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Question 27 Notyetanswered 7 Flag question

Inner and outer enamel epithelium join together to grow down into the
mesenchyme at:

a. Cervical
loop 1~

b. Interstitial reticulum

Dental lamina

d. Stratum intermedium

e. Dentalsac

Question 28 Not yetanswered = 7 Flag question

One of the following about teeth is wrong statement?

a. No parasympathetic innervation of the teeth.


b. Bone resorption is noted during eruption of the teeth.

Nerves within the pulp are sensory & sympathetic

d. The dentin in the root is formed by odontoblasts with ectodermal

origin. “

e. Nerve endings project into dental tubules.


Question 29 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

One of the Following about tongue is False?

a. The muscle is arranged in parallel to each other single muscle cells. SJ

O0O000 @

b. Sense organ present over the dorsal surface.

Ventral surface contains no papilla

d. The dorsal surface is rough.

e. Mucosa is adherent to underlying muscle by lamina propria.

Question 30 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

Question 28 Not yet answered > Flag question

One of the Following about teeth is wrong statement?

No parasympathetic innervation of the teeth.

Bone resorption is noted during eruption of the teeth.

Nerves within the pulp are sensory & sympathetic

The dentin in the root is formed by odontoblasts with ectodermal

origin. Mm

Nerve endings project into dental tubules.


Question 29 Not yet answered = 7 Flag question

One of the Following about tongue is False?

The muscle is arranged in parallel to each other single muscle dic


Sense organ present over the dorsal surface.

Ventral surface contains no papilla

The dorsal surface is rough.

Mucosa is adherent to underlying muscle by lamina propria.

Question 30 Not yet answered = 7 Flag question

Mesothelil cells are lining all of the Following Except?

Posterior esophagus. ‘

Pericardial cavity.

Intra-peritoneal organs.

Pleural cavity.

Retroperitoneal organs.
@ Time left 0:59:26
Question 18 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

One of the Following about Apocrine sweat gland is False?

a. Presentin vermillion border.

b. Dermalin origin, hypodermal in location

All of them.

d. Present in facial skin except scalp

e. Devoid of myoepithelial cells

Question 19 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

One of the following about the periodontium is False?

O a. Alveolar bone is an immature bone

O b. Periodontal ligament serves as periosteum to the alveolar bone

O c. Nerves & blood supply of the teeth enter the pulp through apical

O d. Periodontal ligament is composed of bundles of collagen fibers type

ow e. The cementum is vascular calcified tissue covering dentin in the root.

Question 20 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

Multipolar neurons is the main component of which of the Following?

a. Allof them.

b. Myenteric ganglion.

c. Subodontoblastic plexus.

d. None of them.

e. Taste buds.
@ Time left 0:59:17

Question 24 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

Which of the Following about cardiac region in the stomach is true?

a. The glands are simple or branched

b. Allofthem|~
Narrow circular band around 3 cm width.

d. Producing HCL

e. Producing mucous

Question 25 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

The melanocyte to keratinocyte ratio is:


Question 26 Not yet answered = Flag question

The Malpighian layer in epidermis refers to:

a. Prickle cell and basal layers 4


b. Granulosum layer & corneum layer

Basal layer only.

d. Lucideum layer and corneum layer

e. Spinosum & granulosum.

Question 27 Notyetanswered 7 Flag question

LJ ©. INOMe OFLileit gg§=§ §o-§ = "ys,a:
@ Time left 0:59:31

Question 14 Not yet answered Flag question

The muscularis propria is composed of three sub layers in which of the

following regions of the stomach?

© a. Pylorus

O bz. Cardiac
O c. Body

@ = 4. Allof them-~
O e. Fundus

Question 15 Not yet answered = 7 Flag question

Von-Ebner glans drains its secretion:

O a. Inthe anterior part of the tongue.

O b. Inthe upper esophagus.

O c. Behind the V-shaped sulcus of the tongue. 1.1.

O d. Inferior to the vermilion border.

© _ e. Inthe lower surface of the tongue.

Question 16 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

In teeth development, mesenchymal cells those encircle the enamel organ

is Forming:

€) a. Dental papilla

O b. Vestibular lamina

(@) c. Dentalsac ~~

© d. Successional lamina
O e. Dental groove

@ Time left 0:59:20

1 2 3

Question 21 Not yet answered Flag question

4 5 6

Which of the following is not a Feature of pylorus of the stomach?

7 8 9

10 || 11}] 12 a. Lysozyme production

b. Gastrin production
13 || 14]| 15 OO@B Hcl production

d. Mucous production
16]|17]| 18
e. Somatostatin production

19]| 20]| 21

22 || 23) | 24 Question 22 Not yet answered Flag question

25 || 26|| 27
The submucosa of the esophagus is devoid of glands.
@ Vv
28 || 29} | 30
O as False

31 || 32 || 33 © b. True

34 || 35 || 36
Question 23 Not yet answered a Flag question
37 || 38 || 39

Which of the following about interglobular dentin is true?


a. Less calcified areas of dentin |.”

