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Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2006) 8: 577–594  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s11051-006-9090-9

Bridging the scales in nano engineering and science

Jacob Fish
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
12180, USA (E-mail:

Received 29 November 2005; accepted in revised form 10 February 2006

Key words: multiscale, concurrent, information-passing, multigrid, homogenization, enrichment, atomis-

tic, scale bridging, nanoscale science and engineering


This review article describes various multiscale approaches, development of which was spurred by the
emergence of nanotechnology. The multiscale approaches are grouped into two main categories:
information-passing and concurrent. In the concurrent multiscale methods both, the discrete and
continuum scales are simultaneously resolved, whereas in the information-passing schemes, the dis-
crete scale is modelled and its gross response is infused into the continuum scale. Most of the
information-passing approaches provide sublinear computational complexity, (i.e., scales sublinearly
with the cost of solving a fine scale problem), but the quantities of interest are limited to or defined
only on the coarse scale. The issues of appropriate scale selection and uncertainty quantification are
also reviewed.

Introduction predominant surface effects that would result in

too stiff behaviour. On the other hand, a brute
The need for new simulation technologies force approach of modelling the rotary motor
entirely on atomistic scale would necessitate bil-
Consider two engines depicted in Figure 1. The lions of unknowns and consideration of time scales
size of the jet engine shown in Figure 1a is of order on the order of 10)15 s.
of meters; continuum description by means of This suggests a multiscale computational para-
partial differential equations prevails, and conse- digm where important atomistic features could be
quently, it is appropriate to use discretization captured at a fraction of computational cost
methods such as finite elements or finite differ- required by atomistic simulation of the entire
ences. On the other hand, the rotary motor in system (Rudd & Broughton, 1998).
Figure 1b has a diameter of 30 nm. It drives Sal-
monella and E. coli bacteria by rotating at around Examples and qualification of multiscale methods
20,000 rpm, at energy consumption of around
10)16 W and with energy conversion efficiency A modelling and simulation approach is termed
close to 100% (Namba, 2004). multiscale if it is capable of resolving certain
This remarkably efficient nano-engine does not quantities of interest with a significantly lower cost
obey continuum principles because it is simply too than solving the corresponding fine-scale system.
small; continuum description does not account for Schematically, a multiscale method has to satisfy

the so-called Accuracy and Cost Requirements

(ACR) test:
Error in quantities of interest < tol

Cost of multiscale solver

Cost of fine scale solver
This review article focuses on two categories of Figure 2. A photograph of a nanomachine developed at
multiscale approaches: information-passing and Sandia made by a scanning electron microscope. The
concurrent. In the information-passing multiscale nanomachine is used to drive a microscopic mirror.
approach (see Section 2), the discrete scale is
modelled and its gross response is infused into one of the information-passing approaches (see
continuum (or discrete coarse-grained) scale, Section 2). In these critical regions, discrete rep-
whereas in the concurrent approach (see Section resentation must be considered instead, giving rise
3), both, the discrete and continuum scales (or to the concurrent modelling (see Section 3)
coarse-grained) are simultaneously resolved. The (Figures 3 and 4).
issue of quantification of modelling errors intro- Similar scale bridging technologies are needed
duced due to introduction of coarser scales is dis- for modelling of nanonwires (Liang & Zhou, 2004;
cussed in Section 4. Park & Zimmerman, 2005), nanobelts, nanohelixes
To motivate the need for the two scale-bridging and nanorings (Wang, 2004; Wang et al., 2004;
technologies, we consider several applications. Kulkarni et al., 2005). Atomistic modelling of
First, is a nanomachine depicted in Figure 2. these nano-components have recently allowed the
The device is about 50 microns across or half of discovery of a novel shape memory effect and the
the typical human hair thickness. The size of the
device does not allow accurate representation of
processes in the contact region by continuum
material description, which can be derived from

Figure 3. Physical (a) and computational (b) models of

Figure 1. (a) macro-engine, (b) nano-engine. nanowires (Liang & Zhou, 2004).

Figure 5. Molecular dynamics simulations to reveal the

spreading mechanism for binary polymer droplets (Heine
et al., 2005).

Figure 4. Nanobelts, nanohelixes and nanorings (Wang, that this quantities are computable from the
2004; Wang et al., 2004). fine scale), and
(ii) special features of the fine scale problem, such
as scale separation and self-similarity, are
ability of recovering elongations of up to 50% taken advantage of.
under tensile loading and unloading as opposed to On the other hand, for the concurrent multiscale
5–8% typical for most bulk shape memory alloys. approach to pass the ACR test, the following
Interestingly, this phenomenon only exists at the conditions must be satisfied:
nanometer scale and is associated with a reversible
crystallographic lattice reorientation driven by the (i) the interface (or interphase) between the fine
high surface-stress-induced internal stresses at the and coarse scales should be properly engi-
nanoscale. It is strongly size- and temperature- neered (see Section 3), and
dependent. Multiscale issues involve continuum (iia) the information-passing multiscale approach
thermomechanical modelling and coupling of of choice should serve as an adequate mech-
atomistic and continuum descriptions (Liang & anism for capturing the lower frequency
Zhou, 2005). These capabilities are needed to response of the fine-scale system, or alterna-
design stronger, defect-resistant nanostructures, as tively,
advanced sensors, and as high strength structural (iib) the fine scale model should be limited to a
reinforcing materials. small part of the computational domain.
Another important phenomenon which requires The ACR condition (iia) represents a stronger
fine scale (atomistic) resolution in the vicinity of requirement typically satisfied by multigrid-based
free surfaces and coarse-grained modelling in the concurrent methods (see Section 3.3), but not by
interior is a process of wetting and spreading domain bridging (Section 3.1) or local enrichment
(Heine et al., 2005). In applications involving (Section 3.2) concurrent methods. It is important
liquid state transport at the nano scale, traditional to note that even though concurrent approaches
hydrodynamic theories for wetting kinetics are no may pass the ACR test, their computational cost
longer valid as surface tension effects become will typically exceed that of the information-passing
dominant. Studying this length scale of liquids methods. Nevertheless, they offer a distinct
wetting solids via experiment is met with a number advantage over the information-passing methods
of difficulties and a great benefit can be derived by virtue of being able to resolve fine scale details
from the information-passing and concurrent in critical regions. Therefore, concurrent multi-
multiscale modelling of this phenomenon (Webb scale approaches are typically pursued when the
et al., 2005) (Figure 5). fine scale information is either necessary, or if not
To this end, we focus on the qualification of resolved, may pollute significant errors on the
multiscale methods. Loosely speaking, the infor- coarse scale information of interest.
mation-passing multiscale approach is likely to For complementary reading we refer to an
pass the so-called ACR test provided that: excellent review articles (Ghoniem & Cho, 2002;
(i) the quantities of interest are limited to or Curtin & Miller, 2003; Aubry et al., 2004; Chong,
defined only on the coarse scale (provided 2004; Liu et al., 2004; McVeigh et al., 2006).

