8th Kyu Senior Grading Training Guide

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Shito-ryu Karate-do Kofukan Training Guide

8th Kyu Senior


Zenkutsu Dachi (long fighting stance)

Musubi Dachi (fig.1)

Heiko Dachi (fig.2)


Jodan Oizuki – front hand punch to face (between nose and top lip)

Chudan Oizuki – front hand punch to solar plexus)

Gedan Oizuki – front hand punch to below naval

Chudan Gyakuzuki – reverse punch to solar plexus


Kin geri (groin kick with top of foot)

Mae geri (push kick with ball of foot)

Chudan Mawashi Geri (round house kick to body)


Jodan age uke – rising head block (pictured)

Chudan yoko uke – body block (pictured)

Gedan harai uke- lower body block (pictured)

Shito-ryu Karate-do Kofukan Training Guide

Basic Combinations

1-3 -both sides

Basic Combination # 1

Start with Kamae (guard) in moto

dachi (short fighting stance) slide
forward and punch chudan Gyaku-
zuki (back hand body punch) pull
punch back and kaeshi (thrust hand)
slide back to original position.

Basic Combination # 2

Start with Kamae (guard) in moto

dachi (short fighting stance) step
right leg forward and punch Jodan
oizuki (front hand punch to face),
pull back punch and Kaeshi (thrust
hand) and step back.

Basic Combination # 3

Start with Kamae (guard) in moto

dachi (short fighting stance) chudan
mae-geri with rear leg, land with
rear leg in front and strike Jodan
oizuki (front hand punch to face),
kaeshi (thrust hand) and step back
into original position.

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