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Higher Nationals in Engineering

Unit: 11 Fluid Mechanics
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in

Fluid Mechanics Assessment 1

Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title 11: Fluid Mechanics
Academic Year 2024
Unit Tutor Kiran Ragoo
Assignment Title Hydrostatic Forces and Viscosity
Issue Date Monday, April 15, 2024
Submission Date Friday, May 10, 2024
IV Name & Date

Submission Format
The submission is in the form of calculations supported by written response.

All work cited should be referenced appropriately using the Chicago Sixteenth Edition style as necessary.
Behavioural Characteristics of Static Fluid Systems
Question 1:
a. Explain the concepts of force and centre of pressure acting on submerged surfaces in fluid mechanics.

b. Describe the factors that influence the magnitude and direction of the force exerted by a static fluid
on a submerged surface.

c. Discuss the significance of accurately determining the centre of pressure for engineering designs
involving fluid containment structures or submerged objects.

Question 2:
a. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force exerted by a static fluid on a submerged
rectangular gate with dimensions 2m x 3m, submerged vertically in water with a depth of 5m. Assume
the gate is located in a fluid with a specific weight of 9810 N/m³.

b. Determine the location of the centre of pressure on the submerged surface of the rectangular gate.

c. Discuss how variations in fluid density or gate geometry affect the calculated force and centre of
pressure, and their implications for engineering design and safety.

Question 3:
a. Explain the parameters of hydraulic devices used in the transmission of force, such as hydraulic
cylinders, pistons, and valves.

b. Determine the pressure exerted by a hydraulic cylinder with a piston diameter of 0.1m and a force of
5000 N acting on the piston. Assume the hydraulic fluid has a density of 850 kg/m³.

c. Discuss the advantages and limitations of hydraulic systems in transmitting force compared to
mechanical systems, considering factors such as efficiency, precision, and maintenance requirements.

Question 4:
a. Explain the principles of operation and limitations of manometers used to measure pressure in fluid

b. Discuss the use of a U-tube manometer to measure the pressure difference between two points in a
pipeline. Calculate the pressure difference if the height difference between the two arms of the
manometer is 0.3m and the fluid density is 1000 kg/m³.

c. Analyse the factors that can affect the accuracy and reliability of pressure measurements obtained
using manometers, such as fluid viscosity, temperature variations, and manometer design.

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Operating Principles and Limitations of Viscosity Measuring Devices

Question 1:
a. Describe the operating principles of viscosity measuring devices used in fluid mechanics.

b. Explain the constraints associated with different types of viscometers, such as capillary viscometers,
rotational viscometers, and falling ball viscometers.

c. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each viscometer type in terms of accuracy, precision,
ease of use, and suitability for different types of fluids and applications.

Question 2:
a. Explain the relationship between temperature and viscosity in fluids, considering the effects of
changes in molecular motion and intermolecular forces.

b. You are tasked with analyzing the relationship between temperature and viscosity in a specific fluid. The fluid in
question exhibits Newtonian behavior, meaning its viscosity changes linearly with temperature. Given the
following data:
• At a reference temperature of T0=25∘C, the viscosity (μ0) of the fluid is 0.1Pa⋅s.
• The activation energy (E) for the fluid is 40,000J/mol.
• The universal gas constant (R) is 8.314J/mol⋅K.
Calculate the viscosity (μ) of the fluid at a temperature of T=50∘C using the Arrhenius equation

c. Discuss how changes in temperature affect fluid viscosity and its implications for industrial
processes, such as lubrication, polymer processing, and food manufacturing.

Question 3:
a. Explain the effects of temperature and shear forces on the viscosity of both Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids.

b. Provide examples of Newtonian fluids, such as water and air, and non-Newtonian fluids, such as
blood, toothpaste, and polymer solutions.

c. Discuss how temperature variations and shear rate influence the viscosity behaviour of Newtonian
and non-Newtonian fluids, including shear-thinning, shear-thickening, and time-dependent viscosity
Question 4:
a. Illustrate the results of a viscosity test conducted on a Newtonian fluid at various temperatures,
comparing the experimental data with values provided in a viscosity-temperature data sheet.

b. Explain any discrepancies observed between the experimental and data sheet values, considering
factors such as experimental errors, sample purity, calibration accuracy, and uncertainties in the data
sheet information.

c. Discuss the importance of validating viscosity measurements and the implications of discrepancies
for engineering applications requiring precise viscosity control, such as pharmaceutical formulations,
oil drilling fluids, and inkjet printing.

