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LT-25 Special (G-1&5) CBSE MED. 28-03-2024

1. Displacement vs. time curve for a particle executing S.H.M. is shown in figure. Choose the correct statements

1) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 0s and t = 2s

2) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 2s and t = 6s
3) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 1s and t = 7s
4) Phase of the oscillator is same at t = 1s and t = 6s
2. A simple harmonic motion having an amplitude A and time period T is represented by the equation:

y  5sin   t  4  m
Then, the values of A (in m) and T (in sec) are:
1) A = 5; T = 2 2) A = 10; T = 1 3) A = 5; T = 1 4) A = 10; T = 2
3. A particle moves according to the equation x  a cos t . The distance covered by it in 2.5 sec is
1) 3a 2) 5a 3) 2a 4) 9a
4. A particle executes simple harmonic motion according to the displacement equation
 
y  10 cos  2t   cm ; where t is in seconds. The velocity of the particle at t = 1/6 seconds will be:
 6
1) -6.28 ms-1 2) -0.628 ms-1
3) 0.628 ms-1 4) 6.28 ms-1
5. Displacement of a body in SHM at t sec. is y  Asin t . The following graph represents:

1) Velocity - time graph 2) Acceleration - time graph

3) Displacement - time graph 4) Velocity - displacement graph
6. A particle is executing SHM with amplitude A and has maximum velocity V0. Its speed at displacement A/2
will be:

 3 V 0
3) V0 4)
2 2 4

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect for a simple harmonic oscillator?
1) Force acting is directly proportional to displacement from the mean position and opposite to it
2) Motion is periodic
3) Acceleration of the oscillator is constant
4) The velocity is periodic
8. Which one of the following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of a particle executing
simple harmonic motion?
1) When v is maximum, a is maximum 2) Value of a is zero, whatever may be the value of v
3) When v is zero, a is zero 4) When v is maximum, a is zero
9. For a particle in SHM, if the amplitude of displacement is ‘a’ and the amplitude of velocity is ‘v’ the amplitude
of acceleration is

v2 v2 v
1) va 2) 3) 4)
a 2a a
10. The maximum velocity of particle, executing SHM with an amplitude 7 mm, is 4.4 m/s. The time period of
oscillation is
1) 100 s 2) 0.01 s 3) 10 s 4) 0.1 s
11. A particle executes SHM with amplitude of 20cm and time period of 12sec. What is the minimum time
required for it to move between two points 10cm on either side of the mean position?
1) 1 sec 2) 2 sec 3) 3 sec 4) 4 sec
12. Velocity at the mean position and acceleration at extreme position of a body in SHM are equal in magnitude.
What will be the time period?
1) 1.57 sec 2) 3.14 sec 3) 4.7 sec 4) 6.28 sec
13. The KE and PE of a particle executing SHM with amplitude A will be equal when its displacement is:

1) A 2 2) 3) 4) A 2 / 3
2 2
14. The total energy of simple harmonic motion is E. What will be the kinetic energy of the particle when
displacement is half of the amplitude?
1) 3E/4 2) E/2 3) E/4 4) E/3
15. When a particle oscillates simple harmonically, its kinetic energy varies periodically. If frequency of the
particle is f, the frequency of the kinetic energy is:
1) f/2 2) f 3) 2f 4) 4f
16. The total energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is:

1)  x 2)  x 2 3) independent of x 4)  x1/ 2
17. Total energy of a particle performing SHM depends on:
1) amplitude and time period
2) amplitude and time period and displacement
3) amplitude and displacement
4) time period and displacement
18. A particle is executing linear SHM. The average kinetic energy and average potential energy, over a period
of oscillation, respectively are Kav and Uav. Then,

U av K av K av
1) K av  2) U av  3) Kav = Uav 4) U av 
2 2 3

19. A girl is swinging in a swing in a sitting position. If she stands and swings, how will the period be affected?
1) The period will not change
2) The period will now be longer
3) The period will now be shorter
4) The period will first increase and then decrease
20. For a simple pendulum the graph between L and T will be:
1) a hyperbola 2) a parabola
3) a curved line 4) a straight line
21. The time period of second’s pendulum is 2 sec. The spherical bob which is empty from inside, has a mass
of 50g. This is now replaced by another solid bob of same radius but having a different mass of 100g. The
new time period will be:
1) 4 sec 2) 1 sec 3) 2 sec 4) 8 sec
22. A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the train is at rest. When the
train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration, the time period of the simple pendulum will:
1) decrease 2) increase
3) remain unchanged 4) become infinite
23. A spring with 10 coils has spring constant k. It is exactly cut into two halves, then each of these new springs
will have a spring constant:
1) k/2 2) 3k/2 3) 2k 4) 3k
24. Two identical springs of constant k are connected in series and parallel as shown in figure. A mass M is
suspended from them. The ratio of their frequencies of vertical oscillations will be:

