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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

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International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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Optimal power management framework for smart homes using electric

vehicles and energy storage
Ubaid ur Rehman a, *, Kamran Yaqoob b, Muhammad Adil Khan c
Department of Electronics and Electrical Systems, University of Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Computer Science, Virtual University, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Keywords: Residential Buildings are considered as the most important and eventual beneficial part of the future smart
Smart homes energy system. Therefore, development of an efficient home power management framework (HPMF) to intelli­
Intelligent power management gently manage the prosumers power procurement is necessary. This system will be used to optimally govern the
Mixed integer linear programming
use of home appliances, it will also manage the power generated by renewables (PGR), as well as this system will
Smart cities
also optimization the charging/discharging of the energy storage units (ESU) and electric vehicles (EVs). In this
paper, we have proposed a holistic method to optimize the use of different home appliances according to the
prosumers preferences and defined schedule. Moreover, a separate system for controlling the charging/dis­
charging of ESU and EVs has been designed which considers their capital costs while integrating them with the
HPMF to enable flexibility in the use of stored power which enhances the desired economic outcomes besides it
also increases the ESU life. Using Mixed integral linear programming’ (MILP’) and the proposed power man­
agement framework it is possible to intelligently optimize the energy procurement of a smart home, which not
only guarantee the minimal energy procurement cost as well as it increases consumer comfort. A comprehensive
performance analysis of the proposed model has been carried out to prove its robustness and effectiveness.

contingencies, i.e., simultaneous unregulated and uncertain charging or

1. Introduction discharging of several EVs can exacerbate power demand in peak hours,
which can cause major overloads and eventually it could hinder the
Intelligent power optimization system based smart homes are the operation of the local power gird [5]. Therefore, a system capable of
main part of a smart grid, this system enables residential consumers to scheduling and managing the charging or discharging tasks of an EV
schedule their power consumption according to their preferences to fleet and domestically installed ESU is necessary to be developed which
reduce the monthly power procurement cost [1]. This system also en­ could have been regulated leniently by HPMF. This system could play a
ables the flexibility of integrating several renewable resources in the very vital role in the smart energy systems.
grid in both remote and local areas [2]. It is compulsory for an In addition, inspiring incentives, mega EV charging station in­
economical and reliable home power management framework (HPMF) frastructures, subsidies in EV purchasing, and motivational programs to
to not only entertain the common households but this system should also encourage consumers to purchase EVs and hybrid electric vehicles
optimize the operation of the vastly expanding energy storage units (HEVs) have already being implemented in several countries [6]. These
(ESU) and electric vehicles (EVs) [3]. This vastly expanding use of ESU programs are the part of the long term future plan to accommodate EV
and EVs is also generating opportunities for local consumers to further industry on international level, to achieve the desired on road EVs
minimize their electricity bills, by intelligently using them with HPMF. penetration target which is fixed as the overall 50% EVs share in auto
Moreover, ESU’s and EVs could also be used for reducing energy de­ industry by the year 2050 is anticipated [7].
mands in peak hours as well as these units can provide grid stabilization The future projection of the energy market is extremely difficult,
services by compensating the uncertainties and transients introduced by since from past few years, a complete diversion in the energy sector
the renewable resources [4]. Despite of the following advantages, these management techniques is recorded. Therefore, now it is imperative to
units itself increasing load on the power grid and increasing handling develop efficient and fast converging techniques to efficiently manage

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ubaidrehman1122@gmail.com (U. ur Rehman), kamranisbest@gmail.com (K. Yaqoob), adil.khan@mail.au.edu.pk (M. Adil Khan).

