PDM 02 Asset CAB Fault Localization ENU

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© OMICRON Academy Page 1 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 2 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 3 Dubai, 2016
The small scope shows the unfiltered signal, without an influence of a digital filter.
For a measurement of Q_IEC, the filter settings have to be taken into account.
In a range of 32µs the fault localization can be applied in the time domain by using TDR.

© OMICRON Academy Page 4 Dubai, 2016

The set up consists of:
Controller unit the MCU
The measuring unit (MPD600)
A calibrator (CAL542)
A 20m BNC cable which is connected to the PD input port of the MPD600.
The calibration pulses are injected at the near end of the cable, with respect to the MPD600.
A charge of 1pC is injected.

© OMICRON Academy Page 5 Dubai, 2016

The travelling path of the calibration pulse is twice the cable length (blue arrows).
While travelling through the cable, the amplitude of the impulse is dampened and lower in comparison to the pulse directly
measured (yellow arrow).
With the exact cable length of 19.8m a propagation speed of 197 m/µs is calculated.
The position of the cursor is shown in the small scope view, and the position is displayed in the “Measure” tab.
The time differences between the pulses and its reflection is about 200ns.

© OMICRON Academy Page 6 Dubai, 2016

The time differences between the pulses and its reflection is about 400ns.
The travelling path and therefore the dampening of the reflected pulse have increased.

© OMICRON Academy Page 7 Dubai, 2016

The time differences between the pulses and its reflection is about 600ns.

© OMICRON Academy Page 8 Dubai, 2016

The three 20m cables are connected with a t-connector.
For the simulation of a joint, the last t-connector is replaced by a capacitance, which simulates a joint or any other discontinuity.

© OMICRON Academy Page 9 Dubai, 2016

Now, the calibrator acts as a PD fault and injects a pulse at the first connection.
By comparing the travelling paths it is easy to understand that the position of the fault is giving from the far end.
The reflected pulse only has to travel the distance to and from the far end of the cable to the measuring unit.

© OMICRON Academy Page 10 Dubai, 2016

Now, the calibrator acts as a PD fault and injects a pulse at the second connection.
The pulse and the reflection are closer together because the travelling path of the reflection has decreased (blue arrow).

© OMICRON Academy Page 11 Dubai, 2016

The statistical TDR correlates the time differences between many successive PD impulses.
When correlating all measured PD impulses in a certain time frame, clusters will form for the original impulses and their
reflection, as well as for every other measured impulse or noise.
It is necessary to choose the right cluster for a correct localization.

© OMICRON Academy Page 12 Dubai, 2016

The statistical TDR correlates the time differences between many successive PD impulses.
Now, the filter settings have an influence on the measurement.
High filter bandwidth means little dead time between impulse detections. This allows:
Fast detection of successive PD impulses
Good possibility to detect the first reflection of the PD impulse, especially when the source is close to the far end of the cable
Good area resolution of the impulse source
With low frequencies (1Mhz and lower) there is often no possibility to locate the fault.

© OMICRON Academy Page 13 Dubai, 2016

Since it is necessary to use high bandwidth filters for a good localization there are 2 possibilities to achieve that:
Time domain integration, with t1=-40ns and t2=100ns (fastest possibility) this gives 7,14Mhz (1/140ns).
Detected impulses and reflections have at least a time difference of 140ns (2x14m traveling distance in RG58 coaxial
If the source is closer than 14m (RG58 coaxial cable) to the far end, the first reflection is not detectable.
Using a high bandwidth 3Mhz Filter
Activate: „Advanced“ -> „Use high-bandwidth filters“ -> enable
Go to Q and choose a δf of 3Mhz, the center frequency can be chosen to have an optimal PD detection (signal to noise
Minimal time difference between 2 impulses is 333ns (1/δf).
In a RG58 coaxial cable the travelling distance between an impulse and its reflection is 2x33m.

