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Similes: as … as 1

Jacob is writing a story about a mouse called Bob. Complete the story using
the pairs of words in the box to make similes.

cold / ice fast / the wind light / a feather

pretty / a picture slow / a snail white / snow

The Adventure of Bob the Mouse

Bob the mouse followed his brother Mitch under the door and into a
large house. Bob had never seen such a beautiful house. It was
(e.g.) as
pretty as a picture They bounded down the hallway
and into the kitchen. Bob and Mitch could run quickly across the floor
— they were (1) _________________________. They felt as if they

were flying as they ran. But what if someone heard them? What if
someone came and turned on the light? The kitchen floor was smooth
and shiny. Someone probably swept it frequently because it was
(2) _________________________. Since it was the middle of winter,
the floor was also (3) _________________________. Bob shivered.
Mitch stopped and looked back. ‘Hurry up!’ he whispered. ‘You’re
(4) _________________________! We’ve got work to do. We have to
find some food for our brothers and sisters.’ Bob nodded his head. He
was, of course, (5) _________________________ as he searched every
corner of the kitchen for a scrap of food to take back to his family.
Mitch and Bob were gone again in just a few minutes.
Similes: as … as 2
Elle is reading an email from Agnes. Match the adjectives to the nouns to
make similes and complete the email.

cold fast light a feather a picture a snail

pretty slow white ice snow the wind

Hi Elle,
I am writing this email on my new computer. It’s great! My old computer
was very slow. It was (e.g.) as slow as a snail
_________________________. The new one is
not slow – quite the contrary – it is (1) _________________________. My
new computer is a laptop, so I can use it anywhere in the house. I’m in the
living room at the moment. My new computer is not heavy at all. It is
(2) _________________________. I love the colour of it. Unlike the old
one, which was black, it is (3) _________________________. It has a very
nice design and there is a lovely floral pattern on it. It’s (4) ____________
_____________. I’ll show it to you when you come to see me at the
weekend. Well, I’ve got to go now. It’s (5) _________________________
outside and the weather report says it will be even colder tomorrow. Make
sure you put on your winter jacket. See you at school tomorrow.

Asking for and giving reasons 1: why/because
Ann is writing about her neighbours. Write the sentences using ‘why’ or
‘because’ and the words given.

e.g. (Mrs Lee / sons / fight over / toy car)

Mrs Lee is angry because her sons are fighting over a
toy car.

1. (Helen / need / sit in / wheelchair)


2. (James / call / police)


3. (Karen / stay up late / need / finish her homework)


4. (Steven / turn on / heater)


5. (Ben / have a rest / tired)

Asking for and giving reasons 2: why/because

Max is helping his brother Jack with a project. Complete what they say using
‘why’ or ‘because’ and the words in the brackets.

Jack: Max, I read the story Goldilocks in class. Now I have to answer some
questions about it for my book project.
Max: That should be easy.
Jack: Yes, but there are a few things that I don’t understand, for instance,
(e.g.) ________ go inside the house
did she ________________________ (go inside /
Max: I think she did that (1) ________ she __________________________
(want / see) what was inside. She was curious.
Jack: But then, (2) ________ did she ___________________________ (eat /
porridge) when she saw it on the table?
Max: She ate it (3) ________ she _____________________________
(hungry) after a long walk in the forest.
Jack: Still, I don’t think it was the right thing to do. Well, I’ve got one more
Max: Yes?
Jack: (4) ________ did she ___________________________ (try / the
different beds)?
Max: She tried the different beds (5) ________ she _________________
________________ (want / know) which was the most comfortable.
Jack: You’ve answered all my questions. Thanks for your help, Max!
Asking for and giving reasons 3: why/because
Susie and Amy are talking at the school gate. Complete what they say using
‘why’ or ‘because’ and the information given in Amy’s daily planner.

- leave school early
- go to the dentist
- play tennis (Remember: take tennis racket)
- take all the books home
- revise for the three tests tomorrow

Susie: (e.g.) Why are you leaving school early

__________________________________________, Amy?

Amy: I’m leaving early (1) _______________________________________

________________ this afternoon.

Susie: Oh, I see. (2) _____________________________________________

with you?

Amy: Well, I’m taking my tennis racket (3) __________________________

___________________ after seeing the dentist.

Susie: You have a lot of books in your bag too. (4) ____________________

___________________________ home?

Amy: I’m taking all my books home (5) _____________________________

________________________ tomorrow.

Susie: Oh, right, there are three tests tomorrow. I need to go home and study

now. See you, Amy.

Amy: Bye, Susie.

