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Visual Merchandising - Definition, Concept, Importance; Store Planning – Store Image, Target
customers, Seasonal Visual merchandising, Store Design – (1) Windows – Special event windows,
Fashion message windows.

Visual merchandising is a marketing practice that uses floor plans, colour, lighting, displays,
technology, and other elements to attract customer attention.
Elements of Visual Merchandising
Colour. Colour is the most vital element in an in-store visual display
Landscaping. Landscaping is an essential technique for capturing shoppers' interest
Store Design
Window Displays.
Cross Merchandising
Signs and Banners
Product Packaging
Point-of-Purchase Displays
Point-of-Sale Displays

Visual merchandising is the practice of organizing and displaying products in a retail space. It
is used to highlight products and their features, gain customers' attention, make customers feel
comfortable and promote sales. Visual merchandising began in physical retail stores, but
companies are now using the same techniques for digital storefronts.
Effective visual merchandising uses a range of physical components to reflect a brand's image
and aesthetic, including:
Color: Different colors reflect different moods and tones. Choose a color scheme that matches
your company's image.
Lighting: Lighting can help set a mood in your space and draw attention to specific products
or areas of your store.
Space: The layout and spacing of your store dictates how customers move through your space,
where they spend more of their time and what they see.
Sound: Sounds, like ambient nature sounds or loud rock music, can add to the overall
atmosphere in your space.
Smell: Certain smells may promote distinct feelings, such as calm or excitement. Smells can
also trigger memories and positive associations, such as the smell of evergreen during the
Technology**:** Technology, such as digital displays and interactive installations, can
enhance customers' engagement with your brand.

Types of visual merchandising

Visual merchandising includes the following elements:
Interior displays: Interior displays are displays arranged inside the store that can include
products and decor.
Store layout: Visual merchandising includes how a store is laid out, including where certain
products are placed, the flow of products from front to back of store, where points of sale are
and where dressing rooms are.
Mannequins: The type, styling and positioning of mannequins can communicate messages to
your customers.
Point of purchase display: The signage, decor and physical structure of points of purchase are
part of visual merchandising.
Bundling: Bundling refers to displaying products together to show customers how they might
use multiple products.
Store environment: The atmosphere of your brick and mortar or digital space can create a tone
for your brand, such as loud and fun or serene.
Window displays: Window displays are an important part of visual merchandising that can
catch the attention of people passing your store, which can lead to more customers.
Outdoor signage: Outdoor signs communicate what your business is and set the tone for your
Exterior fixtures: Exterior fixtures, such as marquees, banners and awnings, provide the
customer's first impression of your store.
Seasonal displays: Seasonal displays can show off new merchandise, encourage add-on
purchases and create interest.
Product information: Where and how you communicate product details, including size of labels
and signs, typeface and tone of content, can reflect on your company's brand.
Design decisions: Design decisions, like flooring, textiles and other materials can create a
physical representation of your brand's aesthetic.
Improve your visual merchandising
1. Conduct research
Use market research to identify what your target audience responds to. Identify your ideal
customer's interests, hobbies and lifestyle. Apply this research to your space by incorporating
elements that will resonate with your target demographic. For instance, if your ideal customer
is a parent, consider images of smiling children and families.
2. Consider safety
Ensure that displays, signs and structures like shelving are secure and safe. Follow all
manufacturer guidelines for installation and maintenance, and hire professionals for electrical,
construction and complex installation projects.
3. Promote engagement
Using interactive displays can increase your customers' level of engagement with your brand.
Displays that link to your social media accounts or website can drive traffic to your sites, which
can increase your search rankings. Using creative, interactive displays can also increase
referrals to your store as more people learn about your unique features.
4. Keep up with trends
Stay updated on industry trends that you can use in your space, like design, art and fashion
trends. For example, if monochromatic fashion is popular, you can incorporate similar colors
together in your store or design a monochromatic display.
5. Hire a consultant
Consider hiring a professional merchandiser to assess your space and make recommendations
to better represent your brand, implement best practices, encourage repeat business and
increase sales. You can find merchandisers at interior design agencies, fashion and design
schools and through industry websites and publications.
6. Use merchandising as marketing
Consider your visual merchandising another facet of your marketing strategy. Optimize your
physical space to draw customers in, show them your products' best features and close sales.
Incorporate thoughtful elements that people will remember and share with others.
7. Test merchandising variations
To determine the most effective merchandising strategies, you can test slight variations in
layout, color schemes, signage and displays for a period of time and compare sales, traffic or
other metrics to show which option is more successful.
Point of Purchase - Advertising
8. Edit your space regularly
It's important to keep your visual merchandising elements balanced, meaning you have the
right amount of products, decor and displays to draw interest without overwhelming customers.
Scan your store often to make sure your visual elements are working to enhance your brand
rather than drawing attention away from your products or services.
9. Use themes
Consider using themes throughout your space to reflect a new product launch, seasonal items
or special promotion. Themes can be as simple as coordinating colors or as in-depth as a
fictional storyline or customer testimonial. Incorporating themes can help differentiate certain
products or features that you want to highlight.
10. Be consistent
Your brand and voice should be consistent throughout your physical and digital spaces. The
tone, style and messaging should be cohesive through your store, website and social media
accounts. This helps foster brand awareness across all channels, helping customers recognize
your products and creating trust among consumers.

