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• The Bible’s description of love is: Verbal Expressions
Verbal Affirmations: Expressing love through words, such as
• Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not saying "I love you," expressing appreciation, and using
brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, endearing terms. Compliments: Offering positive affirmations
does not look for its own interests, does not become and compliments that highlight the loved one's qualities.
provoked. It does not keep account of the injury.”— Acts of Service:
1 Corinthians 13:4, 5. Helping and Supporting: Taking care of practical needs,
offering assistance, and providing support in times of
• Love is an expression of emotion. Love, it is said, can make
difficulty. Acts of Kindness: Performing thoughtful gestures,
you walk miles barefoot in the rain just to see the person you small favors, and acts of kindness to demonstrate care and
can't stop thinking about. Or, it can make you cross the consideration.
street because the store "you love" is located there. Love is a Physical Affection:
Hugging and Kissing: Physical touch, including hugs, kisses,
versatile word — like what it describes. Love takes many and other forms of affectionate contact. Cuddling:
forms, but the word typically describes an affection that is Embracing physical closeness to convey warmth and
deep and emotional. If you say you’re “in love,” that tends to intimacy.
refer to the romantic kind of love. Gift-Giving Thoughtful Gifts:
Offering gifts that show consideration for the recipient's
• Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. preferences and needs. Surprises: Planning and executing
• The act of caring and giving to someone else. surprise gestures to bring joy and excitement.
L- Listen Quality Time:
Spending Time Together: Devoting meaningful time to
shared activities, conversations, and experiences. Active
V-Voice/Validate Listening: Demonstrating attentiveness and empathy by
E- Effort actively listening to the thoughts and feelings of the loved
Understanding and Empathy: How to Manifest Love
Empathetic Responses: Showing understanding,
compassion, and empathy towards the challenges Now, let’s get to the good stuff. If you want to try manifesting love for yourself,
Concha says there are six relatively straightforward steps you can follow.
and emotions of the loved one. Validation:
Acknowledging and validating the feelings and Step 1: Decide What You Want
experiences of the other person
First things first: Figure out what your ideal relationship looks like. Take the time to
really consider what you’re currently looking for in a partner. “Decide on the kind of
Sacrifice and Commitment: relationship you wish to be in (this is you planting the seed) without thinking about
Sacrifices: Making personal sacrifices or compromises the how,” explains Concha. “Remember that your job is to stay in a vibrational match
for the well-being and happiness of the loved one. to what you wish to see—not to figure out how exactly this intro will go down. Leave
that up to the universe.”
Commitment: Demonstrating dedication and loyalty
to the relationship through ongoing effort and fidelity. Step 2: Visualize It
Acts of Forgiveness: "Dream it up in your mind and allow yourself to get excited about it! This is you
matching the vibration of what you wish to attract into your life,” says Concha. You
Forgiving Mistakes: Accepting imperfections and showing might have already dwindled hours away picturing your dream partner, but now it’s
forgiveness when mistakes or conflicts arise. Reconciliation: time to get serious. How do you envision your relationship? What qualities do you
Working together to overcome challenges and maintain a hope they have?
healthy connection.
Step 3: Write It Down
Non-Verbal Communication: Writing through your manifestations will, in turn, help you repeatedly visualize
Eye Contact and Body Language: Conveying love them. Consider jotting down your list of manifestations, starting with a blurb on
through non-verbal cues, such as eye contact, smiles, why you're pursuing them in the first place. Setting this intention upfront and on
paper will help keep your future goals—finding the love you deserve—top of mind.
and positive body language. Presence: Being Then, move on to defining what you hope to find; this part of your manifestation list
emotionally and mentally present in the moment with should focus on the positive qualities of your future partner, from trustworthiness to
the loved one. kindness.

When your list is set, read it back to yourself—and then revisit it every day to keep
reinforcing those vibrations and doing this mental work.
Step 4: Embody It
"Embody the person that already has this love in their life,” says Concha. “Act and
behave as if your dream person has already manifested. Embody the version of you
that has this relationship. How would you be showing up? Most likely not obsessing
over an outcome, taking self-care time, doing things that make you feel good
regardless of a partner being in your life or not.”

"The most important thing is believing you are worthy of true love," adds Nafousi.
"We manifest what we subconsciously believe we are worthy of—and a lot of us hold
a lot of limiting beliefs around love and relationships. We may have had traumatic
experiences in relationships, or we might have insecurities that have built up
throughout our lives and that is our biggest block—it's also what causes us to settle
for less than we deserve in relationships."