Antonyms 1
Sarah is writing a book report on the story Goldilocks. Complete the report
with the words in the box.

awake empty salty shouted tiny uncomfortable

This is the story of Goldilocks. Goldilocks was walking in the

forest and she saw a house. The house she saw was not big; it was

(e.g.) __________________. Goldilocks looked in through the

window and saw three bowls of porridge on the table. She went

inside. The first bowl she tried was too (1) __________________

but the next one she tried was just right, so she finished the entire

bowl. Her stomach was (2) __________________ before but now

it was full. Goldilocks was tired then. So she walked into the

bedroom and tried the beds there. The first one she tried was

(3) __________________ but the second one was comfortable, so

she lay down. The occupants of the house were three bears. When

they came home she was not (4) __________________; she was

asleep. ‘Who is that girl?’ whispered Mother Bear. ‘She has eaten

all my porridge!’ (5) __________________ Baby Bear when he

saw his empty bowl. Goldilocks was very scared when she saw the

bears. She ran all the way home.

Antonyms 2
Jason and Ben are on holiday with their parents. They are staying in a hotel.
Complete what they say using antonyms of the underlined words.

Jason: Ben, are you asleep?

Ben: No, I’m (e.g.) __________.

awake What’s the matter? Why did you shout?

Jason: I didn’t shout. I just (1) __________. I can’t sleep. My bed is so

uncomfortable. It’s not (2) __________ at all. What can I do?

Ben: Well, have a large drink of water and try to go to sleep.

Jason: But my glass isn’t very full. It’s almost (3) __________, in fact.

Ben: Well, have my water, then. I’m a little hungry. Would you like to have a


Jason: Yes, but I want something sweet, not something (4) __________.

Ben: It will be breakfast time in a few hours. We shouldn’t have a big meal now.

Let’s just have a (5) __________ snack.

Jason: I think a snack will definitely make me feel better.

Ben: OK. Finish it quickly and have a nice sleep. We will have a lot of

sightseeing to do tomorrow.
Connectives 1: therefore/since
A New Year party was held at the school but some parents did not attend.
Look at the pictures and find out why they were absent. Complete the
sentences using ‘therefore’ or ‘since’.

e.g. 1. Mrs Lamb 2. Mr Joyce

Mr Timms
caught a cold busy at work went on a trip

3. 4. Mr Grey 5. Mrs Smith

Mrs West
lost her ID card had a meeting was at another party

e.g. Mr Timms caught a cold. Therefore, he didn’t go to the party


1. _____________________________________, she didn’t go to the party.

2. _____________________________________, he didn’t go to the party either.

3. Mrs West lost her ID card. _____________________________________.

4. Mr Grey had a meeting. _____________________________________.

5. _____________________________________, she didn’t go to the party either.

Connectives 2: therefore/since
Miss Tang, the teacher, is talking to her class. Complete what they say using
‘therefore’ or ‘since’ and the words in the brackets.

Miss Tang: Good morning, class. How are you all today?

Class: Fine, thanks, Miss Tang.

Since we have finished the last unit

Miss Tang: Good. Listen, (e.g.) ________________________________________

(have finished / last unit), we will have a test tomorrow.

Sandy: But Miss Tang, tomorrow is a holiday. (1) ______________________

________________________________ (can’t have a test / tomorrow).

Miss Tang: Oh yes, of course. Tomorrow is a holiday. Well, we’ll have the test the

day after the holiday then. I’ll make the test more difficult (2) _______

______________________________ (have more time / study) now.

Julie: (3) _____________________________________ (extra day / study), I

believe we can all do well in the test.

Miss Tang: Very well. All of you have behaved well in class. (4) ____________

_________________________ (have bought / some sweets) for you.

I hope they can cheer you up when you are studying for the test.

Class: Thank you, Miss Tang. (5) _________________________________

_________ (very kind / us), we’ll surely do our best in the test!
Connectives 3: therefore/since
Pete is writing the back cover copy of the story The Three Little Pigs. Complete
the description using ‘therefore’ or ‘since’ and the words in the box.

he decided on a different plan he decided to build a stronger house

it was a brick house my house is made of sticks
some of you may want to read the story the wolf could blow it down

The three little pigs each built a house of their own. The first little pig

Therefore, the wolf could blow it down

made his house with straw. (e.g.) ________________________________

_____ easily. The second little pig made his house with sticks.

(1) ‘_____________________________________,’ he thought, ‘it will be

safe from the wolf.’ But the wolf came and blew the stick house down too.

