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Name _______________________ Date _____________ Year 7

Final Exam Revision

Section A: Reading
Read the extract, published by the BBC following a radio broadcast called ‘From
Our Own Correspondent’, then answer the following questions.

Letter to Daniel
Daniel Patrick Keane was born on 4 February, 1996.
My dear son, it is six o’clock in the morning on the island of Hong Kong.
You are asleep cradled in my left arm and I am learning the art of one-
handed typing. Your mother, more tired yet more happy than I’ve ever
known her, is sound asleep in the room next
5 door and there is a soft quiet in our apartment.
Since you’ve arrived, days have melted into night and back again and
we are learning a new grammar, a long sentence whose punctuation
marks are feeding and winding and nappy changing and these
occasional moments of quiet.
We had wanted you and waited for you, imagined you and dreamed about
you and
10 now that you are here no dream can do justice to you. Outside the
window, below us on the harbour, the ferries are ploughing back and
forth to Kowloon. Millions are already up and moving about and the sun
is slanting through the tower blocks.
I can see the trail of a jet over Lamma Island and, somewhere out there,
the last stars flickering towards the other side of the world.
Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Where is the writer when they write the letter?

a) London
b) Hong Kong
c) Tokyo
d) New York
2. What time is it when the writer is writing the letter?
a) Noon
b) 6:00 AM
c) Midnight
d) 3:00 PM
3. Who is sleeping in the next room?
a) Daniel
b) Daniel's mother
c) Both Daniel and his mother
d) Nobody

4. What does the writer compare the days to since Daniel's arrival?
a) A long vacation
b) A school project
c) A long sentence
d) A melody

5. How did the writer and their partner feel about having Daniel?
a) Surprised and unprepared
b) Annoyed and confused
c) Excited and ready
d) Scared and unsure

6. What is the main idea of the passage?

a) The writer describes the beauty of Hong Kong.
b) The writer expresses their love and joy after Daniel's birth.
c) The writer complains about the difficulties of being a new parent.
d) The writer talks about their dreams and aspirations for the future.

7. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true?

a) Daniel was an unexpected surprise.
b) Daniel's parents didn't want him.
c) Daniel's arrival has brought joy and new meaning to the writer's life.
d) Daniel's parents haven't slept since he was born.

8. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is false?

a) The writer is learning to type with one hand.
b) Daniel is still very young.
c) The letter is written in the evening.
d) The writer is looking forward to watching Daniel grow.

9. What does the image of the jet trail and the flickering stars symbolize?
a) The vastness of the world and the passage of time.
b) The beauty of nature and the power of technology.
c) The writer's longing for travel and adventure.
d) The challenges of raising a child in a globalized world.

10. What is the tone of the letter?

a) Angry and frustrated
b) Informative and factual
c) Loving and emotional
d) Serious and thoughtful
2-Look at lines 8–9. ‘We had wanted you and waited for you, imagined you and
dreamed about you and now that you are here no dream can do justice to you.’
Give one structural feature used by the writer in this sentence and explain its
Structural feature:

3. Explain, using your own words, what the word ‘ploughing’ (line 10) suggests
about the ferries.

4.‘Millions are already up and moving about and the sun is slanting through the
tower blocks. I can see the trail of a jet over Lamma Island and, somewhere out
there, the last stars flickering towards the other side of the world.’
Give two impressions of life in Hong Kong created in these lines.

Read the following extract written by Laurie Lee. Here, the writer describes the
moment when he leaves home. Answer the following questions.

The stooping figure of my mother, waist-deep in the grass and

caught there like a piece of sheep’s wool, was the last I saw of
my country home as I left it to discover the world. She stood
old and bent at the top of the bank, silently watching me go,
one gnarled red hand raised in farewell and blessing, not
questioning why I went. At the bend of the road I looked back
again and saw the gold light die behind her; then I turned the
corner, passed the village school, and closed that part of my life
for ever.
It was a bright Sunday morning in early June, the right time to
be leaving home. My three sisters and a brother had already
gone before me; two other brothers had yet to make up their
minds. They were still sleeping that morning, but my mother
had got up early and cooked me a heavy breakfast, had stood
wordlessly while I ate it, her hand on my chair, and had then
helped me pack up my few belongings. There had been no fuss,
no appeals, no attempts at advice or persuasion, only a long
and searching look. Then, with my bags on my back, I’d gone
out into the early sunshine and climbed through the long wet
grass to the road.
It was 1934. I was nineteen years old, still soft at the edges, but with
a confident belief in good fortune. I carried a small rolled-up tent, a
violin in a blanket, a change of clothes, a tin of treacle biscuits, and
some cheese.
True /False:

1.The narrator is leaving their childhood home to explore the world.

1. The narrator's mother doesn't question their decision to leave.
2. The narrator is leaving in June 1934.
3. The narrator's mother is young and agile.
4. The narrator's mother argues with them about leaving.

1. What is the central conflict faced by the narrator?


2. Compare and contrast the narrator's view of their future with the
mother's perspective.
3.What overall message or theme does the passage convey about leaving
home and pursuing one's dreams?
.Read the following paragraphs from Nelson Mandela Speech and then connect
the paragraph with its function:
People should be freed from poverty.

Trade justice is a necessity that developing countries can

commit to.
Hold your heads high by
making poverty history in
The end of debt for the poorest countries and delivery of
aid is essential.
Encouragement for this generation to be great in its fight
against poverty.
Provides some personal detail.

Human beings can put an end to poverty.

Introduces the speaker and the cause.

Explains how the world is unfair – there are advances in

technology happening whilst poverty, slavery and
apartheid still persist.
Human beings own the right to dignity and a decent life.