Step 5: Align Your Actions

When you’ve done all of the above, you might find that your ideal person "presents"
themself. Don’t ignore that sign. Do something about it. "Taking aligned action is
about pursuing and saying ‘yes’ to potential partners that have the qualities that you
desire to have in your life and ‘no’ to the ones that don’t,” says Concha. “Don’t
entertain or pursue someone who doesn’t match what you truly want. That’s you
telling the universe that this is the kind of person you want and so you will keep
attracting more of those types of people whether you want it or not.”

Step 6: Surrender
The final step is perhaps the hardest. The love that you attract might not look how
you imagined so Concha says to prepare yourself for some surprises along the way.
“Surrendering is simply you allowing love into your life without attachment to one
specific outcome or person. It doesn’t serve you to be this rigid, linear thinker,”
explains Concha. “In fact, when you’re open to creative possibilities for love, the
universe may surprise you and you’ll meet someone totally unexpected. Ten years
later you’ll look back and understand why it didn’t work out with all the other ones.”
Well, it’s worth a shot, right?
STAGES IN DEVELOPMENT OF LOVE During this stage of a relationship, hormones are calming down and reality
sets in. Couples often go “deeper” in their connection. Trust is stronger
Stage 1: Initial Meeting/Attraction and more intimacies may be shared at this next stage as couples take
Dating relationships have to start somewhere, and stage one is the first away some of their “best face” and allow themselves to act more naturally
step. The initial stage or meeting may take place over the internet, through and relaxed. Both halves of a couple will notice weaknesses and
friends, in a church or social group, at a party or bar or any one of a myriad differences or flaws. “Cute” habits might become irritating at this stage. At
of many different places. this stage of the relationship, couples will take note of the differences and
may even begin to complain or attempt to problem solve.
Different arenas for meeting allow for different opportunities for partners
to get to know each other and see if there is enough curiosity or interest There is no need to rush through this important final stage, and every
to take it to the next level which would involve arranging a second or third reason to go slowly.
Stage 4: Commitment or Engagement
Stage 2: Curiosity, Interest, and Infatuation At this stage in a relationship, couples should have a good understanding
The second stage, also known as the attraction stage, is when infatuation of their partner’s values, life style, and goals for the future. There should
is most pronounced. It is also where physical intimacy may occur. Early be a relationship with each other’s family and friends, and this may be the
attraction often involves the physical attributes of the potential partner, start of a commitment phase.
and include things like outward appearance, body type, interests and
personality traits. At this stage, the attraction may not be too “deep” and Open and honest conversations should be happening as couples plan
each half of a couple is generally putting his or her best foot forward. their present and future together. Questions about children, finances,
Differences are not noticed or are dismissed with thoughts like “not a big careers, future goals and lifestyle should be discussed more fully.
deal” or “she will change”. Differences are normal and couples with open communication will learn
about themselves and their relationship as they note how they handle
Going slowly in making any decisions about a romantic relationship is these differences with each other.
more likely to be better than moving quickly (unless it is clear that the
relationship is not a good fit). This fourth stage is also an important stage for couples to use to evaluate
the relationship and their ability to be part of an emotionally intelligent
Stage 3: “Enlightenment” and Becoming a Couple relationship. Engagements can be broken much more easily and can
clearly be a better decision than getting married and divorced.
As intimacy develops between the two people, more self-disclosure
emerges, both verbally and nonverbally as couples act in ways that are
more like how they are in t
Since all types of love are catalyzed differently, each love affects us
uniquely. Just like a bouquet of flowers where each bloom holds a
different representation, types of love can have a similar effect. We
created eight love characters to represent the types of love found in
every relationship. One thing we find amazing is that you can
enhance all types of love with the gift of flowers.

Ancient Greeks studied love and denoted each type, giving each one a
Greek name. Now it’s time to meet each type of love!

1. Philia — Affectionate Love- is love without

romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family
members. It occurs when both people share the same
values and respect each other — it’s commonly referred
to as “brotherly love.” Philia is the love that develops over
a deep, long-lasting friendship.

A tip for philia: Spend quality time with your closest friends, and
get vulnerable in a way you might not usually, by letting them know
how much they mean to you.
2. Pragma — Enduring Love - is a unique bonded 4.Eros — Romantic Love - is a primal love that
love that matures over many years. It’s an everlasting love comes as a natural instinct for most people. It’s a passionate
between a couple that chooses to put equal effort into their love displayed through physical affection. These romantic
relationship. Commitment and dedication are required to reach behaviors include, but are not limited to, kissing, hugging
“Pragma.” Instead of “falling in love,” you are “standing in love” and holding hands. This love is a desire for another person’s
with the partner you want by your side indefinitely. physical body.