The third little pig saw everything. (2) ___________________________

__________. He used bricks to build his house. The wolf could not blow

down the third little pig’s house (3) ____________________________

_________. The wolf failed to blow the house down. (4) ___________

__________________________. I won’t tell you how the story ends

(5) _____________________________________ to find out!

Connectives 1: either … or / neither … nor
Read the leaflet about Happy Animal Park. Complete the sentences using
‘either … or’ or ‘neither …nor’.

Happy Animal Park

Welcome to our park. Before you begin your adventure, please read the
following information about the park and your visit here.

e.g. ________
Neither children under 7 years old ________
nor people over 65 need to pay
the entrance fee. Entry is free for these people.

1. When you get hungry, you can have lunch in ________ the Stone Palace
________ the Village Hut Snack Bar. Both places provide healthy and
delicious snacks and meals for you.

2. Please remember that flash photography is allowed in ________ the

Snake Pavilion ________ the Spider House. Bright flashes scare these

3. Some of our animals hibernate in winter. ________ the bears ________

the tortoises can be visited during the winter months. They can only be
visited between spring and autumn.

4. Please ask our staff for help if you have any questions. ________ your
tour guide ________ the animal carers can answer your questions about
the animals. They are always happy to help!

5. Don’t forget that ________ mobile phones ________ other mobile

devices can be used in the bat cave. The sounds from these devices will
disturb the bats.
We hope you enjoy your visit!
Connectives 2: either … or / neither … nor
Norah, Kitty, Lilly and Miss Chan are organising a party. They are discussing
their responsibilities. Look at the table and complete what Miss Chan says
using ‘either … or’ or ‘neither … nor’.

Norah Kitty Lilly

select the music 
buy soft drinks 
decorate the room 
prepare food  
make the invitations  
organise games 

Lilly will select the music because (e.g.) ____________________________

neither Kitty nor Norah

has good taste in music. (1) ______________________________ can buy the

soft drinks so Norah will do so. Norah will also decorate the room because

(2) ______________________________ can do that. (3) ________________

______________ can prepare the food, or they can do it together. For the

invitations, (4) ______________________________ can make them. They

are both very good at drawing. That just leaves organising the games.

(5) ______________________________ is good at organising games. So Kitty

has to be the one who organises them.

Connectives 3: either … or and neither … nor
Ellie is completing a fact sheet about two endangered animals. Complete the
fact sheet using ‘either … or’ or ‘neither … nor’ and the information on her

Romer’s Tree Frogs

Japan / Australia 
climbs trees / stay in water 
eat flying insects / other tiny insects 

Chinese White Dolphins

live out of the water / breathe underwater 
live along the coast / near river mouths 
eat shrimps / octopus 

Romer’s Tree Frog

neither Japan nor Australia
The Romer’s Tree Frog lives in (e.g.) ____________________________________
___________________. It lives only in Hong Kong. It is a tiny brown frog that
lives in woodlands near waters on Lantau Island, Po Toi Island and Lamma Island.
It (1) ____________________________________________________. It spends
most of the time on the ground. It eats (2) _______________________________

Chinese White Dolphin

The Chinese White Dolphin is a marine mammal. It can (3) ___________________
__________________________________. It is not a fish. The dolphin (4) _______
_____________________________________________, but pollution, land
reclamation and heavy boat traffic make it hard for the dolphin to live and find food.
It (5) ____________________________________________________. It eats only
fish. The dolphin grows up to 270 cm long and weighs up to 250 kg.
Tenses 1
Ryan is writing in his journal about a visit from his uncle. Complete what he
writes using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

29th Oct, 20XX

Last week, Uncle Bob (e.g.) ____________

stayed (stay) with us while the

decorators (1) ____________ (paint) his flat. He (2) ____________

(sleep) in my room and I moved to my brother’s room. It was nice to

spend some time with Uncle Bob since we don’t see him often. He

loves travelling. He (3) ____________ (visit) lots of different countries.

He is retired now. He used to be a journalist. When he was young,

Uncle Bob (4) ____________ (travel) to countries all over the world to

(5) ____________ (write) travel articles for newspapers and magazines.

Since his retirement, Uncle Bob (6) ____________ (continue) to travel.

Last week, Uncle Bob showed us some of his photos and

(7) ____________ (tell) us lots of amazing stories. I said to Uncle Bob,

‘When I grow up, I want to (8) ____________ (travel) all over the

world too, just like you.’

