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Nama: Risa Isnaeni

Kelas: HPI A2
Nim: 2202026050

Batik Culture
Batik represents one of Indonesian's most venerated traditions and is one of the world's most
respected textile arts. Today, batik is seen as a definitively Indonesian art form and something
you don't want to miss should you visit this country. With the title "humanitarian heritage of
oral culture and intangible culture" or also known as "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible
Heritage of Humanity". Batik was recognized by UNESCO on October 2, 2009. With this
recognition from UNESCO, it indicates that Indonesian batik is an Indonesian culture.
Batik is a method of decorating textiles through dye resistance, in which designs are
created by preventing specific parts of textiles from being exposed to dye. So, here's how it
works. First, the cloth itself is washed repeatedly to remove any contaminants and then
pounded flat to remove wrinkles. Then, the design pattern is traced onto the cloth using a soft
material like charcoal. These designs tend to be extraordinarily intricate and complex, so this
could take a while.
Batik in Indonesia began to evolve along with the development of such a long era. And
batik motifs also began to develop. What originally described a certain philosophy, is now
starting to form batik motifs that emphasize aesthetic elements. Currently, batik is starting to
develop into one of the goods included in the creative industry commodity and is starting to
spread to foreign countries. Currently there are also several designers from Indonesia who are
introducing batik abroad such as Denny Wirawan, Oscar Lawalata. Apart from that, there are
also designers Edward Hutabarat, Chossy Latu, Ramli, Ghea Panggabean, Lia Afif, Era
Soekamto, Itang Yunasz, and Riana Kusuma Astuti.
Thus, as Indonesian youth, of course it is their own obligation to preserve batik.
Preserving it can be done by using batik casts, or by making modern batik clothes. As
Indonesian citizens, of course, we have an obligation to preserve cultures like this batik. The
public can use batik for events that will be attended. And also can be used as a special uniform
of batik cloth. Batik must be preserved so that this culture does not sink when modern culture
begins to develop.

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