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Copyright 0 1985 by The Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the
American Physical Therapy Association

Effects of Gravity-Facilitated Traction

on lntervertebral Dimensions of the
Lumbar Spine*

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of gravity-facilitated traction
(inversion) on intervertebral dimensions of the lumbar spine. Fifteen normal male
subjects were fully inverted for a period of 10 minutes. Vertebral separation was
measured on lateral roentgenograms both pre- and postinversion by outlining the
margins of the intervertebral bodies both anteriorly and posteriorly and the greatest
vertical heights of the intervertebral foramina. Fine point engineering calipers were
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used to facilitate measurements. A student t-test for paired data was used to
determine significance of separation between lumbar segments, following 10 minutes
of inversion. The a level was set at 0.05 for statistical significance. Gravity-facilitated
traction produced increased separation at all levels measured. Significant increases
in total mean anterior separation, total mean posterior separation, and total mean
intervertebral foraminal separation were determined. Mean anterior separation was
significant at all levels except L3-L4. Mean posterior separation was significant at all
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

levels except L1-L2 and L5-S1. Mean intervertebral foraminal separation was
significant at all levels but L5-S1. If increases in intervertebral dimensions play a role
in the relief of low back syndrome, then gravity-facilitated traction may be an
effective moda1i;y in the treatment of this condition.

Spinal traction has been used for the treatment niques used to apply spinal traction have varied
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

of dysfunction and painful conditions of the ver- considerably. Traction has been applied manually,
tebral column since the era of Hippocrates. The with weights, with mechanical pulley devices, con-
precursor of the present-day traction table was tinuously or intermittently, and in horizontal or
the "Scamnum Hippocratis," the bench of Hippo- vertical'positions.
crates. The patient was hung upside down with In the last three decades heavy lumbar traction
his feet tied to the rungs of a ladder. By ropes has been a standard means of treating low back
over a pulley, the ladder was hoisted vertically pain. Although experimental research is limited
and dropped, imparting an abrupt tractive force and the results have been somewhat contradic-
to the spine. Medical men of those early eras used tory, lumbar traction is used with varying degrees
traction to correct spinal scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, of success for treatment of low back pain resulting
and hyperlord~sis.~~ Since that time, the tech- from trauma, degenerativejoint disease, and bulg-
ing or herniated discs.&9,13, '5919820.23-25,29,30
More recently, the use of gravity-facilitated trac-
'The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors and
may not be construed as an official position or product endorsement tion, which places the subject in an inverted po-
by the A n y Medical Department or the U.S. Army. sition with gravity providing the tractive force, has
t This study was completed by LT Kane in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Masters of Physical Therapy Degree from the U.S. become increasingly popular within the medical
Any-Baylor University Program in Physical Therapy. Academy of and nonmedical community as a means of treating
Health Sciences. Ft. Sam Houston. TX 78234. LT Kane is currently a
staff physical therapist at Madigan Army Medical Center. Tacoma, WA low back pain. The gravity inversion apparatus
98431. can be found in health clubs, gymnasiums, sports
$ COL Karl is currently Chief of the Radiology Department, Madigan
Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA 98431. medicine and physical therapy clinics, and is
5 MAJ Swain is currently Chief of the Musculoskeletal Evaluation claimed by its proponents to be useful in the
Section, Brooke Army Medical Center. Physical Therapy Clinic, San
Antonio, TX 78234. control of low back pain. This technique appears
KANE JOSPT Vol. 6, No. 5

to be a convenient and efficient means of applying force" capable of drawing nuclear material from
tractive forces to the lumbar spine. the epidural space into the intradiscal
Well documented medical and economic impli- 6. 20s22 Saunders2' states that in order to