Tenses 2
Anna is writing a story. Complete what she writes using the correct form of
the verbs in the box.

be fall find get have help make sleep stop

‘A Damsel in Distress’

Once upon a time, there was a young princess who was always tired. One day,

was having
when she (e.g.) __________________ breakfast, she (1) __________________

asleep at the table. The queen asked, ‘Why are you so tired, my dear? Did you

(2) __________________ badly last night? You know it is very important to

(3) __________________ enough sleep every night.’ The princess replied that

she always (4) __________________ it difficult to sleep at night and so she felt

very tired during the day. The king decided to (5) __________________ the

princess. ‘(6) __________________ you from sleeping during the day is the

answer,’ the king said to his daughter. ‘(7) I __________________ it

impossible for you to fall asleep during the day.’ The king gave the princess

different house chores to do. The princess was as busy as a bee. ‘Now you

(8) ___________________ so tired at night that you will sleep like a log!’ said

the happy king.

Tenses 3
Jennifer is writing an article on an endangered species. Complete what she
writes using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

cause create disappear exist get

live protect report see

Frogs in Danger

This week scientists (e.g.) ____________

have reported on the status of a number of

endangered species such as the Romer’s Tree Frog in Hong Kong. The

population of this tiny frog (1) ________________ smaller. This reduction in

numbers (2) ________________ by many factors, such as the loss of natural

habitat and pollution. The frog (3) ________________ in woodlands and near

island waters, but now these woodlands (4) ________________. Scientists say

that it is extremely important to (5) ________________ these animals. Very

few children nowadays (6) ________________ these rare and attractive frogs?

(7) ________________ they still ________________ so that our next

generation can see them? The government says that it (8) ________________

more protected woodland areas for the frogs in the next few years.
Indicating time passing 1
Sara is writing about the school picnic for the school newsletter. Complete the
article with the words in the box.

after a while at last soon then

Queen’s Primary School Issue 30 (October)

The School Picnic By Sara Liu (6A)

The school picnic has always been my favourite school event of the year.
This year, we went to Sai Kung Country Park for our picnic. We arrived at
school at 8.00 a.m., (e.g.) _________________
then waited for the school bus
at the school gates. We were a bit cold at first. (1) ___________________
Miss Lee told us to line up in the sun. The sun’s rays were soft and warm,
so (2) ____________________, we started to feel warmer. We waited for
half an hour as the school bus was late. ‘(3) ____________________!’
grumbled Melissa when the school bus stopped at the school gates. It
turned out that Sai Kung Country Park is not too far away from our school,
and we (4) ____________________ found ourselves arriving at the
entrance. We sat in the sun on the warm grass and started singing songs
and playing games. (5) ____________________ we shared the food we
brought with us. We left the Country Park at 4.00 p.m. and were all very
tired, but had such a brilliant day!
Indicating time passing 2
James and Alfred are talking in Ocean Park. Complete what they say with the
words in the box.

after a while at last soon then

James: Well, here we are in Ocean Park, Alfred! Are you still feeling carsick?
Alfred: I’m still feeling a little dizzy but I’ll (e.g.) ____________________
soon be fine.
James: Great. Which attractions do you want to see? I think we don’t have enough
time to visit all of them today.
Alfred: That’s true. Hmm … perhaps we can go to Polar Adventure first. It’s a
new attraction. (1) ____________________, we can go to Marine
World. It’s just next to Polar Adventure.
James: That’s a great idea because there are long queues for the rides at Thrill
Mountain now. We can go back (2) ____________________ and check if
the queues are any shorter.
Alfred: Yes, I agree. Last time my friend Amy waited for more than an hour before
she got on the ride (3) ____________________. I think it’s wise for us to
go to other attractions first.
James: (4) ____________________ it’ll be lunchtime after we’ve gone to Polar
Adventure and Marine World. We can have lunch before we move on to
the next spot.
Alfred: Sure. We can take the cable car to see the pandas after lunch,
(5) ____________________ we can start playing the fun rides.
James: That’s a really good idea. Let’s go!
Indicating time passing 3
Anna is writing about how to make gingerbread cookies. Look at the pictures.
Write the sentences using ‘after a while’, ‘at last’, ‘soon’ or ‘then’ and the
phrases in the box.

cut the cake mix into desired shapes with cutters

decorate the cookies with chocolate chips
it will become a thick cake mix
the cookies will turn a light golden-brown
  

 

1. In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, ginger powder, sugar, salt and egg.

Soon, it will become a thick cake mix.

2. _________________________________________________________________

Roll the cake mix out to 1/4 inch thickness.