A tip for pragma:The initial rush of attraction when you first meet
someone, according to Hallett, "frequently stabilizes over time, which may A tip for eros:
lead people to feel that their partner 'doesn't love' them as much. To Enjoy each other's company and the attraction you feel for each
counter this, partners can work together to communicate honestly, to other while it is fresh and new. Over time, this type of love will
recognize the deeper feelings of connection and compassionate love." often transition into another type—or simply fade away.

3. Storge — Familiar Love - is a naturally occurring

love rooted in parents and children, as well as best friends. It’s an 5.Ludus — Playful Love- is a child-like and
infinite love built upon acceptance and deep emotional connection. flirtatious love commonly found in the beginning stages of a
This love comes easily and immediately in parent and child relationship (a.k.a. the honeymoon stage). This type of love
relationships. consists of teasing, playful motives and laughter between two
people. Although common in young couples, older couples
who strive for this love find a more rewarding relationship.
A tip for ludus:
Remember that all your crushes don't need to "get serious" or pan
out into full-blown relationships. Sometimes there's great joy and
pleasure in just enjoying the flirtation and the will-we-or-won't-we
6.Mania — Obsessive Love- is an obsessive love 8.Agape — Selfless Love- is the highest level of
towards a partner. It leads to unwanted jealousy or love to offer. It’s given without any expectations of
possessiveness — known as codependency. Most cases of receiving anything in return. Offering Agape is a decision
obsessive love are found in couples with an imbalance of to spread love in any circumstances — including
love towards each other. An imbalance of Eros and Ludus destructive situations. Agape is not a physical act, it’s a
is the main cause of Mania. With healthy levels of playful feeling, but acts of self-love can elicit Agape since self-
and romantic love, the harm of obsessive love can be monitoring leads to results.
avoided. A tip for agape:
A tip for mania: Feeling that agape flowing through your veins? Practice
Notice any patterns of possessive or codependent behavior and ask a loving-kindness meditation, and lean into work that allows
yourself what's causing these feelings of insecurity and clinging. Let your
you to give back and help others.
partner know you're struggling with it and try to pinpoint what needs to

7.Philautia — Self Love- s a healthy form of love

where you recognize your self-worth and don’t ignore
your personal needs. Self-love begins with
acknowledging your responsibility for your well-being.
It’s challenging to exemplify the outbound types of love
because you can’t offer what you don’t have.
A tip for philautia:
Pamper yourself with your favorite self-care activities, create a self-
love ritual—literally anything you can give to yourself that makes you
feel good, do it! (Here are some tangible ways to practice self-love.)
Acts of kindness, empathy, and compassion are often
Expressing Affection:
described as "loving" actions. These can include helping
"Loving" often refers to the act of expressing affection and
others, showing understanding, or providing support during
care towards someone, whether through words, actions,
challenging times.
or gestures. It can involve warmth, kindness, and a genuine
concern for the well-being of others.
In Romantic Relationships: "Loving" may also imply a form of unconditional love,
In romantic relationships, the emotional connection where affection and care are offered without expecting
between partners. It involves deep feelings of attachment, anything in return. This kind of love is often seen as selfless
intimacy, and a commitment to each other's happiness and enduring.
and wellbeing
Whether in friendships, familial connections, or romantic
The love between parents and their children. This involves
partnerships, "loving relationships" encompass those
a strong bond, nurturing, and a sense of responsibility for
characterized by mutual respect, trust, and a genuine
the child's development and happiness.
desire for the happiness and well-being of the individuals
The practice of caring for oneself, recognizing one's
worth, and prioritizing one's well-being. This is essential for
overall mental and emotional health.


“True love” and “real love” are often used It is a phrase we use to describe the confluence of
interchangeably, but they can carry slightly different biological, physical and emotional aspects of attraction
connotations for different people. “True Love” is often and connection to someone. Yes, it feels real. It is fun and
associated with the idea of a deep, genuine, and exciting, and it can lay the groundwork for a solid
unwavering love that transcends time and challenges. friendship and loving attachment. What is unfortunate
It`s often depicted as an idealized form of love. On the about this initial state of attraction is when it is mistaken for
other hand, “real love” may be seen as a more actual love, which is not a state of attraction. The feelings
grounded and practical form of love that takes into of “falling in love” are real. We know that hormones
account the complexities and imperfections of human coursing through our bodies and brains change our mental
relationships. It`s often associated with the day-to-day states which ultimately affects our moods, desires, and the
realities of love, including compromise, understanding, way we view others. We move towards those to whom we
and acceptance. In essence, while “true love” may be feel attracted (physically, emotionally, cognitively).
seen as an idealized concept, “real love” encompasses
the practical, everyday aspects of love .


