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É T U D I A N T E N N E U R O S C I E N C E S 5b Rue Collomb, 69500 Bron

To: CECI LINEACT Date: 29 Avril, 2024

Madame, Monsieur,

I'm currently a Neuroscience student at the Université Lumière Lyon II, affiliated with the Neuropsychologie
et Sciences Cognitives department, and I'm aiming for a Master's degree in Computational Neuroscience, in
order to put my diploma in cognitive science to good use in the world of artificial intelligence, to build
systems inspired by human cognitive mechanisms. It is therefore with great determination that I would like
to apply for an internship at your company. Having carefully studied your advertisement, I think I am more
than a match for the profile you are looking for.

I'm highly motivated to be able to apply all the knowledge and experience I've acquired to a large-scale
project of public interest, enabling me to work and collaborate as part of a team. I'm aware that I don't yet
have the Master's degree in neuroscience that I'm aiming for, but I can tell you in all sincerity that my
application is just what you're looking for.

I'm proficient in using the Python language and the libraries needed to design AI tools. I've had the
opportunity to work on various projects, including neural network systems in machine learning and image
recognition systems. I also have a solid background in mathematics acquired in a technological stream. I
aspire to take various certifications in applied mathematics. I'm very keen to put all the knowledge I've
acquired to work for your group.

Moreover, I've already completed a number of internships in industry, and have a comprehensive
technological training acquired at the Maurice La Mache Foundation.

That's why I'm so keen to have the privilege of doing an internship at your company. I'd be honored to be
able to learn from your practices, your know-how and every employee who contributes to the growth of the
lineact laboratory.

To be able to join an environment with experts in so many fields is a sincere honor and a real opportunity for
me as an apprentice, student and enthusiast. I am convinced that my application will find a place within your
company, by making myself available and attentive every day, to bring you the best of myself.

I hope that my application will be of interest to you. Please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurances of my highest
consideration for your laboratory.

Yann Bellec

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