The importance of simulation to nanotechnology scale models are two-way coupled, i.e., the infor-
mation continuously flows between the scales.
The potential impact of multiscale science and In this section we review several information-
engineering on nanotechnology has been realized passing bridging technique including: the Force
by a number of government agencies. The FY2004 field calibration method, which constructs effective
National Nanotechnology Bill authorizing $3.7 interatomic potentials and eliminates the need for
billion over the next four years which among explicitly tracing the evolution of electronic
others calls for ‘urgent need for theory, modelling, structure; the Generalized Mathematical Homog-
large-scale computer simulation, and new design enization (GMH) theory (Fish & Schwob, 2003;
tools in order to understand, control, and accel- Fish et al., 2005; Chen & Fish, 2006; Fish & Chen,
erate (nanotechnology) development’ (Marburger 2006a), which constructs an equivalent continuum
et al., 2004). Lead by Roco (Roco, 2000), NSF description directly from molecular dynamics
announced a multiple-year program (NSF, 2001) (MD) equations; the Quasicontinuum method
on collaborative research in the area of nanoscale (Tadmor et al., 1996), which can be viewed as an
science and engineering, which among others calls engineering counterpart of the mathematical
for ‘computation and information technology.’ homogenization; the Multiscale Enrichment based
NSF Blue Ribbon Panel on Simulation-Based on the Partition of Unity (MEPU) method (Fish &
Engineering Science (SBES) identified scale Yuan, 2005), which gives rise to the enriched
bridging as a major barrier (Oden et al., 2006). coarse grained formulation; the Heterogeneous
NSF, NIH, NASA and DOE have joined to Multiscale Method (HMM) (E et al., 2003), which
announce the ‘Interagency Opportunities in Multi- provides equivalent coarse scale integrands; the
Scale Modelling in Biomedical, Biological and Variational Multiscale Method (VMS) (Hughes,
Behavioural Sciences’. The recent $8.5 million 1995), which can be viewed as an equivalent coarse
DOE program on ‘Multiscale Mathematics scale element builder; the Coarse-Grained Molec-
Research and Education’, calls for research and ular Dynamics (CGMD) (Rudd & Broughton,
education ‘‘in applied mathematics needed to break 1998), which derives effective Hamiltonian for the
through the current barriers in our understanding coarse-grained problem; the Discontinuous
of complex physical processes that occur on a wide Galerkin (DG) Method (Hou & Wu, 1997), which
range of interacting length- and time-scales.’’ constructs discontinuous enrichment; the equa-
In 2004 alone, DOE has organized three work- tion-free method (EFM) (Kevrekidis et al., 2004),
shops on multiscale mathematics with emphasis on which makes no assumption on the response of the
discrete to continuum scale bridging. Over a sim- coarse scale problem; proper orthogonal decom-
ilar period, NSF co-sponsored four workshops on position (POD) which generates a set of ‘‘snap-
multiscale modelling. Strong interest in academic shots’’ on the fine scale to create a reduced-space
community lead to the introduction of two inter- basis; the Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) and
disciplinary multiscale journals: the SIAM Multi- atomistically informed Dislocation Dynamics (DD)
scale Modelling and Simulation Journal (SIAM), methods, which bridge diverse scales by calibrating
and the Int. J. for Multiscale Computational certain KMC and DD parameters from molecular
Engineering (Begell). dynamics or quantum mechanics calculations.

Force field calibration

Information-passing multiscale methods
On the subnanometer scale, the evolution of the
In the information-passing multiscale methods, electronic structure is tracked using quantum
calculations at finer scale, and of high-computational mechanical models based on the density-functional
complexity, are used to evaluate certain quantities theory (DFT) (Parr & Yang, 1989). Higher level
for use in a more approximate or phenomenolog- quantum chemical calculation and explicit Van der
ical computational methodology at a longer Waals interaction parameter can be used to
length/time scale. This type of scale bridging is describe interactions for weakly bound systems
also known as sequential, serial or parameter- (Wu et al., 2001), and Car-Parinello molecular
passing. For nonlinear problems, fine and coarse dynamics (Car & Parrinello, 1985) to study

