table and the pleasant
to oppose any ill will within the town and region. Primarily, scent of lavender hung from the windows adds a touch of
to oppose the interests of the Zhentarim influence in the comfort and a sense of home and belonging. There are unlit
area. I’ve got limited information on their dealings here. candles placed in saucers around the room, but natural light
Mentions of them intimidating miners, loggers, and shop shines through the windows. The center table has food laid
owners is a problem, but that’s their usual modus operandi. out - some cheese, dried meats, fruit, and a bit of bread. In
The Harpers know they also are interested in Bowgentle’s the corner, a bookshelf, table, and a chair rest neatly
book for some reason. However, I have no leads on who is arranged.
directing them here in Phandalin and no idea why they are
looking for that book. If you figure out either of those, the Bed Room
Harpers would be indebted to you.”
Curtains drawn, the light filters through the sheer curtains

Sister Garaele is willing to pay 100 gold pieces for this illuminating an organized and simply arranged bedroom.

information. Tapestries hung about the room, each bearing different

symbols. One displays a featureless disk of silver, while the
Thel Dendrar Connection next has a triangle of shooting stars falling in the night sky.
If asked about Thel Dendrar and his family, Sister Finally, the last one appears to be a silver sphere seamed
Garaele would say Thel Dendrar seemed incredibly together to appear as if the sphere is in motion. In one
concerned about money as of late. His prayers to
Tymora were solely focused on gold. corner of the room, a low wooden bed is carefully made with

Sister Garaele is carrying a dagger that is nearly simple sheets and a handmade quilt. A small chest is at the

identical to the murder weapon found in Thel’s home. If end of her bed. In another corner of the room is a writing
questioned about it, she would explain that Jasper desk and chair. A quill, ink pot, and blank paper lay next to a
Merkel gave it to her for protection when she arrived in book. Tiny charms and symbols hang and adorn the room
town. He warned her about dangerous folk around town that match or resemble the tapestries.
and gave her the dagger for free.
Sister Garaele’s Home With a DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check, characters
Sister Garaele’s home has hidden secrets that could would recognize this as symbols of Tymora.
reveal her as a Harper. With a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check or
with a passive investigation of 15, characters would
notice that the book on the table is slightly agape as if a
paper was tucked away inside of it.
With a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check or
with a passive investigation of 18, characters would
notice a shining glint of metal in the featureless disk of
Harper Pin
silver tapestry. If they inspect it, they’ll find a silver pin
on the other side of the tapestry that resembles a
crescent moon and a harp within the crescent moon.
There is an inlaid blue gem in the pin.
With a DC 16 intelligence (History) check - they
would recognize this as a Harper pin.

If they open the book and find the paper, the paper
appears to be a recipe for “Grandma’s Sweet Loaf”. A
DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that there is
something magically strange or deceptive about the
paper. The note has the spell Illusory Script written on
it and actually conveys a message of:
Zhentarim are interested in the spellbook of legendary
wizard Bowgentle. Motivations unclear. Our sources state
Zhentarim are established in Phandalin. Identify who the
Zhentarim agents are and acquire the book. If possible, try
to determine their motivations for why they want the book.
Strange sightings have also been reported around
Phandalin. Misshapen people. If possible, investigate further
and determine what these sightings are.
Finally, large groups of people are moving to the east and
southeast of Neverwinter. Reports from our agents state
they’re interested in the two dragons who have recently
taken roost in the area near you. Be wary of them and the

T is Toram. Toram is a half-elf and is the head of the

Neverwinter cell of Harpers. If players ally with the
Harpers, Toram will play a larger role in trying to avert
the threat to Phandalin.
Players can wait 7 days for the spell to wear off or
dispel it. If the note is to go missing though, Sister
Garaele will become worried and be on edge. She’ll
actively try to seek out who took it.
If a character with the All the Gold in the World plot
hook learns of Sister Garaele’s association with the
Harper’s and haven’t chosen to break ties with the
Zhentarim, that character would likely report this
information to Halia.
Townmaster’s Hall
The only form of government within Phandalin is a
townmaster the village elects each year. Meant to settle
minor disputes and store vital records, the townmaster’s
duties are quite limited. Harbin Wester, a cheerful, well
liked, but timid banker, is the current townmaster.
Intimidated by the individuals following him around at
night and the recent disappearance of the Dendrar
family, Harbin Wester seems somewhat relieved, but
still on edge when Sildar and the party arrive in town.
Harbin sees an opportunity - with Sildar and the party
here - there is finally a group who can enforce the law.
Harbin, eager to be rid of the threat of the Redbrands,
solicits the party to arrest the Redbrands, have them
stand trial, and be sent to Neverwinter to be imprisoned.
Harbin would be explaining a long list of problems for Townmaster’s Hall

