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Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

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Analysis of free in-plane vibrations of a rectangular plate with various

boundary conditions canonical form using the modified Riley-Ritz method
Aliasghar Bagheri a, Alireza Mortezaei b, *, M.A. Sayarinejad c
Civil Engineering Department, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
Seismic Geotechnical and High-Performance Concrete Research Centre, Civil Engineering Department, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran


Keywords: This paper investigates the free in-plane vibrations of rectangular sheets under various boundary conditions
Structural analysis using an improved Riley-Ritz method. A novel approach involving graph theory and canonical forms is intro­
Symmetric structure duced, marking a first in the study of symmetric structures. The research presents an advanced version of Riley’s
Canonical forms
theory for accurately computing the natural frequencies of structures, showing significant improvements in ef­
Modified Riley-Ritz method
ficiency and precision over traditional methods like Monte Carlo simulations. Key findings include the ability of
the upgraded Riley theory and graphs to conduct comprehensive structural reliability and sensitivity analyses,
particularly in evaluating changes in failure risk and aiding in precise design. Numerical analysis demonstrates
the method’s rapid convergence and accuracy, proving its effectiveness in structural analysis. The study also
explores the impact of geometric parameter variations on the free vibrations of rectangular sheets, offering
crucial insights for various engineering applications. These findings have broad implications in mechanical,
marine, aerospace, and civil engineering, particularly in the design and analysis of structural components such as
fuselages, airplanes, missiles, and tank bottoms.

1. Introduction washers and nuts to attach the plate structure to a base support. This
type of attachment prevents both displacement and rotation of the
The rectangular elastic plates [1,2] are broadly utilized in the engi­ structure at the support locations. This kind of problem has been thor­
neering applications; e.g. in printed circuit boards and solar collecting oughly investigated using the analytical solution of the superposition
panels. The exact solutions of free vibration of the elastic plates are method invented by Gorman [4–9]. However, this analytical-type so­
possible only for a few cases, especially for the plate structures with lution is very sophisticated and considered to be impractical. A similar
properly-defined boundary conditions. However, real-life vibration is­ problem that has been investigated in the literature [5,6] is the vibration
sues can present challenges in accurately modeling and meeting of elastic plate with pinned corners. The pinned-corner support
adequate boundary conditions, such as plates with clamped (or fixed) boundary condition scheme, unlike the clamped corner scheme, only
boundaries. While approximate solutions, such as those using the Ray­ prevents displacements at the support locations, having no restriction on
leigh method, have traditionally been utilized, recent advancements in the rotation. Xiang-sheng [10] employed Rayleigh method to analyti­
numerical methods have significantly improved accuracy in predicting cally approximate the first resonant frequency of a plate having
the frequencies of vibrating plates. One notable example is the point-pinned supports at plate corners. Kim et al. [11,12] utilized the
Wittrick-Williams method, which offers a more exact solution for such beam shape functions to solve the deflections of plates with point sup­
scenarios [3–6]. These developments underscore the continuous evolu­ ported at corners. Kerstens [13,14] used a combination of Rayleigh-Ritz
tion and enhancement of techniques in the field of vibration analysis. method and modal constraint technique to obtain the free vibration
In engineering applications, the plates with clamped corners problem of plates with such supports. As a powerful means, the finite
frequently appear in the fatigue life analysis of electronic printed circuit element analysis (FEA) has also been widely used in the vibration
boards (PCBs). For the PCBs, the clamped constraint can be due to the analysis of plates. Raju et al. [15] and Rao et al. [16] studied the natural
fact that the elastic plate is fixed at each corner using threaded screws, frequencies of the point-supported elastic plates using finite element

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Bagheri), (A. Mortezaei), (M.A. Sayarinejad).
Received 12 November 2023; Received in revised form 31 December 2023; Accepted 6 January 2024
Available online 10 January 2024
2590-1230/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

