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1. The speed–time graph shows the motion of an object. Use it to answer the questions that

How far does the object travel?

i) During acceleration?
(A)25m 3 B) 50 m C) 12.5m D) 125m
ii) At constant speed?
(A) 25 m (B) 50 m (C) 75 m (D) 125 m
iii) During deceleration?
(A)25 m (B) 50 m (C) 75 m (D) 125 m


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4. The speed–time graph for a train is shown.

Which regions of the graph show the train moving?

(A) P, Q, R and S
(B) Q, R and S only
(C) Q and S only
(D) R only

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5. Which pieces of apparatus are the most appropriate for an experiment to plot an extension–
load graph of a spring?
(A) ruler, newton meter, clamp and stand
(B) balance, stop-watch, ruler
(C) light gate, ruler, newton meter
(D) stop-watch, balance, measuring cylinder


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8. What does the following represent?
(i) Area under speed time graph distance

(ii) Gradient of speed time graph
(iii) Gradient of distance time graph

9. Which option contains only apparatus that could be used to determine the volume of a small
block of unknown material?
(A) measuring cylinder, metre rule (C) measuring cylinder, stopwatch
(B) metre rule, balance (D) metre rule, stopwatch

10. What does the area under a speed-time graph represent?

(A)Acceleration (B) average speed (C) deceleration (D) distance travelled

11. Saif drops a tennis ball off a cliff onto a beach. The effect of air resistance on the tennis ball
can be ignored. Which of the following statements describes the acceleration and speed of
the tennis ball as it falls?

(A)Acceleration is increasing while speed is the same

(B)Acceleration is the same while speed is increasing
(C)Acceleration is increasing as well as speed
(D)Acceleration is the same as well as speed

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12. Which of the following energy resource does not come directly from sun?
A. Chemical energy
B Hydroelectric power
C Nuclear Energy
D. Wind energy



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15. A car accelerates from 20 m/s to 30 m/s. Calculate the impulse provided to cause this
acceleration if the mass of the car is 1200kg
12500Ns (B) 12000Ns (C) 120Ns (D) 600Ns
16. A boy and a girl run up a hill in the same time.

The boy weighs more than the girl. How does the weight affect power?
(A)The boy produces less power.
(B) They both produce the same power.
(C) It is impossible to tell who produces more power.
(D) The girl produces less power.
17. Very small pollen grains are suspended in a beaker of water. A bright light shines from the
Small, bright dots of light are seen through a microscope. The dots move in rapidly
changing, random directions.

What are the bright dots?

(A) pollen grains being hit by other pollen grains (C) pollen grains being hit by water molecules

(B) water molecules being hit by other water molecules (D) water molecules being hit by pollen grains

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18. Describe the motion in each of the graphs given:

Stationary, speed increases


constant speed and stationary


constant speed and increasing


speed is always changing

19. Which quantity is measured in: [3]

(i) Watt? ………………………………………………………………………………….
work energy
(ii) Joules? ………………………………………………………………………………...
(iii) Newton metre (Nm)? …………………………………………………………………
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20. Momentum and impulse can be measured in two different units. Name the units. [2]
kg m/sec and N sec

21. The diagrams show the dimensions and masses of four regular solid objects. The objects are
made from different metals. Which metal has the smallest density? density = mass / volume

22. A cyclist is travelling in a straight line along a horizontal road at a constant speed. A
constant driving force F acts on the cyclist in the forward direction shown.

Describe how the magnitude of the frictional forces acting on the cyclist will be related to the
force F. [1]

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23. .

input energy = useful output energy + wasted energy

State the principle of conservation of energy (1)

In any energy transfer the total amount of energy before and after the transfer is constant

A lamina piece of hard paper is suspended as shown. Which diagram shows how it hangs
when suspended by a thread? M is the centre of mass.

A) (B) (C) (D)

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m x gx h = 36 x 2.4x 10 = 864J

power = W/t
W = F x d ; mgh

864 / 2.4 = 196 W

26. The diagram shows a man diving into water.

Which form of energy is decreasing as he falls?

(A)Chemical (B) gravitational (C) kinetic (D) strain

27. The gas in a container is heated but is kept at constant volume.

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State why the gas pressure increase? [1]
The pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of the container increases because its molecules lose more KE
to the wall


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28. A person in a factory has to lift a box on to a shelf.

Which action involves the person using the most amount of power?

(A) lifting the box quickly to the high shelf

(B) lifting the box slowly to the high shelf

(C) lifting the box slowly to the low shelf

(D) lifting the box quickly to the low shelf

(a) Define and state the SI units of the following quantities:

(i) Mass
Amount of matter in a particle or object . SI unit is kg


(ii) Volume
Measure of the three dimmensional space occupied by matter or enclosed by a surface SI unit is metre cube


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(iii) Density
The mass of an object contained per unit volume . SI unit is kilogram per cubic meter


(iv) Weight

weight of the body is the force with which it is attracted towards the centre of the earth
SI unit is Newton

(b) The density of iron is 7.9 g / cm3.