cations of discogenic and nondiscogenic back administer therapeutically effective traction, the
pain mandate a serious consideration of all mo- tractive force must be great enough to effect a
dalities that offer a potentially efficacious mode of structural change at the spinal segment. Grays
treatment and rehabilitation. The development states that radiographic proof of a significant de-
and aggressive marketing of gravity-facilitated gree of distraction would support the argument
traction devices necessitates a scientific evalua- for its adoption in refractory cases of lumbar disc
tion of this modality. Research to determine protrusion. If the proclaimed mechanisms of pain
whether significant distraction of the lumbar ver- relief are true, then maximum distraction of the
tebrae is produced in subjects under the influence lumbar segments would seem desirable.
of gravity-facilitated traction has not been under-
taken to date. Thus, the present study was de- LITERATURE REVIEW
signed to determine the effects of the inverted
The use of the inverted position for spinal trac-
position on specific intervertebral dimensions of
tion was first described and used by Sheffield.29
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the lumbar spine.

A motorized, highly polished tilt table was used,
PATHOMECHANICS AND TREATMENT with the patient being inverted to an angle of 90'
from the horizontal. A pelvic harness, adjustable
The lumbar spine plays a role in many ortho- by means of straps and buckles, was used to
paedic ailments, low back pain being by far the firmly stabilize each patient to the table. Of the
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

most common.'.21 Epidemiological studies have 155 patients with known or suspected herniated
shown that sometime during the course of active discs, 133 (88%) were able to return to their full
life, more than 70% of adults experience some time jobs following an average of eight treat-
degree of low back Often the etiology ments, each of approximately 5 minutes duration.
of low back pain is unknown. There are several Using a cadaver stripped of lumbar muscula-
unproven theories regarding the pathogenesis of ture, Coste et aL4reported that a 9;kg force (19.8
low back pain, and while any of the anatomic Ib) was necessary to separate two lumbar verte-
structures of the lumbar spine may play a role, brae by 1.5 mm. N e ~ w i r t reported
h~~ that approx-
the intervertebral disc is thought to be a major imately 100 kg (220 Ib) of tractive force was
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

f a ~ t o r . ' ~ - 'There
~ ~ ~ 'exists a wide variety of treat- needed to produce the same effects in living
ment regimens aimed at relieving low back pain, subjects. DeSeze and Leverneaux6reported that
ranging from surgical intervention to conservative 770 Ib of traction was necessary to obtain a
management. Conservative measures include an- separation of 1-2 mm between each lumbar seg-
algesic drugs, application of ice or heat, massage, ment in a living subject. Of the total tractive force,
manipulation, and bed rest. Extended bed rest is over 300 Ib was required just to overcome the
often effective since the supine position de- resistance of the apparatus. Frazer7 considered
creases intradiscal pressures and protects the the tractive forces used by DeSeze and Lever-
impaired disc from the compressive forces of neaux excessive and advocated 300-400 Ib as
gravity. lntravital disc pressure measurements as adequate for spinal traction.
performed by Nachemson indicate that the lowest The first attempt to accurately measure lumbar
intradiscal pressure occurs in the supine posi- intervertebal separation both anteriorly and pos-
tion.I4 Proponents of traction claim that it can teriorly using lateral lumbar radiographs was un-
achieve the same effects as extended bed rest in dertaken by Lehmann and runner." Nineteen
a shorter time.5.16.23 In essence, "the patient is volunteers were given 300 Ib of upright traction
put to bed for weeks in a few hours."25 for a period of 5 minutes. They measured a seg-
Prior investigators have reported that the ther- mental midvertebral separation at L5-S1 of 2.6
apeutic effects of traction are due to stretching of mm, 1.5 mm at L4-L5, and 1.3 mm at L3-L4.
the musculature, widening of the intervertebral Separation of the posterior margins of the lumbar
heights, opening of the intervertebral foramina, vertebral bodies was found to be significant while
and stretching of the anterior and posterior lon- separation of the anterior margins was not.'
gitudinal ligament^.^^ 13.'7.23* 24*28 Traction can also Colachis and Strohm2administered supine lum-
produce negative intradiscal pressure or "suction bar traction to 10 healthy medical students. The
hips of each student were placed in 70' of flexion
while intermittent traction was applied for 15 min-
utes. Each subject received 50 Ib of traction fol-
lowed by 100 Ib of traction with a 10-minute break
in between bouts. In addition, 5 of the subjects
received 100 Ib of continuous traction for 5 min-
utes following the 100 Ib of intermittent traction.
Lateral radiographs were taken both before and
immediately following traction. These authors
showed that the total mean posterior separation
of the lumbar vertebral segments increased as
the tractive force increased. Total mean anterior
separation decreased during traction. Following 5
minutes of continuous traction at 100 Ib, signifi-
cant posterior separation was measured from L2-
L3 to L4-L5. The values were significant at the
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0.01 level.
More recently, Reilly et aL2' administered 70 Ib
of intermittent lumbar traction while varying the
degree of hip flexion in 10 female subjects. Lateral
radiographs of the lower spine were taken and
absolute differences were evaluated for both an-
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