method. Pitarresi and Kunz [17,18] proposed a simple method using 2D accuracy in predicting the natural frequencies of vibrating rectangular
non-linear least-squares fit, and finite element simulations, to study the plates but also improves computational efficiency, making it a signifi­
natural frequency of plates having point supports. Lately, Gharaibeh cant step forward in the field of structural vibration analysis. The use of
et al. [19,20] applied the assumed mode method to evaluate the graph theory and canonical forms in this context is a distinctive aspect of
fundamental natural frequency of corner-supported plates using an our research, offering new perspectives and methodologies that were not
electronic package. previously explored in depth.
In addition, elastic rectangular plates having corner supports may
exist in many renewable energy and power generation systems such as 2. Graph theory
concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, including solar dishes, para­
bolic trough solar collectors, and solar central receiver systems. The This section delves into the fundamentals of graph theory and its
analysis and characteristics of vibrations of rectangular plates has been relevance in the analysis of structural mechanics. Our aim is to demys­
widely and extensively examined based on various techniques. For tify these concepts for new researchers, providing a clear and compre­
example, Torabi et al. [21] studied the vibration characteristics of a hensive overview.
rectangular plate having a circular central hole with point support,
based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method, which is widely used, based on 2.1. Basic concepts of graph theory
orthogonal polynomials and beam functions. Likewise, Li [22] employed
the same approach to describe vibrations of the rectangular plates with We begin by introducing the basic elements of a graph: vertices (or
general elastic boundary supports. Watkins et al. [23] calculated nodes) and edges. A graph, denoted as G=(V(G), E(G)), consists of a set
normalized frequencies of the elastically point-supported rectangular of vertices V(G) and a set of edges E(G), where each edge is an unordered
plates using the Eigen sensitivity analysis. Shahrjerdi et al. [24] used pair of distinct vertices. We define key terms such as adjacent vertices
second-order shear deformation theory (SSDT) to analyze the vibration and the neighborhood of a vertex, which are fundamental in under­
of solar-graded plates. Du et al. [25] employed Fourier series method for standing graph interactions.
the in-plane vibration analysis of rectangular plates with elastically Adjacent vertices are two vertices connected by an edge, and the
restrained edges. neighborhood of a vertex v, denoted as N_G(v), is the set of vertices
In this study, the Ritz approach is used to analyze the in-plane vi­ adjacent to v in graph G. This concept is crucial in understanding the
brations of a rectangular plate. It is important to note that the applica­ connectivity and structural integrity of graph-based representations of
tion of the Ritz method makes it possible to study micro and nano physical structures.
rectangular plates in a magnetic field satisfying a variety of boundary
conditions, including the mixed ones (for instance, two sides are simply 2.2. Graph representation in structural analysis
supported and two sides are clamped), whereas the reviewed works
[26–29] are restricted to the study of the plates with the simply sup­ In this subsection, we explore how structures can be represented as
ported boundary conditions. graphs in structural mechanics. Nodes in the graph can represent com­
It has to be mentioned that in the present study, a formulation has ponents like joints or sections of a material, while edges represent the
been considered using the graph theory and modified Riley-Ritz interactions or connections between these components. This represen­
approach. The purpose of this study is to use the canonical forms in tation is vital for analyzing the structural behavior under various con­
symmetric graphs, as well as to enhance the Fourier series and the Riley- ditions, including load-bearing and vibrational analysis.
Ritz technique by using the improved displacement components to
provide an exact solution to determine the natural vibration frequencies. 2.3. Matrices in graph theory
The innovation of the research is that in the past, methods such as the
use of neural networks or genetic algorithms have been used to reduce Graphs are often represented and analyzed using matrices, particu­
the volume of calculations related to determining the reliability of larly the adjacency matrix and the Laplacian matrix. The adjacency
structures, but the integration of graph theory with the subject of reli­ matrix, A, indicates whether pairs of vertices are adjacent in the graph,
ability of structures and the use of canonical forms in small Making the while the Laplacian matrix, L, is derived from the adjacency matrix and
Laplacian matrix of large structures simulated with symmetric graphs provides insights into the structure’s stability and vibrational modes.
has been given less attention, which is addressed in this research.
The field of vibration analysis, particularly concerning in-plane vi­ 2.4. Application in vibration analysis
brations of rectangular plates, has witnessed significant advancements
over the years. Previous research has extensively explored various as­ This part focuses on the application of graph theory in vibration
pects of this subject, employing a range of methodologies and theoret­ analysis of structures. We discuss how the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
ical frameworks. However, despite these developments, certain gaps and of the graph’s matrices, particularly the Laplacian matrix, can be used to
limitations remain unaddressed in the literature. study the vibrational characteristics of a structure. This approach allows
One of the primary gaps identified in previous studies is the limited for an in-depth understanding of the dynamic behavior of complex
focus on the comprehensive integration of graph theory and canonical structural systems.
forms in the analysis of symmetric structures under in-plane vibrations.
While existing methods have provided valuable insights, they often fall 2.5. Advanced concepts in graph theory
short in offering a holistic and efficient approach to structural analysis,
especially under complex boundary conditions. For a deeper understanding, we delve into advanced concepts such as
Furthermore, another significant gap lies in the precision and Hermitian matrices and canonical forms of matrices. These concepts are
computational efficiency of the methods used. Traditional approaches relevant in simplifying complex structural problems and offer a more
like the Rayleigh method and even some advanced numerical methods generalized view of the properties of matrices associated with graphs.
have limitations in terms of accuracy and computational demands, “G = (V(G), E(G))” is the finite set V(G), and family E(G) of unor­
particularly when dealing with complex boundary conditions and dered pairs of distinct members in V(G). Each member of V(G) is called a
varying geometric parameters. vertex and each member of E(G) is called an edge. The number of
This current study aims to bridge these gaps by introducing an vertices, |V(G)| is called graph order and is denoted by n(G). | E(G) is
improved version of the Riley-Ritz method, integrated with graph theory also called graph size and is denoted by m(G). Also, the concept {"u,v} ∈
and canonical forms. This novel approach not only enhances the E(G)” is specified by uv ∈ E(G) and if e = uv ∈ E(G) we say that u and v