© OMICRON Academy Page 14 Dubai, 2016

The statistical TDR correlates the time differences between many successive PD impulses.
Some of which will be reflections.
Look for clusters with the highest amplitude.
The shown reflection point is in meters from the far end of the cable.
The percentage gives the relative amplitude of the reflected PD impulse compared to the original impulse.
The shown time is the real running time of the impulse (double of the time needed for the shown distance).

© OMICRON Academy Page 15 Dubai, 2016

Long travelling distance (2x60m) of the reflected impulse -> lower percentage (71,3%) of the impulse amplitude (reflected
compared to original).
Shown time (609ns) is equivalent to 120m of cable.
Shown distance is automatically divided by 2 (real distance to far end)

© OMICRON Academy Page 16 Dubai, 2016

Failure close to the end of cable -> high percentage (89,7%) of the reflected impulse amplitude compared to original impulse.
Distance to the end of the cable 20m (difference between original impulse and reflected 2x20m)

© OMICRON Academy Page 17 Dubai, 2016

Distance to the end 40m
Reflected impulse has 82,8% of amplitude.

© OMICRON Academy Page 18 Dubai, 2016

By using a smaller bandwidth the accuracy of the fault position decreases.
3Mhz in stead of 7,1Mhz (40,0m to 44,6m)

© OMICRON Academy Page 19 Dubai, 2016

By using a smaller bandwidth (1Mhz) the area accuracy of the fault position decreases further.
The used fault position is no longer detectable.
Triggering on the noise shows that related to the filter response time the system is blind up to 700ns (2x69m).
The fault position has a time distance of 450ns (2x40m) and cannot be detected.

© OMICRON Academy Page 20 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 21 Dubai, 2016
Both reflection points are shown in the “time” tab, which are rapidly changing.
(Note: When using different PD impulse intensities on the calibrators (i.e. 1pC and 50pC) resetting of the trigger level might be
necessary -> use same impulse level)
(Note: When using a calibrator that injects negative impulses resetting of the trigger level must be done -> don‘t use calibrators
with negative pulses)

© OMICRON Academy Page 22 Dubai, 2016

The same experiment, but now using the statistical TDR.
The Clusters must be marked by hand.
There are negative and positive time values for clusters, both give the right distance from the far end.
Negative values arise when the reflection is correlated with the original impulse.
Positive values are calculated when the impulse is correlated with its reflection

© OMICRON Academy Page 23 Dubai, 2016

By using the statistical fault localization mode, it is possible to perform a dual-end measurement.
For fault localization the dual-end measurement is more accurate than the measurement with one channel.
This advantage can be used for measurements on short cables or for measurements on joints and terminations.
(Note: a dual end measurement is not possible when the scope function (TDR) is used, related to not synchronized triggers.)

© OMICRON Academy Page 24 Dubai, 2016

The software shows two channels on the top of the display.
The chosen channel is marked in a darker color.

© OMICRON Academy Page 25 Dubai, 2016

The software shows two channels on the top of the display.
The chosen channel is marked in a darker color.

© OMICRON Academy Page 26 Dubai, 2016

Only for the dual-end measurement, the distance values in the statistical TDR “Localization” tab have to be divided by 2 (dual
The shown distance is calculated from the middle of the measured cable.

© OMICRON Academy Page 27 Dubai, 2016

The dual-end measurement is a time difference measurement.
If the pulse is first detected at the trigger source, the subtraction will be positive. -> closer to the trigger source.
In the case that the pulse is first detected at the measuring channel and afterwards at the trigger channel, a negative time
difference results in a negative distance. -> closer to the selected channel.

© OMICRON Academy Page 28 Dubai, 2016

The calibrator pulse travels into both directions and is first detected at channel 1.1 (trigger source), thus it gives a positive value.
The measured length of ~61m gives the distance to the middle of the cable of ~30m.

© OMICRON Academy Page 29 Dubai, 2016

All outputs are the double of the real distance to the middle of the cable.

© OMICRON Academy Page 30 Dubai, 2016

A higher bandwidth gives a more accurate measurement.