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. Put the cookies into a preheat oven. ____________________________________

____________________________. Bake for about 12 minutes.

5. _________________________________________________________________
Synonyms 1
Ben and Ted are telling their mother about their camping trip last weekend.
Complete what they say by using the correct form of the words in the box for
the underlined words.

give us the giggles join in raw soaked thrilled throw up

Mum: It rained very heavily last weekend. Did you boys get wet in the storm?
Ben: Wet? We were all (e.g.) ___________________!
soaked The rain was very heavy.
Ted: Yes, the rain was so heavy that we could barely light the barbecue.
Mum: Was the meat you ate a bit uncooked then?
Ben: Actually it was still half (1) ______________________, even after having
been cooked for 10 minutes. We couldn’t get the fire going.
Ted: So we cooked it for a little longer. Everyone was excited when the meat
was finally done!
Ben: I was (2) ______________________ since I was starving. And, after the
barbecue, the rain stopped. We began to play games.
Mum: Did everyone take part in the games?
Ted: Yes, everyone including Mr Lee (3) ______________________ the games.
Ben: While we were playing games, Ken felt ill and he suddenly vomited.
Ted: Right, he (4) ______________________ all over his shirt. He looked so
Mum: Was he all right?
Ben: Well, he felt much better after some rest. He even cracked a few jokes that
made us laugh.
Ted: Ha ha! Ken’s jokes always (5) ______________________. I had so much
fun last weekend.
Ben: Me too!
Synonyms 2
Jane is writing in her diary about her school’s Open Day. Replace the
underlined words with words that have similar meanings.

30th June 20XX Sunny

The Open Day of my school this year was (e.g.) excellent. e.g. perfect
My friends and I (1) quickly made the last-minute 1.
preparations before the guests arrived. We were
(2) excited about the arrival of the guests. Unfortunately, it 2.
started to rain heavily as they began to arrive. All the guests
got (3) wet as they tried to shelter from the rain. The 3.
students were (4) surprised to see that the decorations were 4.
ruined by the rain. In fact the decorations looked quite
funny after the rain. It (5) gave us the giggles, and even our 5.
principal, Mr Ng, (6) started to laugh. Although the 6.
decorations were ruined, the Open Day was a huge success.
Everyone (7) took part in the activities we provided and 7.
they all enjoyed themselves very much.
Making suggestions 1
Maggie and Anne are talking about suggestions for their school trip this year.
Complete what they say with the words in the box.

How about Shall we What about

Maggie: Do you have any suggestions about where we could go on our school trip
this year, Anne?
Anne: I have a few ideas in mind. (e.g.) How
about going to Ocean
Park? We can go on the exciting rides and watch the animal shows there.
Maggie: Ocean Park is fun but there are often long queues for the rides.
(1) ____________________ going to Cheung Chau Island?
Anne: That’s a great idea. We can go hiking along the trails.
(2) ____________________ have barbecue if we’re going to Cheung Chau?
Maggie: Sure. There are some nice barbecue pits in Cheung Chau.
(3) ____________________ make a few more suggestions for our
classmates to choose from tomorrow?
Anne: Yes, let’s think of two more places that we can visit. Hmm …
(4) ____________________ going to Wetland Park? I went there with my
parents a few months ago. I learned so much about wildlife there.
Maggie: That sounds like an excellent choice too. Oh, I have another suggestion.
(5) ____________________ visiting the Big Buddha? We can go to Tai O
afterwards. It’s quite near the Big Buddha.
Anne: Wow, so we can visit two places in one day! OK. Let’s put all these places
down on paper and give it to Miss Wong tomorrow morning.
Making suggestions 2
Carla’s class is organising a school picnic. Help Carla complete her
suggestions using the information given and the words in brackets.

e.g. - Work in groups to complete different tasks

1. - Go to Sai Kung Country Park for a picnic
2. - Decide what food to bring two days before the picnic
3. - Play some group games after lunch
4. - Cycle around the park
5. - Go on a walk through the park

What about working in groups to complete different tasks?

e.g. ____________________________________________________________
(What about)
1. ____________________________________________________________
(How about)
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
(What about)
4. ____________________________________________________________
(How about)
5. ____________________________________________________________
Making suggestions 3
Kate is writing an e-mail to her friend Martha. Complete the e-mail using the
correct form of the words in brackets and the words in the box.

bring them all along divide the work up

meet at the weekend come over to my house
start in the morning set ourselves a deadline

Dear Martha,

Our school trip to Ocean Park was great, wasn’t it? Now we have to do the project
on Ocean Park. (e.g.) ________________________________________________
How about meeting at the weekend
(How about) to talk about it? I’m free all day on Saturday. You took lots of great
photos in the park. (1) ________________________________________________
(What about) on Saturday so that we can decide which ones to use? I’ll bring the
pictures that I drew in the park too. (2) ___________________________________
__________________ (Shall we) now so that we can do some preparation
beforehand? I can do some research on the Internet about the animals in the
park,and you can write descriptions of the animals we saw there. What do you
think? (3) ______________________________________________ (What about)?
When can you come? (4) _____________________________________________
(How about) and having lunch together? We can have lunch in one of the
restaurants nearby.