dynamical evolution of systems. Relatively small The primary objective of GMH is to construct
systems (10,000 atoms) can be modelled by these continuum equations directly from Molecular
methods. Quantum simulations are typically five Dynamics (MD) equations
to six orders of magnitude more computational
demanding than classical molecular dynamics mi ðYi Þui ðXi ; Yi ; t; sÞ ¼ fij ðxij Þ ð2Þ
methods. Alternative methods to model electronic e j6¼i
structure in systems containing millions of atoms
have been demonstrated using empirical tight where fij ; xij are the interatomic force and the
binding. Recent research efforts (Aidun, 2005) are radius vector between atoms i and j, respectively;
focussing on developing information-passing and mi is the mass of atom i. Capital and lower
multiscale methods that construct effective inter- case letters denote initial and current positions of
atomic potentials aimed at eliminating the need atoms, respectively. In Eq. (2) for simplicity pair-
for explicitly tracing the evolution of electronic wise interatomic potential is considered, which
structure (Brenner, 1990; van Duin et al., 2001). may be inadequate for solids. Expanding
These types of methods have the potential of xij ¼ ex0ij þ e2 x1ij þ    in asymptotic sequence and
modelling systems of up to 100s of millions of the force field fij in Taylor’s series expansion
atoms (few 100 nm). For instance in van Duin around the leading order term ex0ij yields a set of
et al. (2001), a general bond-order-dependent coupled continuum-atomistic governing equa-
potential in which the van der Waals and Coulomb tions:
forces are included from the beginning and the (i) Fine scale equation:
dissociation and reaction curves are derived from
QC calculations. An accurate description of m i @ 2 u1 X
¼ fij
quantum phenomena such as resonance, unsatu- e @s2 jð6¼iÞ
rated valences in radical systems and chemical     
reactions have been obtained. While van Duin  ðFðu0 Þ  Xij þ e u1 ðxj Þ  u1 ðxi Þ
et al. (2001) was restricted to hydrocarbons, the
subjected to the deformation gradient F(u0) and
framework developed is valid for any molecular
temperature T obtained from the continuum
system of any class of compounds (Strachan et al.,
(ii) Coarse scale mechanical equation

Generalized Mathematical Homogenization @ 2 u0 ðX; tÞ

q0  rX  hPi ¼ 0
(GMH) theory @t2

In the GMH approach a multiple scale space–time 1 Xn X

asymptotic expansion is employed to approximate PðX; t; sÞ ¼ ½fij  Xij 

2H i¼1 j6¼i
the displacement field
(ii) Heat flow (coarse scale) equation
uðx; y; s; t; si Þ ¼ u0 þ eu1 . . . ð1Þ
@ hTi @u0 ðX;tÞ
where x is a differentiable continuum coordi- C rX  hqðX;t;sÞi¼2hPi:rX
nate; y=x/e the discrete coordinate denoting @t @t
position of atoms in a unit cell and 0<e  1; s  
the fast time coordinate, which tracks vibration 1 Xn X
@u0 @u1i
qðX; t; sÞ ¼ 2 þ ðfij Xij Þ
of atoms for finite temperature applications; t 2H i¼1 j6¼i @t @s
the usual time coordinate; si the slow time
coordinates, which from the physics point of where P and q are the First Piola–Kirchhoff stress
view capture dispersion effects, whereas from tensor and thermal flux vector, respectively; T the
the mathematics point of view eliminate secu- temperature; q the density; H the volume of the
larity of asymptotic expansions. We first outline atomistic unit cell; rX  ðÞ the divergence operator
the O(1) GMH theory without consideration of with respect to the initial coordinates; Xij the initial
slow time scales. separation between atoms i and j.

The temporal averaging operator is defined as (Chen & Fish, 2006). It can be seen that the GMH
Z theory offers a comparable accuracy to MD sim-
1 s0
hvðsÞi ¼ vðsÞds ulation despite significant cost reduction.
s0 0 To this end we note that for the GMH approach
where s0 is a characteristic time period of the to be valid both the temporal and spatial scales
function v(s). have to be separable. For instance, if the essential
It can be seen that the First Piola–Kirchoff events of the faster fine scale model occur on the
stress derived from the O(1) GMH theory coin- same time scales as the details of processes com-
cides with the mechanical term in the virial stress puted using the slower coarse model, then the time
formula (Irving & Kirkwood, 1950; Hardy, 1982 scales cannot be separated. Likewise, if the wave-
among others). For more details on the O(1) length of the travelling signal is of the order of
GMH theory and its numerical implementation magnitude of the fine scale features, then the
see Fish et al. (2005) and Fish and Chen (2006a). spatial scales cannot be separated.
The motivation for introduction of slow time
scales was given in Fish and Chen (2001), where it Quasicontinuum
has been shown that in absencepofffiffi slow time scales
the scaling parameter e ¼ Oð tÞ becomes time Quasicontinuum is a continuum description where
dependent, where t is the normalized time coor- constitutive equations are constructed directly
dinate. Consequently, as t ! 1 the asymptotic from atomistics rather than from a phenomenological
expansion becomes no longer uniformly valid. constitutive model. The atomistically informed
Higher order GMH theory incorporating slow constitutive model is adequate as long as contin-
time scales leads to the nonlocal continuum uum fields are slowly varying over a unit cell
description (Fish et al., 2002a, b; Fish & Schwob, domain. In its original form (Tadmor et al., 1996)
2003). Alternatively, a close form solution for slow the quasicontinuum method was formulated for
time scales can be obtained leading to an algebraic simple Bravais crystals assuming uniform deformation
system of equations with a single time scale (Chen & of atoms. In a more general case with heteroge-
Fish, 2006). Extension of the GMH theory to finite neous interatomic potentials, a unit cell problem
temperatures using fast time scales has been given has to be solved instead (Tadmor et al., 1999). In
in Fish et al. (2005) and Fish and Chen (2006a). this more general scenario, the quasicontinuum
Figure 6 compares the GMH, with the spatial resembles GMH and as such it can be viewed as an
homogenization approach developed in Chung engineering counterpart of the mathematical theory.
(2004) and molecular dynamics simulation for Note that both the ‘‘engineering’’ and mathemat-
wave propagation in a layered lattice structure ical homogenization methods involve solution of
an atomistic unit cell problem and subsequently
feeding the continuum problem with effective
Horizontal displacement (angstrom)

