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Systems around the
What is "education system"?
The Education System refers to the collection of
institutions, policies, and practices that provide
formal education to individuals within a society. The
educational system involves curriculum development,
teaching methods, assessment, practices, and
educational policies that guide the learning process.
It aims to prepare students for future careers, foster
critical thinking skills, promote social and cultural
development, and contribute to the overall well-being
and progress of society
Educational systems vary across EACH COUNTRY HAS A
countries and regions based on DIFFERENT EDUCATIONAL
their specific needs and social
norms. They can be classified
according to the International
Standard Classification of Education
The structure of educational systems can also
(ISCED) into different levels, differ in terms of governance, ownership, and
including early childhood education, the degree of stratification and
primary education, secondary standardization. Some systems are more
education, and tertiary education comprehensive, while others are more
selective, with students being separated and
tracked into different schools or programs at
various stages of their education

The education system in the United
States is structured to provide a
comprehensive and diverse learning
experience for students at various
levels of education. The U.S. system in
United states
education system is known for its
diversity, flexibility, and emphasis
on practical knowledge, critical
thinking, and interactive learning,
making it an attractive destination
for international students seeking a
of america
well-rounded educational
Structure of the education system
Primary and Secondary Higher Education
The U.S. education system starts After completing high school,
with primary school, commonly students can pursue higher
known as elementary school, which education at colleges or
lasts for five or six years. Students universities. Higher education in
then progress to secondary school, the U.S. typically includes
which includes middle school or undergraduate programs (3-4
junior high school (Grades 6-8) and years), job-oriented programs (2
high school (Grades 9-12). Upon years), postgraduate programs
graduation from high school, (1-3 years), master's degrees (2
students receive a diploma or years), and doctoral programs
certificate (5-8 years)
Classroom Grading
Environment System
The American university classroom The U.S. uses a credit-based system
environment is dynamic, encouraging where each course is assigned a
students to participate in discussions, certain number of credits based on
share opinions, and engage in the hours spent in class per week.
debates. Professors assign readings, Grades are typically based on class
homework, and may require participation, exams, research
laboratory work or research papers.
papers, and final examinations.
Class participation is often a
Students are expected to maintain a
significant factor in grading
certain number of credits to graduate
Key features of the u.s education system
Flexibility Interactive Entrance test &
Learning education board
The U.S. education
Students may need to take
system offers
flexibility in Emphasis is placed standardized tests like the
SAT, ACT, GMAT, or GRE for
choosing majors, on critical thinking, admission to graduate or

minors, and analytical skills, postgraduate programs. As

for Education Boards, the
electives, allowing and interactive U.S. education system
students to create learning rather operates on a single-board
system, with the College
their learning path than rote Board developing entrance
and explore diverse memorization. tests and curricula used from
K-12 to post-secondary
subjects education
The education system in Thailand is
a comprehensive and structured
system that provides free basic
education for 12 years, from pre-
school to upper-secondary levels.
The system is primarily provided by system in
the Thai government through the
Ministry of Education, with a focus
on ensuring equal access to
education for all, regardless of
ability, gender, and social
Structure of the thai education system
Pre-School Education Secondary Education
Kindergarten levels of pre-primary Secondary education is divided into lower-
secondary (Mattayom 1 to 3) and upper-
education, which last for 2-3 years,
secondary (Mattayom 4 to 6) levels, with
are variably provided and are part the latter being further divided into
of the basic education level academic and vocational streams

Higher Education
Primary Education Higher education in Thailand includes public and
This stage consists of six private colleges and universities, which are
regulated by the Ministry of Education, offering
years of primary schooling, study programs in various fields like arts, medicine,
from Prathom 1 to 6, and is humanities, and information technology. Many Thai
compulsory for all children students choose to study subjects like law and
business abroad.
Classroom Grading
Environment System
Thai classrooms emphasize interactive Most undergraduate studies in Thailand
learning, encouraging students to use an 8-point grading system based on
participate in discussions, share percentages, grades, descriptions, and
opinions, and engage in debates. GPA. For graduate and post-graduate
Professors assign readings, studies, universities sometimes use a 10-
homework, and may require point grading system with more detailed
laboratory work or research papers. grade descriptions. Continuous
Class participation is often a assessment and participation can play
significant factor in grading significant roles in determining final
grades, beyond just exam performance
Most undergraduate studies in Thailand
use an 8-point grading system based on
percentages, grades, descriptions, and
GPA. For graduate and post-graduate
studies, universities sometimes use a 10-
point grading system with more detailed
grade descriptions. Continuous
assessment and participation can play
significant roles in determining final
grades, beyond just exam performance
Grading rubric
A grading rubric is used to ensure
consistency and fairness in evaluating
student performance. The grading
system in Thailand aims to provide a
comprehensive evaluation of student
performance, considering factors such
as class participation, assignments, and
exams. The classroom environment
encourages interactive learning and
critical thinking, preparing students for
their future academic and professional
Key features of the thai education system
Compulsory Vocational National
Education Learning Educational
A minimum of nine Vocational schools offer
years' school programs that prepare Students need to pass the
attendance is National Educational Test
students for (NET) to graduate from each
mandatory, with
employment or further level, and those who
children required to
studies, and students complete the sixth year of
attend at least six years high school are candidates
who choose the
of elementary school for the Ordinary National
and the first three years academic stream Educational Test (O-NET)
of high school usually intend to enter and the Advanced National
a university Educational Test (A-NET).
International Overall, the Thai education system
Collaboration has undergone significant evolution,
Thailand actively fosters influenced by historical, cultural, and
international collaboration socioeconomic factors, and is
to enrich its education
structured to provide a
system, with partnerships,
exchange programs, and comprehensive education that
global initiatives playing prepares students for various career
pivotal roles in this effort paths and further education
The Vietnamese education system
has undergone significant reforms
to provide quality education and
ensure equal access for all students,
regardless of their background or
socioeconomic status. The system system in
aims to prepare students for higher
education and future careers while
promoting personal growth and
social development. It is structured
to provide a comprehensive and
inclusive learning experience for
students at various levels of
Structure of the education system
Secondary Education
Pre-primary education
Secondary education is divided into lower
includes nursery and kindergarten secondary (grades 6-9) and upper
for children aged 3 months to 6 secondary (grades 10-12). Lower
years. It is offered by both the secondary education lasts for 4 years,
while upper secondary education lasts for
public and private sectors
3 years

