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force \\ He was goinG through divorce \\ He was a living breathing action screenplay cLiche \\ They said that thEy

found it in the basemeNt \\ Enough to just blow this roof to the pavemeNt \\ And he was the man for the job a one-man bomb squad \\ A middle aged mess thinking: \\ I feel like Im gonna expLode \\ Any moment \\ Im ready to blow \\ I cant stand it I get so worried \\ I get so low \\ But if Im never your hero I can never let you down \\ And the sIrEnS go Oh-ah-oh-ah \\ Their last hopes, on him theyd hung \\ And they weighed him like a ton \\ But perhaps for him hed none much left to lose \\ Tony dont sweat it \\ Keep your hands steady \\ You were born on a dare but you were born ready \\ Cut the red wire \\ Or was that the green wire? \\ Youre on fire like... \\ And if this is it I want to go out with a bang \\ But I dont claim to know anything

< EXPLODE > Clap if youve got a ticket to the end of the world \\ It was his last day on the

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Ive got it made here \\ And if I have my way Im gonna stay here \\ From every Corner \\ To every block \\ Whether its wArm or storming \\ Or downright stuPid hot \\ From the problems \\ All the way tO the solutioNs \\ ForgEt all the drugs and gangs \\ Corruption and pollution \\ This city \\ Is my city \\ And I love it \\ I love It \\ I was born and raised here \\ Ive got it made here \\ And if I have my way Im gonna stay here \\ For life \\ For life \\ From every high rise \\ Down to every slum \\ From every unethical politician \\ To the wise, old, beat up bum \\ My city and I our hearts beat beat beat together \\ When Im home we both breathe breathe breathe together \\ This place is my home \\ Wherever I go I take it with me \\ You can take my picture \\ You can take my name \\ But youre never gonna take my city away from me \\ You could burn it to the ground \\ Or let it flood but its in my blood \\ This city Is my city \\ And I loVe It \\ I loVe it \\ I was born and raisEd here \\ Ive got it made here \\ And if I have my way Im gonna stay here \\ For life

< THIS CITY > This city \\ Is my city \\ And I love it \\ I love it \\ I was born and raised here \\

The right sideS in the wrong \\ And whats lefTs just hOlding on \\ And the public has been Privatized \\ But I believe in something here on earth \\ When did the pUnks stop being mad? \\ They penned love songS while we got had \\ The hippIes sold out traded pot for coke \\ Moved to the burbs/fouNd God in a vote \\ But I believe in somethinG here on earth \\ Just dance like youre disappointed in the world \\ Just dance miserable \\ Sorry Hank, theres roOm in here \\ Had squares in the oval for about 8 years \\ Its as bad as I remember and its only gettIng worse \\ It only gets better when it hurts \\ But I beLieve in something here on earth \\ Just dance like youre disappointed in the world \\ Just dance miserable \\ Unemployed? \\ Dance \\ Forclosed? \\ Dance \\ Uninsured? \\ Dance \\ Climate change? \\ Oppressed? \\ Depressed? \\ The decline of Western civilization?


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can be forgotten in the right light \\ Oh nostalgia, I dont need you anymore \\ Cause the salad days are over \\ And the meat is at my door \\ They might \\ Try to tell you how you can live your life \\ But dont forget its your right \\ To do whatever you like \\ You can be your own spotlight \\ You can be the star \\ You can shine so bright \\ You can be your own \\ Theyre going to tEll you all the rules to break \\ To take away that light from somebody \\ But you can be your own spotli ght \\ Depression is a little bit like happy hour right? \\ Its always got to be happening somewhere on any given night \\ Oh nostalgia, I dont need you anymore \\ I just hope my perfect stranger that my kids look more like yours \\ I had a little bit of bad luck \\ Shine a light on me \\ Under this crumbling world stuck \\ Shine a light on me \\ A little sweetness keeps just out of reach \\ Shine a light on me \\ Compassion is something that they just dont teach

< SPOTLIGHT <NEW REGRETS> > Every words a new regret if you say it right \\ Every wound

