Project Report Combined

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St: Dominic’s Convent English Medium Senior

Secondary School

A Project Report


AISSE 2022 Examination
[As a part of the Computer Application(165)]



Under the Guidance of:

TGT (Comp.Sc)

x Certificate

x Acknowledgement

x Requirements

x Html code

x Output



This is to certify that the Project entitled … a

bonafide work done by Master/Kumari ………............................... of

class X A session 2021-22 in partial fulfillment of CBSE’s AISSCE

Examination 2022 and has been carried out under my direct supervision

and guidance.

Name: ……….
Reg No.: ……………………

Signature of Internal Examiner

Place: Sreekrishnapuram


I undertook this Project work, as the part of my X Computer Application

course. I had tried to apply my best of knowledge and experience, gained during the
study and class work experience. However, developing software system is generally
a quite complex and time-consuming process. It requires a systematic study, insight
vision and professional approach during the design and development. Moreover, the
developer always feels the need, the help and good wishes of the people near you,
who have considerable experience and idea.

My endeavor stands incomplete without dedicating my gratitude to everyone

who has contributed a lot towards the successful completion of my project work.
First of all I offer my sincere thanks to my parents for their blessings. I am indebted
to God almighty for blessing me with his grace and taking our endeavor to a
successful culmination. I am very much thankful to our Principal Sister Joisy O.P.
for giving valuable time and moral support to develop this software. I would like to
extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to my teacher Aswathi for her proper
guidance throughout the project.

I also feel indebted to my friends for the valuable suggestions during the project
work, as we developed this project as a group work.



¾ Printer, to print the required documents of the project

¾ Compact Drive
¾ Processor : Pentium III
¾ Ram : 64 MB
¾ Hard disk: 20 GB.


¾ Operating system : Windows XP

¾ Notepad, Web browser for execution of program and
¾ MS word, for presentation of output.


First developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, HTML is short for Hypertext

Markup Language. HTML is used to create electronic documents (called pages)
that are displayed on the World Wide Web. Each page contains a series of
connections to other pages called hyperlinks. Every web page you see on the
Internet is written using one version of HTML code or another. The first version
of HTML was officially published in 1993.The fifth version of HTML5 which is
the latest draft published in 2008 could only be finalized in the year 2914 by
W3C(WWW consortium

9 Easy to use
9 Supported on almost every browser
9 Widely used
9 Easy to learn and code

The explosive growth of the World Wide Web is relatively unprecedented although it
resembles the desk top publishing revolution of the early and mid – 1980s.Suddenly,
The same kind of growth is being seen as folks rush to create and publish pages of a
different sorts. To do this, they need to learn to use something called the Hypertext
Mark-up Language [HTML].HTML developed a few years ago as a subset of SGML
[Standard Generalized Mark-up Language],which is a higher-level mark-up language
that has long been a favorite of the department of Defense. Like html, it describes
formatting and hypertext links and also defines different components of a document.
HTML is definitely simpler of two and although they are related, there are few
browsers that support both.

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