Sildar to accomplish when the players enter the Sildar and the Lord’s Alliance
Townmaster’s Hall.
Sildar’s interests lie in developing Phandalin to its
Outside greatest extent possible by ensuring the safety of the
people and industries of Phandalin. When he arrives in
In the simplicity of a village square made up of dirt stands a town, he would become settled in the Stonehill Inn, rest
tall building crafted with a stone foundation and wooden until he recovered, and begin immediately getting to
walls. Large arched windows at ground level allow for those work by checking in with Harbin Wester at the
passing by to see within. As you approach heavy oaken Townmaster’s Hall and begin the search for Iarno
Albrek and Gundren Rockseeker.
doors to enter, a job board has a parchment with an offer
Sildar would also pay the party the 50 gp they earned
that reads:
for escorting him to Phandalin.
“Danger on Triboar Trail! Marauders attack travelers and
Sildar, overwhelmed by the number of tasks needed
caravans east on the Triboar Trail near Wyvern Tor. Strange
goblin, ogre, and bugbear threat! Offering 100 gold to those
to be accomplished, would seek aid from the party.
that can drive the marauding band away.” Finding Iarno Albrek

“It seems there are more problems within Phandalin than I

expected. I need to start managing this problem with this
criminal organization here in Phandalin. People here in
Phandalin seem hesitant to share information on them -
tending to avoid the topic altogether. However, I am still
responsible for discovering what happened to my fellow
member of the Lord’s Alliance, Iarno Albrek. Harbin
mentioned he disappeared when exploring around the
abandoned Tresendar Manor two months ago after he
arrived in Phandalin. If you could investigate the manor to
try and find and bring back Iarno or whatever is left of him, I
would happily reward you. Last I saw him, he was a short
human man with a dark beard in his early thirties. He was a
talented spellcaster as well, so he may have scrolls on him to
help identify him.”
Main meeting room
A heavy oaken door bars the entrance to a room much larger Iarno Albrek is the current leader of the Redbrands and
than expected. With high ceilings supported by sturdy goes by the name Glasstaff, since he carries a glass
wooden beams and an open spacious layout - you feel as if staff, to hide his identity. Iarno Albrek created the
Redbrands to aid Nezznar, the Spider, in his mission to
this is a place for a large number of people to potentially
restart the Forge of Spells in order to combat the illithid
meet. Large, arched windows line the walls allowing for
threat. The Redbrands serve as a way of gathering
natural light to flood the room. The walls are made of thick
information in Phandalin and a source of income
light colored timber. Polished, but well-worn wooden planks through extortion and intimidation. They also work
lined the floor. Thick and once colorful well-worn rugs are covertly and discreetly. Rather than openly committing
spread across the floor of this open space. The side opposite acts of violence, Redbrands extort villagers for
the entrance has a long oaken table with a decorative table “protection” and commit violence discreetly against
runner. Placed alongside are multiple chairs while numerous those who resist. If someone speaks up about the
Redbrands or resists them too much, Redbrands will
wooden benches sit in rows before the table. Strong wooden
subtly dispatch of them. Villagers have gotten the
beams stand on both sides of the wooden table and near the
message through this process and are tight lipped about
beginning of the benches. To the right, there are sets of
the Redbrands.
staircases that go down, while to the left there is an open Once Sildar learns about what Iarno is doing, Sildar
fireplace for warming the large space during colder months. will ask the party to have Iarno captured and sent to
Two doors sit behind the long wooden table. Sildar Neverwinter for trial. Whether Iarno is alive or dead,
Hallwinter massages his forehead with one hand as Harbin Sildar will reward the party with 200 gold for defeating
Wester seems to continue reading from a list of problems the Redbrands.
within Phandalin.

Finding Cragmaw Castle Harbin Waster
Harbin Wester is a pretentious, but friendly individual.
“My mission here is to ensure Phandalin can thrive and
Being born into a banking family, Harbin’s high status
become prosperous. I do that by maintaining the safety of has left him unaware of many realities of the world. He
the villagers and their enterprises. Unfortunately, I failed in was elected townmaster in hopes that his wealth might
part of my duty before even arriving. I need you to succeed be utilized to support industries within the town. He
where I failed. Find the Rockseeker brothers, Wave Echo means to do well and help others in his role, but his
Cave, and initiate production there. In doing this, all of timidness allows him to be pushed around quite easily.
This has let groups like the Zhentarim and Redbrands
Phandalin will prosper.
easily establish cover control over Phandalin. Harbin
I know Gundren was taken to Cragmaw Castle and I
likes to believe hes of import and has sway in the town,
imagine that’s where his map and brothers are too. Keep the
but everyone in Phandalin remains aware the opposite
pressure on the Cragmaw and they’ll break eventually, which
will lead to the castle’s location. We know they have been
is true.
ambushing all around the Triboar Trail, so if you keep
searching there I am sure you’ll come across more Cragmaw.
If you find the castle and defeat the band’s leader, I’ll reward
you with 500 gold pieces.”

Random Encounters from chapter 3 will allow you to

have the party run into more Cragmaw goblins.
Joining the Lord’s Alliance
If the party eliminates the the goblin threat in Cragmaw
Castle or unveils Iarno’s betrayal, Sildar will private approach Harbin Wester
certain members he deems trustworthy to join the Lord’s
Alliance. Those he approaches will also have displayed a
commitment to protecting the vulnerable. If a character Investigation of the Dendrar
accepts, Sildar awards them the title of “Cloak” and gives
them a Lord’s Alliance pin.
Harbin Wester would be quick to share information
about the disappearance of the Dendrar family -
particularly since someone has been following him. The
Zhentarim are the individuals following Harbin Wester.
Halia and the Zhentarim are hoping recent events and
their presence might make him more amenable to being
intimidated into giving more control of the town and his
bank over to Halia. However, the Redbrands are
responsible for the murder of Thel Dendrar and the
kidnapping of his family. Harbin has received word from
a number of villagers about potential suspects.
Harbin would inform the party:
“An issue I would greatly like addressed is the disappearance
of the Dendrar family. Thel Dendrar, a woodcarver, and his
entire family have gone missing in the last week.
Anticipating Sildar’s arrival, we thought best to leave it to
him to investigate, but witnesses to key details have brought
to my attention a few matters.”
Harbin reaches for his breast pocket, retrieves a note and
a pair of reading glasses, and looks over the note carefully.
Lord’s Alliance Pin