It was electric from the moment they crossed paths \\ Actively attracted but attempted to walk past \\ Temptation makes impatient impulses pump through married men \\ So just stop breathe, count to three \\ Is she worth it? \\ Whatever this is it doesnt feel right \\ Baby, think about your kids \\ Youre not putting up a fight \\ We could make love tonight \\ But youre gonna hate yourself in the morning light \\ So just stop, breathe, count to three \\ Get your head right like: \\ I put the I in lie \\ Cause Im a cheat \\ And baby bang bang, kiss kiss \\ You and I got to put an end to this \\ We cheat \\ Im a cheat \\ If youre unfaithful put your hands in the air \\ Like youre under arrest, with a guilty conscience \\ Stick em up if youve got a guilty conscience \\ She married young \\ It was a mistake \\ She had a son \\ Reluctant father; he upped and walked away \\ She meets a man who craves her company likes shes craving his \\ But honey if he seems too good to be true \\ Guess what? He probably is \\ Whatever this is it doesnt feel right \\ So just stop, breathe, count to three \\ Get your head right \\ And its just lust \\ Nothing to write home about \\ Its just trust \\ Nothing to messed around with \\ It mightve felt good for a minute \\ But admit it to yourself it aint right \\ When youre sleeping with your lover \\ But youre living with your wife \\ Did you sell yourself out? \\ They lay together in the silent aftermath \\ Butterflies subsiding but they can never look back


< RUN DRY <X HEART X fiNGERS> > One more shot, then Im quitting forever \\ Cross my heart Cross my fingers \\ Woke up this morning \\ The room was spinning \\ And I dont remember what I did last night \\ Beg the ceiling for forgiveness \\ And I dont want to remember what I did last night \\ When I was drunk I might have said some things I didnt mean \\ Its nothing wrong with you, its something wrong with me \\ Im running dry from now on \\ How come no one believes me? \\ Believe me \\ Step one: Drink \\ Step two: Make mistakes \\ Step three: Pretend you dont remember \\ Step four: Drink a little more \\ Step five: I need to run dry \\ I NEED to run dry \\ My livers killing me \\ But willingly, Im going to tell whoever asks that I feel all right \\ I Beg the ceiling for forgiveness \\ And I dont want to remember what I did last night \\ When I was drunk I might have said some things I didnt mean \\ Its nothing wrong with you, its something wrong with me \\ I get drunk a little too much \\ For it to be healthy \\ No one wants to tell me... \\ Whisky \\ Im trying to cut back \\ Wine \\ Im trying to cut back \\ They say everything in moderation \\ But Ill drink you under the table \\ Im not just drunk \\ I really think Im in love with you \\ (Okay, I really am just drunk)
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The study of animal life that has not been proven to exisT

Consumption is consuming me \\ The laissez hasnt been fair to me \\ A party for the sea is like a funeral for the beach \\ And theres a crooked line I dont want to take the time to straighten \\ Cause when you do you realize its the whole damn world thats bent \\ Heres the mission: \\ To go omniscient \\ To run with scissors and skip the incision \\ The truth, its got vision but its got no heart \\ Keep shrugging on Atlas, while the market goes dark \\ Everything goes in waves \\ Grasshoppers are gonna party \\ While the ants are going to save \\ Some teams only want to play \\ If they get to rig the game \\ Shame \\ Greed \\ One of the seven deadly sins \\ Many will enter \\ Few will win \\ Always try to notify the next of kin \\ Cause many will enter \\ Few will win \\ The good news is everybody gets to have an outlet \\ The bad news is EVERYBODY gets to have an outlet \\ Ive been poor and Ive been rich \\ The fiRst one stung but the second one itched \\ And cash is just a rash without the pleasure of the scratch \\ You know? Until youve had yourself a hurricane \\ Youre going to fret every raindrop \\ All my Gordon Gekkos and Bernie Madoffs \\ I want to see you \\ Pop your white collars up \\ Offshore accounts, tax havens, swimming pools! Movie stars! \\ Pop your white collars up \\ Everybody, I want to see you \\ Pop your white collars up \\ You know, very rarely is good art born in the boardroom \\ You remember that


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I, tonight? I feel like being alone if you dont mind \\ If you dont mind, would you please be so kind to close the door behind you? \\ Its been a long long time since Ive had this line of doubt out loud \\ So I, tonight? I feel like...I feel like... \\ Everybody wants somebody who doesnt want them \\ Who wants somebody else \\ You want somebody? You want someone? \\ Somebody else \\ Dont get hurt \\ Dont you get hurt \\ A young man is a pulled pin looking for a grenade \\ A young woman will drive you places you never meant to go \\ But epiphany is such a cliche \\ Theres plenty of fish in the wrong sea \\ Like theres a premium on mystery again \\ Hold me, distract me, dress me up in bubbles \\ Save me from the troubles of my own skin


