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by Don Twistbuck danger. The March relies on its o Foredge: 30 cavalry
professional soldiery rather than levies o Birnham: 110 cavalry, 70
© 581 Z. Yragerne. All rights reserved. as a point of pride, although in an light infantry with slings
This month we continue our look emergency squires and so forth could
through the southwestern Flanaess, be put into the field, adding another • March of Rushmoors
also known as the Sheldomar Valley, 1,000 or so medium cavalry, albeit not o Fort Tribulation: 235
for the mighty river that runs through of veteran quality. cavalry, 110 light infantry
most of its length. Unless otherwise specified, all with slings
cavalry is medium, wears chainmail
and shield, and is armed with lance, • Barony of Cavintus
crossbow, and sword. o Red Arbor: 80 cavalry, 40
light infantry with spears
• March of Dim Forest o Turamil: 50 cavalry
o Forest Watch: 40 cavalry o Holly Hill: 40 cavalry, 30
o Fort Endurance: 70 cavalry light infantry with slings
o Munninen: 100 medium
• Barony of Farvale gnome infantry with spears,
o Paletree: 20 cavalry wearing chainmail
o Orlane: 70 cavalry, 110
light infantry with spears • Barony of Proman Shire
o Tanner’s Ferry: 25 cavalry o Proman: 300 cavalry, 150
o Tamlin: 10 cavalry light infantry with slings
o Willow’s Bend: 30 cavalry
GRAN MARCH o Guilder’s Folly: 40 cavalry • Barony of Shiboleth
The army of the Gran March is o Stonebridge: 30 cavalry o Shiboleth: 500 cavalry, 200
organized into “battles”; units of light infantry with spears
roughly regimental strength (between • Barony of Malthinius
1,000 and 2,000 men, or thereabouts). o Gralston: 200 cavalry, 60 • Barony of Dieren
Most of that force is superb mailed light infantry with slings o Lortenford: 90 cavalry, 40
cavalry, but there are some foot used o Carern: 150 cavalry light infantry with slings
as skirmishers and scouts as well. The o Ghostgate: 20 cavalry
army is disbursed throughout the land, • Barony of Dracus
but can be marshalled at either o Peacekeep: 25 cavalry • Barony of Cragmore
Hookhill or Shiboleth in but a fornight’s (part of shared garrison o Cragmore: 100 cavalry, 90
time at need. with Bissel) light infantry with slings
AS of CY 578, the standing army of o Wallsend: 90 cavalry o Rock’s Face: 20 cavalry
the Gran March is distributed in the o Hookhill: 300 cavalry, 110 o Topaz Pass: 30 cavalry
following garrisons. Those on the light infantry with spears o Ander’s Falls: 100 cavalry
outer borders of the March send out o Ironwall Keep: 40 cavalry
regular patrols along the border to o Tankard: 20 cavalry • Barony of Manthus
intercept bandits and monsters who o Traziada: 80 cavalry
might wish to enter. Those in the • Barony of Harvon o Hammerfall: 30 cavalry, 40
interior do so as well, albeit with less o Buxton’s Crossing: 25 light infantry with spears
frequency unless alerted to some cavalry
o 30 heavy dwarf infantry
This army includes the Grey with swords or axes,
Ravens, an elite regiment of 200 light wearing plate mail and
cavalry that distinguished itself some shield
150 years ago, and which has been
honored with its own colors to this day. March of Sedenna
Their colors are a grey raven on a
yellow field, and the unit is known for • Plamton / Feldin Keep (troops
broad, sweeping flank attacks on are regularly rotated between
enemy units. the two locales)
In addition, the King’s Own Valiant o 60 medium infantry with
Halberdiers is attached to General spears, wearing chainmail
Ripthorn’s army. Their colors are three and shield
black roundels on a red field, They are o 20 light cavalry with lance,
noted for pressing any advantage crossbow, and javelins,
KINGDOM OF KEOLAND when an enemy retreats. They are 300 wearing padded or studded
The kingdom of Keoland is unique in men strong. The men of both units are armor
the Flanaess, inasmuch as it is a major reflected in the numbers above. o 40 light gnome infantry with
power that does not have an enemy The remainder of King Skotti’s army spear
on its borders. With the exception of
remains in its regular quarters
occasional outbreaks of banditry and throughout the kingdom, with large Good Hills Union
brigandage in the hinterlands, and forces maintained in Niole Dra and
pirate raids on its short coastline, Gradsul. The following troop levels • Blacktop
Keoland is at peace. reflect the absence of General o 20 heavy dwarf infantry
King Skotti has started a campaign Ripthorn’s army, as noted above. with axes or swords,
to bring his nominal vassals into a