Received 24 March 2021; Received in revised form 21 May 2021; Accepted 30 June 2021
Available online 12 July 2021
0142-0615/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

Nomenclature ℛTPEVdis Threshold of the EV discharging cost ($)

𝒯 Set of hourly time slots
List of Acronyms 𝒯 coldwater Primal temperature of the cold water in ◦ F
SH Schedulable households 𝒯 Amb Ambient Temperature ◦ F
NA Necessary communication appliances od
𝒯 Outdoor Temperature ◦ F
ESU Energy storage unit
𝒯 m⊣x Maximal consumer acceptable limit of the indoor
ESU2H ESU to home AC
temperature ◦ F
EVs Electric vehicles
HPMF Home power management framework 𝒯 AC Minimal consumer acceptable limit of the indoor
MILP Mixed-integer-linear-programming’ temperature ◦ F
PVG Power generated by photovoltaic ⊔arr Arrival time of the electric vehicle (EV)
PGR Power generated by renewables ⊔dep Departure time of the electric vehicle (EV)
RTP Real time price ⊔start
〉 Starting time of the 〉th SH for performing required task
TA Temperature controlling appliances ⊔end Ending time of the 〉th SH after performing required task
V2G Vehicle to grid

𝒯 max
waterheater Maximal consumer acceptable temperature level of the
V2H Vehicle to home
hot water ◦ C
DAEM Day-ahead electricity market min
𝒯 waterheater Minimal consumer acceptable temperature level of the
AC Air Conditioner
hot water ◦ C
List of Indicators 𝒯 hotwater Primal temperature of the water in home tank ◦ C

〉 Indexing of the SH load 〉 ∈ {1, 2, ⋯, ℐ}

Primal home indoor temperature
𝒯 id
⊔ Number of hourly time slots ⊔ ∈ {1.2, ⋯, T}
List of variables
List of Parameters
𝒞ESU Rated energy storage capacity of ESU in kWh
x Thermal specifications of air conditioner (AC)
𝒞ESU Rated energy storage capacity of EV in kWh
y Working mode of AC; y > 0 show the AC is in heating
℘ 𝒜C Overall amount of power consumed by AC in kW
mode, y < 0 show AC is in cooling mode
℘ chmax
ESU Maximal acceptable charging power of ESU considering its
ESU Charging efficiency of energy storage unit
energy storage capability constraint in kW
ESU Discharging efficiency of energy storage unit (ESU)
℘ dismax
ESU Minimal acceptable (dis)charging power of ESU
ηch Charging efficiency of electric vehicle
EV considering its energy storage capability constraint in kW
ηdis Discharging efficiency of electric vehicle
EV ℘ ch
ESU Charging power of the ESU in kW
𝒞min Primal ESU capacity in kWh
ESU ℘ dis
ESU Discharging power of the ESU in kW ℘ disESU < 0
𝒞max Maximal ESU capacity in kWh
ESU ℘ WH Overall amount of power consumed by water heater in kW
EV Primal EV capacity in kWh ℘𝒢 Power trading of the grid with HPMF in kW ℘ 𝒢 > 0 show
EV Maximal EV capacity in kWh power has been acquired by the grid: ℘ 𝒢 < 0 shows the
𝒩〉 Total time required for the 〉th SH to complete the assigned HPMF has injected power into the grid
task ℘ chable
EV Maximal acceptable charging power of EV considering its
℘ max
AC Maximal rated power of AC in kW energy storage capability constraint in kW
℘ PGR Rated power generation capacity of renewables in kW ℘ disable Minimal acceptable (dis)charging power of EV considering
℘ DRmax Rated power drawing capacity from the grid in kW its energy storage capability constraint in kW
℘ CON Maximal power consumed by the 〉th SH in KW
℘ ch
EV Charging power of the EV in kW
℘ chmax Maximal charging power of ESU in kWh
ESU ℘ dis
EV Discharging power of the ESU in kW ℘ dis
EV < 0
℘ dismax Maximal discharging power of ESU in kWh ℘ dismax <0
ESU ESU 𝒯 hotwater Nominal temperature of the hot water ◦ C
℘ max
WH Rated power of the electric water heater in kW
𝒯 id Nominal room temperature ◦ C
℘E Total power consumed by necessary appliances in kW
⊓〉 Binary-variable show 〉th SH working state; (1 = On) and
℘ chmax
EV Maximal charging power of EV in kWh
(0 = Off)
℘ dismax
EV Maximal discharging power of EV in kWh ℘ dismax
ESU <0 ⊓ESU Binary variable shows the ESU charging or discharging
ℛTP Real time electricity prices $/kWh state; (1 = charging) and (0 = discharging)
ℛTP𝒜VG Average real time electricity price ($) ⊓EV binary variable shows the EV charging or discharging state:
ℛTPESUch Threshold of the ESU discharging cost ($) (1 = charging) and (0 = discharging)
ℛTPEVch Average RTP ($) while EV is charging at home