“A few days before the disappearance of Thel, a few miners,
and Halia Thornton were seen at Thel’s house. Thel began
yelling loudly and Halia and the miners left. Thel’s family
also has been visiting the Shrine of Luck each day in the last
month or so - so it may be worth speaking with Sister
Garaele. He also had been making regular visits to the
Sleeping Giant Tavern. Malinia Islamov and Thel were also
close friends, but talk is that they’ve had a falling out
recently, so she may be someone of interest. Many of the
villagers are quick to blame the Whateley family too - an odd
bunch. They seem to only move about at night. “
Harbin pockets the note and glasses and leans in closely
and speaks in a hushed tone.
“I bring this all to your attention not only for justice for
the Dendrar family, but because I have noticed individuals
following me at night. I worry for my own safety and that I
may be next.”

This leaves players with a few leads on where to begin

looking for Thel Dendrar and his family. The Redbrands
are responsible and clues from each group can point
them in that direction, but this also allows players to
start snooping around in the secrets each of these NPCs
Here is a list of NPCs mentioned, clues that point to
them, and the information they have. At the points
where NPCs lie (indicated below) and your players try
to insight them, roll a contested check with them where
the NPC rolls deception against a player’s insight.
Additional secrets can be learned with a DC 15
Charisma checks.
Clue Pointing To
NPC Them Info They Have What they will say Secrets they are keeping
Halia Was seen at Halia knows Halia was trying to offer a job to Thel She offered “protection”, from
Thel’s home a there’s another since she had heard he had been a group called Redbrands
few days before criminal struggling to care for his family (lie). which upset Thel and caused
Thel went organization, the When she brought that up, that’s him to yell. Halia was trying to
missing and an Redbrands, out what caused him to yell (lie). extort Thel as well since Halia
argument broke extorting people. knows about and is in
out. competition with Redbrands.
Redbrands were extorting
Whateley’s Sneaking around Saw Redbrands Wilbur has been out at night getting While out one night, they saw
at night. People moving a wagon tonics to ease the pain of grandpa some men with red capes
of Phandalin with sacks in it to (half truth. Are out at night and have moving a wagon. In the back
were suspicious Tresendar Manor. gotten tonics, but not all that they of the wagon, there were
of them. have been doing).While out one sacks. They went to Tresendar
night, they saw some men with red Manor.
capes moving a wagon. In the back
of the wagon, there were sacks. They
went to Tresendar Manor.

Secrets (cont.)
Clue Pointing
NPC To Them Info They Have What they will say Secrets they are keeping
Sister Thel had been Has a dagger that is identical Thel had been visiting the Sister Garaele will share
Garaele visiting the to the murder weapon. They shrine quite frequently. His this info willingly. No check
shrine a lot got it from Jasper Merkel prayers were largely concerned required.
lately. with making enough coin. The
dagger she carries was a gift
from Jasper Merkel. Merkel
warned Sister Garaele of
“dangers in Phandalin” and that
she should carry it with her at
all times.
Jasper Sister Garaele’s Knows about the Redbrands If asked about the murder Is being extorted by the
Merkel dagger, given to and weapons. Explains weapon, he will say he makes Redbrands to produce
her by Jasper, is connection of murder weapons for a lot of people in weapons for them. He
identical to the weapons and links it to town and so wouldn’t know knows that dagger is a
murder Redbrands. whose dagger that is (lie) dagger made for the
weapon. Redbrands.
Sleeping Making visits Greska the bartender has She’ll deny Thel’s visits here She’ll explain that Thel
Giant here frequently. seen Thel visit here and say she’s never seen him would come here and plead
numerous times and try to here. (lie) with the Redbrands for
negotiate with the Redbrands more time since he was
struggling to afford his
Malinia Good friends, Knew Thel was indebted to Haven’t been speaking with him Malinia explains she knows
but they haven’t Redbrands through lately - just been so busy (lie). about Redbrands extorting
been speaking extortion. Thel knows about Feels regret about not speaking Thel. She does feel
lately. Malinia’s changing and with him and now he’s gone. If legitimate regret about not
Malinia had been keeping asked about Redbrands, will say being able to help. Changes
distant. she doesn’t know about them in her life have just made it
or any connection to Thel (lie). difficult to do so She won’t
expand on what these
changes are.
Thel’s Missing Murder weapon found in N/A N/A
Home individual home. If they’ve already
spoken to Sister Garaele, the
dagger looks identical to the
dagger she has. Sister
Garaele was given a dagger
by Jasper Merkel. Jasper is
being extorted by Redbrands
to produce weapons