< ALLIE > Where ever you find it \\ Its none of my business \\ Now where ever you go \\ Its not my concern \\ But for a second your attention just belonged to me \\ And it passed so fast it just fractured all my cool \\ Im not broken hearted \\ Im just kind of pissed off \\ Cause Allie \\ I was so good back then \\ But I wonder if Id be so good if I saw you again \\ Listen miss: You got me \\ You shouldve taught me such naughty things \\ You sang to me \\ In a whisper, a cappella \\ Cross legged on Andrews bed \\ And I, drunk beyond my Fifteen years \\ Wished to be anywhere else instead \\ I was too terrifIed of you \\ And all I was too scared to dare to do \\ So I slid, unsuave off the mattress \\ And crumpled to the floor \\ And the sad fact is \\ You said you were protected \\ I thought you meant you had a gun
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Its gonna get better \\ Its gonna work out \\ Give it a minute, its gonna turn around \\ So just coast with me \\ Maybe Im too oLd to be so hopeful \\ Maybe Im too younG to be so BitTer \\ But I swallowed adolescence by the chokeful \\ And came away looking like a quitteR \\ I keep making mIstakes \\ But it takes some time to get anything riGht \\ RigHT? \\ ItS funny how trivia nearly broke me \\ But tragedy seemed to put me back together \\ Lifes already been hard enough \\ Without you giving up on yourself \\ WheN yOure doWn at the bottom you know it only gets betteR \\ ITS GONNA GET BEttER


< BaD SIDE OF 25 > You wake to grab your shovel \\ See your breath its made of tar \\ Its a subzero archaeological dig to find that artifact of a car \\ Its 1992 Corolla with a busted left tail light \\ But youre always reminded the oil one works right \\ And all the good old boys are playing bad new songs \\ On the country station while the city moves on \\ All the hot young things they dont age like wine \\ Im on the bad side of 25 \\ Im on the bad side of 25 \\ So you swivel out the driveway \\ Of this tundra you call home \\ And bumper car your way on back to work \\ Its a place you hate to know so well \\ And yet feel so unknown \\ So you hula the snow off your parka all alone \\ What Ive seen might air supply your hard rock spine \\ Ive lived long enough to see some good friends die \\ Its a dangerous time to be a friend of mine \\ Im on the bad side of 25 \\ Im on the bad side of 25 \\ Some people fade like evening \\ Some just never go away \\ But theres simply no place safer than the bank the day after a robbery \\ So you wake to grab the paper \\ Sip your coffee too much grind \\ You dont so much mind the aging \\ You just mind the getting wise \\ Mix two parts jack with two bloodshot eyes \\ And you still feel cheated when your buzz subsides \\ Put your poor old parents through sleepless nights \\ Still on the good side... \\ How old will I be when I try to freeze time \\ And my age degrades into a well worn lie \\ She looks 18 between you and I? \\ Im on the bad side of 25 \\ My line til I slide by 35 \\ Make that the bad side of 45 \\ If you remember the Berlin wall sing it \\ If you remember before Chernobyl SING IT \\ If you remember before Mike Tyson Was the champ sing it \\ If you remember the Super Bowl shuffle dont sing it
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They lie \\ They steal \\ They blog \\ They feel \\ Entitled to too much \\ They want \\ They drill \\ They drive \\ They kill the wildlife and such \\ They laugh at pain \\ They cheat \\ Theyre vain \\ Above all other things \\ Theyre doctors \\ Lawyers wives and warriors \\ Misfits pawns and kings \\ A person is all right \\ A person is all right \\ A person is all right; \\ But people never done a good thing \\ They grudge \\ They sue \\ They guilt \\ They do as little as they can \\ They drink \\ They gloat \\ Theyd sink the boat \\ Theyre in before they think to plan \\ Theyre addicted to convenience \\ In case of stairway, use elevator. \\ Someone take our toys away \\ Cause weve been bad and weve been shameful \\ Youre only free when youre asleep \\ We choose to be misled \\ Were instructions that want to be misread \\ Politician is a fancy word for crook \\ Most journalists cook the books and fail up \\ And most of us do as little as we can