the growing diversity in energy generation methods [8]. Significant reduce the overall operational expenses. In Ref. [8], authors have used
research work has been carried out to upgrade the conventional power convex programming based home power management system capable of
structure, including production, distribution, and consumption by scheduling and managing common households and battery powered
implementing demand response strategies and upgrading a consumer to households [9].
prosumer, through some basic structural changes [9]. Moreover, in this framework, authors have introduced an optimal
In literature a comprehensive research work carried out for load scheduling model for power management of households to reduce
enhancing the HPMF capabilities, several studies [5–8] claim of devel­ the consumer dissatisfaction level and overall electricity bill. A similar
oping efficient home power management frameworks. In Ref. [10], method has been proposed in Ref. [11], where authors have designed a
authors have developed a less complex HPMF method, comprises of a power procuring cost reducing method by intelligently integrating re­
real-time power consuming appliances and schedule-able households, to newables and energy storage systems and further enhanced this work to

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

minimize the ratio of power purchasing from the gird, this system helps in following manners.
in avoiding energy demand in peak hours [12] as well as by conven­
tional fossil based peaking plants. This method aims to decrease 1. Primarily, we have classified the common households in three cat­
greenhouse gas emissions and gasoline consumption by intelligently egories and modelled them with numerous dimensions, for instance,
integrating EVs in the grid using vehicle to grid system. However, both each particular household has been classified according to its nature
of the models developed in Ref. [13] and [14] does not consider the of use (i.e., total time of use, nature of this appliance, rated power
constraints of integrating vast scale EVs in the grid and in HPMF. In consumption and its temperature relativity) and controllability.
Ref. [15], authors have proposed a HPMF method with renewables, ESU After collecting technical information of each appliance, analytical
and EVs to obtain the reduced costs for the domestic prosumers by fully models of how to use each appliance according to the consumer
utilizing the energy generated by domestic renewable power plants. preferences have been developed. Moreover, we have also consid­
However, the discharging modes of EVs for further minimizing the ered the power generation by renewable resources, real time pricing,
power consumption cost is not studied in the proposed model. In ESU, minimum cost of electricity procured by a smart home to ach­
Ref. [16,17], authors have considered broader scale ESU and EVs by ieve the guaranteed consumer satisfaction.
enabling the bi-directional flow of power to accommodate the load 2. We have also proposed a collective strategy for managing the
scheduling operation of the domestic households, assuring that this charging/discharging operation of ESU and EV after considering
system will reduce the power procurement costs for smart homes on their technical specifications and restrictions, a real time pricing
major scale. method has been defined to optimally manage the power flow be­
The power management of a smart home is an optimization tween home and the grid using HPMF. Because of the limitations of
constraint comprises of several continuous and multi-dimensional var­ both ESU and EV discharging cost thresholds, an intelligent algo­
iables because the real time dispatched power monitoring also enables rithm has been proposed to execute the EV V2H operation according
the load shifting from peak hours to off-peak hours, after considering to the desired duration. Hence, the proposed HPMF method not only
consumers’ energy consuming preferences [18]. Moreover, in past two- generate a significant economic revenue for the prosumer, alongwith
