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by Don Twistbuck into the Dim Forest to proactively deter
the curious.
© 581 Z. Yragerne. All rights reserved. As of CY 578, the Mage of the Valley
This month we turn our attentions to commands the following forces.
the armies of the Sheldomar Valley, Although troop levels are small, they
home to the Kingdom of Keoland, and are bolstered by an abundance of
scene of its former Imperial ambitions. magic-users, illusionists, and animals
In this month’s issue, we will cover either trained or under the influence of
those nations nestled along the slopes animal friendship or similar spells.
of the western mountain ranges
(Hellfurnaces, Crystalmists, and • Valley Elves
Barrier Peaks), and next month we will o 200 light infantry with
cover the remaining nations, including swords and longbows,
Keoland itself. All of the statistics wearing chainmail and
noted below apply to CY 577-578, shield
unless otherwise noted. o 300 light infantry with
Geoff is in one sense blessed, as it
swords and longbows,
has little to fear from its neighbors, as
wearing studded leather
its borders are largely blocked by thick
• Gnomes
woodlands, hills, and mountains. It is,
o 180 light infantry with
however, largely cursed by the hordes
swords, wearing chainmail
of giants and humanoids that regularly
o 110 light infantry with
pour down from those self-same
spears, wearing chainmail
mountains. Thus, despite its relative
• Humans (“tree people”) isolation, Geoff is compelled to
o 140 light infantry with bow
maintain a robust force of men-at-
and sword, unarmored arms in order to deter raids from that
While elf and gnome miniatures are
The lowlands provide horse, the
easy enough to come by in both
woodlands excellent elvish archers,
25/28mm and 15mm, the Tree People
and the settled mountains produce
of the Valley present an interesting units of strong pikemen. Together
challenge in terms of acquiring these form a formidable and effective
THE VALLEY OF THE MAGE suitable miniature figures.
The Mage of the Vale is famously army with a variety of arms that
Because of their dress, figures from
reclusive, and has little dealings with renders them quite flexible in
Biblical ranges such as Libyans or
the outside world. This seclusion is responding to threats.
Bedouins might be found to serve, but
enforced by the elves of the Valley, As of CY 578, the standing army of
care should be taken not to select Geoff consists of the following.
colloquially known as Valley Elves, as figures that look too civilized. The tree
well as the many gnomes who also people wear skins and have a
dwell within. The few human “tree • 5,000 heavy infantry with pikes,
primitive appearance, although they
people” in the Valley are also used for wearing plate mail
use weapons gifted to them by the
defense, but the elves form the bulk of • 3,000 medium infantry with
Laird of the Domain.
the army. His forces not only patrol the pikes, unarmored
entrance to the valley, but penetrate
• 1,900 light cavalry with spear, One of the renowned units in Sterich The lowlands produce the vast
wearing chainmail and shield are the Silver Lances, an elite troop of majority of troops; spearmen and
• 2,200 light elvish infantry with cavalry that is always at the van when crossbowmen, while the mountainous
longbow deployed into battle, and which has a regions provide troops armed with
• 800 medium elvish infantry with reputation for gallantry and courage. pole arms as well as slingers. The few
sword and bow The Silver Lances were recently (CY cavalry are provided by the major
572) responsible for single-handedly landowners, including the Freeholder
In addition to those regular troops, repulsing a force of hill giants and himself. These troops get regular
Geoff can raise substantial numbers of ogres who had slain scores of regular practice against the giants and
militia and levies if needed. soldiery. Their shields bear the device humanoids that regularly spill down
of a silver spear on a field of green, from the mountains to raid farms and
• 6,000 light infantry with spear with a skull sinister chief. 300 of the villages.
• 1,500 light infantry with sword light cavalry listed above belong to the Although the army of the Yeomanry
and longbow Silver Lances. suffered a reversal in 577 at the hands
Miniatures for the forces of Sterich of the Sea Princes, as of 578 those
Late medieval or early Renaissance can be had from any late losses were largely recouped, and
miniatures, or those representing the medieval/early renaissance European now the regular standing army
armies of the Hundred Years’ War, range, or even from the Hundred consists of the following forces.
would do well on the table as the army Years’ War.
of Geoff. • 2,600 light infantry with slings
• 4,000 medium infantry with
spears, wearing chainmail
• 3,000 medium crossbowmen,
wearing chainmail
• 1,100 heavy infantry with
glaives, wearing plate mail
• 2,600 heavy infantry with
guisarmes, wearing plate mail
• 1,800 medium cavalry with
swords or maces, wearing
THE YEOMANRY When needed, a number of demi-
Sterich’s armies are primarily
Being a democracy open mostly to human contingents are available to
engaged in maintaining a strong
its warriors and veterans, the army of supplement the Battles.
presence on the mountainous western
frontier, but do on occasion venture the Yeomanry is naturally a primary
political force in the land. The titular • 2,400 elvish medium infantry
eastward to support the forces of
head of the military is the elected with spears, wearing chainmail
Keoland, whose king is technically the
liege lord of the Earl. Freeholder, Crispin Redwell, but the • 1,100 elvish light infantry with
The Earl’s armies consist of the troops themselves are led by the longbows
following numbers. As noted above, Captains of the Battles, who command
however, at least a third of these will the various regiments.
always be kept behind to maintain a
guard against the giants and
humanoids in the mountain reaches.