(5) ____________________________________________________ (Shall we) for

getting everything finsihed? I think we will work better with a schedule. Let me know
what you think.

Passive voice using the simple present tense 1
Paul is making a poster about tsunamis. Complete the poster with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.


Tsunamis are very dangerous. They (e.g.) ______________

are caused

(cause) by earthquakes under the sea. A series of powerful

waves (1) ______________ (create) as a result. These waves

travel thousands of kilometres. Very often, low-lying areas

(2) ______________ (flood) before the higher second wave

arrives. Great damage (3) ______________ (do) by this

natural disaster. Not only are buildings and roads in the

affected areas (4) ______________ (destroy), but the

economies of these areas (5) ______________ (hit) as well.

Though aid (6) ______________ (provide) for the victims, it

takes a long time to rebuild the affected community.

Passive voice using the simple present tense 2
Linda is writing about the damage caused by natural disasters. Look at the
pictures and complete what she writes with the words in brackets.

e.g. (houses / flood)

Houses are flooded.

1. (forests / burn down)


2. (farmland / destroy by drought)


3. (cars / stick in the snow)


4. (trees and signs / blow down)


5. (houses / bury in landslides)

Passive voice using the simple present tense 3
Vincent is listening to the news about a snowstorm in New York. Fill in the
blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

block blow down stop cancel

clear drop leave shut down update

A snowstorm hit New York yesterday. Many major roads (e.g.) _______________.
are blocked

Some citizens (1) ___________________ without electricity. The strong winds are

still blowing. The winds are so strong that lots of trees (2) ___________________.

New York’s airports (3) ___________________ and more than 700 flights

(4) ___________________. All the shopping malls, shops and schools

(5) ___________________ and the subway system has stopped working because of

the snowstorm. A government spokesperson says that the snow will be cleared as

soon as possible. Life in the city (6) ___________________ to resume back to

normal when the snow (7) ___________________.

The news on Hot Radio (8) ___________________ every half an hour, so stay

tuned for more updates. Bye for now.

Asking for information 1
Pam’s father is asking her about her school’s Open Day. Complete what they
say with the words in the box.

how what when where who why

Pam: Are you coming to the Open Day at my school, Dad?
Dad: I’d love to come. (e.g.) ____________
When is it?
Pam: It’s next Saturday.
Dad: I don’t have to work on Saturdays, so I can come. (1) ____________ else
have you invited?
Pam: I’ve invited Mum, Little Jack and Aunt Maggie.
Dad: All right. I’ll drive them all to your school. (2) ____________ should we
Pam: You should arrive before the opening ceremony starts.
Dad: All right. (3) ____________ is that?
Pam: It starts at half past nine. You can arrive anytime before that.
Dad: (4) ____________ activities will there be?
Pam: There will be exhibitions, fun games and choir performances.
Dad: That sounds great! (5) ____________ will you be on the day?
Pam: I’ll be at the school gates, greeting guests.
Dad: Are you one of the helpers? Will you take part in the choir performances?
Pam: No, I won’t.
Dad: Oh, (6) ____________ not? Aren’t you in the school choir?
Pam: Yes, I am. But only P1 to P3 students will perform.
Dad: I see. But I’ll still love to see the choir performances. (7) ____________
are the performances taking place?
Pam: You can see them in the school hall, right after the opening ceremony
Dad: Fantastic! (8) ____________ songs are they going to sing?
Pam: Your favourites … songs from famous musicals!
Dad: Wow, I can’t wait!
Asking for information 2
Ben is interviewing Mr Chan for the school radio station about some recent
extreme weather. Write his questions by reordering the words in brackets and
choosing the correct question words from the box.

how what when where who why

Ben: (the / was / disaster)

(e.g.) __________________________________________________
What was the disaster?
Mr Chan: It was a snowstorm.
Ben: (take / it / did / place)
(1) __________________________________________________
Mr Chan: It took place in Canada.
Ben: (did / begin / it)
(2) __________________________________________________
Mr Chan: It began at ten o’clock last night.
Ben: (it / damage / cause / did)
(3) __________________________________________________
Mr Chan: The snowstorm has left thousands of homes without electricity and
over 1,000 trees are destroyed.
Ben: (victims / are / the / snowstorm / the / of)
(4) __________________________________________________
Mr Chan: The victims are mostly the elderly and the people travelling by cars.
Ben: (we / victims / can / the / help)
(5) __________________________________________________
Mr Chan: You can help them by donating money, food and warm clothes.
Asking for information 3
Clara is reading a newspaper report about a typhoon, but some of the
information is missing. Using the question words in the box, help Clara find
the missing information by writing out the correct questions. You can use each
question word only ONCE.

