Quantum Computing

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Quantum Computing: Bridging Theory and Practical Application

Abstract: Quantum computing, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, promises to

revolutionize the field of computation by solving problems intractable for classical
computers. This paper explores the fundamental concepts of quantum computing, recent
advancements, and potential applications in cryptography, drug discovery, and optimization.

Introduction: Quantum computers utilize qubits, which unlike classical bits, can exist in
superpositions of states. This property, along with entanglement and quantum interference,
allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds.

Recent Advancements:

• Quantum Supremacy: Google's Sycamore processor achieved quantum supremacy by

performing a specific task faster than the most advanced classical supercomputers.

• Error Correction: Development of error-correcting codes to mitigate the high error

rates in quantum operations.


• Cryptography: Quantum algorithms like Shor's algorithm can factorize large numbers,
threatening current cryptographic systems.

• Drug Discovery: Quantum simulations can model molecular interactions with high
precision, accelerating drug development.

• Optimization Problems: Quantum algorithms provide exponential speedups for certain

optimization problems, beneficial in logistics and artificial intelligence.

Conclusion: While significant technical challenges remain, the potential of quantum

computing to transform various industries makes it a pivotal area of research.

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