Finish attempt...

b. Allof the above

Seen in the root only

d. None of them
e. More calcified areas of dentin

Question 24 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

Which of the followina about cardiac region in the stomach is true?

c) a. The glands are simple or branched

@ bz Allofthem i
O c. Narrow circular band around 3 cm width.
O e. Dental groove © Time left 0:59:28

Question 17 Not yet answered _» Flag question

Which of the following about amelogenens is TRUE?

O a. Secreted in the interstitium between keratinocytes.

O b. Constitutes an organic component of dentin.

8 c. None of hem

O d. Aprotein produced by melanocytes

O e. Found exclusively in odontoblasts.

Question 18 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

One of the Following about Apocrine sweat gland is False?

“O b.
Present in vermillion border.

Dermalin origin, hypodermal in location

Oc. Allofthem.
O d. Present in facial skin except scalp

©) e. Devoid of myoepithelial cells

Question 19 Not yet answered ~ Flag question

One of the following about the periodontium is False?

a. Alveolar bone is an immature bone


b. Periodontal ligament serves as periosteum to the alveolar bone

c. Nerves & blood supply of the teeth enter the pulp through apical

Periodontal ligament is composed of bundles of collagen fibers type


The cementum is vascular calcified tissue covering dentin in the root.)

@ Time left 0:59:33
1 2 3

Question 11 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

4 5 6

7 8 9 During teeth development, nerve axon penetrates dental Follicle in which of

the Following?
10}}11}) 12
O a. Cervical loop formation.
13}|14}) 15 © b. Budstage.
O c. Reduced enamel epithelium formation.
16)}171))18 x
GS d. Bell stage j”

191f201{ 21 -) e. Cap stage.

22 || 23 || 24

Question 12 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

25 || 26 || 27

The most abundant type of papilla over human tongue is:

28 || 29 || 30

371{321[33 ow) a. Foliate papilla .

@ ibs. Filiform papilla

34 || 35 || 36 O c. Allof them

O d. Fungiform papilla
37 || 38 || 39
O e. Circumvallate papilla


Finish attemok Question 13 Not yet answered = Flag question

One of the Following about the esophagus is True?

1) <<
a. The mucosa contains serous and mucous glands

b. The muscularis in middle third is inner circular and outer longitudinal

The muscularis is striated muscle in lower third.

d. The serosa is the outermost layer anteriorly

e. None of them
O c. late cap stage @ Time left 0:59:37
CS d. bell stage

© e. allofthem

Question 8 Notyetanswered = Flag question

In teeth development, the vestibular lamina separates the gum from the
lips and cheeks.

a. False ”
ff i

@ ~»b. True wv

Question 9 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

Rediced enamel epithelium consists of which of the following?


@ a. Mature protective ameloblasts \,.“ °

© _b. None of them

© «Immature odontoblasts
© d. Stratified squamous epithelium
O — e. Immature ameloblast

Question 10 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

The contour lines of Owen are?

O a. The variation of metabolism of enamel

bh. S-shaped dentinal tubules.

¥ c. OnlyB&C

a d. Changes in the coloration of the dentin. i”

O e. The first dentin that is layed down (at the DEJ).

Next page
we C. FIUPOTIT papittad

OO 4. allofth
. (@) em Otime teft'0-59:32
O e. Circumvallate papilla

Question 7 Notyetanswered = 7 Flag question

The formation of ect-mesenchyme takes place in:

© a. early cap stage

O b. bud stage ~

© «. late cap stage

O d. bell stage

Oe. allofthem

Question 8 Not yet answered Flag question

In teeth development, the vestibular lamina separates the gum from the
lips and cheeks.

© a. False
@ 0». True“

Question 9 Not yetanswered =~ Flag question

Reduced enamel epithelium consists of which of the following?

a. Mature protective ameloblasts Va


b. None of them

Immature odontoblasts

d. Stratified squamous epithelium

e. Immature ameloblast

Question 10 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

NS \ MGR oVYVLE CL yer Sth

© « Sebaceous cell.
@ Time left 0:59:41

OG « Langerhans cell.

Question 4 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

The enamel spindles are:

Odontoblasts in the pulp

Dentinal tubules in cementum.

None of them 1

Enamel rods in dentin-enamel junction

Enamel rods in dentin.

Question 5 Not yet answered a Flag question

Gingival cervices are:

None of them. Y

A mucous membrane attached to the bone.

Epithelial attachment of Gottlieb.

Hemidesmosomes connecting gingiva to cuticle

Cuticle that connects epithelium to enamel

Question 6 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

The Largest ever type of papilla is

a. Foliate papilla

b. Fungiform papilla

Filiform papilla

All of them

Circumvallate papilla VA
1 2 3
. © Time left 0:59:45
Question 1 Not yet answered = 7 Fl
4 5 6

j 8 9 One of the following about lingual lipase is FALSE?