how many what when where who why

Typhoon Report
A severe typhoon named (e.g.) battered the SAR of Hong
Kong today, injuring (1) people and causing the public
transport system to close down. The typhoon made landfall early today.
The landfall took place at (2) , after the Hong Kong
Observatory issued its No. 10 hurricane signal for the first time since
1999. The typhoon first hit the (3) part of Hong Kong and
moved along the coast. The typhoon caused huge amounts of damage to
the city because (4) . All flights to and from Hong Kong’s
international airport are cancelled. (5) are staying in local
hotels until flights resume.

e.g. What is the name of the typhoon?

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
Expressing possibilities, condition and necessities 1
Sam is writing the weather forecast for the school radio station. Complete the
script using ‘might’, ‘need to’ or ‘unless’.

9 Aug 20XX

Weather Forecast
Good morning, everyone. Here’s the weekend’s weather
forecast. It’ll be rainy this coming weekend, so if you’re
planning to go out at the weekend, you (e.g.) ___________
need to
make sure you take an umbrella with you. There
(1) _______________ be strong winds on Saturday afternoon
and there is a chance of heavy rain. The heavy rain
(2) _______________ cause flooding in low-lying areas.
People in these areas are advised to stay at home
(3) _______________ there are any emergencies. They also
(4) _______________ keep updated with the weather
conditions, in case they need to take any action to ensure
their personal safety. As heavy rain is also expected on
Sunday, the school fun day will also be cancelled
(5) _______________ there is a sudden change in the
weather pattern. The fun day (6) _______________ be
rescheduled for next week, but first we (7) _______________
see what happens on Sunday. That’s all for the weather
forecast. Goodbye.
Expressing possibilities, condition and necessities 2
Megan is writing an e-mail to her friend Rachel about a picnic they have
planned for tomorrow. Complete the e-mail using ‘might’, ‘need to’ or ‘unless’
and the phrases in the box.

anything changes be a good idea

be occasional showers give Peggy a ring
take our mobile phones take our umbrellas
there is something I cannot find

Dear Rachel,
I saw on the weatherforecast just now that it will be very hot tomorrow and
that there (e.g.) _________________________________
might be occasional showers in the afternoon.
So, I guess we (1) _____________________________________________.
I will buy food for our lunch this afternoon. You will not need to buy anything
(2) __________________________________________________ in the
supermarket. I will phone you if that is the case. Do you think we both
(3) _______________________________________________? The battery
on my phone
might does not lastshowers
have occasional very long, so it (4) ________________________
___________________________________ if you bring yours as well. Well,
(5) ______________________________________________, I will see you
at 8.00 a.m. tomorrow at the ferry terminal. You (6) ____________________
____________________________________________ before you leave
home in case she is still lounging in bed. You know she is a sleepyhead! I’m
sure we’ll all have a great day. See you tomorrow.
Answer Key (6A)

Similes 1: as … as
1. as light as a feather
2. as white as snow
3. as cold as ice
4. as slow as a snail
5. as fast as the wind

Similes 2: as … as
1. as fast as the wind
2. as light as a feather
3. as white as snow
4. as pretty as a picture
5. as cold as ice
Answer Key (6A)

Asking for and giving reasons 1: why/because

1. Why does Helen need to sit in a wheelchair?
2. Why does/is James call/calling the police?
3. Karen stays / is staying up late because she needs to finish her homework.
4. Why does/is Steven warm/warming his hands at the heater?
5. Ben has / is having a rest because he is tired.