terior and posterior margins from T I 2 to L1. Each

subject was exposed to three consecutive bouts
of traction at 0, 45, and 90' of hip flexion. Each
traction period lasted 15 minutes followed by 15
minutes of rest. The most significant separation
Fig. 1 . Erect positioning for preinversion lateral lumbar x-ray.
occurred with hips flexed at 90'. Reilly's data Uprights were used to stabilize patient and prevent any forward
showed an increase in posterior intervertebral and backward oscillation.
heights from T I 2 to S1. No changes in anterior
intervertebral heights were reported.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

jects were gradually exposed to both increasing

METHODS angulation and duration of inversion, while blood
pressure and heart rate were closely monitored.
Sixteen males between 20 and 30 years of age The acclimation process occurred on consecutive
volunteered as subjects for the study. An all male days. Each subject was fitted with gravity inver-
population was selected since the gonadal doses sion boots and positioned in front of the series
from lumbar spine radiography are significantly 1120 Gravity Guide$ inversion apparatus (Gravity
lower in males than females. None of the subjects Guidance, Inc., 150 S. Los Robles Ave., Pasa-
had a prior history of back trauma or lumbar spine dena, CA 91109). Left arm brachial blood pres-
complaints. Subjects with a history of chronic sure and resting heart rate were recorded with
headache, stroke, glaucoma, severe cerebral vas- the subject standing and the arm held in the
cular disease, hypertension, cardiac anomalies, anatomical position. A standard sphygmomanom-
osteoporosis, or severe joint laxity were excluded eter was used to evaluate blood pressure. The
from the study since these medical problems were radial pulse was palpated to determine heart rate.
considered contraindications to the inverted po- Following resting measurements, the subject was
s i t i ~ n .Each
~ * ~subject
~ was presented with a writ- positioned on the inversion device and lowered
ten explanation of the study procedures and de- slowly to an inverted position of 150' from the
scription of the potential risks of irradiation. Due vertical. A standard long arm goniometer was
to recent reports of marked heart rate and blood used to assess the inversion angle. The apparatus
pressure changes during inversion,'' and the un- was stabilized at the desired angle by a rope
familiarity of all subjects with the inverted position, securely knotted between the oscillating bed and
progressive acclimation was undertaken to elimi- the base of the supporting frame. The total accli-
nate undue apprehension and discomfort. Sub- mation procedure required six visits.
284 KANE ET AL JOSPT Vol. 6, No. 5
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Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Fig. 2. Subject suspended in full inversion. Fig. 3. Blood pressure monitoring with subje~tin fully inverted
During the first three sessions the subjects
(Fig. 2). During this time, pulse and blood pressure
were inverted to 1500 for "7' and minutes' were closely monitored (Fig. 3). There were no
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

