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Intestinal occlusion is a complete and permanent stopping of materials and gas.

This interruption
of the intestinal transit may result from several mechanisms to know: theMechanical occultusis
defined by the significant decrease in the light of the digestive tract. An obstruction prevents the
passage of materials and gases;Occlusion by strangulationAlso called intestinal strangulation,
result of a hernia that has complicated most of the time;Functional occlusion
dueatonedysfunctionintestinal contraction slowing the feed progress in the digestive tube.
Physiologically,6 to 8 liters of gastric, pancreatic, bileary liquid enter every day in the small
intestine but are reabsorbed before arriving at the colon. In case of occlusion, this liquid
accumulates upstream and causes abdominal distension. This distension decreases the absorption
of liquids and stimulates the manufacture of intestinal secretions. The larger the liquid increases
the pressure increases on intestinal light. This increase in pressure is an increase in capillary
permeability and the passage of electrolytes in the peritoneal cavity. This liquid retention can
cause a decrease in humotational humotication and shockhypovolemic. In case of volvulus or
strangulation, part of the intestine is deprinted to blood and can therefore neccarrine and
gangrange if the surgical care is not immediate.Occlusion therefore leadsnauseaand
ofvomitingofAbdominal pain, a distension of theabdomen, hard andpainfulatpalpation and
astopgas and stool. All this will have forresultOn the body: aalterationof trafficbloodat the part of
the part of theIntegrine concernedwith tissue anoxia; Then happens with a disorder absorption
disorder. Not treated herleads toanecrosisand a perforation. At the levelgeneralshe is causing
adehydrationwithahypovolémie. The treatment of this pathology isaemergency surgery in the
case of an arclocation occult or a volvulus butalsofor aemailocclusionmechanical. The laying of
a probeNaso-Gastric fordecompressionofThe intestine inDr.Etirrute the liquid and gas. However
the treatmentmedicalremains symptomatic,do not aimthanrelievethe patientpains.

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