Gives detail about the campaign (Global campaign for

Action Against Poverty)
States the power of standing united with other countries
and how that strength is still needed now.
Explains the importance for the Global Campaign for
Action Against Poverty. The people of Britain are
Section B Language Focus

Complete the following sentences with suitable embedded clause:

1. I love spending time with friends
who ……………………………………………………….
2. We often go to the park, where………………………………………………………………...
3. I feel happy when…………………………………………………………………………………….
4. My favorite book is the one that……………………………………………………………….
5. I am always excited to try new foods, especially
6. If I could travel anywhere, I would……………………………………………………………..
7. I am learning a new language, which………………………………………………………….
8. My favorite thing to do on weekends
is to…………………………………………………………………………..
9. Music is important to me, as it
Read the following passages and decide which one is formal and which one is
The recent discovery of a new exoplanet, Kepler-186f, has sparked renewed interest in the
possibility of extraterrestrial life. Located within the habitable zone of its star, this Earth-
sized planet offers the potential conditions for liquid water to exist on its surface, a crucial
ingredient for life as we know it.

Hold onto your space helmets, folks! Scientists have found another Earth-sized planet in the
"Goldilocks zone," where it's not too hot, not too cold, just right for liquid water to exist.
This cosmic cousin, called Kepler-186f, could potentially harbor life, making our search for
aliens even more exciting!

Section C – Vocabulary

You have to memorize and understand the meaning of the new vocabulary:
gnarled rough and bumpy
fortune luck
treacle a thick syrup containing sugar
winding patting a baby’s back to get rid
of trapped wind
ploughing used metaphorically here to
mean cutting through the
insecurity lack of security; uncertainty
ego self-interest
seductive attractive
neigh of our steeds sound of horses neighing
canvas a type of fabric
blizzard an intense snow storm
crevasse an open crack
snare trap
unguessable not able to be guessed or
floundering struggling to get up
mellow soft, smooth

Multiple Choice question

1.Someone who is constantly "ploughing" through work is most likely:

A. Relaxed and taking breaks
B. Working diligently and persistently
C. Feeling unmotivated and unproductive
D. Taking shortcuts and avoiding challenges

2. "snare" is something that:

A. Helps you escape from danger
B. Trips or traps someone or something
C. Offers comfort and support
D. Provides a clear and easy path

3. "blizzard" is most likely to be found in a:

A. Tropical rainforest
B. Desert landscape
C. Mountainous region
D. Coastal shoreline
4.If something is "unguessable," it is:
A. Easy to predict
B. Obvious and clear
C. Difficult to understand
D. Impossible to solve

5.When someone describes a voice as "seductive," they are likely referring to its:
A. Loudness and volume
B. Harshness and roughness
C. Pleasing and enticing quality
D. Flat and monotone nature

Complete the sentences with words from the box:

Fortune- ego – treacle – winding- gnarled -

1. The ………………. branches of the ancient oak stretched towards the sky,
whispering stories of bygone eras.
2. She dreamt of finding hidden ………………….. buried deep beneath
the ……………….. path in the forest.
3. He stirred the thick …………………, its sticky sweetness clinging to the
4. Despite his immense …………………, he could not escape the feeling of
being a small speck in the vast universe.
Answer key
Answers to the Multiple Choice Questions:
1. b) Hong Kong
2. b) 6:00 AM
3. b) Daniel's mother
4. c) A long sentence
5. c) Excited and ready
6. b) The writer expresses their love and joy after Daniel's birth.
7. c) Daniel's arrival has brought joy and new meaning to the writer's life.
8. c) The letter is written in the morning.
9. a) The vastness of the world and the passage of time.
10. c) Loving and emotional

2. Learners’ answers could include:

• Use of repetition of ‘you’.
Shows he can think of nothing but the baby. / Shows that he loves the baby.
• Listing (for example, ‘wanted,’ ‘waited,’ ‘imagined,’ ‘dreamed’)
Shows how excited / fulfilled / amazed etc. he is.
Long sentences: Mirrors the long time that they have waited for the baby
to arrive

3. Learners’ answers could include:

The ferries are working hard / leaving marks or furrows in the water / going
back and forth.
It is highly populated / many people live there
It is built up / there are many tower blocks
4. It is beautiful / has lovely views / there are lovely stars at night

True /False

1-The narrator faces both internal and external conflict. Internally, they experience
the excitement of new adventures mixed with the sadness of leaving their family
and home. Externally, they face the uncertainty and challenges of the unknown
world ahead.

2- The fading gold light behind the mother can symbolize the end of an era, the
passing of childhood and innocence, and the unknown future that awaits the

3- The passage explores the universal theme of leaving home and pursuing one's
dreams. It poignantly captures the mixed emotions of excitement, anticipation,
sadness, and sacrifice associated with this experience.
1. 1-I love spending time with friends who make me laugh.
2. We often go to the park, where we play games and chat.
3. I feel happy when I am surrounded by loved ones.
4. My favorite book is the one that my grandma gave me.
5. I am always excited to try new foods, especially ones from different
6. If I could travel anywhere, I would go to a place with beautiful beaches.
7. I am learning a new language, which is challenging but rewarding.
8. My favorite thing to do on weekends is to relax and read a good book.
9. Music is important to me, as it helps me express myself.



Multiple Choice Answer:

B. Working diligently and persistently
B. Trips or traps someone or something
C. Mountainous region
D. Impossible to solve
C. Pleasing and enticing quality
Completing Sentences:
1- gnarled
2- fortune – winding
3- treacle
4- ego

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