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Name ___________________________________ Date ______

Language worksheet 1
Write these words.

mains electricity cell

wire electric shock

circuit lamp

complete circuit wall socket

plug switch
Worksheet 6.1
Electric or not?
Circle the images below which use electricity.
Name ___________________________________ Date ________

Worksheet 6.2A
Danger in the bathroom
Electricity can be dangerous.
Circle each danger.
Worksheet 6.2B
Danger in the bathroom
Electricity can be dangerous.
Write some safety rules for these girls.
Use these words.

water Wires Electrical appliances socket

My safety rules are

1) Never touch electrical appliances with wet hands.

2) Don’t use socket extensions in the bath room.

3) Don’t allow wires to run across the floor.

4) Keep water away from electrical appliances.

Name ___________________________________ Date ________

Worksheet 6.3A
Do these circuits work?
Look at these circuits.
Some will work but others will not.
Put a tick (✓) next to the circuits that work and a cross (✗) next to the circuits that
do not work.


Name ___________________________________ Date ________

Worksheet 6.3B
Do these circuits work?
Look at these circuits.
Some will work but others will not.
1 Put a tick (✓) next to the circuits that will work and a cross (✗) next to the
circuits that will not work.

✓ X

✓ X

2 Explain your answer for circuit A and for circuit C.

 __ circuit A dose not work because it is incomplete circuit.____

 __ circuit C works because it is complete circuit._____________

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