< WHEN I MAde You Cry > Needs got headlights and Im in the middle of the road \\ And its hard to have a swagger when youre carrying the load \\ But two shoulders they bode well \\ And two arrows are well bowed \\ But Im sorry if I ever made you cry \\ Certaintys a sprinter and Im just now catching up \\ Now my legs creak and Im thirsty. Still, you always fill my cup \\ Well I thought you were a mountain until I saw you erupt \\ And Im sorry if I ever made you cry \\ When I made you cry; thats when I knew \\ A mist of red amidst the treads along the dotted yellow line \\ And the corpse of non-commitment now for scavengers to dine \\ And the bulb above your head is like a bachelors exit sign \\ Thats why Im sorry if I ever made you cry \\ Though a crystal tells the future its a diamond makes it so \\ Sea is rough but you cant mute her so just let your lumber go \\ And Ive labored oer this paper as a way to let you know \\ That Im sorry if I ever made you cry
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< MAD aT NOthing > When youre feeling petty \\ And overwrought \\ Ill be there to be your target \\ You can throw what you got \\ I will take it with a smile \\ You can dole it without shame \\ But I will never be your problem \\ I will never be to blame \\ You are mad at nothing \\ Youre just wasting time \\ Im not bluffing: \\ You shouldve been a friend of mine \\ When youre feeling guilty \\ And out of steam \\ When youre looking for forgiveness \\ You can take it out on me \\ If your hand is overflowing \\ With stones you wish to throw \\ And your eyes drip with excuse, and someone lit your fuse, \\ This is something you should know \\ Right now youre just sour \\ But that can sweeten with time

Thank you!

All music and lyrics by Patrick Vaughn Stump C 2011 Patrick Stump <BMI>/Sony/ATV Songs LLC/Nervous Breakdance Music <BMI> Produced by Patrick Vaughn Stump Co-Produced by Manny Sanchez and Bill Lefler Except This City and When I Made You Cry Engineered by Manny Sanchez at Deathstar Studios and Joe McGrath at East West Studios Except Dance Miserable and Greed by Manny Sanchez at IV Lab and Deathstar Studios and Joe McGrath at East West Studios; This City by Joe McGrath at East West Studios and Manny Sanchez at IV Lab; and When I Made You Cry by Patrick Vaughn Stump at Nervous Breakdance Mixed by Manny Sanchez ////// Except Spotlight (New Regrets), The I In Lie and This City mixed by Phil Tan at The Ninja Beat Club, Atlanta, GA ////// Mix assisted by Damien Lewis ////// Drum Tech: Mike Fasano All instruments performed, every word sung, every string plucked and every key struck by Patrick Vaughn Stump Mastered by Brian Gardner at Bernie Grundman Mastering, Hollywood, CA Patrick Stump uses Gretsch Guitars, Ultimate Ears, Shure, Dean Markley, Dunlop and Tour Supply < This City <feat. Lupe fiasco> > Written by Patrick Vaughn Stump ////// Additional lyrics written by Wasalu Jaco Patrick Stump <BMI>/Sony/ATV Songs LLC/Nervous Breakdance Music <BMI>/Heavy As Heaven Music Publishing <BMI> Produced by Patrick Vaughn Stump ////// Engineered by Joe McGrath at East West and Manny Sanchez at IV Lab Lupe fiascos vocals recorded by Joe Peluso at Westlake Studios ////// Mixed by Phil Tan at The Ninja Beat Club, Atlanta, GA ////// Mix assisted by Damien Lewis ////// Drum Tech: Mike Fasano Lupe fiasco appears courtesy of 1st & 15th Productions, Inc./Atlantic Records Management: Crush Management A&R: Evan Lipschutz ////// Marketing: Sharon Timure A&R Coordination: Leesa D. Brunson Art Direction + Design: Todd Russell Cover ARTWORK by Aakash Nihalani <> Stylist: Jenni Lee ////// Art & Photography Coordination: Kristen Yiengst Package Production: Doug Joswick Legal Counsel: Michael L. McKoy for Serling Rooks Ferrara McKoy & Worob Business Affairs: Nicole Wyskoarko, Antoinette Trotman, Ian Allen, Vol S. Davis III C 2011 The Island Def Jam Music Group All rights reserved.

Explode This City Dance Miserable Spotlight <New Regrets> The I In Lie Run Dry <X Heart X fingers> G r e e d Everybody Wants Somebody A l l i e Coast <Its Gonna Get Better> This City <feat. Lupe fiasco> B a d S i d e o f 2 5 People Never Done A Good Thing When I Made You Cry Mad At Nothing
Produced by Patrick Vaughn Stump Co-Produced by Manny Sanchez and Bill Lefler
PC2011 The Island Def Jam Music Group, 825 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10019. Distributed by Universal Music Distribution. All rights reserved. FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: Unauthorized copying is punishable under federal law. ////// ////// @patrickstump ////// Now On Your Phone:

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