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Telangana is a state in southern India, bordered by Maharashtra to the north, Chhattisgarh to the

northeast, Karnataka to the west, and Andhra Pradesh to the south and east. It was officially formed as a
separate state on June 2, 2014, after being carved out from Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad, one of India's
major cities and a hub for technology and industry, serves as the joint capital of both Telangana and
Andhra Pradesh for a period of time. Telangana has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from the
Kakatiya dynasty, Qutb Shahi dynasty, and Asaf Jahi dynasty. The state is known for its distinct dialect of
Telugu, its vibrant festivals, and its contribution to Indian literature, art, and music.

The history of Telangana is rich and diverse, spanning thousands of years. Here's an overview of its key
historical phases:

1. **Ancient Period**: Telangana has a long history dating back to ancient times. The region was part of
the great Mauryan and Satavahana empires, which had significant influence over South India.

2. **Medieval Period**: Telangana witnessed the rule of various dynasties such as the Kakatiyas,
Chalukyas, and Rashtrakutas. The Kakatiya dynasty, in particular, played a significant role in shaping the
region's culture and architecture. The iconic Warangal Fort and the Thousand Pillar Temple are notable
examples of Kakatiya architecture.

3. **Mughal and Bahmani Sultanate Rule**: With the decline of the Kakatiya Empire, Telangana came
under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate and later the Bahmani Sultanate. Golconda Fort, located near
Hyderabad, became a prominent center during this period and was known for its diamond trade,
especially the Koh-i-Noor diamond.

4. **Qutb Shahi Dynasty**: In the 16th century, the Qutb Shahi dynasty established the Golconda
Sultanate with Hyderabad as its capital. The Qutb Shahis contributed significantly to the development of
Telangana's culture, architecture, and literature.

5. **Asaf Jahi Dynasty (Nizams)**: The Asaf Jahi dynasty, also known as the Nizams of Hyderabad, ruled
Telangana from the late 18th century until India gained independence in 1947. The Nizams were known
for their patronage of art, literature, and architecture. Hyderabad emerged as a major cultural and
economic center during their rule.

6. **Integration into Independent India**: Following India's independence, the princely state of
Hyderabad, including Telangana, was annexed by the newly formed Indian government in 1948 through
a military operation known as "Operation Polo."
7. **Formation of Telangana State**: Despite being part of Andhra Pradesh following the reorganization
of states on linguistic lines in 1956, demands for a separate Telangana state persisted due to socio-
economic and cultural reasons. After decades of agitation and political movements, Telangana was
carved out as a separate state on June 2, 2014, becoming the 29th state of India.

This brief overview highlights the diverse historical journey of Telangana, marked by the rise and fall of
various dynasties, cultural exchanges, and struggles for self-identity and autonomy.

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