Office 1 - Townmaster Jail cells
By comparison, this room pales in size to the meeting hall. A dim and foreboding uneven stone staircase leads down to
Designed for privacy and functionality, the desk littered with a cobblestone basement. Flickering candlelight reveals two
writs, papers, letters, quills, and requests for Harbin Wester. heavy iron-barred cells, allowing visibility between the cells.
Behind the desk a high backed plump cushioned chair Each cell, small and dank, contains two straw pallets with a
providing comfort for the townmaster. Candle sconces bucket near the back of each. A barred window near the
casting a warm, soft glow adorned the dark wooden paneled ceiling less than a foot wide allows a small amount of
walls. A cabinet containing scrolls and paper resides on the daylight passage within.
right side of the room. To the left, windows with heavy
curtains pulled closed.
Stonehill Inn
100 gold pieces can be found in Harbin Wester’s desk,
but not much else of importance remains in the room. Nestled in the heart of Phandalin, smoke and the smell of
Even though Harbin is the townmaster, most of the burning wood emerge from the chimney of a tall building.
village conducts important business without him. The multistoried building, one of the few in town, has a sign
next to the door beautifully decorated with a painted white
Office 2 - Sildar
crescent moon juxtaposed with a blue mountain, and above
As you enter, the room appears uninhabited. A mahogany the artwork the words “Stonehill Inn” are painted.
desk, clear of any papers, lays barren. To the left, a cupboard Upon entering the common room, you see a timber-
empty of any documents. The window to the right side of the framed building with wooden walls decorated with
room with curtains drawn open fills the room with natural ornamental tools, hides of animals, and animal trophies.
light that makes the dust hanging in the room apparent. Regulars dispersed around the room speak in calm tones
with cordial laughs interspersed. Tables of varying sizes
filling the first floor demonstrate the importance of the
space to the town and how many villagers frequent this
location. Balconies above have smaller tables for more
intimate affairs, but are predominately for access to rooms
the inn seems to have available.
A blonde-haired woman welcomes you from behind the
bar with a soft smile “Welcome to Stonehill Inn - are you
looking for a drink or a place to rest?”

Toblen - Toblen loves his family and is proud of the
accomplishments he has achieved. Toblen comes from
a nearby town of Triboar east along the Triboar trail. He
believed he could make a living mining out here, but
realized he was much more skilled at running an inn.
He is more firm than Trilena, but he does it in a gentle
and polite manner. Toblen wants Phandalin to grow so
his inn can be more successful. He hopes to become
Townmaster sometime in the future so he can direct
Phandalin toward more prosperity. Toblen wants this
success so he can provide and care for Trilena and Pip.
He worries about the Redbrand influence and doesn’t
mention them out of fear of reprisal if he does.

The woman behind the bar is Trilena Stonehill - wife of

Toblen Stonehill. Toblen Stonehill will shortly make his
way out with their child Pip. Toblen will introduce Pip
to the party. Have the party regularly interact with the
Stonehills. If the party is interested in rooms, Trilena
will let them know they have 6 rooms in total, but only 4
are available right now. The other two are being used by
Sildar Hallwinter and Gwyn Oresong. If the party needs
more space, Trilena will mention they could camp
outside of town or ask to stay at Qeline Alderleaf’s farm
in a hayloft. Toblin Stonehill
Trilena - Trilena is the head of an inn and tavern in Toblen would ask the party where they have been
Phandalin - so she hears the majority of the town before coming to the Stonehill Inn. If the party hasn’t
gossip. She is a great listener and she cares about the been to the bakery yet, Toblen would say:
wellbeing of other people. Trilena grew up in an unsafe
home and so she tries to provide a safe place for other
people in her inn. She struggles with laying firm “Phandalin doesn’t have too many delights, but Sweet

boundaries and overextends herself to help and support Dreams across the way is one of our gems. Phaendar really
others. Trilena’s main goal is to support the people of knows what he is doing and Malinia has helped out a lot
Phandalin and give them a safe place to be. She also there. I’m partial to the lemon scone personally.”
values her family and strives to give Pip a better
upbringing than the one she had. The purpose of this is to make sure the party travels
around Phandalin to meet NPCs who will disappear
later and to meet Malinia - who is a member of the
growing Cult of the Obelisk and Whateley rituals.
After spending time in the common room of the
Stonehill Inn, characters may speak with some of these
NPCs or the NPCs may come to speak with them. Try
to naturally weave in some of the gossip each of these
characters would share
Toblen - “ Some ruffians frequent the Sleeping Giant
taphouse - so I wouldn’t make yourself known there
being new to town and all.”
Trilena Stonehill

Elsa - Elsa is the young dwarf bartender who works at Narth - Narth is a reserved and soft spoken middle-aged
the Stonehill Inn. Gruff and deeper voice, but genuinely human farmer. He works hard and mostly keeps to
caring about those who are her patrons. himself unless he comes to have a drink with his friend


“You all adventurers? Well ain’t that somethin’. Daran

Edermath at the orchard up on the north end of town used “You traveled along the Triboar trail? Sister Garaele, who
to be an adventurer. My sister too! Gwyn is around here oversees the Shrine of Luck, recently went out on the trail.
somewhere. She’s a real smart lady - ya know. Bein’ a scholar She came back a few days later pretty injured.”
up in Neverwinter.”
Lanar - Lanar is a middle aged human miner who is
- Freda is a talkative young gnome weaver who is drinking with Narth. Lanar is an eager man who wants
quite hyperactive. When she isn’t weaving in her store to be a part of the community and be included. Hes
and home, Freda’s Fashion, she’s crocheting. She quick to chime in with his thoughts - even if they aren’t
comes to the Stonehill Inn frequently to chat with completely formed yet. He would chime in below right
people. She dresses in bright colors. after Narth mentions Sister Garaele.