decades massive research work has been carried out to efficiently sta­ this method also increases the ESU and EVs battery life. Moreover, it
bilize load on the utility grids where renewables are the main source of assures the availability of enough power in EV for transportation
energy generation. In addition, in order to minimize the peak to average purposes.
ratio (PAR) between supply and demand, or to produce economical
electricity several algorithms have been proposed in literature [19]. This rest of the paper is arranged as follows: Section 2 presents the
However, some of the existing techniques cater the voltage transients problem formulation of the proposed power flow technique, as well as
by employing load scheduling techniques, which collectively reduce the structure of the power scheduling function for smart homes is also given
energy prices and regulates the stochastic voltage transients but failed to in this section. Section 3, covers the method proposed to compute the
stabilize voltages of the commercial grids Several Demand Side Man­ optimization constraint for HPMF. Section 4, presents the simulation test
agement (DSM) or Demand Response (DR) techniques have been models and performance evaluation results, while Section 5, concludes
developed in literature to efficiently govern the load shifting processes. this paper.
Most commonly, heuristic optimization is used to compute the above
state constraint, i.e., particle swarm algorithms [20], genetic algorithms 2. Problem formualtion
[21], strawberry optimization method and cuckoo search optimization
approach [22] and the ant colony optimization methods [23] are used The layout of the proposed power structure for smart homes is pre­
for this purpose. sented in Fig. 1. In this figure it could be analyzed that the proposed
Whenever we try to solve the multivariate mathematical problems framework intelligently integrates the renewable resources (roof
caused by lower efficiency of the power system and due to failure of mounted solar power plant) advance metering infrastructure, HPMF,
heuristic methods in controlling the real time grid operations, the MILP ESU, EV and all essential domestic households. Note, out of these en­
method is used as an alternative, capable of determining the optimal tities, ESU and EV, exhibits V2G and ESU2H (ESU to home) capability.
solutions accurately and robustly. Due to the modular structural prop­ Moreover, in quest to effectively schedule the use of several households,
erties of the MILP method, it is easier to make changes according to the we have classified them into three distinct categories. The primal
consumer preferences [24]. In Ref. [25], a MILP method has been pro­
posed to optimize the power procurement schedule of smart homes on
broader scale to make the grid environmentally friendly and to reduce
the power consumption costs. In quest to reduce the operational ex­
penses of a residential level grid a MILP method has been proposed in
Ref. [26].
Despite of the intensive work carried out in upper referenced papers,
the methodologies proposed in the upper stated research works does not
fully cater the constraint relative to the charging/discharging of ESU and
EVs in a HPMF model. Note, the intelligent integration of EVs and ESU in
a HPMF system can further reduce the power procurement costs as well
as the ratio of battery degradation of EV batteries could also be mini­
mized, which can provide opportunities for such vehicles to provide
transportation services for longer periods [41]. In this paper, we have
proposed a mixed integer linear programming’ (MILP’) based HPMF
model, which intelligently integrates and optimize the operation of
renewable resources, ESU, EVs and several other essential domestic
households. This model is then executed in such manners that; it pro­
vides optimal solution to effectively govern the operation of ESU, EVs,
essential households and also enables the bi-directional energy flow
from home to grid. This method assures minimal operation costs of the Fig. 1. The proposed home power management framework structure for
grid as well as for smart homes. This paper contributes to the literature smart homes.

