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L7 Strategic Global HRM & Decision Making Assessment Brief, 2023-24

Portfolio Assessment Brief

1. Introduction

This module is designed to provide students with the knowledge to develop and apply an
understanding of organisational theory and global strategic human resource management theory
and practice. It is designed to explore, develop and apply research in the subject area and to help
students gain a critical global perspective of the complex nature of the inter-relationships
between people, organisations and the environment where it operates. The subject discipline is
contextualised and applied to the study of contemporary global organisations.

2. Scenario

You may use your own employment context, or that of another organisation with which you are
very familiar, to base your assignment and you must cite clear recommendations for improvement
in reference to the specific portfolio elements.

3. Format

You must produce the following as a single coherent piece of work, which is appropriately
presented. Data tables, diagrams and headings are excluded from the word count. Your overall
structure/presentation, communication, and academic referencing (according to the SHU required
approach), will all impact upon your assessment marks and therefore need to be addressed as you
develop your work.

4. Your 4,000-word piece of work must include the following:

1. With reference to the taught content on global HRM, critically evaluate one chosen global HR
practice in the context of your chosen organisation (e,g. global HR strategies, managing
expatriates, comparative HRM models, global and local resourcing, international rewards,
managing global expertise, developing global expertise, global performance management,
etc.) in terms of its efficient and effective management of people. Make recommendations for
its improvement. Guide word count: 1,250 words
2. With reference to the taught content on organisational behaviour, critically review and
analyse one of the following in the context of the HR policy of the chosen organisation:
conflict management, engagement, diversity, CSR, disciplinary and grievance, etc. Make
recommendations on how these can be improved in order to influence behaviour of
employees. Guide word count: 1250 words
3. Drawing on your analysis and recommendations from Task 1 and 2, and considering financial
models / organisational issues / factors, what measures and recommendations would you put
in place to advance the overall operational and financial performance of the chosen
organisation? In your analysis and recommendations, you must take financial models /
organisational issues / factors into consideration. Guide word count: 1000 words
4. Critically reflect your personal learning on the module. Explain how you will use this learning
to inform your own current and future people management practices. Guide word count: 500

The portfolio assessment will be marked using the marking grid, shown below. See further
assessment guidance in the ‘Assessment Guidance Notes’.
Coursework Assessment Criteria and Marking Grid

Degree Classification Zero Very Low Fail Marginal Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction
G Zero G 2 – Low Fail, 25% G 7 – Low Pass, 50% G 10 – Low Merit, 62% G 13 – Low Distinction, 74%
G 1 – Very Low Fail, G 16 – Exceptional
G 4 – Mid Fail, 35% G 8 – Mid Pass, 55% G 11 – Mid Merit, 65% G 14 – Mid Distinction, 81%
10% Distinction, 96%
G 6 – Borderline Fail, 45% G 9 – High Pass, 58% G 12 – High Merit, 68% G 15 – High Distinction, 89%