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

are adjacent to each other and u and v are located on e. The open
L ν i = λ i νi (10)
neighborhood of the vertex v, N_G (v), is the set of vertices adjacent to v
in the graph G, i.e. NG (v) = {u ∈ V (G) | uv ∈ E(G)}.
where λi is the eigenvalue of i and vi is the eigenvector corresponding to
Set S of vertices in a graph G is called a spanning set if every vertex v
i. Since A is a real symmetric matrix with real eigenvalues, all of L’s
∈ V(G) is either in S or adjacent to a member of S. The girth number of a
eigenvalues are likewise real. It is possible to demonstrate that the
graph G, γ(G), is equal to the size of the smallest girth set in a graph. An
matrix L is a positive semi-definite matrix with the following properties:
enclosing set G of size γ(G) is called a γ(G) set.
A graph G (N; M) is composed of a series of nodes (vertices) and a set 0 = λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ … ≤ λn− 1 ≤ λn (11)
of elements (edges), each of which is connected by an updating relation.
The two nodes that match a single member are called the adjacent ν1 = {1, 1, 1, …., 1}t (12)
nodes. If one of the nodes in a pair is disordered, the graph G is said to be
The second eigenvalue λ2 of L is also known as the “algebraic
directed. In linear algebra, two matrices A and B are comparable if they
connection” of a graph, and its eigenvector ν2 is called the Fiedler
satisfy the following condition:
vector. This vector has attractive properties. The result of multiplying
B = P− 1 AP (1) the coroner by two matrices is an operation on these matrices that re­
sults in a block matrix. This operation is indicated by ⨂. The product of
where P is a non-singular matrix and A→B is a similarity conversion. A the coroner multiplication of the two matrices Amn and Bpq is the block
square matrix A’s characteristic polynomial is a polynomial of the type P matrix mp × nq as:
(λ) = det (A-λI) that is constantly under the matrix’s similarity and has ⎡ ⎤
a11 B ⋯ a1n B
particular values as the roots. The scalar number is a special value of A if
Am×n ⊗ Bp×q = ⎣ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦ (13)
there exists a non-zero vector v referred to as the special vector, which
am1 B ⋯ a1n B mp×nq
has the following properties:
The Hermitian matrix is a square matrix with a conjugate displace­
Aν = λI ν (2)
ment equal to its diagonal. True hermeticity exists only if and only if a
(λI − A)ν = 0. (3) matrix is symmetric. Hermitine is required for the diameter of a matrix
to be defined:
It is trivial to define the characteristic polynomial of an oblique
matrix A. If the diagonal inputs are A a1, a2, a3, etc., then: A is Hermitian ⟺ aij = aji (14)

(a1 − λ)(a2 − λ)(a3 − λ), …., (an − λ) = 0, (4) To make the two matrices A1 and A2 diagonal at the same time, they
have to be hermitin and A1A2 = A2A1.
The polynomial will be of type A. According to equation (4), diagonal To illustrate the matrix examined in this study in a canonical form, M
inputs are also the eigenvalues of this matrix. A diagonal matrix is the is a diagonal block matrix whose pattern is depicted in Equation (15):
simplest matrix to use for determining the eigenvalues. Similarly, a [ ]
triangular matrix’s eigenvalues correspond to its diagonal inputs. Since M2n =
An 0
the characteristic polynomials of a matrix might have real or complex 0 An 2n×2n
roots, a matrix can have imaginary eigenvalues. Each n × n matrix has Given that M is a diagonal matrix, the following formula may be used
an exact number of special imaginary and real values, denoted by to determine its determinant:
multiplicity. The proximity matrix A of the graph G is defined as follows:
{ det(M) = det(A) × det(A) (16)
1 if node ni is adjacent to ni
aij = (5) Additionally, the set of submatrix A’s exceptional values is equal to
0 otherwise
A. As a result, M’s eigenvalues may be computed using Equation (17).
The matrix of degree D = [dij]nn is a diagonal matrix containing the
degree of the node that dii is the degree of the node i. The Laplacian λM = {λA } ∪ {λA } (17)
matrix L = [lij] nn is defined as follows: This canonical form may be generalized by enclosing it in a large
L = D − A. (6) number of matrices of various dimensions at its principal diagonal in­
puts. According to Equation (17), the eigenvalues of this generalized
Therefore, the inputs of the L region are: matrix will be equal to the union of the eigenvalues of all the matrices