Primary Education Higher Education

Lasts for 5 years, from grades 1 to 5, Higher education in Vietnam is offered by public
and private universities, junior colleges, and
for children aged 6 to 11. It is
academic research institutes. It includes
compulsory and free of charge, undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degree
although students need to pay for programs.
textbooks and uniforms.
Curriculum and subjects

The primary education curriculum is Secondary education focuses on

divided into two phases. Phase 1 (grades core subjects like Vietnamese
1-3) includes subjects like morality, language, mathematics, foreign
mathematics, physical education, languages, natural sciences, social
Vietnamese language, arts, and nature
sciences, and technology. Students
and society. Phase 2 (grades 4-5) covers
in upper secondary education can
science, Vietnamese language, arts,
basic techniques, mathematics, physical
choose elective courses to prepare
education, music, morality, geography, for higher education or the
and history workforce
Key features of the vietnam education system
Compulsory Centralized Public & non-
Education Management public
Primary The education system in institutions
Vietnam is centrally
education is managed by the Educational institutions
compulsory Ministry of Education
in Vietnam can be public
(managed by the state)
for all and Training (MOET),
or non-public (people-
Vietnamese which sets policies for founded, semi-public, or
all levels of education
children nter a university
Classroom Grading
Environment System
a crucial aspect that impacts the learning The grading system in Vietnam follows a 10-point
environment and student outcomes. Novice scale, where 10 is the highest and 0 is the lowest.
teachers in Vietnam are expected to The passing grade is 5, and the grading system may
demonstrate competence in managing vary depending on the educational institution. The
classrooms effectively. The study highlighted grading scale includes equivalents to the US
in one of the sources focuses on determining grading system, with descriptions ranging from
the classroom management competences of "Outstanding" to "Fail." Students are evaluated
novice Vietnamese teachers. Effective based on their performance in various subjects,
classroom management involves creating a with grades reflecting their level of achievement.
conducive learning environment, maintaining The grading system plays a significant role in
assessing student progress, determining academic
discipline, engaging students, and fostering a
success, and guiding educational outcomes in the
positive and interactive atmosphere for
Vietnamese education system
Ph education system
A comprehensive structure that covers both formal and non-formal education. It is tri-focalized
into basic, technical-vocational, and higher education under three different agencies: the
Department of Education (DepEd), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Formal basic education is mainly
provided by public schools, which constituted 83% of all basic education institutions in 2017.
An Alternative Learning System is available as a practical option to the existing formal
instruction. The medium of instruction in the Philippines is English and Filipino, with local
languages used in primary school in different provinces. The academic year usually commences
in June and ends in March or April
The philippines The education system in the Philippines is structured

Educational system into four key stages: Kindergarten to Grade 3 (Primary

School), Grades 4 to 6 (Intermediate School), Grades
7 to 10 (Junior High School), and Grades 11 to 12
On the other hand, Tertiary education in the (Senior High School). Formal basic education is
Philippines is regulated by the Commission primarily provided by public schools, with an
on Higher Education (CHED). Colleges offer Alternative Learning System available as a practical
specialized programs, while universities option. The K to 12 reform, implemented in 2012,
provide a wide array of undergraduate and introduced Kindergarten and Senior High School as
graduate degree programs. Public compulsory components of the education system. The
universities are government-funded, with curriculum includes core subjects like languages,
English as the medium of instruction. Mathematics, Sciences, ICT, Physical Education, and
Private tertiary institutions, both sectarian the Arts, with Technology and Livelihood Education
and non-sectarian, offer diverse programs. (TLE) subjects introduced in Grades 7 and 8. Students
Tertiary education typically consists of four- complete 12 years of education to receive a Senior
year degree programs with two semesters High School Diploma upon meeting academic and non-
per year academic requirements.
In comparison
• The USA has a decentralized • Thailand has had a 12-year • The Philippines recently
education system, while the education system for 36 years, transitioned to a K-12 system,
Philippines is more centralized while the Philippines is newer to while Vietnam has had a similar
under the Department of the K-12 model 12-year system for longer
• The Philippines has a higher
• The USA has compulsory • Both countries have compulsory
primary school enrollment rate,
education from ages 5-16, while the primary education, with the
with 91.7% of children enrolled
Philippines has 6 years of primary Philippines providing 6 years and
compared to 89.9% in Thailand
and 4 years of secondary Vietnam 5 years
• Thailand has a higher
secondary school enrollment •The Philippines has a higher
• The USA has a higher tertiary
rate, with 79.5% of students tertiary enrollment rate, with
enrollment rate, with 88.8% of high
school graduates enrolled enrolled compared to 65.9% in 35.5% of the population enrolled
compared to 35.5% in the the Philippines compared to 28.5% in Vietnam
• The Philippines spends a higher • Vietnam has a higher adult
• The USA has a higher adult percentage of GDP per capita on literacy rate of 95% compared to
literacy rate of 99% compared to primary education, at 14.1% 96.5% in the Philippines
96.5% in the Philippines compared to 13.8% in Thailand

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