Visual Merchandising - Definition, Concept, Importance:

Visual merchandising has a direct impact on customer engagement by capturing their attention and
creating an immersive shopping experience. Well-designed displays and visually appealing
arrangements not only attract customers but also encourage them to explore the store further.

Essentially, merchandising is the promotion and sale of products. It often is used to mean retail
sales itself in that its goal is to influence the buying decisions of consumers. However, it should
not be confused with the sale itself. It is the process leading up to a sale.

4 most important elements in VM

Key elements:
Store exterior.
Store layout.
Store interior.
Interior display.

Types Of Merchandising
Product Merchandising. Both in-store and online stores use these promotional activities to
increase products sales. ...
Retail Merchandising. ...
Digital/E-Commerce/Online Merchandising. ...
Visual Merchandising. ...
Omni channel Merchandising.

Some of the benefits of using visual merchandising:

 It reflects the brand. ...
 It may attract customers. ...
 It may lead to an increase in sales. ...
 It improves customer experience. ...
 It can serve as a marketing strategy. ...
 It can add value to your products. ...
 Conduct research. ...
 Consider safety.
Elements of Visual Merchandising
Color is King. As per the principles of in-store retail analytics, color is considered to be a
powerful element that can drive sales.
Maximum Display. This is another significant element of visual merchandising. ...
Empty Spaces.
Point of Focus.

Store Planning – Store Image:

Store planning is a holistic approach to developing a retail space that maximizes revenue and
customer retention through effective layout design, inventory display, and accessibility.
Store planning is a holistic approach to developing a retail space that maximizes revenue and
customer retention through effective layout design, inventory display, and accessibility.

A 7-Step Framework for Planning Your Retail Layout

Step 1: Establish Requirements. ...
Step 2: Choose Your Layout Type. ...
Step 3: Assess Customer Flow and Behaviors. ...
Step 4: Identify and Block Out Zones. ...
Step 5: Explore Product Mapping. ...
Step 6: Choose Displays and Fixtures. ...
Step 7: Finalize and Refine Your Plan.

7 strategic steps for your retail planning process

Step 1: Begin with market analysis.
Step 2: Analyse your customer behaviour.
Step 3: Set SMART goals. ...
Step 4: Improve short-term, but think long-term.
Step 5: Determine the right retail strategy.
Step 6: Implement your strategy.
Step 7: Analyse your performance.
Target customers:
The term “target customer” refers to the audience you want to engage with the help of your
marketing efforts. These people are most likely to buy your goods or services if they find out
about them through one of your marketing efforts.

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