• 5,600 light infantry with swords,

wearing padded or studded
leather and shields
• 3,900 light cavalry with lances,
wearing padded or studded
leather and shields
• 800 dwarven heavy infantry
with axes or swords, wearing
plate mail and shield

• 3,000 dwarven heavy foot with o 300 light infantry with spear o 50 light infantry with
axes or swords, wearing o 200 light cavalry with spear longbows
chainmail and shield • Flotsam Island
• 1,800 halfling light infantry with • Plardom of Hool o 150 light infantry with
slings o 800 light infantry with sling sword, wearing leather
o 900 medium infantry with armor
Figures for the Yeomanry can come spear • Fairwind Island
from just about any feudal/medieval o 600 light cavalry with spear o 200 light infantry with
European range that isn’t overly and shield sword, wearing leather
distinctive. Infantry would tend to wear o 1,100 medium cavalry with armor
conical/pointed helms and kite shields. crossbow, wearing padded o 80 light infantry with
Cavalry units will bear the colors of the or studded leather armor crossbows
landowner who raised and equipped • Grandeeship of Westkeep • Sybarite Island
them. o 700 light infantry with spear o 50 light infantry with sword,
o 300 light cavalry with spear wearing leather armor
and shield
o 300 marsh wardens (light Figures for the Hold of the Sea
infantry with sword and Princes can be of any sort of late
longbow) medieval style, but if such that are
• Jetsom Island specifically Spanish, or Christians of
o 120 light infantry with the Reconquista era, are available,
sword, wearing leather they would be preferable.


The real power of the Sea Princes
rests with their fleet, which is reckoned
as the largest in the Flanaess. Still,
there is a small but efficient army
maintained by the various lords of the
Hold, which serve to fight off invasions
from other powers such as the
Yeomanry and Keoland, as well as to
suppress occasional slave uprisings
on the plantations and in the towns.
As of CY 578, the ground forces of
the Sea Princes are accounted as
follows. This does not include the
marines that are stationed on ships,
which easily number 5,000 or more
men. It should also be noted that the
coastal provinces and islands can call
upon many hundreds (if not more) of
mermen and tritons, which are very
effective at interdicting enemy ships.

• Principality of Monmurg
o 500 light infantry with sling
o 1,100 medium infantry with
spear, wearing chainmail
and shield
o 600 medium cavalry with
crossbow, wearing padded
or studded leather armor
• Principality of Toli

This work is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/
endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.
©Wizards of the Coast LLC. The rest is Copyright © Joseph Bloch, all rights reserved.
Heraldry is courtesy Anna B. Meyer, used with permission.
These works are supported by fans like you. If you enjoyed this, please consider supporting me on
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Ogres: Adam Brown, Antony McEwan, Baerdcyn, Charley Phipps, GoB Izdubar, JJ Johnson, Joe
Kinlan, Joseph Hepler, Matthew Ludwick, Myelin Klobert, Peter Dorney, Rich Spainhour, Terry
Taylor, Thorsten Schubert
Bugbears: casl Entertainment, Christian Lindke, David van Hoose, John Garlick, OerthScribe, Terry
Orcs: Allen McNight, Blair Nelson, Boris J. Cibic, Carlos Mondragón, Chris Jones, Diederik van
Arkel, DM Andy, Earl Rumburg, F. McB., Federic Schaff, Gregory Williams, Jared Milne, Jeremy
Coffey, Joethelawyer, John, John Lee Boswell, Jose Perez (Bromos Sunstar), Kevin Crouse,
Lawrence Allen Edger, Mark Vernon, Martin Rynoson, Michael Beeson, Phillip Teare, Pierre
Staron, Rich Franks, Rich Householder, Richard Smith, Sanpat Suvarnadat, Sequioa Tomas Hall,
Stephen D Klow, Thalmin, Thomas Kelly, Timothy Schenks, Trevor McWilliams, Troy Alleman, Z
Goblins: A.M. Valentine, Adam Pender, Angelo Chiriaco, Anthony and Jill Porco, Carl Hess, David
Babbitt, David Dierks, Gordon Woods, Herb Nowell, Jamison of Onnwal, Kurt Stringfield, Laura
Twardy, Matt Bogen, Michael Conroy, Michael Rooney, Robert Tashjian, Ryan McCoy, Satori,
THE BOG, Vernno Vincent, Von Beck, Yolande d’Bar, Gabriel Perez

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