⎨ − 1 if node ni is adjacent to ni inside its original diameter.
lij = Deg (ni ) if i = j (7)

0 otherwise 3. Proposed modified Riley theory

To solve the special proximity matrix, consider the special problem The displacement components of a 2D rectangular plate can be
as follows: considered as follows [3–8]:
Aνi = λi νi (8) u(x, y, t) = U(x, y)ejωt (18)
where λi is the eigenvalue of iμ and νi are the corresponding eigenvec­
v(x, y, t) = V(x, y)ejωt (19)
tors. For A to be a real symmetric matrix, all corresponding eigenvalues
are real in Equation (9): In these relations, ω represents the natural frequency of in-plane
vibrations (rad) and t denotes the time. By replacing the modified
λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ … ≤ λn− ≤ λn (9)
displacement components of the rectangular plate in the in-plane posi­
The multiplicity of the greatest eigenvalue n is equal to the unit for tion in the y and x directions in the above relations, the in-plane
the characteristic equation A. vn is the sole eigenvector with positive displacement of the rectangular plate can be rewritten as follows:
inputs. This vector has several intriguing features that are applicable to
the structural mechanics. Consider the following difficulty while
attempting to solve a particular Laplacian matrix:

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

∞ ∑
∑ ∞
u(x, y, t) = Amn cos λam x cos λbn y ∫b {
1 [ ]⃒ [ ] }
m=0 n=0 Vb in = knx0 u2 + kpx0 v2 ⃒x=0 + knx1 u2 + kpx1 v2 |x=a dy

∞ ∑

+ξ1b (y) am cos λam x + ξ2b (y)
bm cos λam x
∫a {
m=0 m=0 } 1 [ ]⃒ [ ] }

∞ ∑
∞ + kny0 u2 + kpy0 v2 ⃒y=0 + kny1 u2 + kpy1 v2 |y=b dx
+ξ1a (x) cn cos λbn y + ξ2a (x) dn cos λbn y ejωt 0
n=0 n=0

{ In this regard, for example, k_py1 and k_nx0 are the linear spring stiff­
∑ nesses at the boundary, which are the rectangular sheet spring stiffness
∞ ∑

v(x, y, t) = Bmn cos λam x cos λbn y
m=0 n=0 at the edge x = 0 and in the direction of the longitudinal (normal) forces,

∞ ∑

(21) and the rectangular sheet spring stiffness at the y = edge, respectively. b
+ξ1b (y) em cos λam x + ξ2b (y)
f m cos λam x is in the direction of shear forces (tangential). Also, the kinetic energy of
the vibrations inside the plate of a rectangular sheet can be introduced as
m=0 m=0 }

∞ ∑

+ξ1a (x) gn cos λbn y + ξ2a (x) hn cos λbn y ejωt follows:
n=0 n=0
∫a ∫b {( ) ( ) } ∫a ∫b
In this regard, Bmn and Amn are the standard Fourier series expansion 1 ∂u 2 ∂v 2 1 ( 2 )
Tin = ρh + dxdy = ρhω2 u + v2 dxdu (28)
coefficients, as well as am, bm, cn, dn, em, fm gn hn, and the corresponding 2
0 0
∂t ∂t 2
0 0
complementary coefficients. Moreover, concerning the extraction
component of the modified displacement components of the thin rect­ In these relations h and μ, ρ, and ω are the natural frequency, density,
angular plate, the auxiliary polynomials of the improved Fourier series Poisson’s ratio, and thickness of the plate, respectively. The Lagrangian
of relations (20) and (21) related to the modified displacement com­ function L of a modeled rectangular plate is defined as follows:
ponents of the rectangular plate considering the dimensional conditions,
are defined as follows: L = TTotal − VTotal (29)

⎨ ξ (x) = aζ (ζ − 1)2 , According to the Riley-Ritz method, to minimize the Lagrangian func­
1a x x
(ζx = x/a) (22) tion first, the modified displacement components of the rectangular
⎩ ξ2a (x) = aζ2x (ζx − 1),
plate, equations (20) and (21), are applied to the total potential energy
⎧ and the total kinetic energy in the function. Then, the standard Fourier
⎨ ξ (y) = bζ ( ζ − 1)2 , ( / ) series expansion coefficients are derived out of the Lagrangian function
(23) and the auxiliary Fourier series expansion coefficients are set to zero:
1b y y
( ) ζy = y b
⎩ ξ2b (y) = bζ2 ζy − 1 ,
y ⎧

⎨ Amn , am , bm , cn , dn , Bmn , em , f m , gn , hn , ...

