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Welcome! This is the official documentation for Python 3.12.3.

Docs by version
Python 3.14 (in development) Documentation sections:
Python 3.13 (pre-release)
Python 3.12 (stable)
Python 3.11 (security-fixes) What's new in Python 3.12?
Python 3.10 (security-fixes) Or all "What's new" documents since Python 2.0
Python 3.9 (security-fixes) Installing Python modules
Python 3.8 (security-fixes) Third-party modules and
Python 3.7 (EOL)
Python 3.6 (EOL) Start here: a tour of Python's syntax and features
Python 3.5 (EOL)
Distributing Python modules
Python 3.4 (EOL) Publishing modules for use by other people
Python 3.3 (EOL)
Library reference
Standard library and builtins
Python 3.2 (EOL)
Python 3.1 (EOL)
Extending and embedding
For C/C++ programmers
Python 3.0 (EOL) Language reference
Python 2.7 (EOL)
Syntax and language elements
Python 2.6 (EOL) Python's C API
All versions
C API reference
Python setup and usage
Other resources How to install, configure, and use Python
PEP Index «
Frequently asked questions (with answers!)
Beginner's Guide Python HOWTOs
Book List In-depth topic manuals
Audio/Visual Talks
Python Developer’s Guide
Indices, glossary, and search:

Global module index

All modules and libraries
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General index
All functions, classes, and terms
Complete table of contents
Lists all sections and subsections
Terms explained

Project information:

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Contributing to Docs Copyright

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Python » English 3.12.3 3.12.3 Documentation » Theme Auto | Quick search Go | modules | index

© Copyright 2001-2024, Python Software Foundation.

This page is licensed under the Python Software Foundation License Version 2.
Examples, recipes, and other code in the documentation are additionally licensed under the Zero Clause BSD License.
See History and License for more information.

The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation. Please donate.

Last updated on May 26, 2024 (07:45 UTC). Found a bug?

Created using Sphinx 7.3.7.

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