0.08 Classical homogenization Multiscale enrichment based on the partition
0.06 MD of unity
0.02 Multiscale enrichment based on partition of unity
(MEPU) (Fish & Yuan, 2005) is a synthesis of the
generalized mathematical homogenization (Chen &
Fish, 2006) and partition of unity (Babuska et al.,
1994; Melenk & Babuska, 1996; Moes et al., 1999)
–0.06 methods. MEPU can be used to enrich the coarse
0 5 10 15 20 scale continuum description or the coarse-grained
Time (picosecond) discrete formulations. It is primarily intended to
Figure 6. Comparison of GMH with classical (spatial) extend the range of applicability of the mathe-
homogenization and molecular dynamics (MD) simula- matical homogenization theory to problems where
tions. scale separation may not be valid, such as in the

case of nonperiodic solutions or problems where

the coarse solution may rapidly vary over the
domain of a unit cell.
MEPU belongs to the category of methods
employing hierarchical decomposition of the
approximation space in the form of
u ¼ u c þ uf ð3Þ
where uc and uf are the coarse and fine scale
solutions, respectively. Note that in GMH
uc=u0(x) and uf  eu1 ðx; yÞ. In MEPU, on the
other hand,
u¼ NðxÞd þ HðxÞNðxÞa ð4Þ

where N are the coarse scale element shape func-

tions; H(x) the influence function obtained from
the unit cell solution; d, a the nodal and enrich-
Figure 7. MD model of a polymer.
ment degrees-of-freedom, respectively. The influ-
ence functions can be either discrete (obtained
from the atomistic unit cell) or continuous. MEPU level to give effective coarse scale elements as
allows consideration of nonperiodic fields by opposed to effective fields or material properties in
associating different unit cells with different Gauss the GMH approach. Alternatively, a better accu-
points in the coarse scale elements. racy can be obtained by enforcing enrichment
To reduce the computational cost, homogeni- functions to vanish on the element boundaries in
zation-like integration scheme is devised. By this the weak sense.
approach the value of a function at a Gauss point VMS can be easily extended to enriching coarse
of a coarse scale element is replaced by an average grained descriptions. In this scenario the coarse
computed over a unit cell domain centred at a grained description which amounts to interpolat-
Gauss point. It has been proved that the accuracy ing the solution between the representative atoms,
of the homogenization-like integration scheme is (element nodes in Figure 8) can be enriched using
of order O(1/n) where n is a number of unit cells in the kinematics of individual atoms in the areas
the coarse scale element domain. where such enrichment in necessary. Since posi-
Figure 7 depicts a molecular model of a polymer tions of atoms may not coincide with coarse scale
subjected to uniform macroscopic fields. The element boundaries, homogeneous boundary con-
polymer has been modelled using a single MEPU dition of atoms residing in the close vicinity to the
element with nine degrees of freedom per node element boundaries can be enforced (weakly on in
(Fish & Yuan 2005). The error in the L2 norm of the strong sense) as shown in Figure 8.
displacements was 2% compared to the 9% using
quasicontinuum method. Heterogeneous multiscale method

Variational multiscale method The basic idea of the heterogeneous multiscale

method (HMM) is to approximate the coarse scale
The variational multiscale method (VMS) was integrands by data computed from the auxiliary
originally developed for enriching continuum fine scale problem (E et al., 2003). The auxiliary
solutions with fine scale continuum description. fine scale problem is an atomistic cell subjected to
Most common implementation of the method boundary conditions extracted from the coarse
assumes the fine scale enrichment uf to be a residual scale solution. HMM can be viewed as a meth-
free bubble vanishing on the coarse scale element odology for constructing effective integrands based
boundaries. By this assumption the enrichment on the fine scale data as opposed to effective ele-
functions can be condensed out on the element ments in VMS.

closely resembles the method of mathematical

Coarse homogenization, but introduces no multiple spa-
scale tial coordinates and thus results in C)1 continuous
elements approximation of the solution. The oversampling
idea of Babuska and Osborn (1983) is used to
control the errors resulting from the discontinuity.
Equation free method

In the equation free method (EFM) the fine scale

problem is evolved at some sampling points in the
Figure 8. VMS for enriching coarse grained models. coarse scale domain. These sampling points are
represented by an atomistic unit cell. Unlike in the
aforementioned information-passing methods
(with exception of GMH where the coarse scale
Coarse-grained molecular dynamics problem is derived) the coarse problem is assumed
to be unknown in EFM. Once the solution in
The coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) two subsequent time steps on the fine scale is
(Rudd & Broughton, 1998; Rudd, 2004) method computed and then restricted to the coarse scale
constructs coarse grained Hamilton’s equations uc ðtÞ ¼ Ruf ðtÞ and uc ðt þ dtÞ ¼ Ruc ðt þ dtÞ then
from MD equations under fixed thermodynamic the coarse scale solution at t þ 4tð4t  dtÞ is
conditions. obtained by projective integration or extrapolation
The representative atoms, (similar to those in time domain. The fine-to-coarse scale operators
employed in the quasicontinuum method) are are well defined, but the definition of the infor-
enforced to preserve an average position and mation flow from the coarse to the fine scale
momenta of the fine scale atoms remains to be the main challenge. This type of
formulation may be attractive for complex bio-
uc ðtÞ ¼ Ruf ðtÞ pc ðtÞ ¼ Rpf ðtÞ ð5Þ systems whose coarse scale behaviour is often
where R is weighting or restriction operator, pc, pf
are the momenta at the coarse and fine scales, Model reduction
respectively. The coarse-grained Hamiltonian, Hc,
is defined as the classical canonical ensemble The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
average of the molecular dynamics Hamiltonian (Lumley, 1967) widely used in fluid dynamics
Hf in the displacement-momenta space subjected community is closely related to EFM. POD gen-
to the restriction constraint (5) erates a set of ‘‘snapshots’’ on the fine scale to
Z create a reduced-space basis, onto which the fine
HC ¼ DPHf dpf duf ð6Þ scale equations are projected to predict the evo-
lution on the coarse scale.
where P ¼ expðHf =kB TÞ is the probability func- An alternative model reduction approach aimed
tion, T the temperature, Hf the fine scale Hamil- at bridging a continuum property of interest and
tonian, kB the Boltzman constant, D enforces the molecular dynamics model has been developed
constraints in (5) and Z is the partition function. in Hurst and Wen (2005). The balanced truncation
model reduction approach used in the context of
Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method linearized nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
(NEMD) equations has been applied to compute
The so-called multiscale finite element method shear viscosity. The input/output pair selected was
(MsFEM) developed by Hou and Wu (1997) the shear stress and shear strain rate. The reduced
belongs to the category of discontinuous Galerkin order model has been found to correctly identify
methods. In the MsFEM the displacement field is the dominant mode identical to that of continuum
approximated as u ¼ u0 ðxÞ þ e H ðxÞe0 ðxÞ, which model as well as the shear viscosity.