Tip 1: Spend quality time face to face- Commit to spending well, and times of change or stress can really bring out the
some quality time together on a regular basis. No matter disconnect. It may sound simplistic, but as long as you are
how busy you are, take a few minutes each day to put communicating, you can usually work through whatever
aside your electronic devices, stop thinking about other problems you’re
things, and really focus on and connect with your partner.
Find something that you enjoy doing together, whether it is Tip 3: Keep physical intimacy alive
a shared hobby, dance class, daily walk, or sitting over a Touch is a fundamental part of human existence. Studies
cup of coffee in the morning. on infants have shown the importance of regular,
Try something new together. Doing new things together affectionate contact for brain development. And the
can be a fun way to connect and keep things interesting. benefits don’t end in childhood. Affectionate contact
It can be as simple as trying a new restaurant or going on boosts the body’s levels of oxytocin, a hormone that
a day trip to a place you’ve never been before. influences bonding and attachment.
Focus on having fun together. Couples are often more fun Sex is often a cornerstone of a committed relationship. It
and playful in the early stages of a relationship. However, can be an intimate emotional experience and a great tool
this playful attitude can sometimes be forgotten as life for protecting or improving your mental, physical, and
challenges start getting in the way or old resentments start emotional health. However, many couples find it difficult to
building up. Keeping a sense of humor can actually help talk about sex, especially when sexual problems occur.
you get through tough times, reduce stress and work Feelings of embarrassment, shame, and hurt can often
through issues more easily. impact physical intimacy and push you apart.