That; ∂L
= 0, Ξ = A′mn , a′m , b′m , c′n , d′n , B′mn , e′m , f′m , g′n , h′n (30)
ζx = Displacement ratio in the x direction to the “a" dimension of the ∂Ξ ⎪

⎩ (m = 0, 1, ..., M), (n = 0, 1, ..., N)
ζy = Displacement ratio in the y direction to the “b" dimension of the It is noteworthy that, for example, considering the expansion indices
sheet of the improved Fourier series m = M and n = N in the modified
a = Rectangular sheet dimensions displacement components of the rectangular plate, the number
b = Rectangular sheet dimensions 5 × [(M +1) ×(N +1)] + 10 × (M +N +2) would be a linear algebraic
x = Displacement in the x direction equation.
y = Displacement in the y direction. Now, by performing the mentioned operations and summarizing,
Now, according to the theory of the rectangular plate, the total po­ and considering that the expansion coefficients in numerical calcula­
tential energy V and the total kinetic energy T of the rectangular plate in tions continue up to n = N and m = M, a matrix form can be obtained as
the case of the free in-plane vibrations can be introduced as follows: follows:
( )
VTotal = Vp in + Vb in (24) K − ω2 M G = 0 (31)

TTotal = Tin (25) In this relation, M and K are the mass and stiffness matrices of the
rectangular plate, respectively. These two matrices can be defined as
In this relation, Vp_in is the potential energy generated by the in-plane follows:
vibrations of the rectangular plate, and Vb_in is the strain energy ⎡ ⎤
generated due to deformation of the boundary springs on the edges of K1− 1 K1− 2 K1− 3 K1− 4 ⋯ K1− 10
⎢ K1− 2 K2− 2 K2− 3 K2− 4 ⋯ K2− 10 ⎥
the rectangular plate. Tin is also the kinetic energy generated by vibra­ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ K1− 3 K2− 3 K3− 3 K3− 4 ⋯ K3− 10 ⎥
tions within the plane of the rectangular plate. K=⎢ ⎥ (32)
⎢ K1− 4 K2− 4 K3− 4 K4− 4 ⋯ K4− 10 ⎥
Since the vibrations inside the isotropic rectangular plate are ⎢
⎣ ⋮

⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦
accounted for in this study, the potential energy of the rectangular plate
K1− 10 K2− 10 K3− 10 K4− 10 ⋯ K10− 10
can be introduced as follows:
⎡ ⎤
∫a ∫b {( ) ( )} M1− 1 M1− 2 M1− 3 M1− 4 ⋯ M1− 10
Gk ∂u ∂v 2 ∂u ∂v 1 − μ ∂v ∂u 2 ⎢ M1− 2 M2− 2 M2− 3 M2− 4 ⋯ M2− 10 ⎥
Vp in = + − 2(1 − μ) + + dxdy ⎢ ⎥
2 ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y 2 ∂x ∂y ⎢ M1− 3 M2− 3 M3− 3 M3− 4 ⋯ M3− 10 ⎥
0 0 M=⎢
⎢ M1− 4
⎥ (33)
M2− 4 M3− 4 M4− 4 ⋯ M4− 10 ⎥
(26) ⎢
⎣ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎦

M1− 10 M2− 10 M3− 10 M4− 10 ⋯ M10− 10

In this relation, μ is Poisson’s ratio and Gk = 1−Ehμ2 is the tensile stiffness of
a rectangular plate. Further, the strain energy of the rectangular plate’s It should also be noted that the parameter G in Equation (31) rep­
boundary deformation springs can be expressed as follows: resents the matrix of standard Fourier series expansion coefficients and
the auxiliary Fourier series expansion coefficients, which are defined as

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

follows: Table 1
Geometric and mechanical characteristics of rectangular plates.
G = [G , G ] v
Specifications of the Plate Value
where; length (mm) 1500
width (mm) 1500
[A , A , …, Am′0 , Am′1 , …, Am′n′ , …, AMN
Gu = 00 01 (35) thickness (mm) 6.44
, a0 , …, aM , b0 , …, bM , c0 , …, cN , d0 , …, dN ] Modulus of elasticity (GN /m2 ) 72
Density (kg /m3 ) 2780
[B00 , B01 , ..., Bm′0 , Bm′1 , ..., Bm′n′ , ..., BMN Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Gv = (36)
, e0 , ..., eM , f 0 , ..., f M , g0 , ..., gN , h0 , ..., hN ]