For a review article on application of model simulations. A general dislocation dynamics (DD)
reduction methods to large scale semi-discrete approach for computing elastic field of arbitrary
system we refer to Gressick et al. (2005). dislocation loops in anisotropic multilayer thin
films has been given in Cuitino (1997) and Gho-
KMC-based information-passing methods niem (2004). Atomistically informed DD approach
can be viewed as an information-passing scheme
Most of the aforementioned multiscale approaches where the underlying properties of dislocations,
with exception of EFM and GMH deal with such as the strength of a dislocation junction or
bridging spatial scales. Linking diverse time scales the cross-slip probability are ‘imported’ from the
is even more challenging. For instance, to capture atomistic simulations of elementary dislocation
the dynamics of atomistic vibrations, the time step processes (Moriarty et al., 2002).
should be of the order of femtoseconds, whereas
the residence time of an adatom between hops is of
the order of microseconds. This ‘time gap’ can be Concurrent multiscale methods
addressed using Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC)
based methods. The basic idea of this approach is In this section we present a class of multiscale
summarized below. approaches for systems, whose behaviour depends
Let the probability of finding a system in state ri on physics at multiple scales. Friction and fracture
at time t to be denoted as Pðri ; tÞ and the rate of are among many problems (see Section 1.2) falling
transitions from ri to riþ1 to be Wðri ; riþ1 Þ. KMC into this category. In fracture, the crack tip bond
is an algorithm that solves for the probability breaking can be described with a quantum-
function Pðri ; tÞ such that mechanical model of bonding, while the rest of the
sample is described with empirical potentials. In
@P X friction, it might be necessary to describe the sur-
¼ ðPðri ; tÞWðri ; riþ1 Þ
@t face interaction using quantum-chemical approa-
 Pðriþ1 ; tÞWðriþ1 ; ri ÞÞ ches while using continuum elasticity to simulate
the contact forces. For these types of problems,
The rate of transition can be expressed as a multiple scales have to be simultaneously resolved
product of an attempt rate and the probability of in different portions of the problem domain.
success per attempt, which is taken as an expo- Multiscale methods based on the concurrent res-
nential of the energy barrier to the process. The olution of multiple scales are often coined as
attempt rate for event i is defined as embedded, concurrent, integrated or hand-shaking
ri ¼ li expðEi =kB TÞ ð7Þ multiscale methods. Various domain bridging
methods (Broughton et al., 1999; Belytschko &
where li is a frequency prefactor expressed in Xiao, 2003; Miller, 2003; Wagner et al., 2004),
terms of a vibrational frequency for surface pro- multigrid methods (Fish & Belsky, 1995a, b;
cesses (Grujicic et al., 2003; Johnson et al., 2003; Moulton et al., 1998; Knapek 1999; Datta et al.,
Picu, 2003) and Ei is the free energy barrier. KMC 2004; Fish & Chen, 2004; Waisman & Fish, 2006)
falls into the category of information-passing and local enrichment methods (Fish & Markole-
methods because the frequency prefactor and the fas, 1992; Fish et al., 1994; Moes et al., 1999;
energy barrier can be calculated from molecular Strouboulis et al., 2001; Wagner & Liu, 2003; Fish
dynamics or quantum mechanics simulations. & Yuan, 2005) are used to communicate the
information between the subdomains represented
Atomistically informed dislocation dynamics by different mathematical models.
An important aspect of concurrent methods is
In many nanotechnology applications involving matching condition at the interface between dif-
thin films or coatings dislocation-interface inter- ferent mathematical models. For instance, at the
actions are very important. The dislocations can MD/continuum interface, MD generates phonons
be considered as the basic elements of a grain-size which are not represented in the continuum region
model in which their interactions are determined and hence might be reflected at the continuum/
by a combination of linear elasticity and atomistic MD interface. Formulation of absorbing inter-

faces include damping (Broughton et al., 1999), In the domain bridging based concurrent mul-
Langevin equation (Wagner & Liu, 2003), pre- tiscale (DBCM) approach, the fine Xf and coarse
computing exact absorbing boundary conditions Xc scale subdomains could be either overlapping
for harmonic potentials (Cai et al., 2000), or coexistent as shown in Figure 9. The interface,
approximating exact absorbing boundary condi- C, could be the same or lower dimensional mani-
tions and calibrating coefficients to minimize fold. In the multigrid based concurrent multiscale
reflection (E & Huang, 2001), matching the prop- (MGCM) and the local enrichment based con-
erties of continuum and MD at the interface current multiscale (LECM) approaches the sub-
(Muralidharan et al., 2003), and bridging domain domains are coexisting (Figure 9a). The interface,
method (Belytschko & Xiao, 2003; Ben Dhia & C Xf , is a subdomain in Xf defined to be in the
Rateau, 2005). By refining the finite element mesh close vicinity to the boundary ¶C as shown in
to atomistic scale at the interface (Broughton Figure 9a. It could be the same or lower dimen-
et al., 1999), the issue of phonon reflection can be sional manifold, in which case C=¶C.
circumvented. A review of various interface for-
mulations can be found in Curtin and Miller Domain bridging based concurrent multiscale
(Miller, 2003). For concurrent bridging between method
discrete dislocations and continuum region we
refer to Shilkrot et al. (2002). Consider a conservative system consisting of con-
Another important aspect of concurrent bridg- tinuum (c) – discrete (f) subdomains (Figure 9b).
ing is building temporal interfaces. For example, in Let pfi , ufi be the momenta and displacements of
a typical atomistic-continuum problem the time atom i, and u_ c ðxÞ; uc ðxÞ be the velocities and dis-
scale for integrating MD equations is dictated by placements of the continuum. The Hamiltonian
the interatomic spacing and highly heterogeneous that weakly satisfies compatibility between the
interatomic connections. At the continuum scale, discrete and continuum regions at the interface C
the time step could be much larger primarily is defined as
because the stiff connections have been homoge- Z
nized out and the spacing between the discrete H¼ ac qu_ CT u_ c þ wc uC dXC
points (for instance, FE nodes) could be substan- 2
tially larger. Temporal interfaces can be built using
X pfi  pfi
various multi-time-step methods (Smolinski et al., þ af þ wf ufi ; ufj
1988) and local enrichment functions in time i;j6¼i
domain (Bottasso, 2002), whereas the space–time Z
interfaces can be constructed using the space–time þ kðxÞ d uC ðxÞ  ufi dC
DG method (Sobh et al., 2000). The multi-step C
technique developed in Belytschko and Xiao
(2003) preserves stability of time integrators and at where a +af=1 is enforced so that the energy