“Yea, I heard about that! Heard marauders been attackin’ all

“Halia Thornton seems to hold some sway in town. People along the trail, but that it’s pretty bad to the east. Bet she ran
tend to listen to her and do what she asks of them. They into some of them and barely escaped. Harbin Wester
seem to listen to her more than Harbin!” seems to be trying to hire some folks to deal wit’ the
marauders. He mentioned goblins are workin’ with ‘em

Pip - Pip is an adventurous young human boy who looks Being children, Pip and Carp have clearly exaggerated
up to his dad, but also to figures like Daran Edermath the story, but there’s some truth to the story of a cave
and other adventurers. He wonders about all that Daran leading to below Tresendar Manor.
has done and is equally intrigued by the characters. He
is truly ecstatic and a ball of excitement when he meets Who’s at the Stonehill Inn?
the characters. He will ask so many questions about the After the first time in the inn where the party meets Pip,
party and will try to listen in on conversations. He is Freda, Narth, and Lanar, feel free to roll on the table
quite adept at listening and observing because he below 2-3 times to see who is here. There can be a few
believes there is a lot to learn from the adventurers and usuals of your choice, but Gwyn and the Stonehills
other adults. should be consistently here unless you have sent Gwyn
to go accomplish something.
“You traveled through the woods? My friend Carp traveled Rollable Table
through the woods and found a big tunnel next to the cliff
with the manor on top of it! He saw some scary lookin’ guys
D12 Name
and goblins and orcs and trolls!” 1 Sister Garaele
2 Aida Camber, Cathlette Camber, and Oskar
3 Daran Edermath
4 Unmiel and Kymil Olawarin
5 Halia Thornton
6 Menvin and Hovnar Tartesh
7 Sildar Hallwinter
8 Jasper and Mildra Merkel
9 Harbin Wester
10 Qeline Alderleaf
11 Thawnia and Shansa Browne
12 Malinia Islamov


Gwyn Oresong decision without thinking it over carefully. This
thoughtful and measured approach gives Gwyn a charm
Gwyn is a dark-skinned human woman sitting alone at of sorts. Gwyn’s charm comes from it appears that
the bar. Gwyn has one dark brown eye and one eye that Gwyn is thoughtfully considering and listening to every
has a black sclera and white iris and it clearly stands detail the characters say.
out. She claims it’s a strange version of heterochromia,
but in reality, it is the Eye of Vecna. Characters who Historical Artifact
chose the Outre Courtier Politics would recognize the Currently, Gwyn is interested in investigating Phandalin
eye as similar since it appears to be the eye of the head more and would ask the players to retrieve a “historic
of the court they were in. They wouldn’t recognize Gwyn artifact” for her.
herself since she was disguising herself in the court as
someone completely different. “If you head north to the Thundertree ruins, I believe there is
a group there who possesses something that doesn’t belong
to them. My order of scholars tasked me with retrieving this
historic artifact locked away in a small chest. Long ago, they
stole it from the House of Knowledge. From what I was told,
this group has a keen interest in dragons. I imagine the
artifact has some use for them in manipulating dragons, but
this is just a guess. My masters told me that the chest is
magically locked quite expertly and has the magic to do
harm if anyone tries to successfully open it. So if you find it
and it is still not yet open - I would refrain from trying to
open it yourselves.”

Gwyn knows she is sending the party to retrieve the

Hand of Vecna from the Cult of the Dragon in
Gwyn Oresong Thundertree, but she is purposefully trying to keep it
hidden. The small chest is magically locked and does
Also, Gwyn looks nothing like Elsa. In reality, she isn’t have a powerful magic trap placed within it if someone
Elsa’s sister, but she is instead manipulating Elsa’s opens it.
memory using the Modify Memory spell so she believes If the party questions Gwyn about not sharing details,
they are related. Elsa believes Gwyn is a scholar from she’d respond:
Neverwinter who is investigating the history of the
region, but this is a lie Gwyn has crafted. She is doing “I haven’t received much information myself on what the
this to create a believable background. Gwyn is a artifact itself is. Oghma often decides that there is
disciple of Vecna and a member of the Halls of Secrets, knowledge that we shouldn’t have lest it be too dangerous
an organization that serves Vecna and whose members for the world. Oghma decides what ideas spread and which
are anonymous even from each other. Gwyn hopes to
recover the Hand of Vecna she believes is being carried should fade from the world.”

