Lecture 19 Deviance and Crime

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Deviance is a sociological concept visible in everyday life and societal events. It can be defined as
following an unconventional path, breaking norms, rules or regulations and doing something not
accepted and welcomed by society. Not abiding by the said and unsaid standards of the community
is called deviance. It is looked at as an aversion or aberration since it is not perceived as normal.
Adult content consumption, drug use, excessive drinking, illegal hunting, eating disorders, or any
self-harming or addictive practice are all examples of deviant behaviors.
Crime has traditionally been studied as a form of deviant behaviour. Crime is a behaviour that
violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions. The dictionary meaning of the
word ‘crime’ refers to a “violation of law” or “an act punishable by law”.
The English word ‘crime’ is derived from the Latin term “crimen” which means ‘charge’ or
‘offence’. Thus, literally the word crime means “an attack on norms or the law”. It also means
“violation of norms and laws”.
1. According to Samuel Koenig, “Crime may be defined as any act forbidden by law which
society expects its authorized officials to enforce.”
2. According to F.R. Scarpitti and M.L. Andersen, “Crime can be defined in terms of the body
of law that codifies a society’s rules about proper and improper behaviour.”
3. According to Hall Jerome has defined crime as “legally forbidden and intentional action
which has a harmful impact on social interests, which has a criminal intent, and which has
legally-prescribed punishment for it.”

Comparison between deviance and crime:

Comparison Chart

Meaning Deviance is when there is a non- Crime implies any illegal act or
conformity concerning the well- omission, which amounts to the
established social and cultural norms violation of the law, often prosecuted by
and principles. the state and punishable by law.
Documentation Not written or documented Well- documented
Severity Not severe Severe
Control Social organizations and groups Police and judiciary
Results in Negative social reactions Punishment
Offender Offender is stigmatized May receive legal sanctions
Change Norms differ from one culture to Law is the same in different
Causes of committing criminal activities or crime:
1. Poverty
This is perhaps one of the most concrete reasons why people commit crimes. Economic deprivation
is seen as a major instigator in this regard. You will be shocked to know that 3 billion people in
this world are categorized as poor and living on a very lower per capita income. UNICEF says
more than 1 billion children are living in poverty worldwide. More than 20,000 children die due
to poverty every day. In a country where economic deprivation is rampant, it is common for people
to engage in criminal acts. The hunger and poor economic conditions are what leads many people
to invest themselves in criminal cases.
Furthermore, when people are unable to earn for the longest time, they often start getting frustrated.
The truth be told, by the latest research, the digital medium and television play a very important
role in telling people about how several criminal acts can be bought to life. We live in a time where
the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer every single day.
2. Peer Pressure
This is a new form of concern in the modern world. Many young people commit crimes because
they see a lot of their peers engaging in such acts. It is common for high school students and college
going students to engage in drugs, weed, marijuana and a lot more. Young age is very critical since
one isn’t filled with wisdom and experience which is why a lot of people make the mistake of
becoming criminals for no reason at all. Most youths who don’t have a strong will to neglect or
confront minor criminal acts often end up getting involved in big troubles. Unfortunately many
young people in this world don’t realize that they’re doing multiple criminal acts by being a part
of things they aren’t supposed to be. Therefore peer pressure is another notorious reason for why
young people are compelled into joining the bandwagon.
3. Drugs
Drugs have always been highly criticized by critics. A person who is addicted to drug will at one
point in time do something he/she isn’t supposed to do. Drug addicts are often unable to get rid of
addiction as a result of which their life starts getting filled with bad habits. A poor lifestyle compels
a person to adopt habits which he/she should distance themselves from. After research, when the
most violent criminals were asked about their crimes, they blamed drugs as the main reason. Drug
addiction is another rampantly growing disease which has slowly encapsulated many parts of the
world. As many as 0.7 million people die from drug addiction in US alone.
4. Politics
This issue is often brushed under the carpet but is important to bring it in the spotlight. The drive
to get that seat is what swings many politicians to equip the youths with weapons and perform
criminal activities. In this day and age it is common for politicians to hire mobs and rent people at
lower prices to break into a building or start a war-like situation within the country. Politics have
always been the subject of severe media scrutiny, and the truth be told, it is often the mother of all
the problems in nations which haven’t stabilized. In developing countries it is common for
politicians to kill people and to be found guilty of murder. There have been several cases in Asian
countries where politicians were found guilty of having killed their people in masses.
5. Religion
Religion is another controversial part of this world. No one can escape from the fact; people still
fight on racial divides and sectarian issues in society. Even though practicing own religion is a
basic human right, yet many uneducated and illiterate people fail to understand it. In several
criminal cases, religious fanatics have been accused of murdering innocent people based on their
school of thought. Especially in staunchly religious communities it is common for people to chop
off the heads of their people in case they find somebody talking about the modern world. However,
in advanced and secular countries, the criminal rate because of religion is fairly less.
6. Family Conditions
Family is also a weak point of any person who is about to commit a crime. If you’re not being able
to provide for the entire family as a poor person, at one point in time you will think of walking the
negative path to get what your family needs. In most cases, when people are asked, they claim they
need to provide for the family because of which they end up getting stuck behind bars. There are
many things which go on within the family, compelling a person to get involved in criminal
activities. Many young people engage in criminal activities for they believe it is their responsibility
to take care of family even if it means to commit a felony. In many murder cases, young people
are often caught who then explained how the rich bribe them handsomely to do something they’re
not supposed to.
7. The Society
Societal norms and standards have always been topical. We live in a day and age where money is
valued more than relationships and a normal standard of life. In the drive to succeed; many people
fail to create a demarcation between their needs and wants. In a society where even universities
are teaching children to earn money instead of realizing its value, one can never say crimes won’t
be committed. Some parents have a bizarre habit of comparing their children with other kids which
is why their kids often indulge in criminal activities to make a lot of money. When people flaunt
their wealth in society it is common for less privileged people to feel compelled to earn more.
Therefore if you’re flaunting your wealth in front of the poor and needy or anyone from a middle-
class background, you’re contributing to the crime stats of the society in some way.
8. Unemployment
This skyrocketing factor in many countries is often the main reason why so many people commit
crimes. You will be shocked to know more than 30% of people in this world are unemployed. It is
quite frustrating after one fails to get a job post studying for years in high school and university.
Unemployment is not just an issue relevant to the developing countries but equally common in
developed countries. Unfortunately people spend a lot of money on their education, but seldom
come across a good job immediately post the completion of their studies. Most youngsters destroy
their careers when they engage in criminal activities very early on in their lives.
9. Deprivation
This is another major reason for crime rates increasing every day. In countries where there is
economic deprivation of even the basic rights, it is common for people to rebel and transition into
doing notorious activities. Furthermore in small communities it is common for people to engage
in fights over land, property, wealth etc. Therefore to get their voices heard, many people commit
crimes for the world to see what they’ve done. Especially during election campaigns, it is common
for angry people to destroy cars, houses and properties to tell the government how cruel they can
be if not entitled to their rights.
10. Unfair judicial system
People who are not served justice become hostile and often engage in crimes. Though most of the
courts of law try to do their best in the light of available evidence and all, but sometimes the
innocent are proven guilty in the court which compels them to show the ugly side of their
personality to the world. As many as thousands of people blame the judicial system as unfair and
commit crimes. Many often kill the members of the winning party when justice is not served to
them. In many developing countries, it is common for people in small communities to kill each
other based on simple issues. If you’re from US and want to meet a suitable criminal lawyer on
account of a relative or friend you must search Los Angeles criminal lawyer to get a list of all
working professionals of that state.

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