the same time minimizes spurious reflections from would not count twice; aC=1 on XC ) C in case of
the interfaces.
In the remainder of this section we outline the
basic ideas of the domain bridging (Section 3.1),
(a) (b)
local enrichment (Section 3.2), and multigrid
Γ= Ω ∩ Ω
c f
(Section 3.3) based concurrent multiscale methods
common to several aforementioned approaches. Ωf Γ⊂ Ω f
We emphasize that the above multiscale methods
are concerned with a concurrent bridging of dis-
similar mathematical models representing different ΩC ΩC
scales, as opposed to the classical domain decom-
position, multigrid and enrichment methods,
which are primarily concerned with efficient solu- ∂Γ
tion of a single scale mathematically similar Figure 9. (a) coexisting domains and (b) overlapping
models. domains.

overlapping subdomains and XC ) Xf in case of with finite elements, an atomistic region modelled
coexisting subdomains; in both cases af=1 on by molecular dynamics, and a quantum mechani-
Xf ) C. d is a delta function; the atomistic region is cal region where the tight binding model is used to
defined over xfi 2 Xf ; wC ðxÞ; wf ðufi ; ufj Þ are the con- model bond breaking.
tinuum internal energy and the pairwise interac-
tion of the atoms (for simplicity considered here), Local enrichment based concurrent multiscale
respectively. method
In Belytschko and Xiao (2003) the overlapping
subdomains were considered with aC, af to vary The local enrichment based concurrent multiscale
linearly on C and compatibility enforced in a (LECM) method employs hierarchical decompo-
strong form. In Broughton et al. (1999) an over- sition of the form given in Eq. (3). For the
lapping subdomains were considered with enrichment scheme to be qualified in the LECM
aC=af=0.5. The Arlequin method (Ben Dhia & category, the enrichment function must have local
Rateau, 2005) was applied to bridge between supports and has to be complete, i.e., in the limit as
continuum scales only. the approximation of uf is enriched it converges
The domain bridging method has been applied to the fine scale description. For instance, in one of
to link discrete scales: quantum mechanics and the VMS variants (Hughes 1995), in the limit as uf
molecular dynamics descriptions in (Adhikari is locally enriched the method does not converge
et al., 2004). The so-called hybrid QM/MM to the fine scale description because there is no
scheme has been used to study the interaction of refinement on coarse scale element boundaries.
acetone with carbon nanotubes as shown in Examples of complete enrichment spaces can be
Figure 10. found in Fish and Markolefas (1992), Fish et al.
In Figure 10 the acetone molecule and few (1994), Strouboulis et al. (2001) and Fish and
atoms on carbon nanotube (shown as ball and Yuan (2005), but such complete enrichment spaces
stick) are included using full quantum mechanical cannot be locally condensed out.
scheme while rest of the system (shown as sticks) The resulting Hamiltonian in LECM is given by
are modelled using semi-classical PM3 method. X  
The above formulation can be extended to more H¼ wf uC ðxi Þ þ aufi
i X
than two scales. For instance, in Broughton et al.
X1  T  C 
(1999) the computational domain was decomposed þ m u_ C ðxi Þ þ au_ fi u_ ðxi Þ þ au_ fi
into three parts: a continuum region discretized i X
þ kðxi Þufi
i C

where a =1 on Xf and a=0 elsewhere. In the

above uC is a coarse grained model, such as
quasicontinuum, defined on the entire problem
domain XC=X. wf is a pairwise interaction of the
LECM offers the advantage inherent to hierar-
chical methods, including the ease of solution
enrichment and a posteriori model error estima-
tion. But unlike DBCM, which uses dissimilar
mathematical models, LECM is limited to similar
mathematical models at different scales.
A variant of the LECM method has been
recently developed by Wagner and Liu (2003). In
the so-called bridging scale method, atomistic
Figure 10. Snap shots of acetone-nanotube structure dur- description is superimposed onto a continuous
ing chemical reaction using QM/MM method (Adhikari finite element mesh in the critical regions. The
et al., 2004). displacement field is decomposed as