701f411 {12 O a. Secreted by Von-Ebner gland.

@ b. Removing particles from taste bud receptors i”

13 || 14 }| 15 6 c. Secreted around the circumvallate papilla

d. Digest about 30% of triglycerides.

16]||17]| 18 O . ° ?
O e. Active in the esophagus

19/}| 20] 21

22 || 23 || 24 Question 2 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

wa! tessa! | (ui The muscles in the posterior third of the tongue are:

28 || 29 || 30 =
@ a. striated muscle only.“
311321[33 J b. none of them

© c._ mixed smooth and striated

34 || 35 || 36 © 4d. areabsent
e. smooth muscle onl
37 || 38 || 39 O "

Question 3 Not yet answered v Flag question

Finish attempt...
In Facial skin, one of the Following is an antigen presenting cell?

a. Fibroblast.

b. Merkel cell.

Dark sweat gland cell.

d. Sebaceous cell.

e. Langerhans cell. “~

Question 4 Not yet answered a Flag question

Question 38 Not yet answered 7 Flag question

One of the following is stained positively by van-Gison elastic stain ina

histological section of skin?

© sa. Stratum germinativum.

O b. Hair pulp.

Oc. Reticular dermis Vt

O d. Hypodermis
O e. Erector pilli muscle

Question 39 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

Which of the Following about oral cavity is true?

a. Theoral —— the roof of the mouth is keratinized and non-



b. Mobile areas in the mouth are lined by keratinized epithelium.


The ventral surface of the tongue is rough.

d. The tongue is divided to anterior one third and posterior two thirds.

e, The oral mucosa lining the bone is non- keratinized.

Question 40 Not yet answered Vv Flag question

In the gastro-intestinal tract, the lamina propria is a part of which of the


O a. Adventitia

© bs. Serosa
© c. Sub mucosa

© 4 Vaile
©) e. Mucosa
@ Time left 0:59:07
1 2 3

Question 31 Not yet answered Flag question

4 5 6

7 3 9 Which of the Following about dentin is TRUE?

101041112 © a. More calcified than enamel.

Qs b. Organic component represent 50 % of drv weight.

13 || 14 }} 15 © cc. Produced by cells with mesodermal origin

d. Present in crown only.
16 |{17][18 O : _
@ e. S-shaped dentinal tubules are seen in roots. -”

191}| 20]| 21

22 || 23 || 24 Question 32 Notyet answered Flag question

25 || 26 || 27 ; ; . : _
During the formation of the root, which of the following cells originate
from dental sac?
28 || 29 || 30

371 [321133 Cy a. Osteoblast

( b. Fibroblast

34||35|| 36 @ c. Allofthemi-~
© — 4a. Cementoblast.
37 || 38] | 39
© — e. None of them.


Finish attempt ... Question 33 Not yet answered = 7 Flag question

Hydroxyapatite crystals are the main inorganic component in which of the


© sa. Alveolar bone.

O b. Cementum.

c. Dentin.

d. Enamel.

Allof them.”
@ Time left 0:59:05
Question 34 Notyet answered Flag question

When the germs of permanent incisor appear as a bud on dental lamina, the
primary incisor will be in which of the Following stages?

O a. Cap stage.

@ >. Bellstage a
C) c. Mineralization stage

O d. Cytodifferentiation stage.

O e. Bud stage.

Question 35 Not yet answered > Flag question

Through eruption, the tooth is covered by:

a. Cuticle.

f-) b. Mature protective ameloblasts)

© _c. Gottlieb epithelium
O d. Keratinized epithelium.

C) e. Dentallamina

Question 36 Notyetanswered 7 Flag question

In gingiva, the epithelial cells are attached to the cuticle by hemi-


a. False

@® ». True!”

Question 37 Not yetanswered 7 Flag question

The selective permeability of the skin; making it relatively waterproof is due


O a. The presence of keratin Flacks in stratum corneum.

In gingiva, the epithelial cells are attached to the cuticle by hemi-

O a. False

(@) b. True Ve

Question 37 Notyet answered 7 Flag question

The selective permeability of the skin; making it relatively waterproof is due


O a. The presence of keratin Flacks in stratum corneum.

O b. The presence of desmosomes between epithelial cells.

‘e) c. The presence of Odland bodies secretions|/

O d. Presence of basement membrane at dermal-epidermal junction.

O e. None of them.

Question 38 Not yet answered = 7 Flag question

One of the following is stained positively by van-Gison elastic stain ina

histological section of skin?

© sa. Stratum germinativum.

O b. Hair pulp.

O c. Reticular dermis

O d. Hypodermis

O — e. Erector pilli muscle

Question 39 Notyetanswered 7 Flag question

Which of the Following about oral cavity is true?

oe a. The oral essnss fin the roof of the mouth is keratinized and non-

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