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P.O.B 175, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Topic: Reflection Essay

An Assignment

Presented in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Course

IDSC110: College Success and Career Planning

Instructor: Janine Mc Ewen-Simmons

By: Shemar Braithwaite

Date: 4th April 2023

I have learned important lessons this semester that will help me excel in both my

academic and professional endeavors. I have gained valuable knowledge about time

management, study skills, critical thinking, and job exploration through a combination of

lectures, activities, and evaluations. In addition, I have created a detailed strategy to assist me in

achieving my academic and professional objectives. I now have the information and abilities

need to succeed in college and beyond thanks to completing this course. I have no doubt that this

course has given me a solid basis for a prosperous future, and I can't wait to put what I've learned

to use in my academic and professional aspirations. Although this may be my last semester, I

will use this knowledge when I continue my studies. I appreciate the guidance and materials

offered by this course as well as the chance to broaden my knowledge and skills. I'm eager to use

these fresh skills to the best of my ability in college and beyond.

The topic “Transitional Issues” was the most important to me because transitional issues

are an essential topic for this course because they are crucial to understanding and navigating the

college experience successfully. College is a significant transition for most students, and

adjusting to the new environment can be challenging. Students often face issues such as time

management, stress, homesickness, and social adjustment, among others. By discussing and

addressing these transitional issues, students can learn effective strategies for coping with these

challenges and making the most of their college experience. Additionally, these skills are

transferable to the workplace, making them relevant to career planning. Therefore, by including

transitional issues as a topic in the College Success and Career Planning course, students can

gain the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve both academic and professional success.

As I navigate my college experience, I recognize that implementing time management

into my daily routine is crucial for achieving academic success. To manage my time effectively,
I can start by making a schedule using a planner or an app. I will prioritize tasks to help me stay

focused and avoid procrastination. It's also important to minimize distractions, so I will find a

quiet place to study, turn off my phone, and avoid social media during study time. Breaking tasks

into smaller chunks can make them more manageable, and I can use downtime between classes

to review notes or complete small tasks. I understand that time management is a skill that takes

practice, and it's essential to find a routine that works for me. By implementing these strategies, I

am confident that I can effectively manage my time and achieve academic success in college.

First-year students should take this course in order to thrive academically and

professionally. It gives them the knowledge and abilities they need to do so. The course aids

first-year students in understanding and navigating the huge adjustment that college represents

for many of them. It gives students the resources they need to manage their time effectively,

learn to think critically, and explore their career options. These abilities are crucial for academic

performance and can support students in laying a solid basis for their future professional

aspirations. Students have the chance to investigate numerous career choices as part of the

course, which helps them better understand their interests and passions. Overall, the course is

essential for first-year students as it not only helps them succeed academically but also prepares

them for a successful and fulfilling career.

To conclude, this course is designed to help students navigate their college experience

effectively and prepare them for a successful career. The course covers a range of essential

topics, including time management, study skills, critical thinking, career exploration, and

transitional issues. By learning these skills and strategies, students can manage their time

efficiently, succeed academically, and make informed decisions about their career paths. Overall,
this course is an essential course for first-year students as it equips them with the necessary skills

and knowledge needed to thrive in college and beyond.

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