u ¼ Nd þ ðI  PÞq character of the spectrum suggests a computa-

tional strategy based on the philosophy of multi-
where P is the projection operator defined to level methods. In such a multilevel strategy
minimized the mass-weighted square of the error smoother is designated to capture the higher fre-
between the fine and coarse scale descriptions. quency response of the fine scale model repre-
Generalization of the bridging scale to three sented by a linear combination of the O(1/q)
dimensions, including the numerical calculation of eigenmodes. The auxiliary coarse model is then
the molecular dynamics boundary condition was engineered to effectively capture the remaining
developed in (Park et al., 2005a, b). lower frequency response of the fine scale problem.
For a periodic heterogeneous medium, such an
Multigrid based concurrent multiscale method auxiliary coarse model coincides with the bound-
ary value problem with homogenized coefficients
The motivation for use of multigrid ideas for as evidenced by the identical eigenvalues. The
multiscale problems was given in Fish and Belsky resulting multiscale prolongation Q operator is
(1995a, b). To convey the basic ideas, consider a given by
one-dimensional two-scale elliptic problem
  Q ¼ QC þ Qf ð8Þ
d du C f
KðxÞ þ bðxÞ ¼ 0 where Q , Q are the classical (smooth) prolon-
dx dx
gation and the fine scale correction obtained from
x 2 ð0; LÞ uð0Þ ¼ uðLÞ ¼ 0 the discretization of the influence functions,
respectively. The rate of convergence of the mul-
with oscillatory periodic piecewise constant coef- tigrid process for the two-scale problem is gov-
ficients K1, K2 and 0.5 volume fraction. erned by .(Fish & Belsky, 1995a, b):
The above equation is discretized with 2(m)1)
elements – each element possessing constant coef- keiþ1 k ¼ qkei k=ð4 þ qÞ ð9Þ
ficients. The eigenvalues can be computed in a
where keiþ1 k is the norm of error in iteration i+1.
closed form:
For example, if either K1/K2 or K2/K1, is 100, then
4K~ 2
 p the two-scale process converges in three iterations
k h sin k 2m up to the tolerance of 10)5.
k ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 p ffi ;
1 þ 1  q sin2 k 2m In principle, any information-passing approach
 p described in Section 2 can be used as an auxiliary
sin2 k 2m coarse model to capture the lower frequency
k2mk ¼ qh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 p ffi response of the fine scale problem. The multiscale
1  1  q sin2 k 2m
prolongation depends on the choice of the infor-
mation-passing approach.
where 1 £ k < m; 2h the unit cell size; K~ the
To this end we describe the application of mul-
overall coefficients and q the ratio between geo-
tigrid ideas to bridging diverse time scales. The
metric and arithmetic averages of the coefficients
space–time variational multigrid method devel-
given as:
oped in Waisman and Fish (2006) is aimed at
2K1 K2 pffiffiffi K1 K2 bridging between atomistic scale and either coarse
K~ ¼ ; q¼ grained discrete or continuum scales. The method
K1 þ K2 ðK1 þ K2 Þ=2
consists of the wave-form relaxation scheme aimed
Note that in many applications of interest and in at capturing the high frequency response of the
particular those described at the atomistic scale K1 atomistic vibrations and the coarse scale solution
 K2 or K2  K1 or 0 < q > 1. Consequently, the in space and time intended to resolve smooth
eigenvalues are clustered at the two ends of the features of the discrete medium. The waveform
spectrum, with one half being O(1) and the other relaxation (Miekkala & Nevanlinna, 1987; Giladi &
half being O(1/q). More importantly, the O(1) Keller, 2002) decomposes the system into very
eigenvalues are identical to those obtained by the small subsystem (for instance, atom-by-atom
problem with homogenized coefficients. This decomposition) which can be integrated in parallel

and take advantage of unstructured time integra- 2000; Qu & Fish, 2000; Waisman et al., 2004) is
tors. The waveform relaxation can be also inter- needed for indefinite systems, such as those arising
preted as atom-by-atom minimization of MD from chemical reactions or breakage of inter-
Hamiltonian. atomic connections. For related wave-form relax-
Then a coarse model correction at a certain time ation multigrid methods (Horton & Vandewalle,
step uf+QeC can be calculated from the Hamilton 1995).
principle on the subspace of coarse scale functions
H ð ec Þ ¼ wf uf þ Qec A posteriori model error estimation
X1  T  
þ m u_ f þ Qec u_ f þ Qec ! min In devising a rigorous discrete-to-continuum scale-
2 ec
bridging framework, one of the main barriers is
The method has been used to simulate a polymer increased uncertainty/complexity introduced by
structure shown in Figure 7 and compared to the discrete scales as illustrated in Figure 12.
classical explicit integration. Significant speed-ups As a guiding principle for assessing the need for
have been observed in particular on parallel finer scales, it is appropriate to recall the statement
machines. These results show that as the number made by Einstein, who stated that ‘‘the model used
of processors increases, the speed-up factor should be the simplest one possible, but not simpler.’’
between the MG and velocity-verlet methods The optimal multiscale model has to be carefully
increases. The main reason for the increase in the weighted on case-by-case basis. For example, in
speed-up factor is due to reduced processors case of metal matrix composites (MMC) with
communication. In the case of standard explicit or almost periodic arrangement of fibers, introducing
implicit methods processors are communicating finer scales might be advantageous since the bulk
after every time step. However, in the MG and material typically does not follow normality rules
WR case the communication between processors and developing a phenomenological coarse scale
only takes place at the end of each window. constitutive model might be challenging at best.
The coarse scale model was constructed using The behaviour of each phase is well understood
aggregation method (Fish & Belsky, 1997), where and obtaining the overall response of the material
each polymer chain was defined as an aggregate from its fine scale constituents can be obtained
(Figure 11). using homogenization. On the other hand, in
The rate of convergence on a model problem brittle ceramics composites (CMC), the micro-
with harmonic potentials has been studied in Fish cracks are often randomly distributed and char-
and Chen (2004). A multiscale filter (Fish & Qu, acterization of their interface properties is difficult.
In this case, the use of fine scale models may not be

Figure 11. Comparison of Explicit and space–time multi- Figure 12. Reduced precision due to increase in uncertainty
grid methods on a parallel machine. and/or complexity.