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

category comprises of all necessary communication appliances (NA) i.e., maximal 𝒯 max min
AC and minimal 𝒯 AC acceptable indoor temperature limits for
television, Laptops and smart phones and landline phones, Because of AC which are set considering the outdoor temperature conditions. The
the importance of the NA appliances for a consumer, such devices can constraint (4) ensures that the power consumed by AC ℘ AC (⊔) should
acquire continuous power during each time slot without interruption. not exceed from the acceptable range ℘ max
AC .
The second category comprises of temperature controlling appliances Where to calculate the temperature of hot water we have used Eq. (5)
(TA) which are used to provide a consumer comfort i.e., electric water as follows
heaters (WH) and air conditioners (AC), nature of use of these appliances ( )
can be scheduled considering the consumer preferences. The third 1 Δ⊔ {
category consists of schedulable households (SH), i.e., dish-washers and
ℛ’ 𝒞
𝒯 hotwater (⊔) = 𝒯 hotwater (⊔ − 1), ⌉ + (ℛ’ ), (G), 𝒯 Amb + (ℬ), 𝒯 coldwater
washing machine. According to the real time electricity cost and ⎡ ( ) ⎤
essential constraints, HPMF will determine the optimal operation
1 Δ⊔
}⎢ ⎥
ℛ’ 𝒞
+ 𝒬(⊔), (ℛ’ ) ⋅⎣1 − ⌉ ⎦
schedule for the SH loads.
In the proposed model, real time pricing, power generated by
photovoltaic plant, the demand of hot water, common households’
technical specifications, and consumer personal preferences are for­ 𝒯 hotwater (⊔ − 1) = 𝒯 int
hotwater , (⊔ = 1) (6)
warded to the HPMF prior to preparing a schedule. The essential data
about ecological conditions is forecasted either by the local sources i.e., 𝒯 min
waterheater ≤ 𝒯
(⊔) ≤ 𝒯 max
waterheater (7)
from weather forecasting agency or by the indoor domestically installed
temperature sensors which provide information of the total average ℘ waerheater (⊔) ≤ ℘ min
waterheater (8)
required quantity of hot water. Note, the constraint (5) calculates temperature of the hot water
Therefore, a dedicated communication network between local consistently for consumer to ensure consumer comfort, where the vari­
weather forecasting agencies and indoor domestically installed tem­
able ℛ’ denotes the tank insulation thermal resistance (t × ft2 × ◦ F/
perature forecasting platforms is necessary for HPMF operation. Note,
BTU), G is the water storage capacity of the tank in gallons, which is
the main focus of this paper is on the power management of a smart
calculated by dividing the tank surface area by ℛ’ , while the variable ℬ
home, therefore we have considered this communication network and
denotes the density of water which is 8.34. Whereas, the value of 𝒬(⊔) =
assumed the weather forecast and all necessary data is already available,
3.4121 × ℘ waterheater (⊔), 𝒬(⊔) denote the ratio of power input. A reader
because, a consumer can easily collect this information by a smart phone
can visit Ref. [32] for further detail about the temperature calculation of
application through internet [27]. Moreover, we have inferred that, the
the hot water. The constraint (6) computes the initial temperate of the
advance metering infrastructure receives real time pricing data from the
hot water 𝒯 int
hotwater currently stored in the water tanker. In constraint (7)
grid through power line communication cable [29] Note, the proposed
HPMF use ZigBee wireless network to communicate with all devices the acceptable minimal 𝒯 min max
waterheater and maximal 𝒯 waterheater ranges for water

connected and being controlled with this system to robustly perform heater is selected to maintain the water temperature according to the
autonomous controlling tasks in a smart home [30] consumer preferences, while the constraint (7) defines the power con­
sumption limit of a water heater ℘ waerheater (⊔) which this appliance use to
maintain the water temperature.
2.1. System Modelling
2.1.1. Management of the schedulable household (SH) load
This section explains the integration of each device with the pro­ In order to manage the power consumption of SH loads we have used
posed home power management framework (HPMF) as follows; Eq. (9), which ensures their desired operation duration. Eq. (10) deals
with a particular set of SH loads, i.e., it controls the operation of dish­
1. Modelling of the TA loads washers and washing machines according to the consumer preferences
as follows;
As stated above the TA loads are categorized as the temperature
controlling appliances ensuring consumer comfort. In this paper we ⊔end