wearing plate mail and
more overtly subservient role. While Barony of Shelspring shield
some fear this might mark a return to
the Imperial policies of the past, Skotti • Woodsbridge
• Shelswake o 30 heavy dwarf infantry
forcefully defends his policy, regarding
o 10 heavy cavalry with lance with axes or swords,
it as nothing more than collecting his
and sword, wearing plate wearing plate mail and
due as the de jure liege lord of border
mail and shield shield
states such as Sterich.
o 20 medium infantry with o 20 light halfling infantry with
In response to the raids by giants
spears, wearing chainmail slings
and humanoids into Sterich, the king
and shield
has dispatched an army to assist his
vassal, even though such aid was not County of Kilm
County of Mandismoor
requested. This army, led by General
Hivar Ripthorn (Cav13) and currently • Kilm
• Ravonnar o 30 light cavalry with lance,
wintering in Flen and Godakin Keep,
o 20 heavy cavalry with lance crossbow, and javelins,
consists of the following, as of CY 578.
and sword, wearing plate wearing padded or studded
It has been drawn from the regular
mail and shield armor
forces stationed in the western
o 40 medium infantry with
provinces, as well as a large
spears, wearing chainmail County of Marlbridge
contingent of levies raised for this
and shield
• Marlbridge
Barony of Dilwych o 20 heavy cavalry with lance
• 500 light cavalry with lance,
crossbow, and javelins, and sword, wearing plate
• Draconic Imperious mail and shield
wearing padded or studded
o 10 heavy cavalry with lance o 40 medium infantry with
and sword, wearing plate spears, wearing chainmail
• 1,500 light cavalry with spear
mail and shield and shield
and shield (200 of these are in
o 30 light halfling infantry with
Godakin Keep at any given
slings Barony of Mill Creek
time, as an advance force)
• 3,000 medium infantry with
halberds, wearing chainmail
March of Mareman • Black Pike
o 10 heavy cavalry with lance
• 500 light halfling infantry with • Regin and sword, wearing plate
slings o 30 medium infantry with mail and shield
• 750 light gnome infantry with spears, wearing chainmail
spears and shield
o 20 medium infantry with o 100 light elvish infantry with Barony of Granforth
spears, wearing chainmail longbows
and shield o 200 light gnome infantry • Granforth
o 50 light halfling infantry with with spears o 10 heavy cavalry with lance
slings and sword, wearing plate
March of Middlemead mail and shield
Duchy of Dorlin o 20 medium infantry with
• Middlebridge halberds, wearing
• Nirdal o 35 heavy cavalry with lance chainmail
o 50 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate
and sword, wearing plate mail and shield County of Cryllor
mail and shield o 100 medium infantry with
o 100 medium infantry with halberds, wearing • Gammel
halberds, wearing chainmail o 20 light infantry with spears
chainmail o 150 light infantry with and shields
• Dorglast Castle spears, wearing shields • Denlock
o 20 heavy cavalry with lance o 10 light cavalry with lance,
and sword, wearing plate Earldom of Linth crossbow, and javelins,
mail and shield wearing padded or studded
o 30 medium infantry with • Segor armor
mixed pole arms, wearing o 20 heavy cavalry with lance o 20 light infantry with spears
chainmail and sword, wearing plate and shields
o 50 light elvish infantry with mail and shield • Cryllor
longbows o 40 light cavalry with lance, o 30 heavy cavalry with lance
• Linnoden crossbow, and javelins, and sword, wearing plate
o 20 light elvish infantry with wearing padded or studded mail and shield
longbows armor o 40 light cavalry with lance,
o 20 light cavalry with lance, o 30 light elvish infantry with crossbow, and javelins,
crossbow, and javelins, longbows wearing padded or studded
wearing padded or studded armor
leather armor • Dredstadt o 100 light infantry with
o 10 medium infantry with spears and shields
Niole Dra glaives, wearing chainmail o 50 heavy dwarven infantry
with axes or swords,
• Niole Dra • Fortress Garada wearing plate mail
o 100 heavy cavalry with o 10 light cavalry with lance, • Pindangoogly
lance and sword, wearing crossbow, and javelins, o 60 light gnome infantry with
plate mail and shield wearing padded or studded spears
o 300 medium infantry with armor • Sentinel Keep
glaives, wearing chainmail o 20 medium infantry with o 40 light infantry with spears
o 250 light cavalry with lance, glaives, wearing chainmail and shields
crossbow, and javelins, o 10 light cavalry with lance,
wearing padded or studded crossbow, and javelins,
armor wearing padded or studded

