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International Journal of Eco-Innovation in Science and Engineering (IJEISE) Vol (Issue), 2022 (31-3)

https://ijeise.upnjatim.ac.id/ E-ISSN: 2721-8775


Word Template for International Journal of Eco-

Innovation in Science and Engineering
First A. Author1,a, and Second B. Author2,b

1 First A. Author’s affiliation and address

2 Second B. Author’s affiliation and address
E-mail: afirst.author@email.com, bsecond.author@email.com
*Corresponding author: (E-mail address)|Phone number: +62xxxxxxxxxx

Received: 12th April 2021; Revised: 27th April 2021; Accepted: 30th April 2021;
Available online: 8th May 2021; Published regularly: May and November


ABS Supermarket is a store that is always busy with customers. Besides having low prices, ABC
Supermarket also provides daily necessities. The purpose of this research is to determine whether
the cashier queue system implemented at ABC Supermarket is effective or not. This research uses
the queue method. The conclusion of this research indicates that the queue system at ABC
Supermarket with 6 cashiers has an average ρ value percentage of 41.67%, which falls into the
ineffective category. The most effective number of cashiers is 3, with an average ρ value percentage
of 83.33%, which falls into the fairly effective category.

Keywords: Queue System, Optimization, FCFS, payment cashier.

1. Introduction can serve 360 customers. On average, it takes a

cashier 5 minutes to serve one customer.
We request authors to follow this guideline
and format their manuscripts exactly the same 3.1. Queue Analysis
as this document. The easiest way to do this is
download this template and replace its contents Average arrival rate:
with those in your manuscript. (λ) = 360 / 12 = 30 people/hour

2. Material and Method Average service rate:

(μ) = 60 / 5 = 12 people/hour
All material on all pages should fit within
an area of A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), 2.8 cm from the Employee utilization rate:
top of the page and ending with 2.4 cm from λ 30
P= = =0 , 416 7
the bottom. The left and right margins should s . μ 6 . 12
both be 2.4 cm.
Average number of customers waiting to be
3. Results and Discussion served:
( λn:!μ ) n+ s ! (1−λ :( μλ :sμ ) )
Swalayan Samudra employs 6 cashiers.
The store operates from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
(12 hours). During its operating hours, the store

International Journal of Eco-Innovation in Science and Engineering (IJEISE) Vol (Issue), 2022

1 (Wq) is about 6.774 minutes, the number of

¿ 1 2 3 4 customers
( 30 :12 ) ( 30 :12 ) ( 30 :12 ) ( 30 :12 ) ( 30 :12 )5 ( 30 waiting
:12 )
6 in the queue (Lq) is
1+ + + + + +
approximately 0.3389 customers, with the
1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6 ! (1−30 :72)
number of customers in the system (Ls)
1 around 2-3 customers. The cashier
¿ =0,081 6 utilization rate (p) is around 41.76%. The
value of  is used as a reference in
Average queue length: evaluating the effectiveness of cashier
utilization. The average percentage of 
( )( )
λ λ
Po p value using 6 cashiers is around 41.76%. It
μ μ
Lq= 2
appears that the use of 6 cashiers at ABC
s ! ( 1− p ) Supermarket is ineffective. Based on the
queue performance calculations using 6
¿(0,0816)¿ ¿ cashiers, the average service utilization rate
() is 41.76%, which falls into the
8,3014 ineffective category. Analysis from this
24,4944 research indicates that the most effective
number of cashiers is 3. If the supermarket
¿ 0,338 9 desires to utilize the most effective number
of cashiers, then employing 3 cashiers is
Average number of customers in the system optimal.
L=Lq+ =0,3389+ 2 ,5=2,838 9
μ Queue Characteristics of ABC Supermarket
Waiting time in the queue: 1. The arrival at ABC Supermarket is
independent, not influenced by previous or
Lq 0,3389 subsequent arrivals, in other words, arrivals are
Wq= = random.
λ 30
¿ 0,1129 Hours 2. Service at ABC Supermarket is
¿ 6,774 minutes conducted by more than one cashier, and
each cashier has one service
channel. Typically, each cashier serves one
Waiting time in the system:
customer before serving the next
customer. This also follows a random arrival
3. The system at ABC Supermarket does
not have a limit on the number of customers
Probability of waiting: that can be served, so its cashier service
capacity is unlimited.
4. The queue discipline implemented at
ABC Supermarket is the first come first served
(FCFS) rule, meaning customers who arrive
first will be served first.
The data indicates that the queue
performance at ABC Supermarket shows
4. Conclusions
that the Probability of an empty system or The queue system performance at Swalayan
having no customers (Po) is approximately Samudra with 6 cashiers has an average service
8.16%, the time spent by customers in the utilization rate (ρ) of 41.76%, falling into the
queue (Ws) is around 11.772 minutes, the ineffective category. The most effective
time customers spend waiting in the queue number of cashiers is 3, with an average ρ

International Journal of Eco-Innovation in Science and Engineering (IJEISE) Vol (Issue), 2022

value of 83.33%, considering the addition of

employees serving within the cashier.


Funding supports should be acknowledged

in this section.


References should be arranged by the order

in which they appear in the text. Only the
references that are cited in the text should be
added to the reference list. Authors should
follow the IEEE style format as follows:

[1] J. K. Author, “Title of chapter in the

book,” in Title of Published Book, xth ed.
City of Publisher, Country if not USA:
Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x,
pp. xxx–xxx.
[2] J. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev.
Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx,
Abbrev. Month, year.
[3] J. K. Author, “Title of report,” Abbrev.
Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State,
Rep. xxx, year.
[4] J. K. Author, “Title of paper,” in
Unabbreviated Name of Conf., City of
Conf., Abbrev. State (if given), year, pp.
[5] . K. Author, “Title of thesis,” M.S. thesis,
Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of
Univ., Abbrev. State, year.
[6] J. K. Author. (year). Title (edition) [Type
of medium]. Available:
[Accessed: 1 January 2016].


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