1. With reference to the taught Work not Work has not Work is descriptive and Satisfactory evaluation Good evaluation using Very good evaluation of Excellent analysis of
content on global HRM, critically submitted, addressed the limited evaluation of though using limited range of sources on the global HR practices using a global HR practices using
evaluate one chosen global HR work of no criteria and is highly global HR practices and sources on the selected selected global HR wide range of sources. a wide range of sources.
practice in the context of your merit, subjective and alignment with corporate global HR practices. practices, with limited Analysis is relevant, coherent Analysis is relevant,
chosen organisation (e,g. global HR descriptive. No strategies, efficiency, and Analysis is not always analysis of interlinked and contextualised to a good coherent and
strategies, managing expatriates, evidence of effectiveness of people coherent or contextualised topics. The evaluation is standard. Good evaluation of contextualised to a high
comparative HRM models, global academic research management. No logical or aligned with the clear and contextualised. the link between the analysis standard. Excellent link
and local resourcing, international on global HR attempt at innovation or corporate strategies, Reasonable link between and strong between the analysis
rewards, managing global practices. creativity. efficiency, and the analysis and recommendations and good and fully justified
expertise, developing global effectiveness of people recommendations and level of innovation and recommendations. High
expertise, global performance management. Weak link some attempts at creativity in response. level of innovation and
management, etc.) in terms of its between the analysis and innovation and creativity creativity in response.
efficient and effective management recommendations and in response.
of people. Make recommendations little attempt at innovation
for its improvement. and creativity in response.
2. With reference to the taught Work not Work has not Work is descriptive, with Satisfactory analysis and Good analysis and clear Very good evaluation and Excellent evaluation of
content on organisational submitted, addressed the little understanding of the awareness of global HR depth of understanding of depth of understanding of global HR policies.
behaviour, critically review and work of no criteria and is highly literature or identification policies, limited discussion global HR policies with global HR policies with clear Considerable and in-
analyse one of the following in the merit, subjective and of global HR policies and or recommendations on some clear justification and depth understanding of
context of the HR policy of the descriptive. No no workable how to influence the recommendations and contextualisation, good global HR policies,
chosen organisation: conflict evidence of recommendations. behaviour of employees. justification on how to recommendations on how to contextualisation.
management, engagement, academic research influence behaviour of influence the behaviour of Excellent, creative and
diversity, CSR, disciplinary and on global HR employees. employees. fully justified
grievance, etc. Make policies. recommendations on
recommendations on how these how to influence the
can be improved in order to behaviour of employees.
influence behaviour of employees.
3. Drawing on your analysis and Work not No evidence of any Highly descriptive Satisfactory interlinked Good interlinked analysis Very good interlinked Excellent evaluation of
recommendations from Task 1 and submitted, discussion of the discussion of the approach analysis of the approach and depth of analysis of the approach and the approach with in-
2, and considering financial models work of no holistic approach or and recommendations are with very few understanding of the some clear depth holistic analysis
/ organisational issues / factors, merit, recommendations unclear. recommendations for apprpoach and some recommendations for and with well justified
what measures and for improvements. Limited consideration of improvement. recommendations for improvement. recommendations.
recommendations would you put No evidence of financial elements and Satifactory consideration improvement but not fully Very good consideration of Excellent consideration
in place to advance the overall considerations of ineffective appraisal of the of financial elements and justified. financial elements and use of of financial elements
operational and financial financial elements costs and benefits of the models used to appraise Good consideration of a range of financial models and use of a range of
performance of the chosen and therefore no HR plan. Little/no the costs and benefits of financial elements and use to appraise the costs and financial models to
organisation? In your analysis and application to understanding of financial the HR plan. Limited of financial models to benefits of the HR plan. appraise the costs and
recommendations, you must take exploring the techniques. understanding of financial appraise the costs and Student shows very good benefits of the HR plan.
financial models / organisational viability of an HR techniques. benefits of the HR plan. understanding of financial Student shows detailed
issues / factors into consideration. plan. Student shows good techniques. understanding of
understanding of financial financial techniques.

Work not No evidence of Limited personal Some self-awareness and Good evidence of Very good ability to inter- Outstanding ability to
submitted, personal awareness awareness or engagement critical reflection and little engagement with the relate concepts and ideas, critically reflect on
4. Critically reflect your personal
work of no or engagement with with the reflective practice application of module relevant theory and drawing on personal personal experience and
learning on the module and
merit, the reflective process. theories. offering some reflections reflection and experience. engagement with
explain how you will use this
practice process. and examples. others. Extensive use of
learning to inform your future HRM
course theory to support
arguments as well as use
of examples
5. Overall Presentation, Work not Fails to adopt a Limited structure. Difficult Satisfactory structure. Good structure. Clear to Excellent structure that Creative, logical and
Communication and Referencing submitted, logical structure. to follow. Limited Generally clear satisfactory follow. Good appropriately positions the coherent structure, with
work of no Very difficult to communication. Some communication. communication without debate. Excellent convincing development
merit, follow. Fails to significant errors. Limited Satisfactory referencing errors. Good referencing communication that clearly of arguments.
communicate referencing with some with limited errors. with all sources cited. articulates points expressed. Outstanding
clearly. Full of significant errors. Limited Satisfactory references list Good references list with Excellent referencing that communication that
grammatical and references list with with limited errors. all sources cited. aids understanding. Excellent clearly applies academic
spelling errors. Poor significant references list with sources language to enhance
or no attempt to errors/omissions. accurately described. meaning. Outstanding
reference and no referencing with wide-
references list ranging and accurate
references list that
enables clear attribution
and enhances