4. Sensitivity analysis using the proposed method The partial derivatives of ∂σ∂βxj and ∂β
∂μxj can be expressed as follows.
( )
Reliability sensitivity analysis has been used to determine the rate of μGl

change in the probability of failure compared to changes in random ∂β σGl aj
= =
variable parameters such as mean and standard deviation. Also, sensi­ ∂μxj ∂μxj σGl
( ) (40)
tivity analysis can provide us with information that leads to design based μGl
on reliability. A nonlinear limit state function can be linearized using ∂ a2j ×μGl × σxj
∂β σGl
simulation. The sensitivity analysis of a parameter Xj is usually defined ∂μσxj
σGl 3
as follows.
As a result, the approximate value of the calculation of the sensitivity
analysis of the reliability system will be as follows.

[ ( )2 ]
∂pf ∂p(G < 0) ∂Φ(− β) ∂Φ(− β) ∂β aj 1 μGl
= = = × = − √̅̅̅̅̅ exp −
∂μxj ∂μxj ∂μxj ∂β ∂μxj 2πσGl 2 σGl
[ ( )2 ] (41)
∂pf ∂p(G < 0) ∂Φ(− β) ∂Φ(− β) ∂β a2j ×μGl × σxj 1 μGl
= = = × = √̅̅̅̅̅ exp −
∂σxj ∂σxj ∂σxj ∂β ∂σxj 2πσGl 3 2 σGl

( )
∂pf ∂pf When there are both epistemic uncertainty and aleatory uncertainty
, (37) in random variables, reliability analysis of random variables Xj is
∂μxj ∂σxj
expressed as an interval of upper and lower bound. Also, the upper and
lower bound interval operator of reliability sensitivity analysis of each
where pf is the failure probability and μxj is the mean and σxj is the
parameter can be expressed as two optimization problems.
standard deviation of the random variable x. From the above equations
( )
and partial derivative chain, sensitivity analysis ∂μ , ∂σxj ) can be
∂pf ∂pf

[ ( ) ( )] [ ] { [ ( )2 ]}
∂pf l ∂pf l ∂pf l ∂pf l aj 1 μGl
= min , max = min(max ) = min(max ) − √̅̅̅̅̅ exp −
∂μxj ∂μxj ∂μxj ∂μxj 2πσGl 2 σGl
[ ( ) ( )] [ ] { [ ( )2 ]} (42)
∂pf l ∂pf l ∂pf l ∂pf l a2j ×μGl × σxj 1 μGl
= min , max = min(max ) = min(max ) √̅̅̅̅̅ exp −
∂σxj ∂σxj ∂σxj ∂μxj 2πσGl 3 2 σGl

expressed as follows. Since the problem of optimization is very difficult and time-
consuming, in order to simplify the interval equations and operators,
∂pf ∂p(G < 0) ∂Φ(− β) ∂Φ(− β) ∂β
= = = × the sensitivity of the parameters can be used for the approximate
∂μxj ∂μxj ∂μxj ∂β ∂μxj
(38) calculation of the interval boundaries as follows.
∂pf ∂p(G < 0) ∂Φ(− β) ∂Φ(− β) ∂β { [ ( )2 ] [ ( )2 ]}
= = = × ∂pf aj 1 μGl aj 1 μGl
∂σxj ∂σxj ∂σxj ∂β ∂σxj ∼ − √ ̅̅̅̅̅ exp − ,− √ ̅̅̅̅̅ exp − (43)
∂μxj 2πσGl 2 σGl 2πσGl 2 σGl
Considering that all random variables have a normal distribution, the
partial derivative ∂Φ(− β)
∂β can be calculated as follows and
( ) { [ ( )2 ] 2 [ ( )2 ]}
∫p 1x2 ∂pf a2j ×μGl × σxj 1 μGl aj ×μGl × σxj 1 μGl
∂ √1̅̅̅̅ e− 2 dx
∂Φ(− β) 2π − ∞ 1 ∼ √̅̅̅̅̅ 3 exp − , √̅̅̅̅̅ exp −
(39) ∂σxj 2 σGl 2 σGl
= = − √̅̅̅̅̅e− 2 2πσGl 2πσGl 3
∂β ∂β 2π

