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Laurence F.

Bs Psychology 1-B

TEST 1: Multiple Choice

1. This refers to theoretical concepts that are used to explain and measure intangible psychological phenomena
like intelligence, motivation, and personality traits and are actually used to predict behavior in psychology.
A) Psychological construct
B) Behavioral pattern
C) Cognitive framework
D) Emotional quotient
Correct answer: A) Psychological construct
2. What scale best describes the length of a road, such as 10 miles, is an example of what scale?
A) Nominal scale
B) Ordinal scale
C) Interval scale
D) Ratio scale
Correct answer: C) Interval scale
3. Which of the following represents an example of a nominal scale measurement?
A) Height of students in a classroom
B) Ranking of movie preferences (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
C) Blood types (A, B, AB, O)
D) Temperature in Celsius
Correct answer: C) Blood types (A, B, AB, O)
4. An example of _______ scale measurement is ranking preferences of ice cream flavors from most preferred
to least preferred.
A) Nominal scale
B) Ordinal scale
C) Interval scale
D) Ratio scale
Correct answer: C) Ordinal scale
5. In the study conducted about ‘Social Media Usage and Mental Well-being’, what type of study is used?
A) Descriptive
B) Correlational
C) Experimental
D) Analytical
Correct answer: B) Correlational
6. ‘The Effects of Meditation on Stress Reduction’ is an example of _______ study
A) Descriptive
B) Correlational
C) Experimental
D) Analytical
Correct answer: B) Experimental
7. What term in statistics refers to a subset of individuals or observations selected from a larger population for
A. Sample
B. Population
C. Frequency
D. Mean
Correct Answer: A) Sample
8. What distribution is meant in a data point that are clustered on the right side, with a tail extending to the left,
such as the distribution of household incomes in a country.
A. Positively Skewed
B. Negatively Skewed
C. Frequency
D. Normal Distribution
Correct Answer: B) Negatively Skewed
9. When the data have higher variability, it means that the individual data points are spread out over a ______,
indicating greater diversity or dispersion within the dataset.
A. Smaller range
B. Equal range
C. Normal range
D. Wider range
Correct Answer: D.) Wider range
TEST 2: Write BLACK if the statement is True and PINK if Not.

1. Variability reflects Central Dispersion.

Correct Answer: BLACK

2. Interpolation is also known as the process of estimating unknown values that fall between known values in a data
Correct Answer: BLACK

3. If Andrae and Alphe’s Standard Deviation is 30 and 30. Then both performed well.

Correct Answer: PINK

4. With the data provided from Laurence’s grades in his 1st semester, the mode in the data set 96, 90, 91, 92, 95,
94, 93, 95 is equivalent to 95 and is defined as a bimodal.

Correct Answer: PINK

TEST III: Complete the Table with solution.

x Solution
Mean= Median= Mode=

80 Variance:

Standard deviation



x Solution
Mean= 398/5 =79.6 Median= 76,78,80,82,82 Mode= 82

Range: Max-Min = 82-76= 6

78 IQR: 76, 78, 80, 82, 82 Q3-Q1= 80-76= 4

Q1 Q3

Variance: = 12.96+2.56+0.16+5.76+5.76 / 5

= 27.20 / 5

82 = 5.44

Standard deviation = s^2 = 27.20/4

82 = s^2 = 6.8

S = ✔∑(x-x)^2 / n-1
= 2.61

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