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Study trip assignment Quim Simon Shouten

Hello, Morten, It’s me Quim, this assignment was done last year, and given that we got the
same task, the assignment should do the job. I remember that you told me that the text was
great but it had some information missing about what the Ib thinks respectively. I have
reviewed the assignment and I would say that everything is according to the task, except the
view that the IB has about it. I’ll add it to the end of the text underlined, please make sure that
everything is correct, and if there is something you want me to add don’t hesitate to contact

Pros and cons of Chat GPT

AI has revolutionized the way work is gonna be from now on. It has a fantastic potential that
we can no longer imagine, almost every job could be done by a computer. So is there any
reason why we should start using it in our daily lives? I can certainly say that it is a tool that
if it’s used and it has a human that knows how to control it. it can be really useful in jobs or
works that have to be repeated over and over again because this ai can learn from patrons and
fix its own mistakes.

A lot of people doubt the veracity of chatGPT information but this chat has an insane amount
of data and it can compare it. I have asked the chat myself about the info that he gives and
this is what it said: “As an AI language model, I generate responses based on patterns
learned from vast amounts of text data, but my responses may not always be 100% accurate
or up-to-date. It is important to fact-check and verify information from multiple sources
before accepting it as true. It is up to you to use your judgment and critical thinking skills
when evaluating the information provided by ChatGPT or any other source.”

Adding to the chat power by itself some other tools can be added to extend its capacity, the
following extension of Google can be very helpful: WebChatGPT: ChatGPT with internet
access. This extension helps a lot because it gives ChatGPT access to the internet and it gives
also links to the sources that the info has been taken from.

What are the cons of this types of ai: job losses are a big concern because rich people will
benefit from it, they will be able to save the money that they would have spent on the salaries
of their workers, and spend it on an automatization that could be done by an IA. Another
concern is that now is very difficult to verify if the essay has been done by a student or by an
AI, cheating is much easier so it will be necessary to change the way that the work is being
planned. The biggest threat to our society right now is the ethical uses of this automatization
because now that it is not necessary to have a human there can be massive scams created with
some of these tools, thanks to these chats it is possible to send a lot of emails with fake info
or with links that could contain viruses.

The IB regulations for artificial intelligence are in my own opinion a nice strategy because
they have accepted that these tools are part of society now and that they can be a source as
valid as any other. The policy of non-plagiarism helps the students to develop their own
thinking process and it gives the opportunity of developing a more extended answer from
some information that has been given.

In conclusion, AI was born in our time and it appeared to stay. Even tho there are cons I
believe that it can be helpful with the right prompts and proper use it will save us a lot of
time. If it continues developing this tool will be very nice in the aspect of automatization
because some work that takes a lot of time will be done so easily and quickly.

The image I created using AI represents the castle where Harry Potter goes to study. This is
the prompt I used: Generate a picture of Harry Potter’s castle using different tones and lots of
SSG is very strict with cases of plagiarism quote: “Plagiarism and any other behavior that
gains a candidate an unfair advantage are not accepted. If a student hands in an assignment,
parts of which are copied from another source without quoting the source correctly, this is
regarded as plagiarism, and a written warning is issued. In case of a repetition, the student
may be expelled. The teacher is obliged to inform the IB Coordinator in case of suspected
plagiarism. “ Chat GPT would be considered plagiarism given that it has not been written by
the student submitting the assignment. ( Chat GPT can be used as a source but it has to be
mentioned, to be considered valid).

Mat Glanville is the head of assessment principles and practices at the IB, as he mentions at
the beginning of the video, AI can be scary because it has many uses but it could be used in
our daily life in the future and instead of fighting it we should incorporate it to improve the
quality of education. Glanville sees the AI appearance as an evolution and not a revolution
because cheating already existed before, it’s just easier now. “the IB values the ideas in the
text, not the grammar and the quality of the text” given the previous statement and
considering Chat GPT’s capabilities it’s easy to spot a text that has been written by the chat
and it wouldn’t get a great score given that the ideas of the text are usually the ones being
evaluated. Mr Glandville also mentions how thanks to AI the need to spot bias in a text will
improve so he says that it would be nice to teach “our students” how to recognise it. ChatGPT
will not be banned in the short term and he also mentions how it would be a good idea to
teach how to generate good answers with ChatGPT to perfectionate the knowledge that the
students have.

Quim, take care.

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