• Baransford o 40 heavy cavalry with lance wearing padded or studded
o 20 light cavalry with lance, and sword, wearing plate armor
crossbow, and javelins, mail and shield • Lavienth
wearing padded or studded o 80 medium infantry with o 20 medium infantry with
armor glaives, wearing chainmail halberds, wearing
o 60 light infantry with spears o 200 light infantry with chainmail
and shields swords and shields
• Cryford (marines) The Viscounty of Salinmoor is much
o 10 light cavalry with lance, • Sanduchar more highly armed than most of
crossbow, and javelins, o 10 light cavalry with lance, Keoland, as it is on the front line of
wearing padded or studded crossbow, and javelins, dealing with pirate raids, and the
armor wearing padded or studded Viscount has been tasked with
armor pushing back forcefully against such.
Barony of West Gate o 30 medium infantry with As of CY 578, the Viscount has the
glaives, wearing chainmail following forces:
• Millen • Rawnis
o 20 light cavalry with lance, o 10 light infantry with spears • Maidenstone Keep
crossbow, and javelins, and shields o 30 light cavalry with lance,
wearing padded or studded crossbow, and javelins,
armor Viscounty of Nume Enor wearing padded or studded
• Rhiannon Keep armor
o 30 light infantry with spears • Jaedrae • Nine Oaks
and shields o 20 light cavalry with lance, o 20 light infantry with spears
crossbow, and javelins, and shields
Barony of Raya wearing padded or studded • Burle
armor o 20 light infantry with spears
• Daerwald o 20 medium infantry with and shields
o 10 heavy cavalry with lance glaives, wearing chainmail • Bale Keep
and sword, wearing plate • Haven o 40 light cavalry with lance,
mail and shield o 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins,
o 20 medium infantry with crossbow, and javelins,
halberds, wearing chain