1) 2:1 2) 1:2 3) 1:4 4) 4:1

25. A simple harmonic motion having an amplitude A and time period T is represented by the equation:

y  5sin   t  4  m
Then, the values of A (in m) and T (in sec) are:
1) A = 5; T = 2 2) A = 10; T = 1
3) A = 5; T = 1 4) A = 10; T = 2
26. A simple harmonic motion has an amplitude A and time period T. The time required by it to travel from
x = A to A = A/2 is:
1) T/6 2) T/4 3) T/3 4) T/2
27. Which one of the following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of a particle executing
simple harmonic motion?
1) When v is maximum, a is maximum
2) Value of a is zero, whatever may be the value of v
3) When v is zero, a is zero
4) When v is maximum, a is zero

28. A particle moves so that its acceleration a is given by: a = -bx, where x is the displacement from the
equilibrium position and b is a constant. The period of oscillation is:

1) 2 b 2) 2 / b

3) 2 / b 4) 2  / b
29. For a particle in SHM, if the amplitude of displacement is ‘a’ and the amplitude of velocity is ‘v’ the amplitude
of acceleration is

v2 v2 v
1) va 2) 3) 4)
a 2a a
30. The displacement time graph of a particle executing SHM is as shown in the figure. The corresponding
force-time graph of the particle is:

1) 2)

3) 4)

31. The KE and PE of a particle executing SHM with amplitude A will be equal when its displacement is:

1) A 2 2) 3) 4) A 2 / 3
2 2
32. The total energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is:

1)  x 2)  x 2

3) independent of x 4)  x1/ 2

33. Total energy of a particle performing SHM depends on:

1) amplitude and time period
2) amplitude and time period and displacement
3) amplitude and displacement
4) time period and displacement

34. A mass m is suspended from two springs of spring constants k1 and k2 as shown. The time period of
vertical oscillations of the mass will be:

 k1  k 2   m 
1) 2   2) 2  
 m   k1  k 2 

m  k 1k 2  m  k1  k 2 
3) 2 4) 2
 k1  k 2   k1k 2 
35. A spring with 10 coils has spring constant k. It is exactly cut into two halves, then each of these new springs
will have a spring constant:
1) k/2 2) 3k/2 3) 2k 4) 3k
36. A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the train is at rest. When the
train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration, the time period of the simple pendulum will:
1) decrease 2) increase
3) remain unchanged 4) become infinite
37. For a simple pendulum the graph between L and T will be:
1) a hyperbola 2) a parabola
3) a curved line 4) a straight line
38. A man measures time period of a pendulum (T) in stationary lift. If the lift moves upwards with acceleration
g/4, then the new time period will be:

2T 5T 5 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
5 2 2T 5T

39. When a damped harmonic oscillator completes 100 oscillations its amplitude is reduced to of its initial
value. What will be its amplitude when it completes 200 oscillations?

1 2 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
5 3 6 9
40. A particle is executing SHM with amplitude A and has maximum velocity V0. Its speed at displacement A/2
will be:

 3 V 0
3) V0 4)
2 2 4

41. A particle executes SHM with amplitude of 20cm and time period of 12sec. What is the minimum time
required for it to move between two points 10cm on either side of the mean position?
1) 1 sec 2) 2 sec 3) 3 sec 4) 4 sec

42. If a body of mass 36gm moves with SHM of amplitude A = 13cm and period T = 12 sec. At a time
t = 0, the displacement x is +13cm, the force acting on the body at t = 2 sec is:
1) 36 dyne 2) 32 dyne 3) 65 dyne 4) 128 dyne
43. When a particle oscillates simple harmonically, its kinetic energy varies periodically. If frequency of the
particle is f, the frequency of the kinetic energy is:
1) f/2 2) f 3) 2f 4) 4f
44. A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period t1, while the corresponding
period for another spring is t2. If the period of oscillations with the two springs in series is T, then:

1) T  t1  t 2 2) T 2  t12  t 22 3) T 1  t11  t 21 4) T 2  t12  t 22


1. 2
2. 1
2 5 5
3. 2   , T = 2 sec; oscillations are completed in 2.5 sec  Distance covered =  4a  5a
T 4 4

4. 2

5. 3
6. 1
7. 3
8. 4
9. 2 Maximum velocity v  a

Maximum acceleration f   a  f 

 2  2a 22 7  103
10. 2 V
Max.velocity m  a  a  ;  T   2    102 s  0.01 s
 T  Vm 7 4.4
11. 2
12. 4 2 A  A ;   1 ;  T    2  6.28 sec

13. 3

14. 1

15. 3
16. 3
17. 1

18. 3

19. 3

20. 2
21. 3
22. 1
23. 3
24. 2
25. 1

26. 1

27. 4
28. 2
29. 2 Maximum velocity v  a
Maximum acceleration f   a  f 

30. 4

31. 3

32. 3
33. 1
34. 4
35. 3
36. 1
37. 2
38. 1
39. 4
40. 1
41. 2
42. 3
43. 3

44. 2

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