© OMICRON Academy Page 31 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 32 Dubai, 2016
A 20m BNC cable is directly connected to the MPD.
The internal test generator, which is a synchronous trigger, is switched on.
An curve average of 2048 curves is enabled.

© OMICRON Academy Page 33 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 34 Dubai, 2016
When using the theoretical limits of the Analog-Digital-Converter (ADC) a time precision of 15,6ns can be reached by the MPD
600. This applies to Poly-Ethylene (PE) insulated cables with a signal traveling speed of around 197m/µs over a travelled
distance of 3m.
Because of interpolation done between the sample points, a recorded PD impulse can be recognized with even higher precision
of up to 1ns. This means the detectable length distance reduces to around 20cm under optimal conditions.

© OMICRON Academy Page 35 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 36 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 37 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 38 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 39 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 40 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 41 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 42 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 43 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 44 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 45 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 46 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 47 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 48 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 49 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 50 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 51 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 52 Dubai, 2016
All setups act as a low pass filter.
With a lower bandwidth the accuracy of the detection decreases –> bigger setups (higher stray inductance) have a lower

© OMICRON Academy Page 53 Dubai, 2016

The comparison shows, that for an ideal connection reflections are only occurring at the open end of the cable.
When the coupling capacitor is installed in the setup, pulses are reflected at both ends of the cable.
For measurements on cables it is import to know the time period of pulse travelling on the cable.
For that example a 80m cable is chosen.
Therefore the first reflection of the pulse occurs at 814ns.
The calibrator is situated 60m from the far end (603ns).

© OMICRON Academy Page 54 Dubai, 2016

Near end: Reflection closer to cable length reflection than the original impulse.
Far end: Reflection closer to original impulse than cable length reflection (Travelling time of reflection close to travelling time of
original impulse).

© OMICRON Academy Page 55 Dubai, 2016

Grounding of the cable sheath is essential for a high sensitivity.
Only if the PD circuit is closed (when left open, the circuit is closed by a capacitive coupling.).

© OMICRON Academy Page 56 Dubai, 2016

A bigger coupling device acts as low pass filter with lower cut-off frequency (a bigger device has a bigger inductance and lower
This smooths the signal.

© OMICRON Academy Page 57 Dubai, 2016

Big setups further increase the inductance, which further smooths the impulse.

© OMICRON Academy Page 58 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 59 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 60 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 61 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 62 Dubai, 2016
In order to distinguish the fault position on a short cable or to distinguish in which termination the fault occurs, a synchronous
dual-channel measurement is essential.
In many cases only one coupling capacitor is available.
If it is not possible to have two identical coupling capacitors, then HFCTs offer the possibility to measure on the grounding path.
It is important that the grounding connection is symmetric.
The measuring frequency has to be broadband, e.g. 3MHz, in order to avoid superposition.
During the measurement the center frequency has to be shifted to higher frequencies.
By the using the effect of the low pass characteristic of the cable, the PD level should decrease at the far end (with respect to the

© OMICRON Academy Page 63 Dubai, 2016

In order to distinguish the fault position on a small cable or to distinguish in which termination the fault occurs, a synchronous
dual-channel measurement is essential.
In many case only one coupling capacitor is available.
If it is not possible to have two identical coupling capacitors, then HFCTs offer the possibility to measure on the grounding path.
Import is, that the grounding connection is symmetric.
The measuring frequency has to be broadband, e.g. 3MHz, in order to avoid superposition. During the measurement the center
frequency has to be shifted to higher frequencies.
By the using the effect of the low-pass characteristic of the cable, the PD level should decrease at the far end (with respect to the
A long cable is benefiting from a good low-pass filtering of pulses on the cable.
(Note: Calibration gains importance for shorter cables.)

© OMICRON Academy Page 64 Dubai, 2016

© OMICRON Academy Page 65 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 66 Dubai, 2016
© OMICRON Academy Page 67 Dubai, 2016

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