Ensuring reliability of multiscale modelling and level members (often solved approximately). For
simulation tools is one the key ingredients of example, the error of the continuum or discrete
modern engineering and science. The fundamental coarse-grained model can be estimated based on
building block are: (i) formulation of a hierarchy the magnitude of field gradients. The error of the
of multiscale models, and (ii) a posterior model KMC model is largely dictated by the accuracy of
error estimation including uncertainty quantifica- the individual rates and assumptions regarding
tion. separation of time scales. The error in molecular
In the remainder of this section, we focus on the mechanics models can be determined by compar-
aforementioned two issues. ison with DFT calculations. In these cases, errors
also arise from the statistical variation of the
Hierarchy of multiscale models simulation cell, artificial boundary and/or initial
conditions, and are associated with the cell size
Hierarchical models are a sequence of mathemat- and simulation time scales. The error introduced
ical models, which include increasingly more by multiscale asymptotic methods can be esti-
sophisticated effects, represented by finer scales in mated by comparing the magnitude of the terms
the present context. The most-comprehensive neglected in the asymptotic sequence to those
member of the sequence is based on the ‘‘first taken into account and by the magnitude secular
principles’’, such as Density Functional Theory, terms (Fish et al., 1994). The error associated with
which evaluates the system energies by tracing the coupling of physical processes can be obtained
ground states of the electrons. The modelling error using the Green’s function approach.
associated with any other member of the sequence An alternative approach, which estimates mod-
is assessed by comparing it to the most-sophisticated elling errors in so-called quantities of interest has
member of the hierarchical sequence. A member of been developed in Oden et al. (2005). Upper and
the sequence is considered to be admissibly accu- lower bounds of modelling errors in local quanti-
rate if the modelling error in the data of interest is ties of interest for this class of problems were
sufficiently small. The goal is to identify an opti- developed in Oden and Vemaganti (2000) and
mal member of the sequence, which is both model adaptivity based on the so-called Goals
admissibly accurate and computationally least algorithm was first presented in Vemaganti and
expensive. Oden (2001). These methods are closely related to
Hierarchical models differ in at least three those of the systems control theory, including
respects: (i) spatial and temporal scale at which balance truncation and optimal Hankel norm
they are represented, (ii) model interaction, and approximation (Antoulas et al., 2004).
(iii) the ability to account for uncertainty. Model Modelling errors are often formulated as
error control for continuum descriptions must also inequality constraints to reflect the uncertainty in
consider multiphysics errors arising from simpli- the parameters of the system at the relevant scales
fied considerations of multifield interactions. to make the model selection criterion aware of the
Loosely speaking, a member of the sequence is sensitivity of the hierarchy of models to their
considered to be admissibly accurate if the mod- associated uncertainties.
elling error in the data of interest is sufficiently The error due to uncertainty can be estimated by
small. The goal is to identify an optimal member the statistical sampling of data and numerical
of the sequence that is admissibly accurate and experiments (Ghanem & Pellissetti, 2002; Sakam-
most efficient to solve. oto & Ghanem, 2002). The quality of a predictive
Since the exact solution of the most compre- model is dependent on the quality of the model,
hensive model is usually not computationally fea- the data used in its calibration, and its numerical
sible, the challenge is compute a posteriori error and statistical discretization. The model synthe-
estimates. sizes the variability in material properties at dif-
ferent scales into physics-based stochastic
Model error estimates processes.
Stochastic approaches to multiscale modelling
An error estimate of a particular model in a hier- and propagation of uncertainty for scale and
archy can be obtained by comparison to higher multiphysics coupling have begun to receive

attention. Deterministic variability at a finer scale scale using GMH (Fish & Schwob, 2003; Fish
is modelled at a coarser scale as a random et al., 2005; Chen & Fish, 2006; Fish & Chen,
character of the coarse-scale behaviour. These 2006b).
methods, which rely on the integration of wavelet • The choice between multigrid-based and domain
multi-resolution analysis with spectral decompo- decomposition-based concurrent approaches
sitions of stochastic processes, were developed for typically depends on the size of a fine scale
linking similar models defined at different scales region. When the size of a fine scale region is
(Ghanem & Shi, 2002). An extension to resolu- negligible compared to the entire problem
tions involving multi-physics approximations is a domain, domain decomposition-based ap-
significant nascent research area. Polynomial proaches will typically suffice. Otherwise, the
chaos decompositions that permit the encapsula- use of multigrid-based concurrent approaches
tion of uncertainty into a computationally tracta- should be pursued provided that an efficient
ble form play a significant role in this context. coarse grid can be constructed.
Most other representations of uncertainty have • With exception of EFM-, GMH- and KMC-
focused on computing statistical norms of the based approaches, the rest of multiscale ap-
stochastic quantities (Kleiber & Tran, 1992). proaches presented directly address the issue of
spatial scale bridging only. Nevertheless, any
coarse graining method in space typically
increases the stable time step, and therefore
Closing remarks
indirectly, is multiscale in time.
• Because of increase in uncertainty at the finer
The state-of-the-art information-passing and con-
scale ensuring reliability of multiscale simula-
current multiscale approaches were reviewed. Out
tions poses the main challenge. Hierarchical
of over 100 articles referenced more than 50%
modelling strategy by which a sequence of
were published in the last four years. Many of the
mathematical models with increasingly more
multiscale methods reviewed are still at their
sophisticated effects is used for model verifica-
embryonic stage of development. Comparative
tion, offers one of the most promising venues to
study of various multiscale methods presented and
address the issue of reliability.
in particular those that emerged in the past few
years is very scarce at best. The primary goal of
this article is to give the reader a brief account of
rapidly emerging modelling and simulation tech-
nologies that we believe will eventually become an
The financial supports of National Science Foun-
equal partner to experimentation. The article is not
dation under grants CMS- 0310596, 0303902,
intended to serve as an optimal method selector.
0408359 and Sandia contract DE-ACD4-
Yet, certain general trends that can be used as a
94AL85000, ONR contract N00014-97-1-0687 are
guiding principle are emerging. These guidelines
gratefully acknowledged. The generous support
are summarized below.
provided by John Madsen from Northrop-Grum-
• The choice between an information-passing and man is highly appreciated. The author wishes to
a concurrent method depends on computational thank Eliot Fang, Harold Park, Roger Ghanem,
resources available and quantities of interest. Ken Chong and Min Zhou for valuable input
For instance, if only ensemble averages are of provided in writing the review article.
interest, the accuracy provided by an informa-
tion passing method is generally sufficient. A
counter example is an evolution and growth of
defects, which necessitates utilization of one of
the concurrent multiscale methods.
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