Barony of Grayhill

• Dourstone
o 10 heavy cavalry with lance
and sword, wearing plate
mail and shield
o 30 light infantry with spears
and shields

Earldom of Gand

• Endereisen
o 30 heavy cavalry with lance
and sword, wearing plate
mail and shield
o 30 medium infantry with
glaives, wearing chainmail
• Caer Andolyn
o 20 light cavalry with lance,
crossbow, and javelins,
wearing padded or studded

Duchy of Gradsul

• Gradsul

wearing padded or studded As with the other nations in the Duke of bearing its own colors in
leather Sheldomar Valley, human troops can thanks for its efforts in defeating the
o 30 medium infantry with be represented by miniatures from the uruz in the efforts to conquer the Pass
glaives, wearing chainmail late medieval/early Renaissance era. of Ulek.
• Brinestone Keep The light cavalry of Keoland can be In addition, the nobles can raise
o 20 light cavalry with lance, displayed with Grenadine or levies consisting of the following can
crossbow, and javelins, Andalusian troops. be raised in times of emergency. Ten
wearing padded or studded percent of them are under arms in the
leather various nobles’ possessions at any
o 20 medium infantry with given time.
glaives, wearing chainmail
• Seaton • 1,000 light infantry with spears
o 30 heavy cavalry with lance • 1,000 light elvish infantry with
and sword, wearing plate swords and longbows, wearing
mail and shield leather or studded armor
o 50 light cavalry with lance, • 400 medium gnomish infantry
crossbow, and javelins, with spears
wearing padded or studded
leather Many humans in the Duchy of Ulek
o 100 medium infantry with are, in fact, half-elven, so if such
glaives, wearing chainmail figures are available, they would be
o 100 light infantry with suitable for the Duke’s troops.
spears and shields Otherwise, conventional late middle
• Saltmarsh DUCHY OF ULEK ages/early Renaissance figures would
o 20 medium infantry with With the expulsion of the humanoid be appropriate.
glaives, wearing chainmail menace from the Lortmils, and a
and shield friendly neighbor to the west in
Keoland, the need for a large standing
• Redshore
army has not been a requirement for
o 20 medium infantry with
the Duke of Ulek.
glaives, wearing chainmail
He maintains a small but efficient
o 40 light infantry with spears
force, which as of CY 578 are as
and shields
• Splitrock
o 30 medium infantry with
• 100 heavy cavalry with lance
glaives, wearing chainmail
and sword or axe, wearing
• Waverock
plate mail and shield
o 50 heavy dwarven infantry
• 150 medium cavalry with
with axe or sword, wearing
sword, axe, or mace, wearing
plate mail
chainmail and shield
o 30 medium dwarven
infantry with crossbows and • 150 light elvish cavalry with
sword and longbow, wearing COUNTY OF ULEK
swords, wearing chainmail Much like his neighbor to the north,
leather or studded armor
The Hool Marsh Protectorate • 200 medium crossbowmen the Count of Ulek has little to fear from
wearing chainmail his neighbors, and thus does not need
maintains its own force, separate from to maintain a large standing force. As
that of the rest of the kingdom. It is led • 200 medium infantry wielding
bills, wearing chainmail of CY 578, the Count’s armies consist
by Captain Sir Miran Gelt (Cav9), a of the following:
capable but unimaginative • 200 light elvish infantry with
commander. The entire force is based longbows, wearing leather or
studded armor • 400 medium cavalry with
out of Waycombe, and consists of the
sword, mace, or axe, wearing
following Marsh Wardens (also known
Half of these troops are quartered in chainmail and shield
as “the Frogs”):
the capital, Tringlee, with the rest • 500 heavy infantry with bills,
spread evenly between Waybury, wearing plate mail
• 60 light infantry with slings
Winterdorf, Axegard, and Adurlell. • 800 light halfling infantry with
• 100 light cavalry with spears
The force in Adurlell is known as the slings
and shields
Trappers, bears as its symbol a steel • 1,000 light gnome infantry with
beartrap on a green background, and spears
The Marsh Wardens have a unique
counts as elite troops, having seen Almost this entire force is quartered
uniform of green and brown, and bear
much action in the Hateful Wars, and at Jurnre, except for 100 halflings
the symbol of a brass frog on a green
been granted the singular honor by the stationed at Fort Kenderena on the
field, giving them their nickname.
banks of the Kewl River just south of • 2,000 medium cavalry with wearing chainmail and
the city of Kewlbanks, and 20% of the swords, axes, or maces, shield
total force which is rotated in and out wearing chainmail and shield
of the town of Altimira on the eastern • 300 gnome engineers • Thunderstrike
slopes of the Lortmils. These troops (currently engaged in o 300 heavy dwarven infantry
provide protection against intrusion constructing new siege with swords or axes,
from the still-dangerous Suss Forest. equipment to replace that lost wearing plate mail and
In times of emergency another at Strandkeep Castle) shield
1,000 light infantry with spear and 200 o 120 light halfling infantry
light infantry with slings can be called It should be noted that 10% of this with slings
up from the noble levies. force will be in Eastboro at any given
Standard late medieval/early time, rotated out on leave. • Fort Stonewall
renaissance figures would serve for With the exception of the royal o 40 medium cavalry with
the armies of the Count of Ulek. garrison at Gryrax, the remainder of swords, axes, or maces,
the Prince’s armies are in the east of wearing chainmail and
the nation, either mustering to support shield
the army of Baron Ulrich or
maintaining a guard against incursions • Havenhill
from the Suss Forest. o 100 medium dwarven
infantry with crossbows and
• Gryrax swords, wearing chainmail
o 300 heavy dwarven infantry and shield
with axes or swords,
wearing plate mail and • Dreki
shield o 40 medium infantry with
o 500 medium infantry with halberds, wearing
halberds, wearing chainmail
o 250 medium cavalry with • Gomel
PRINCIPALITY OF ULEK swords, axes, or maces, o 30 heavy dwarven infantry
The Prince of Ulek, unlike wearing chainmail and with axes or swords,
his neighbors to the north, does shield wearing platemail
indeed have a warlike and o 20 medium cavalry with
aggressive neighbor, and thus has • Rittersmarche swords, axes, or maces,
need of many more troops. That o 150 heavy dwarven infantry wearing chainmail
neighbor is, of course, the Pomarj with axes or swords,
to the east, and the many humanoid, wearing plate mail and • Grindin
bandit, brigand, and other power shield o 20 medium cavalry with
groups that dwell within. o 50 medium dwarven swords, axes, or maces,
As of the end of CY 578, the bulk of infantry with crossbows and wearing chainmail
the Prince’s army is encamped across swords, wearing chainmail
the Jewel River southeast of Eastboro, o 200 medium infantry with • Ogard
in the Pomarj, having failed to capture halberds, wearing o 20 medium dwarven
Strandkeep Castle by siege. They are chainmail infantry with crossbows and
under the command of Baron Ulrich o 100 light halfling infantry swords, wearing chainmail,
Threechins (F14). with slings detached from Baron
As many as 3,000 human levies Ulrich’s army
were part of the army, but returned to • Oakenburgh
their homes to complete the harvest o 40 light halfling infantry with The human forces of the Prince of
and next year’s planting. They are spears Ulek can be shown on the tabletop
expected to return thereafter. o 20 medium cavalry with with miniatures from the late
The expeditionary force consists of swords, axes, or maces, medieval/early Renaissance era.
the following: wearing chainmail and Dwarf and halfling miniatures are fairly
shield common in a variety of scales, but
• 5,000 heavy dwarven infantry care should be taken not to include
with axes or swords, wearing • Brenfluss any with firearms, which are unknown
plate mail and shield o 30 medium dwarven and cannot function on Oerth.
• 600 medium dwarven infantry infantry with crossbows and
with crossbows and swords, swords, wearing chainmail
wearing chainmail o 30 medium cavalry with
swords, axes, or maces,
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Heraldry is courtesy Anna B. Meyer, used with permission.
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