The iron block measures 50cm in length band 10cmcm in width. If the mass of the block is
500g, Calculate:
(i) the volume of the block [3]

Volume = Mass / density

500 / 7.9 = 6.3 cubic cm

(ii) the width of the block [2]

Volume = l x bx h

b or width = vol / l x h = 6.3 / 50x 10 = 0.0126 cm

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30. Hamed drives down the hill as shown.

The table below gives the values of the acceleration at various heights above the bottom
of the hill.

Height/m 320 220 120 20

Acceleration 8.0 4.2 1.8 0


(a) On the figure given below, plot the values given in the table, using dots in circles. Draw the
best curve for these points on the grid provided. [3]

(b) Describe what is happening to

(i) the acceleration of the car, [1]


(ii) the speed of the car. [1]



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31. Mohammed drives towards the east in still air at 75 m / s. A wind starts to blow at 20 m / s towards
the south. Sketch a vector diagram and use it to find the resultant velocity [3]

resultant velocity ………………………………………………

32. The diagram shows Ahmed driving on a banking road (circular path). The centre of the circle is to

the left of the diagram.

Fig. 4.1

(a) On the figure indicate the arrow that is pointing in the direction of the resultant force and

explain why. [2]

A resultant force will change the speed or direction of the body. It will change the velocity of a body.
A circular turn on a level of road- conside a car of weight mg going around on a circular turn of radius R witha velocity
of v. Wheels of the car have the tendency to leave the curved path and reagin the straight line path.
force of friction oppose the tendency . The frictional force cat towards the center of the circular path and provides
necessary centripetal force

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(b) Even though the speed is constant, it is said that the velocity is changing. Why? [1]

Speed is a scalaar quantity as well direction is changing that means velocity is changing . Velocity is a vector


Rene- resources which can be used again and again through out its life. present in unlimited quantity
total cost is low. pollution free. It is sustainable. . Environment friendly

Non Rene- Cannot be used again and again as it is limited which can be depleted one day. Not environment
friendly. Present in limited quantity. Not pollution free.

Solar energy resource

We depend on fossil fuels because they are energy rich and relatively cheap to process
Approximately 80 percent of the total amount of energy used globally comes from fossil fuels

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34. State one difference between nuclear fission and fusion [1]
Fission - nucleus of an atom converts into smaller nuclei . Working principle is atom bomb. Release of energy
occurs in this process. This type of reaction does not occur naturally.
Fusion - smaller nuclei join to form heavier nuclei. This reaction is found in sun. Working principle of hydrogen

35. The material stretches by 1.5mm when a force of 2.5N is applied.

(a) Calculate the force constant of the spring [2]

Force = K x X

K = F / X = 2.5 / 1.5 = 1.666

K - spring constant

X - distance

F - force

(b) Calculate the force that will stretch it by 3.5mm. [2]

Force = K x X = 1.66 x 3.5 = 5.8 N

Force = ……………………………………

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36. (a) State the type of energy that is stored in: [3]

(i) Eleastic potential energy

Stretching material such as springs. …………………………………………………………..
chemical energy
(ii) Battery ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Thermal energy
(iii) Matches ………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) A young boy of mass 18kg is bouncing up and down on a trampoline.

As the stretched surface of the trampoline begins to contract, the boy is pushed vertically upwards

at a speed of 8.0 m / s, she loses contact with the surface. Calculate his kinetic energy at that

moment. [3]

KE = 1/2 x m x v2

1/2 x 18 x 8.0 x 8.0 = 576 J

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37. A gas is confined in a container as shown. Before pulling the piston up, the pressure of the gas was

1.0 2 × 105 Pa.

(A) (B)

Pulling the piston up increases the volume of the gas from 300 cm3 to 400 cm3. Calculate the final

pressure of the gas. [3]

P1 V1 = P2 V2

102000 X 300 = 30600000 = P2 X 400

P2 = 30600000 / 400 = 76500 Pa

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Question 1a

1. A student is determining the density of wood by two methods. He is using the wooden rod shown in

Method 1

The dimensions of the wooden rod are shown full size in Fig.1.2.

(i) Measure the length l and the diameter d of the wooden rod in Fig.1.2.
l=. ...................................................... cm

2 cm [2]

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(ii) Suggest an accurate method for measuring the diameter of the wooden rod in this experiment. List

any additional apparatus that might be required and briefly describe how you would determine the

diameter. You may draw a diagram if it helps to explain your answer. [2]

Question 1b

The student uses a balance to measure the mass m of the wooden rod as shown in Fig.1.3.

Record the mass m of the rod.

m =. ........................................................ g

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Calculate a value ρ for the density of the wooden rod. Use the values l=4.5 cm and d=2.0 cm, the value

of the mass, and the equation . Include a suitable unit.

4 x 7.8 / 3.14 x 2 x 2 x 4.5 = 0.55 g/cm3

ρl =........................................................


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