by the Cult of the Dragon in the area. Vecna directed

her here to investigate and advance his plot, but he left In the off-chance the player with the Abnormal
her with very little information beyond powerful magic Antique’s plot hook shows Gwyn the amulet they have,
being at work here.. Her investigation has led her to Gwyn would be able to identify it and state its a useful
become aware of strange occurrences of misshapen magical item that connects the user with others. She
beings, visions, and nightmares in the region. Gwyn wouldn’t reveal more information besides that. Gwyn
leans hard into the scholar investigating the history of would try to convince the character to let her protect it
the region’s background if players question her. She by sending it back to the House of Knowledge in
claims to be a scholar of the House of Knowledge in Neverwinter. She would actually keep it for herself as a
Neverwinter who serves Oghma, the god of knowledge. tool to understand what is occurring here in Phandalin.
Playing Gwyn
In terms of personality, Gwyn is friendly, but somewhat
withdrawn as if she was shy. Her actions, statements,
and behaviors seem calculated. She overthinks and is a
person who plans out everything that she wants to do.
Gwyn views this as an asset and doesn’t make a
Whole Hide Goods
Item Type Cost
Leather Light Armor 10 gp
A weathered and wooden building hangs a wooden sign with Studded Leather Light Armor 45 gp
a carved out animal hide. Within the hide the name “Whole Hide Medium Armor 10 gp
Hide”. Reaching for the door and pulling it ajar, the earthy Shield Shield 10 gp
and slightly sweet smell of leather hits you first. Coats, Sling Simple Ranged Weapon 1 sp
shoes, and other articles of clothing are arranged on shelves. Waterskin Adventuring Gear 2 sp
Packs hang next to a spectrum of brown leathers. In the Clothes, common Adventuring Gear 5 sp
Pouch Adventuring Gear 5 sp
back, workstations and counters dominate the space. Tools
Backpack Adventuring Gear 2 gp
and chemicals are meticulously arranged for each step of the
Cobbler’s Tools Artisan’s Tools 5 gp
process. An elven woman with dark brown hair and diligently Leatherworker’s Tools Artisan’s Tools 5 gp
stitching pieces of leather doesn’t seem to notice your Bagpipes Musical Instrument 30 gp
arrival. Drum Musical Instrument 6 gp

Quest - Acquiring Hides

Unmiel Olawarin Unmiel is looking for new sources of animals for
leathers and hides and sees the players as potential
The elf running the shop is Unmiel Olawarin. Unmiel is providers.
the leatherworker in town and is married to the
alchemist Kymil Olawarin. Their professions work
synchronously, as many chemicals are needed for Unmiel turns to you all and gives her full attention

Unmiel’s tanning and curing of leathers while Kymil can “I’ve been needing some help around here. With the
use the byproducts of Unmiel’s process and leftover danger on the Triboar Trail and strange sightings in the area,
scraps from animals. people have been steering away from bringing me pelts and
Unmiel is dedicated to her craft and heavily focused started looking for other work. If you could, any animals you
on her work. She won’t acknowledge the characters fight out there on the trail or manage to trap or capture,
until they speak out loud. She is kind to customers, but bring their hides back to me and I’ll pay you well for them.
gets annoyed by those who ask a lot of questions or
keep her away from her work for too long. Unmiel is I’ll even loan you some traps you can lay and bait.”

thought to be short in manner, but is really just not

interested in socializing a lot. Unmiel will give the players two traps that they can lay.
If the characters lay the traps, have them roll a DC 15
Wisdom (Survival) check. If they succeed, the trap will
have a caught animal in the trap.
Roll Animals and Size Value
1 Tiny Animals - Badger, Beaver, Squirrel, Rat 4 sp
2 Small Animals - Deer, Giant Rat, Goat 6 sp
3 Medium Animals Elk - Black Bear, Boar, 1 gp
Wolf, Giant Badger
4 Large Animals - Brown Bear, Moose, Giant 2 gp
Elk, Giant Goat, Dire Wolf, Mountain Lion

This will encourage players to take a few steps.

They’ll be interested in obtaining a wagon, which they’ll
likely need, from Wramble. Wramble will be willing to
work with them on a deal for a wagon and animals to
Unmiel Olawarin pull it if they figure out what is going on with the
This will also allow players to generate gold from
random encounters they may experience on the trail. I
would also include an encounter with a strange mutated
bear to continue to reinforce that something strange is
affecting living things in the area and to connect to the
Enigmatic Presence plot hook background. Characters
of this background would be interested in investigating
Kymil Olawarin

Kymil Olawarin

this more and may bring the skin or corpse of the bear Kymil Olawarin is the town’s alchemist and seems quite
to Reidoth or someone else they trust. When their disoriented or in a fog at times. This is largely due to
characters kill the mutated bear, they should be having his mind in multiple other places besides his
incentivized to bring it back here and have Unmiel and immediate surroundings. He tries to juggle multiple
Kymil examine it for answers if they are unable to roll projects simultaneously and only makes partial progress
high enough medicine or arcana checks. on each of them. He is kind to those who speak with
him as it pulls him out of this haze and allows him to
Supply and Solution focus on them. He enjoys talking quite a bit and is the
social half of his marriage to Unmiel.
If the players ask about the Whateleys coming by
As you enter, you’re met with a front counter immediately here, Kymil will say:
close to the door. The remainder of the shop remains largely
barred from customer access, whether directly by the desk or “Oh Wilbur? Why yes! He has been stopping by quite a bit to
the curtain drawn concealing what seems to be much of the get tonics, papaver somniferum, atropa belladona,
space.. Bubbling liquids and noxious fumes quickly make psilocybun, digitalis, and mandrake root. A peculiar list, but
themselves known yet far out of reach. A bald headed man what less could you expect from a peculiar boy! Its truly
seems split between multiple tasks as he moves from remarkable all that the boy has been able to do in his 10
multiple sets of strangely shaped glassware and quietly years of life.”
whispers to himself.