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

Table 2
Natural frequency of rectangular plate (HZ) with dimensions a /b = 1 with FFFF boundary conditions.
Methods Order of Matrix M × N Mode Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Modified Riley-Ritz Method 6×6 1423.26 1545.12 1545.12 1634.90 2243.34 2704.18 2643.55 2643.55
8×8 1322.66 1411.43 1411.43 1494.36 1702.13 1961.77 2123.66 2123.66
10 × 10 1314.07 1400.56 1400.56 1486.65 1690.89 1953.33 2110.09 2110.09
12 × 12 1313.24 1399.65 1399.65 1486.27 1690.35 1953.27 2109.61 2109.61
14 × 14 1313.15 1399.31 1399.31 1486.15 1689.93 1953.21 2109.44 2109.44
[17] 1313.79 1400.39 1400.39 1489.27 1692.48 1955.12 2107.96 2107.96
[18] 1313.28 1399.27 1399.27 1487.57 1691.35 1953.99 2107.96 2107.96
[19] 1313.57 1399.04 1399.04 1487.79 1691.01 1954.11 2107.50 2107.50
Ansys Software 1311.5 1397.3 1397.3 1484.9 1687.7 1950.5 2105.8 2105.8

Table 3
Natural frequency of rectangular sheet (HZ) with dimensions 1a /b = with CCCC boundary conditions.
Methods Order of Matrix M × N Mode Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Modified Riley-Ritz Method 6×6 2301.44 2301.44 2503.49 3287.84 5137.24 4661.08 4661.08 5907.18
8×8 2022.06 2022.06 2402.48 2956.61 3351.24 3372.44 3372.44 3835.35
10 × 10 2013.73 2013.73 2398.84 2939.25 3322.41 3348.41 3348.41 3802.66
12 × 12 2012.21 2012.21 2397.43 2937.01 3319.01 3345.74 3345.74 3798.84
14 × 14 2011.81 2011.81 2397.38 2936.58 3318.81 3344.41 3344.41 3798.58
[17] 2010.03 2010.03 2010.03 2936.08 3309.11 3367.41 3367.41 3367.41
[18] 2012.29 2012.29 2012.29 2934.95 3316.47 3336.28 3336.28 3336.28
[19] 2012.41 2012.41 2012.41 2935.29 3316.24 3336.45 3336.45 3336.45
[10] 2012.41 2012.41 2012.41 2935.35 3316.24 3336.50 – –
Ansys Software 2008.6 2008.6 2395.2 2932.9 3316 3340.4 3340.4 3795.4

According to the results given in the above Tables, it is observed that

accuracy of the rapid convergence of the exact solutions presented in the
modified Riley-Ritz method is acceptable and it can be concluded that
finding the right value for the improved Fourier series expansion,
competent results could be achieved. In the following, the effects of
changes in the geometric parameters of the rectangular plate on the free
vibrations are studied using the exact solution provided.
Fig. 1 shows that the natural frequencies for the first mode shape
decrease from the beginning by increasing the a/b aspect ratio, but the
natural frequencies for the second to the eighth modes increase by a
value of 1D ratio from the beginning. Then, the value of the aspect ratio
starts to decrease. As can be seen, this decreasing trend continues until
the value of the aspect ratio of 100 that the natural frequencies remain
almost constant.
In Fig. 1, we observe that for the FFFF boundary conditions applied
to a rectangular plate, the natural frequencies exhibit distinct trends as
the aspect ratio a/b varies. Several factors contribute to this behavior:
Aspect Ratio Influence: The aspect ratio of the plate significantly
influences the stiffness and mass distribution across the plate. As the
aspect ratio increases, the plate’s stiffness in the shorter direction be­
comes more pronounced compared to the longer direction, affecting the
Fig. 1. Trend of Changes in the Natural Frequencies due to varying aspect natural frequencies.
ratios by the modified Riley-Ritz method for the FFFF boundary conditions.
Mode Shapes and Boundary Conditions: With free boundary condi­
tions (FFFF), the plate can move more freely at the edges, which can lead
5. Numerical results to higher amplitude vibrations at lower frequencies. As the aspect ratio
changes, the mode shapes adapt to these boundary conditions, altering
In this paper, to investigate the efficiency of the proposed method, an the natural frequencies.
aluminum rectangular plate has been taken into account. Moreover, the Geometric Nonlinearity: For plates with a large aspect ratio, geo­
mechanical properties of the material and the dimensional characteris­ metric nonlinearity may become more prominent, especially in higher
tics of the plate are considered in Table 1. modes. This nonlinearity can affect the stiffness characteristics of the
It should be noted that to apply the boundary conditions of the free plate, leading to a change in the trend of natural frequencies.
edge (F) and the clamped edge (C), the stiffness of the hypothetical Coupling of Vibrations: In rectangular plates, especially those with
springs at the edges of the rectangular plate are considered equal to equal or nearly equal dimensions, there can be coupling between
0 and 1020, respectively. In Tables 2 and 3, the convergence and accu­ bending and stretching vibrations, which may influence the frequency
racy validation of the numerical results obtained by the exact solution is trends for different modes.
compared with the numerical results provided by other researchers who For Modes 1 and 2, we notice that the natural frequencies decrease as
have studied in this field.

