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Слова показники

1)Present Times
· Present Simple:

always; often; rarely; usually;never; seldom; sometimes

· Present Continuos:

now; at the moment; at present; these days

· Present Perfect;
ever; never; before; already; so far; up to now; yet; recently; lately; since; for

2)Past Times
· Past Simple;
yesterday; ago; last Sunday; when I was young/ at school/ married…
(будь-який період життя, що вже завершився)

· Past Continous:
when; while

· Past Perfect:
already; before; by the time; after

3)Future Times
· Future Simple:
tomorrow; next (year, week, month, etc); soon; in a (year, week, month, etc);
the day after tomorrow

· Future Continuos:
at 9 p.m. tomorrow ; this time next week ; all day tomorrow; in a year from now;
when you are from

· Future Perfect:
by then ; by the time ; by 3 p.m. ; by 5 o’clock; Before; till; until

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