Papaver somniferum is poppy, atropa belladona is

Supplies deadly nightshade, psilocybin are hallucinogenic
Item Category Cost mushrooms, digitalis is a toxic plant that can also treat
Acid (vial) Adventuring Gear 25 gp seizures, and mandrake root is also a toxic plant that
Antitoxin (vial) Adventuring Gear 50 gp can trigger hallucinations. This list of purchases should
Bottle, glass Adventuring Gear 2 gp raise the eyebrows of players and cause characters to
Component pouch Adventuring Gear 25 gp wonder what is going on at the Whateleys.
Healer’s Kit Adventuring Gear 5 gp If that doesn’t, the statement that Wilbur Whateley is
Ink (1 oz bottle) Adventuring Gear 10 gp only 10 years old. Wilbur As strange as he is, Whateley
Oil (flask) Adventuring Gear 1 sp appears as a grown young adult man. Most people don’t
Perfume (flask) Adventuring Gear 5 gp see Wilbur clearly since he only comes out at night or
Potion of Healing (1 Adventuring 50 gp they don’t recognize him from the last time they saw
per tenday) Gear/Magic Item him. However, Kymil has regularly interacted with the
Poison, Basic (Vial) Poison 100 Whateleys since they have been purchasing from him
gp regularly.
Herbalism Kit Tools and Kits 5 gp If players have spoken with Malinia and heard about
Brewer’s Supplies Tools and Kits 20 gp her pain and bring it up to Kymil, he will mention:

long work hours left her drained and lacking meaning in
“Oh yes, she mentioned she suffers fromtremendous pain her life. However, she has been in much pain lately.
and it’s quite apparent in how she behaves. I’ve sold her She’s mutating slowly as a part of the Whateley and
small amounts of papaver somniferum as well to relieve her Mind Flayer rituals in the area. Drawn to the ruins in
suffering.” the hills near the Whateley residence, Malinia has been
up late at night participating in the Whateley rituals.
This has led her body to begin to change. Her back has
Hearing that Malinia and Wilbur have been getting the begun to shift and has broken skin. Unbeknownst to
same thing should raise some concerns as well. It may her, she is slowly growing wings out of her back. Her
allow players to start drawing connections between the veins appear to be a slightly darker blue and her sweat
two. is ever so slightly thicker. Even though the rituals have
led her feeling drained and in pain, the call to them is
Sweet Dreams irresistible. It feels as if she has finally found a place
where she is welcomed and belongs. It’s this reason she
seems to be in a good mood besides her friend Thel and
Open windows provide a compelling allure to the building as his family going missing recently. The future of these
the smell of baked goods reaches your senses. Ivy climbing rituals and her connection to the Whateleys is unknown,
the wooden walls adds to the building’s aesthetic charm. A but this secret excites her. Even though she is excited
loaf of bread etched into a wooden sign blows gently in the about this change in her life, she is aware she needs to
wind above the warm brown wooden door with paned keep it hidden and secret. So Malinia keeps on a facade
of normalcy in order to hide this newfound joy in her
windows. Upon entering, the smell of sweetness is
life. Malinia has visited Kymil for poppy to help ease the
accompanied with an array of sticky sweet treats. A counter
pain as suggested by Wilbur Whateley.
blocks off much of the building, but the ovens leave the
If players try to inspect Malinia, have them role a DC
building with an overwhelming heat. A pleasant melody 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. If they succeed, they’ll
greets you as a gray haired man diligently rolling dough and notice the sweat and veins mentioned above.
sweating slightly further within the bakery ignores your
entrance. The melody’s source becomes apparent though as
a kind, tired looking woman smiles softly at you from behind
the counter. “Welcome to Sweet Dreams, I’m Malinia - what
are you looking for?”

Phaedar Morren

Phaendar Morren
Silver hair cascades down to Phaendar Morren’s
Malinia shoulders and he has an aged and weathered face.
Phaendar Morren spends much of his time getting up
early to bake goods and works too many hours. This
Malinia leaves him short on patience and incredibly tired. He is
passionate about his craft though and it shows in his
Malinia is a pleasant and warm woman to be around excellent baked goods and his continued energy
now. She has chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. She throughout the day. Phaendar Morren doesn’t produce a
sings while bakingEven though the town appreciates wide array of baked goods because he focuses on
her for helping Phaendar and for her usual kind self, improving and perfecting the goods he makes each day.
she feels as if she doesn’t have a place to belong. Her
Stress to players that buy his baked goods that these are
some of the most delicious baked goods they have had.
Phaendar sounds gruff and seems quite short most of
the time. The lines in his face deepen when people
taketoo long to order and ask too many questions. When
this happens, he gives curt remarks and has a tone of
impatience. Phaendar rarely smiles, but he does when
someone enjoys his baked goods. Phaendar is kind once
outside of work and the people of Phandalin appreciate
him greatly.
Item Cost
Loaf of bread 1 sp
Chocolate and Cream Eclairs 2 sp
Lemon Scone 1 sp 5 cp “If you’re making your way to the orchard, let Daran know I
Blueberry Muffin 1 sp 8 cp could use more apples. Asked for them the other day, but it
Raspberry Danish 2 sp seems like he may have forgotten to deliver them. I swear,
feels like his adventuring days must have surely messed with
Malinia and Thel
If asked about Thel, Malinia would say: his head. If you also happen to travel down south, please ask
Qeline Alderleaf to deliver some more flour before the
morning too.”
“I was saddened to hear about Thel and his family
disappearing. We were so close, but since I have been so
busy lately - I hadn’t had time to visit him lately. Truly, I feel Malinia’s Home
regret for not speaking with him more, but our distance as
of late has left me not knowing what happened to him.”
Upon entering the disheveled abode, you finds yourselves in
a cluttered and chaotic space filled with multiple pieces of
Malinia is giving a half lie when she says she has been broken furniture and paper strewn about the ground. The
busy. She has been busy with work and her evenings floor is a mishmash of uneven wooden planks, some of
have been filled with the Whateley rituals, but she has
been avoiding Thel and his family due to her which creak under the slightest pressure. Piles of dusty old