Dynamic Fluid Parameters of Real Fluid Flow

Question 1:

a. Explain Bernoulli's equation and its significance in fluid mechanics.

b. Determine the parameters of a flowing fluid, such as pressure, velocity, and elevation, using
Bernoulli's equation for a given flow situation.

c. Discuss the practical applications of Bernoulli's equation in engineering, such as calculating pressure
drops in pipelines, designing hydraulic systems, and analysing airflow in ventilation systems.

Question 2:
a. Define Reynolds number and explain its significance in characterizing fluid flow behaviour.

b. Calculate the Reynolds number for a fluid flow situation given the fluid density, velocity,
characteristic length, and dynamic viscosity. (use an example)

c. Discuss how Reynolds number affects fluid flow patterns, including laminar, transitional, and
turbulent flow regimes, and its implications for engineering designs in various applications, such as
pipes, aircraft wings, and blood flow in arteries.

Question 3:
a. Explain the concepts of aerodynamic drag and lift on aerofoils, including their causes and effects on
aircraft performance.

b. Discuss how factors such as air foil shape, angle of attack, and airspeed influence aerodynamic drag
and lift forces.

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c. Provide examples of engineering applications where understanding aerodynamic forces is critical,
such as aircraft design, wind turbine performance optimization, and automotive aerodynamics.

Question 4:
a. Determine the head losses accumulated by a fluid flowing in a pipeline for various applications,
considering factors such as pipe diameter, fluid velocity, viscosity, and pipe roughness.

b. Discuss the practical implications of head losses in pipeline systems, including energy consumption,
pressure drop, and system efficiency, and how engineers can mitigate these losses through proper
design, material selection, and flow control strategies.


Question 1:
a. Explain the operating principles of hydraulic machines, specifically focusing on water turbines.

b. Define the efficiency of a water turbine and discuss factors that influence its efficiency, such as
design, flow rate, and head height.

c. Determine the efficiency of a water turbine given the input and output power and discuss the
significance of the calculated efficiency in practical applications.

Question 2:
a. Describe the operating principles of centrifugal pumps and their role in fluid transfer applications.

b. Calculate the input power requirements of a centrifugal pump using the pump efficiency, flow rate,
head height, and fluid properties. For example, consider a centrifugal pump with an efficiency of 80%,
a flow rate of 0.1 m³/s, a head height of 10 meters, and a fluid density of 1000 kg/m³.

c. Discuss the importance of accurately estimating the input power requirements for centrifugal pumps
in engineering design and system optimization.

Question 3 :
a. Identify and describe limitations associated with different types of water turbines, such as impulse
and reaction turbines, in terms of efficiency, operating range, maintenance requirements, and
environmental impact.
b. Discuss how design factors, such as blade geometry, flow conditions, and site characteristics,
influence the performance and limitations of water turbines in various hydroelectric power generation

Question 4:
a. Describe the ecological impact of hydroelectric power generation, considering factors such as habitat
disruption, alteration of river ecosystems, fish migration barriers, and changes in water temperature and
quality. For instance, analyse the ecological impact of a hydroelectric dam project on a specific river

b. Analyse arguments concerning the ecological impact of hydroelectric power, including both benefits
(reduced greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy generation) and drawbacks (ecosystem
disturbance, loss of biodiversity) from environmental, social, and economic perspectives.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Determine behavioural characteristics of static fluid D1 Explain the use and
systems limitations of
P1 Describe force and M1 Determine the manometers to
centre of pressure on parameters of hydraulic measure pressure
submerged surfaces devices that are used in
the transmission of force
P2 Carry out appropriate
calculations on force and
centre of pressure on
submerged surfaces

LO2 Examine the operating principles and limitations of D2 Illustrate the results
viscosity measuring devices of a viscosity test on a
P3 Explain the operation M2 Explain, with Newtonian fluid at
and constraints of different examples, the effects of various temperatures
viscometers that quantify temperature and shear with that which is given
viscosity in fluids. forces on Newtonian and on a data sheet and
non-Newtonian fluids. explain discrepancies.
P4 Carry out appropriate
calculations on the effect of
changes in temperature
and other constraints on
the viscosity of a fluid.

LO3 Investigate dynamic fluid parameters of real fluid D3 Determine the head
flow losses accumulated by a
P5 Determine parameters M3 Explain the effect of fluid when flowing in a
of a flowing fluid using aerodynamic drag and lift pipeline for various
Bernoulli’s Equation. on aerofoils. applications.

P6 Define the flow of a fluid

using Reynold’s numbers
and the significance of this

LO4 Explore the operating principles and efficiencies of D4 Describe and

hydraulic machines analyse the arguments
P7 Determine the efficiency M4 Identify the limitations concerning the
of a water turbine. that exist within different ecological impact of
types of water turbine. hydroelectric power.
P8 Calculate the input
power requirements of
centrifugal pumps.

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