respectively. During the following three sessions,

signs of cardiovascular distress or discomfort
the were inverted for and
59 71
noted during the period of inversion. At the con-
minutes' Blood pressures and rates were clusion of 10 minutes of inversion, a second lateral
recorded by the minute.
radiograph was obtained with the subject still in
Six days elapsed between the final acclimation
the inverted position, and using the same radi-
procedure and the final data collection. This delay
ographic techniques as previously described.
was allowed to negate any possible tractive ef-
The radiographs were analyzed by a board-
fects On the lumbar from the previous pe- radiologist. The bodies were
riods of inversion. Radiographic studies were ob-
identified and labeled using fine-point engineering
tained On the same day Of consecutive weeks calipers. The heights of the anterior and posterior
during the evening hours to control possible margins of the vertebral end plates and the su-
variations in disc heights at different times of the
perior and inferior margins of the
day. foramina were then measured and compared (Fig.
An erect lateral Of the lumbar 'pine 4). Each measurement was repeated at a later
was obtained for each subject using a horizontal
date to control intra-obse,,,er variability. these
beam with a tube to film distance of 10 feet to
measurements formed the data base for the
minimize magnificationerror (Fig. 1). Radiographic
techniques consisted of 1 10 kilovolts peak (Kvp)
and approximately 600 milliampere seconds RESULTS
(mAs), varying the mAs according to the subjects
somatotype in order to obtain a correctly exposed Descriptive data for all subjects is presented in
film. Each subject was then placed on the inver- Tables 1-4.Means and standard deviations were
sion apparatus and fully inverted for 10 minutes computed for all measurements both pre- and
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Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Fig. 4. Lateral radiographs of lumbar spine. A, subject is in the erect posture. B, subject is fully inverted. Note the dots used to
identify the intervertebral dimensions.

Total mean change in intervertebral dimensions of the lumbar spine following 10 minutes of inversion (mm)
IntervertebralDimension N Preinversion Postinversion Total Mean Change
Anterior intervertebral heights 72 13.44 +. 2.31 14.70 -t 2.25 1.26 + 0.95'
Posterior intervertebral heights 72 5.62 + 0.49 7.47 + 1.30 1.85 .+ 1.03t
Intervertebral foramina height 66 +
20.87 2.21 22.91 + 2.91 2.04 + 1.04t
'P < 0.025.

postinversion. The means were compared using sions at the L1-L2 segment were obscured due
a student t-test for paired data, with the a level to improper positioning. Therefore, the number of
set at 0.05 for statistical significance. Two of the measurements obtained at these levels did not
subjects were found to have spondylitic defects equal 15.
at the L5-S1 level; therefore, their measurements The mean difference between the preinversion
at this level were not included in the data base. In and postinversion measurementsfor total anterior
an additional six subjects, the intervertebral fora- separation, total posterior separation, and total
men at L5-S1 could not be properly visualized, intervertebral foramina separation were all signif-
and in one other subject, the intervertebral dimen- icant (Table 1). At each vertebral level, mean
KANE ET AL JOSPT Vol. 6, No. 5
Mean change in anterior intervertebral heights in the lumbar spine following 10 minutes of inversion (mm)
Levels N Preinversion Postinversion Mean Separation &Value

Mean changes in posterior intervertebral heights in the lumbar spine following 10 minutes of inversion (mm)
Levels N Preinversion Postinversion Mean Separation t-Value
L1-L2 14 +
5.19 1.77 +
5.8 1.48 0.61 + 1.01' 1.69
L2-L3 15 +
5.59 1.39 +
8.22 1.34 2.63 + 0.91t 11.22
6.05 + 0.91 + + 0.88t
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L3-L4 15 8.69 1.09 2.66 10.57

L4-L5 15 +
6.18 1.04 8.71 + 1.07 2.53 + 1.32t 7.42
L5-S1 13 +
5.09 1.61 +
5.94 1.19 0.85 + 1.93* 1.58

Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Mean change in intervertebral foramina heights in the lumbar spine following 10 minutes of inversion (mm)
Levels N Preinversion Postinversion Mean Se~aration t-Value
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

anterior separation was significant except at L3- intervertebral height or intervertebral foramina
L4, with the greatest separation occurring at L5- height has been documented. In two of the better
S1 (Table 2). There was an increase in mean controlled studies, the greatest mean difference
posterior separation following inversion at every between pre- and post-traction measurementsfor
level. Mean posterior separation was significant posterior separation was produced following the
at L2-L3 through L4-L5, with the greatest sepa- third of three consecutive applications of trac-
ration occurring at L3-L4. The mean separations t i ~ n . ' ~ .Cumulative
*~ effects from consecutive
at L2-L3 and L4-L5 were only slightly less (Table bouts of traction may be possible.
3). The mean difference between preinversion and The present study demonstrated significant in-
postinversion measurements for intervertebral creases in mean anterior intervertebral height at
foramina height were significant at every level but all levels of the lumbar spine except L3-L4 follow-
L5-S1 (Table 4). Again the greatest separation ing 10 minutes of inversion. Mean posterior inter-
was produced at L3-L4, followed by L2-L3 and vertebral height also increased significantly at all
L4-L5, respectively. levels except L1-L2 and L5-S1. In addition, mean
intervertebral foramina height increased signifi-
DISCUSSION cantly at every level but L5-S1. The lack of sig-
A review of the available literature reveals that nificant posterior separation at L5-S1 is in agree-
lumbar traction applied in a variety of positions ment with the study performed by Colachis and
and with tractive forces ranging from 70 to 300 Ib S t r ~ h mThis. ~ lack of significant posterior distrac-
is capable of producing significant mean posterior tion at the L5-S1 level is possibly due to the
separation at various levels in the lumbar strong limitations imposed on the segment by the
i pine.^^'^^^^ No significant increase in anterior iliolumbar ligamentous complex. Additionally, po-
sitioning during inversion precluded accurate verted position can produce marked changes in
measurements of the intervertebral foramen at heart rate and blood pressure in normal young
this level in 8 of the 15 subjects, significantly adult^.^ Gravity-facilitated traction may be dan-
decreasing the data base available for analysis. gerous for hypertensive individuals and those with
The increase in mean intervertebral foramina cardiac anomalies or cerebral vascular disease. In
height following inversion should produce in- any case, blood pressure, heart rate, and patient
creased space available for the nerve roots and comfort should be closely monitored during inver-
may, therefore, give gravity-facilitatedtraction po- sion.
tential clinical application in the treatment of low In the strictest sense, the results of this study
back pain of nondiscogenic origin, specifically may only be applicable to normal subjects in the
nerve root inflammation and degenerative joint age group utilized. However, radiographic evi-
disease. dence has been presented which warrants further
The increases measured in mean anterior inter- investigation into the potential clinical benefits of
vertebral height coupled with increased mean this modality.
posterior intervertebral height have potentially
strong clinical implications in the treatment of low CONCLUSION
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back broblems of discogenic origin. If both ante-

Gravity-facilitated traction produces significant
rior and posterior intervertebral heights increase,
separation in the intervertebral dimensions of the
the potential volumetric increases and subse-
lumbar spine including previously undemon-
quent intradiscal pressure decreases are greater
strated separation at the anterior intervertebral
than if the anterior intervertebral height remains
margins and intervertebral foramina. This sepa-
unchanged or is decreased. Of possible interest
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ration is achieved in a nontraumatic manner with-

is the documentation of separation between each
out the use of weights or mechanical pulleys. If
of the identified vertebral dimensions at every level
separation of the lumbar -vertebrae indeed plays
of the lumbar spine following inversion (Tables 2-
a role in the symptomatic relief of low back pain
4). Although all of the mean height changes were
of both discogenic and nondiscogenic origin, then
not statistically, significant, it is possible that the
gravity-facilitatedtraction may be an effective mo-
separation produced at these particular levels has
dality in the treatment of these conditions.
clinical significance.
The clinical application of lumbar traction with My deepest gratitude to MAJ Allyn L. Woeman for his constant
the patient horizontal and the forces acting hori-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

support and critical review of the original manuscript. Special thanks to

zontally is often ineffective due to the friction Gravity Guidance, Inc., for use of the gravity inversion device.

between the patient's body and the table. The

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