transformation. She is also lying about not knowing books teeter precariously on rickety shelves, threatening to

anything about his disappearance. Malinia knew Thel collapse in an avalanche of knowledge at any moment.
was being extorted by the Redbrands and was having Broken vials and jars dispatch their shards across the floor.
trouble keeping up with his payments lately - so she The scent of half-eaten rotting meals, fish, ham, and steak,
suspects they are responsible for his disappearance. left discarded on the table and floor are overpowered by a
If players insight the lie and persuade her to tell the strong musty scent. A few books lay left open on the far
truth, she’ll bring the characters to a more secluded table. Popping residual embers from a fire earlier shine soft
place and say: orange glows from the chimney on one side of the room. On
the other, a footlocker and a bed with numerous damp
“Look, I know Thel was being worked by the Redbrands and blankets tangled and thrown about together.
they were taking a piece of what he was making. That piece
kept growing and growing though until Thel wasn’t able to
Little is of value in Malinia’s home, but if the players
keep up. I tried helping him a few times, but even I couldn’t
investigate the home have them roll a DC 12
help him keep up. I do feel real regret for him disappearing,
Intelligence (Investigation) check. If they succeed, they
but changes in my life have made it hard to stay in contact would find a book being written in - clearly by Malinia. If
with him. If I were to blame anyone it would have to be the players know the Elvish language, they could recognize
Redbrands.” this as Espruar - the alphabet and characters of the
Elvish language. However, they would not be able to
understand what is trying to be written here. This is
Quest - Apples and Flour because the language is being written in Deep Speech
When the characters are leaving, Phaendar will take a using Espruar as the symbols or alphabet. If a character
quick moment to ask a favor of the players in order to knows Deep Speech, they would be able to understand
get them to talk to a few key NPCs. what is being spoken here:

In the shadows deep, where the ancient whispers creep,
Before the black obelisk, our souls in silence speak.
Eldritch whispers call, from realms beyond the pall,
To change and shift, our fate entwined with cosmic thrall.

All of us listen, each of us our own men

To the black obelisk, we offer our souls again.
In the shifting tides of madness, our minds begin to wane,
For the greater purpose, we embrace the cosmic bane.

Beyond the veil, where reality is frail,

The obelisk stands, a conduit to the cosmic gale.
Its inky tendrils weave, the dreams that interleave,
Transforming those who heed, as sanity takes its leave.

All of us listen, each of us our own men

To the black obelisk, we offer our souls again.
In the shifting tides of madness, our minds begin to wane,
For the greater purpose, we embrace the cosmic bane.

As shadows dance, in the ritual trance,

The obelisk whispers secrets, an otherworldly advance.
Bodies transmute, in the eldritch pursuit,
We now bound, to serve the cosmic repute.

All of us listen, each of us our own men

To the black obelisk, we offer our souls again.
In the shifting tides of madness, our minds begin to wane,
For the greater purpose, we embrace the cosmic bane.

In the aeons old, the story unfolds,

A tapestry woven, by the obelisk foretold.
To realms unknown, our spirits are thrown,\ A transformation
complete, the cosmic seed is sown.

All of us listen, each of us our own men

To the black obelisk, we offer our souls again.
In the shifting tides of madness, our minds begin to wane,
For the greater purpose, we embrace the cosmic bane.

In the blackened night, we worship the ancient rite,

The obelisk calls, and we answer with delight.
To serve the unknown, our sanity overthrown,
In the cosmic dance, our destinies are eternally sown.

Malinia has been transcribing a chant they have been

using at the ruins above the Whateley home. This song
calls out to those who have heard the call from the
obelisk in the surrounding regions and it draws people
in to join.

In Development
This supplementary guide is still in development and
will continue to udate as the chapter guides are
updated. Feedback is greatly appreciated and can be
submitted via a comment on the post, on Instagram, or
via email to Thank you for
your suppport and feedback!
This content is not the original lore, but is a
homebrewed adaption of the lore. There are sections
that have been changed, altered, or added to alter the
original story.
Wizards of the Coast -
Original Content Inspired by:
Phandelver and Below: Shattered Obelisk
Supplements to Content Provided by: Arcana Haven
Art Generated by: MidjourneyAI

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