Level 7: Generic grade descriptor: relationship of grades of achievement to percentage mark ranges and categorical grades (CG)
Class Category Grade % General Characteristics
Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding evidenced by own independent insight and critical awareness of relevant literature
and concepts at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of extensive and appropriate independent inquiry operating with advanced concepts,
Exceptional 93 - methods and techniques to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts; Cogent arguments and explanations are consistently provided using a range of
Distinction 16 96
Distinction 100 media demonstrating an ability to communicate effectively in a variety of formats using a sophisticated level of the English language in an eloquent
and professional manner to both technical and non-technical audiences; a sustained academic approach to all aspects of the tasks is evidenced;
academic work extends boundaries of the disciplines and is beyond expectation of the level and may achieve publishable or commercial standard.
Excellent knowledge and understanding evidenced by some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which
High Distinction 15 85 - 92 89
are at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of appropriate independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods and techniques to solve
complex problems in mostly familiar contexts; Arguments and explanations are provided that is well-supported by the literature and in some cases
Distinction Mid Distinction 14 78 - 84 81
uses a range of media demonstrating an ability to communicate effectively in a limited number of formats using own style that is suited to both
technical and non-technical audiences; a sustained academic approach to most aspects of the tasks is evidenced; one or more aspects of the
Low Distinction 13 70 - 77 74
academic work is beyond the prescribed range and evidences a competent understanding of all of the relevant taught content.
Very good knowledge and understanding is evidenced as the student is typically able to independently relate taught facts/concepts together
High Merit 12 67 - 69 68
some of which are at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of some competent independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods
and techniques to solve familiar problems; Arguments and explanations are provided that are typically supported by the literature and in some
Merit Mid Merit 11 64 - 66 65
cases may challenge some received wisdoms; competently uses all taught media and communication methods to communicate effectively in a
familiar settings; an academically rigorous approach applied to some aspects of the tasks is evidenced; some beyond the prescribed range, may
Low Merit 10 60 - 63 62
rely on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; demonstrates autonomy in approach to learning.
Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the area of study balanced towards the descriptive rather than critical or analytical and mostly
High Pass 9 57 - 59 58
confined to concepts that are not at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of some independent reading and research to advance work and
inform arguments and approaches; Arguments and explanations are limited in range and depth although some are adequately supported by the
Mid Pass 8 54 - 56 55
literature albeit descriptively rather than critically; competently uses at least one taught media and communication method to communicate
appropriately in familiar settings; although the approach applied to some aspects of the tasks may lack academic rigour, there are some clear
Low Pass 7 50 - 53 50 areas of competence within the prescribed range. Relies on set sources to advance work/direct arguments and communicated in a way which
shows clarity but structure may not always be coherent.
Borderline Fail 6 40 - 49 45 Knowledge and understanding is insufficient as the student only evidences an understanding of small subset of the taught concepts and
techniques; fails to make sufficient links between known concepts and facts to adequately solve relevant aspects of the brief/problem; little
Mid Fail 4 30 - 39 35 ability to independently select and evaluate reading/research with almost total reliance on set sources and unsubstantiated arguments/methods;
communication/presentation may be competent in places but fails to demonstrate structure, clarity and/or focus; inability to adequately define
Low Fail 2 20 - 29 25 problems and make reasoned judgements; the general approach to tasks lacks rigor and competence.

Knowledge and understanding is highly insufficient as the student is unable to evidence any meaningful understanding of taught concepts or
methods; very limited evidence of reading and research to advance work; inadequate technical and practical skills as the student is unable to use
Fail Very Low Fail 1 6-19 10
and apply such skills to address problems or make judgements; limited or lack of understanding of the boundaries of the discipline and does not
question received wisdom; approach to learning lacks autonomy and approach to tasks is not sustained; inability to communicate coherently.

Zero Zero 0 0-5 0 Work not submitted, work of no merit, penalty in some misconduct cases.
* the grade points associated with the postgraduate fail grades are nonlinear to accommodate the necessary integration of the undergraduate and
postgraduate scales for some courses.

Generic level descriptors (level outcomes) – for reference in course / module design and
development of pass descriptors
Level 7 learning outcomes
Learners have:
1. a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical global awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or
informed by, the forefront of [the discipline]
2. a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in [the discipline]
3. an appreciation of uncertainty, ambiguity, and the limits of their knowledge, plus originality in the application of knowledge
4. a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship
Learners can:
5. evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline
6. evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses.
7. work effectively both independently and in teams to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in
the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences
8. continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.
Learners demonstrate:
9. the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring collaboration, initiative, self-awareness, personal responsibility, and
decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts
10. ethical and sustainable practice and values representing the forefront of the discipline, and comprehensive global awareness, in the context of
[the discipline]
11. self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and the ability to act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a
professional or equivalent level
12. the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development

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