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Project Based Learning


Distance Measurement System also known as
Distance measurement of an object in front or by the side of a moving entity is required in a
large number of devices. These devices may be small or large and also quite simple or
complicated. Such distance measurement systems are available. These use various kinds of
sensors and systems. Low cost and accuracy as well as speed is important in most of the
applications. In this project, we have implemented such a measurement system which uses
ultrasonic sensor unit and an Aurdino UNO microcontroller based system. This microcontroller
is easily available at low cost. A correlation is applied to minimize the error in the measured
distance. Ultrasound sensors are very versatile in distance measurement. They are also providing
the cheapest solutions. Ultra- sound waves are useful for both the air and underwater. Ultrasonic
sensors are also quite fast for most of the common applications. In simpler system a low cost
version of 8-bit microcontroller can also be used in the system to lower the cost.
The main objective of this project is to provide a useful system to measure the distance which
will be easy to configure and handle. As IR sensors distance measurement systems cannot work
good in different light conditions and also cannot work in water, hence build a low cost system to
measure the distance which will work under water and is not affected by varying light
3.1. Arduino UNO:
The Arduino UNO is one of the major components used in the project which gives the power
supply of 5V. It is a microcontroller board which is an open- source system. It is a
microcontroller board which consists of both Analog and the digital pins. These Analog and the
digital pins can used as input/output pins to interface various circuits.
The specifications of the Arduino UNO are:
i. Microcontroller of ATmega328P Microchip.
ii. The operating voltage of 5V.
iii. The input voltage of around 7 to 20 Volts.
iv. The Flash memory of 32KB out of which 0.5KB is used by the bootloader.
v. A Clock speed of 16MHz.
vi. Length of 68.6mm.
vii. Width of 53.4mm.
viii. SRAM and EEPROM of 2KB and 1KB respectively.
ix. 6 Analog Input Pins
x. 20mA of DC Current per I/O pin and 50mA of DC Current for 3.3V Pin.
xi. Any new code can be dumped into the Arduino hardware without any help of an
external hardware programmer as
xii. ATmega328 on the board is programmed in advance as it is proficient of automating
without any external protocol.
3.2. Ultrasonic Sensor
The Ultrasonic sensor consists of two identical cylinders which are made of Aluminium and
covered by a mesh which are known as the transmitter and the receiver which transmit and
receive Ultrasonic waves. The Crystal Oscillator of frequency 4MHz is also present in Ultrasonic
sensor which is useful in delivering the stable output for a required period of time which work on
the principle called piezo electric effect. The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor commonly known as
Ultrasonic distance detector is a sensor which has two transducers which are Ultrasonic. Among
the two transducers one acts as a transmitter and the other acts as a receiver. The sensor which
can convert an ultrasonic signal into an electrical signal or energy signal is known as an
Ultrasonic sensor The transmitter of the Ultrasonic sensor can convert an electrical into an
ultrasonic sound pulses of the frequency 40KHz. The receiver of the sensor listens to the pulses
which has been transmitted. If it is received then an output pulse is generated of a specified width
whose width is helpful in calculating the distance.
The Ultrasonic Sensor consists of 4 pins. They are:
i. VCC
ii. Trig
iii. Echo
iv. GND
These modules are designed to be used for microcontroller based applications hence optimized
for it. The interface is a single pin called SIG (signal). The MCU is connected to the Ultrasonic
Sensor Module by a single i/o line. The steps required to read distance are:

Ultrasonic Sensor Interface with MCU

1. Microcontroller make the i/o line output. (by using the DDRx Register in AVR)
2. The i/o line is made low (this may be the default state of i/o pin)
3. Wait for 10uS
4. Make the i/o line high.
5. Wait for 15uS
6. Make the i/o line low
7. Wait for 20uS
8. Now make it input (by using the DDRx Register in AVR)
9. Module will keep it low. Wait till it is low, as soon as it becomes high start the timer.
10. After that wait till it is high, as soon as it becomes low copy the timer value and stop the
11. Finally we have the time required for the wave to go hit the obstacle and come back to the
If the pulse width is in microseconds, the distance can be calculated by the following formula:
Distance in cm = Pulse width/58
Distance in inches = Pulse width/148
The technique of distance measurement using ultrasonic in air include continuous wave and
pulse echo technique. In the pulse echo method, a burst of pulses is sent through the transmission
medium and is reflected by an object kept at special distance. The time taken for the pulse to
propagate from transmitter to receiver is proportional to the distance of object. For contact less
measurement of distance, the device has to rely on the target to reflect the pulse back to itself.
The target needs to have a proper orientation that is it needs to be perpendicular to the direction
of propagation of the pulses. The amplitude of the received signal gets significantly attenuated
and is a function of nature of the medium and the distance between the transmitter and target.
The pulse echo or time-of-flight method of range measurement is subject to high levels of signal
attenuation when used in an air medium, thus limiting its distance range.
The working of the Ultrasonic sensor as detector to detect the objects or obstacles and to
calculate the distance involves 3 major steps. They are:
1. A sound wave of high frequency has been sent from the trigger pin of the transmitter of the
Ultrasonic sensor.
2. If the high frequency signal detects any kind of object or obstacle then the signal is reflected
3. The reflected signal after hitting an obstacle is received by the echo pin of the transmitter of
Ultrasonic sensor.

The speed of the sound wave is obviously taken as 340 m/s. And this speed when transformed in
terms of cm/us (centimetres per micro second) it becomes 0.034cm/us.
Distance = Speed x time Distance = 0.034cm/us x time
But the time calculated from the pulse which is sent out and then reflected back which implies
that the pulse is both transmitted and received. So in order to get the actual distance the result
should be divided by 2 which is the half which gives the exact distance of the object from the
Ultrasonic sensor.
Distance = (Speed x time) / 2
Distance = (0.034cm/us x time (us)) / 2 Distance= Time taken x Speed of sound
The objective of this project was to design and implement an Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
device. As described in this report a system is developed that can calculate the distance of the
tracked object. With respect to the requirements for an ultrasonic rangefinder the followings can
be concluded.
1. The system can calculate the distance of the obstruction with sufficient accuracy.
2. This device has the capability to interact with other peripheral if used as a secondary device.
3. This can also communicate with PC through its serial port.
4. This offers a low cost and efficient solution for non-contact type distance measurements.
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