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Exercise 1

Choose the correct answer.

1. The nurse sat/ satted me down and explained the procedure.
2. Rohan buyed /bought five pairs of shoes this year.
3. The brave warriors fighted / fought till the end.
4. The woodcutter cut/ cutted the trees with a saw.
5. The nightingale sanged/ sang for two hours.
6. The mother cat catched/ caught a fish in the river and taked/ took it to her kitten.

Exercise 2
Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences, if necessary:
1. Students goned home after the exams.
2. He’s felled off a ladder.
3. Splash has catched a mouse.
4. You gived him two sweeties.
5. She has waked up now.
6. I shutted the door tight.
7. Did the postman sended it?
8. The little boy fell and hurted his knee.
9. The wound bleeded for a good 5 minutes before it stopped
10. The two naughty boys fighted over a lollypop.
11. The power went off so I lighted candles all over the house.
12. I was so hungry that I eated my sandwich in four large bites.
13. My teacher teached us to first listen and then answer.
14. His brother builded a new house in the city.
15. The house costed him 40 Lac rupees.
16. Reema choosed to go and live in another city.
17. She holded her crying baby for a long time.
18. Raju stealed my wallet when I was not looking.
19. Raju lied to me.
20. Robert swimmed across the Giri River to reach the ashram.
21. Sanjay drived non-stop for six hours.
22. The sun came out and everyone hanged their clothes out to dry.
23. I want to become a doctor but I became a lawyer.
24. Have you token it?
25. The little pig knowed it was a wolf.

Exercise 3
In this extract, the irregular verbs appear in brackets in their base forms. Replace them with the
appropriate form of the irregular verb. Read aloud with the correct expressions.

Last Wednesday, I (wake) up early, as I had to catch the sunrise. I (have) a quick breakfast, (get) my
bike out, and (leave) the house with plenty of time. That’s what I (think). At the end of the road, the
chain (come) off. I (get) off, (say) some kind words to the bike, and (put) it back on. Then, of course, it
(do) it again, and (keep) doing it all the way to the viewing point. It (take) 20 minutes to do the 5-
minute journey. I (put) my bike in the lock-up stand,(buy) my ticket, and (go) to find the right place to
stand. On the way, I (meet) Arnav. “You’ve (get) black marks on your trousers,” he (say). I looked
down. Sure enough, on the right leg I (see) a horrible oily smear. The chain must have (catch) against
them, though I hadn’t (feel) anything at the time. I (think), “I’d have enough time to get them cleaned”
and (go) into the washroom but that’s where things really (begin) to go wrong. The floor had been
recently washed. I slipped, I ( fall), and I (find) myself on the floor with a twisted ankle.

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