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Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering LAB VIVA Question Paper

Time: 10 minute Max mark: 10

1. Write Expression for Bernoulis principle. (2 mark)

2. Define co-efficient of contraction of orifice meter? (2 mark)

3. What is vena-contracta? (2 mark)

4. List any 2 applications of Bernoulis principle (2 marks)

5. In an aqueduct, natural drainage --------------- the canal

a) Parallel to
b) Below
c) At the level of
d) Above (1 mark)

6. The canal water flows freely under gravity in which of the following CD works?
a) Aqueduct and Super passage
b) Super passage and Syphon
c) Canal Syphon and Aqueduct
d) Level-crossing and inlets outlets (1 mark)

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