Asking for and giving reasons 2: why/because

1. because, wanted to see
2. why, eat the porridge
3. because, was hungry
4. Why, try the different beds
5. because, wanted to know

Asking for and giving reasons 3: why/because

1. because I am going to see the dentist
2. Why are you taking the/your tennis racket
3. because I am going to play tennis
4. Why are you taking all your books
5. because I am going to / have to revise for the three tests
Answer Key (6A)

Antonyms 1
1. salty
2. empty
3. uncomfortable
4. awake
5. shouted

Antonyms 2
1. whispered
2. comfortable
3. empty
4. salty
5. tiny/little/small
Answer Key (6A)

Connectives 1: therefore/since
1. Since Mrs Lamb was busy at work
2. Since Mr Joyce went on a trip
3. Therefore, she didn’t go to the party
4. Therefore, he didn’t go to the party.
5. Since Mrs Smith had another party

Connectives 2: therefore/since
1. Therefore, we can’t have a test tomorrow
2. since you have more time to study
3. Since we have an extra day to study
4. Therefore, I have bought some sweets
5. Since you are / have been very kind to us

Connectives 3: therefore/since
1. Since my house is made of sticks
2. Therefore, he decided to build a stronger house
3. Since it was a brick house
4. Therefore, he decided on a different plan
5. Since some of you may want to read the story
Answer Key (6A)

Connectives 1: either … or / neither … nor

1. either, or
2. neither, nor
3. neither, nor
4. either, or
5. neither, nor

Connectives 2: either … or / neither … nor

1. Neither Kitty/Lilly nor Lilly/Kitty
2. neither Kitty/Lilly nor Lilly/Kitty
3. Either Lilly or Norah
4. either Kitty/Lilly or Lilly/Kitty
5. Neither Lilly nor Norah

Connectives 3: either … or / neither … nor

1. neither climbs trees nor stays in the water
2. either flying insects or other tiny insects
3. neither live out of the water nor breathe underwater
4. lives either along the coast or near river mouths
5. eats neither shrimps nor octopus
Answer Key (6A)

Tenses 1
1. were painting / painted
2. slept
3. has visited
4. travelled
5. write
6. has continued
7. told
8. travel

Tenses 2
1. fell
2. sleep
3. get
4. found
5. help
6. Stopping
7. am going to make / will make
8. will be / are going to be

Tenses 3
1. is getting / has been getting / has got
2. is caused
3. lives
4. are disappearing
5. protect
6. have seen
7. Will, exist
8. is going to create / will create / is creating
Answer Key (6A)

Indicating time passing 1

1. Then / After a while
2. after a while
3. At last
4. soon
5. Then

Indicating time passing 2

1. Then
2. after a while
3. at last
4. soon/then
5. then

Indicating time passing 3

3. Then, cut the cake mix into desired shapes with cutters.
4. After a while / Soon, the cookies will turn a light golden-brown.
5. At last, decorate the cookies with chocolate chips.
Answer Key (6A)

Synonyms 1
1. raw
2. thrilled
3. joined in
4. threw up
5. give us the giggles

Synonyms 2
1. hurriedly
2. thrilled
3. soaked
4. shocked
5. made us laugh
6. burst out laughing
7. joined in
Answer Key (6A)

Making suggestions 1
1. How/What about
2. Shall we
3. Shall we
4. How/What about
5. How/What about

Making suggestions 2
1. How about going to Sai Kung Country Park for a picnic?
2. Shall we decide what food to bring two days before the picnic?
3. What about playing some group games after lunch?
4. How about cycling around the park?
5. Shall we go on a walk through the park?

Making suggestions 3
1. What about bringing them all along
2. Shall we divide the work up
3. What about coming over to my house
4. How about starting in the morning
5. Shall we set ourselves a deadline
Answer Key (6A)

Passive voice using the simple present tense 1

1. are created
2. are flooded
3. is done
4. are destroyed
5. are hit
6. is provided

Passive voice using the simple present tense 2

1. Forests are burned down.
2. Farmland is destroyed by drought.
3. Cars are stuck in the snow.
4. Trees and signs are blown down.
5. Houses are buried in landslides.

Passive voice using the simple present tense 3

1. are left
2. are blown down
3. are shut down
4. are cancelled
5. are closed
6. is expected
7. is cleared
8. is updated
Answer Key (6A)

Asking for information 1

1. Who
2. When
3. When
4. What
5. Where
6. why
7. Where
8. What

Asking for information 2

1. Where did it take place?
2. When did it begin?
3. What damage did it cause?
4. Who are the victims of the snowstorm?
5. How can we help the victims?

Asking for information 3

1. How many people are injured?
2. When did the landfall take place?
3. Where did the typhoon first hit?
4. Why did the typhoon cause huge amounts of damage to the city?
5. Who are staying in local hotels (until flights resume)?
Answer Key (6A)

Expressing possibilities, condition and necessities 1

1. might
2. might
3. unless
4. need to
5. unless
6. might
7. need to

Expressing possibilities, condition and necessities 2

1. need to take our umbrellas
2. unless there is something I cannot find
3. need to take our mobile phones
4. might be a good idea
5. unless anything changes
6. might need to give Peggy a ring

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