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

Fig. 2. Trend of Changes in the Natural Frequencies due to varying aspect Fig. 3. Trend of Changes in the Natural Frequencies due to varying aspect
ratios by the modified Riley-Ritz method for the CCCC boundary conditions. ratios by the modified Riley-Ritz method for the CFFF boundary conditions.

the aspect ratio increases from 1 upwards. This is typically because the boundary conditions show a decreasing trend as the aspect ratio in­
plate’s ability to vibrate in the fundamental modes is more constrained creases. This can be attributed to the following:
when the plate is more elongated. Conversely, for higher modes, there is Stiffness Distribution: As the aspect ratio grows, the plate becomes
a complex interplay between the bending stiffness and mass distribution more flexible along its length, decreasing its stiffness and, consequently,
that causes the natural frequencies to first increase and then decrease its natural frequencies.
with the aspect ratio, eventually reaching a plateau. This plateau sug­ Vibrational Energy: The energy required to excite higher modes in­
gests that, beyond a certain aspect ratio, the length of the plate does not creases with aspect ratio, leading to a decrease in their corresponding
significantly affect the vibrational characteristics for those modes. frequencies.
Similar trends and underlying reasons can be discussed for Figs. 2 Edge Effects: Free edges allow greater motion, and as the plate
and 3, where different boundary conditions are considered. In each case, elongates, these effects become more pronounced, especially in lower
the boundary conditions and aspect ratio of the plate shape the mode modes.
structures, which in turn influence the natural frequencies.
Fig. 2 illustrates that the natural frequencies for the first mode shape 6.1.2. Behavior under CCCC boundary conditions
increase linearly from the beginning by increasing the aspect ratio, but Fig. 2 illustrates the behavior under CCCC boundary conditions,
the natural frequencies for the second to the eighth modes, increase by a where the natural frequencies exhibit a different pattern:
value of 1D ratio at the beginning. It increases nonlinearly and this Constrained Edges: Clamped edges restrict the motion, increasing the
nonlinear ascending trend continues until the natural frequencies in­ stiffness of the plate. This typically results in higher natural frequencies
crease linearly after a certain value of the aspect ratio. for lower modes compared to FFFF conditions.
Fig. 3 demonstrates that the natural frequencies for the first to third Mode Coupling: As aspect ratio varies, the coupling between bending
modes decrease as the aspect ratio increases, but the natural frequencies and longitudinal vibrations affects the frequency trends, often leading to
for the fourth to eighth modes decrease by a certain ratio. This non-linear behavior.
decreasing trend continues by the ratio of 150 and then, the frequencies
remain almost constant. It has to be mentioned that compared to a plate 6.1.3. Mixed boundary conditions
with CCCC boundary conditions, the natural frequency values of a plate Under mixed boundary conditions (Fig. 3), the complexity increases:
with CFFF boundary conditions reach a constant value later. Boundary Condition Interplay: The combination of free and clamped
edges introduces complex vibrational patterns, leading to non-intuitive
6. Results and discussion trends in natural frequencies.
Mode Localization: Certain modes may become more localized to the
This section presents a comprehensive analysis of the observed free or clamped edges, influencing their sensitivity to aspect ratio
trends in the natural frequencies of a rectangular plate subjected to changes.
various boundary conditions and aspect ratios. The discussion aims to
connect the computational findings with theoretical mechanics and 6.2. Discussion of computational results
practical considerations.
The computational results obtained using the Modified Riley-Ritz
6.1. Trends in natural frequencies method are compared with those from Ansys software. It is noted that:
Discrepancies with Ansys: The computed results are slightly higher
The trends in natural frequencies, as depicted in Figs. 1–3, are than Ansys, likely due to methodological differences and assumptions
examined with respect to changes in the aspect ratio (a/b) under FFFF, inherent in each approach.
CCCC, and mixed boundary conditions, respectively. Finite Element Considerations: Ansys results are dependent on mesh
quality and element number, emphasizing the importance of specifying
6.1.1. Impact of aspect ratio on FFFF boundary conditions these parameters for accurate comparisons.
In Fig. 1, the natural frequencies for the rectangular plate under FFFF

A. Bagheri et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101768

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