Tip 4: Learn to give and take in your relationship

If you expect to get what you want 100% of the time in a
Tip 2: Stay connected through communication relationship, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Good communication is a fundamental part of a healthy Healthy relationships are built on compromise. However, it
relationship. When you experience a positive emotional takes work on each person’s part to make sure that there
connection with your partner, you feel safe and happy. is a reasonable exchange.
When people stop communicating well, they stop relating • Recognize what’s important to your partner
Knowing what is truly important to your partner can go a page. Sometimes one partner may be struggling with an
long way towards building goodwill and an atmosphere of issue that stresses them, such as the death of a close
compromise. On the flip side, it’s also important for your family member. Other events, like job loss or severe health
partner to recognize your wants and for you to state them problems, can affect both partners and make it difficult
clearly. Constantly giving to others at the expense of your to relate to each other. You might have different ideas of
own needs will only build resentment and anger. managing finances or raising children.
• Don’t make “winning” your goal
If you approach your partner with the attitude that things
have to be your way or else, it will be difficult to reach a Tip 6. Greet each other when you come home
compromise. Sometimes this attitude comes from not First things first, say “hello”. This may sound like a cliché, but
having your needs met while younger, or it could be years making sure that you greet your spouse when they come
of accumulated resentment in the relationship reaching a home is important. It lets your partner know that you are
boiling point. It’s alright to have strong convictions about happy to see them and often translates to “I missed you.”
something, but your partner deserves to be heard as well. Let’s face it, it can be pretty disappointing when you show
Be respectful of the other person and their viewpoint. up to an event and no one greets you or seems to care
• Learn how to respectfully resolve conflict that you’ve even arrived. The same goes for when your
Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but to keep a spouse gets home, so don’t forget to greet them with a
relationship strong, both people need to feel they’ve been loving “hello” followed by a sweet kiss! Even just spending
heard. The goal is not to win but to maintain and a few minutes doing some daily activities greatly
strengthen the relationship. increases your relationship’s happiness.
Tip 7. Schedule a weekly check-in
Running your children around from doctors’ appointments
to practices to school and back often seems to have no
end. We live in a time of constant “go, go, go,” which is
why it’s important to schedule in weekly check-ins with
Tip 5: Be prepared for ups and downs your spouse. Sure, a weekly meeting may not sound like
It’s important to recognize that there are ups and downs the most romantic thing in the world. But pour yourselves a
in every relationship. You won’t always be on the same
glass of wine once the kids are asleep or meet for coffee
during your lunch break.
There are plenty of ways you can take 30 minutes each
week to just check in. This is a time for you to discuss things
that happened that week or make decisions about the
week ahead. A time to share how you are doing. If you feel
like you have nothing to talk about, we’ve created a list of
25 conversation starters that are sure to get the
conversation flowing.
Tip 8. Don’t forget to date your spouse
Just because you are married doesn’t mean you can’t also
be dating, right? In fact, it is because you are married
that you should be dating. It is easy to be caught in the
hamster wheel of wake up, grab a cup of coffee, kiss, run Tip 9. Share your daily highs and lows
out the door, dinner with the kids, pass out, and repeat. It Written in your wedding vows somewhere was probably
is also easy for your relationship to grow very tired because something along the lines of “for better and for worse.”
Well, when it comes to your relationship, it is important to
of this.
share the “better and worse” daily. Make it a fun dinner-
Schedule one night each week that is your night with your
hubby, just the two of you. Go to a nice restaurant, see a time tradition to share a high point and a low point of each
movie you both want to see, go for ice cream in the day. This can even be something that the kids take part in,
as well! Sharing one high and one low each day is a
summer months. There are countless opportunities to
wonderful way to maintain healthy communication
have a fun, romantic date night that you both deserve.
between you and your partner.
Tip 10. Find something you appreciate about your
spouse every day
This one is very easy because it is something that can be
both said or kept to yourself. Try and think of at least one
thing that you like about your spouse daily. Better yet, tell
them! If your spouse brings you coffee in bed, tell them
how much you appreciate that. When he or she takes the
kids to basketball practice after work, let them know how
much that means to you.
There is no better form of encouragement than being told
by your spouse how much they appreciate the little things
you do. And reminding yourself of the awesome things your
partner does for you will certainly help you out in those
moments when he is getting on your nerves a bit more than
Tip 11. Tell your partner often why you love them
The initial stages of a relationship are filled with butterflies
and constant verbal affection. The problem is, as time goes
on, those butterflies tend to fly away and so do the “I love Tip 12. Look each other in the eyes
you because…” soliloquies. Of course it is normal to not be We all grew up with our parents reminding us to look
as “lovey dove” as when you first met, but don’t forsake all people in the eyes when we speak to them. Mom and dad
verbal affection. may have been on to something, because eye contact is
Tell your partner you love them often, but don’t stop there! just as important in marriage as it was when we were kids!
Tell them why you love them. Whether it be for taking the Whether you are out with friends or speaking to your kids, it
kids to the mall when you clearly need some relaxation can be both rude and frustrating to have the person you
time, bringing you flowers one random evening, or simply are talking to checking their phone or looking around the
for being him. Whatever it may be, say it loud and say it room as you speak. It gives off the impression that the other
proud! person is disinterested or simply doesn’t care what you
have to say. The same goes for when you and your partner
are speaking.
Actions speak louder than words. Instead of saying “I’m
listening”, show your partner you are listening by looking
him in the eyes and eliminating other distractions when you
are having a conversation.
Tip 13. Spend time together without technology
Speaking of making eye contact, eliminating technology
every now and then is a great way to give your significant
other your full attention. There is no denying how
distracting technology can be, so make sure that you and
your spouse are spending some time without it. Make a
no cell phone rule for date night or leave the electronics in
the other room during your morning coffee together.
Spending time together without the imposing distraction of
technology allows you and your spouse to give each other
the attention and consideration that you both deserve.
Tip 14. Small acts of physical affection go a long way 10. Surprise them – and not just on their birthday!
Marriage doesn’t automatically equate to no flirting. A Who said surprises must be saved only for holidays and
simple brush of the hands or a kiss as you and your spouse birthdays? It’s time to take it one step further than the
pass by each other is all it takes to keep the spark from annual birthday cakes and Valentine’s Day cards. We’re
burning out. A little romance and day-to-day physical talking about out of the blue surprises! A small gift just
affection can truly be the cherry on top of a healthy because “when I saw this I thought of you” or a surprise
relationship built upon good communication and trust. date. You can even leave a love note on the seat of your
Hold hands in public, hug your husband or wife from partner’s car one morning.
behind when they are making their breakfast, give him or A simple “Love you, have a great day” with a few
her a loving peck as they read the paper. However big or hearts here and there may seem a bit juvenile or silly. But
small the gesture may be, regular physical affection has a hey, the lovey acts of kindness and romance worked at
major impact on a happy relationship. the beginning of the relationship, right? Well they still do
the trick after years of marriage.

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