have only considered the indoor home temperature and hot water ⊓〉 (⊔) = 𝒩 〉 (9)
temperature, because, it directly affects the resident living style. Hence ⊔start

in quest to guarantee consumer comfort, in the proposed HPMF, we have ⎧

used a separate temperature dead-band constraint formulated in Eq. (3) ⎪

⎨ ⌊⊓〉 (⊔) − ⊓〉 (⊔ − 1)⌋ ⊓〉 (1) = 1 and ⊓〉 (𝒯 ) = 1
and Eq. (7) respectively. ⊔=2
Note, we have computed the indoor-temperature by Eq. (1) from the ⎪

⎩ a1 < ⌊⊓〉 (⊔) − ⊓〉 (⊔ − 1)⌋ ≤ a2 Otherwise
model presented in Ref. [31]. ⊔=2

( ) (10)
𝒯 id (⊔) = 𝒯 id (⊔ − 1) + x 𝒯 od (⊔) − 𝒯 id (⊔ − 1) + y℘ AC (⊔)Δ⊔ (1)
where the superscript a1 = (num〉 − 1) × 2, a2 = num〉 ×2 shows the total
𝒯 id (⊔ − 1) = 𝒯 int
id , ⊔ = 1 (2) number of times when the SH loads are need to be used to complete the
desired task during the defined time horizon. Note, if num〉 = 1, then
𝒯 min id max
AC ≤ 𝒯 (⊔) ≤ 𝒯 AC (3) a1 = 0, and a2 = 2 indicates the record of overall how many times the
〉th SH has been started and shutdown (i.e., 0 to 1 value indicates the
℘ AC (⊔) ≤ ℘ max
AC (4) start, while 1 to 0 shows the shutdown) while it also shows that the
startup times are greater than shutdown or homologous to 0 or lower
where the constraint (1) computes the indoor temperature consistently than or homologous to 2.
for 24 hourly time slots by considering the thermal specifications x of
AC, and the total power consumed by the AC for temperature regulation. 2.1.2. Management constraint of the energy storage unit (ESU)
Note, in this constraint superscript y defines the heating or cooling During different time slots, the power of charging or discharging of
modes for AC, i.e., if y > 0 then AC is in heating mode, and if y < 0 AC is ESU might be dynamically adjusted with respect to its energy surplus or
in cooling mode. Constraint (2) computes the initial indoor temperature insufficiency. Overall the HPMF operation flexibility is increased by the
𝒯 int
id at the particular time instance, while the constraint (3) defines the

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

integration of ESU. The management constraint of the ESU is formulated where constraint (17) deals with the total power delivered by the EV
by determining its maximal and minimal power storage capacity and ℘ EV (⊔)during a particular time slot ⊔ it is computed according to the
required charging/discharging power, as follows: conditions imposed by the binary variable ⊓EV which show that either
℘ ESU (⊔) = ℘ ch dis
(11) EV is in the charging state or discharging state, while this operation is
ESU (⊔)⊓ESU (⊔) + ℘ ESU (⊔)(1 − ⊓ESU (⊔) )

𝒞ESU (⊔) = 𝒞ESU (⊔ − 1) + ℘ ch ch dis dis

ESU (⊔)⊓ESU (⊔)Δ⊔ηESU + ℘ ESU (⊔)(1 − ⊓ESU (⊔) )Δ⊔/ηESU (12)

performed considering the time slots when EV is parked, i.e., V2H

operation is only possible during those time slots when EV is parked and
𝒞ESU (⊔ − 1) = 𝒞int
ESU , ⊔ = 1 (13) connected with the HPMF. Constraint (18), is defined to compute the
total energy storage capacity 𝒞EV (⊔)of an EV battery during a particular
0.2𝒞max max
ESU ≤ 𝒞 ESU (⊔) ≤ 0.8𝒞 ESU (14) time slot ⊔. In the constraint 𝒞EV is computed considering the charging
efficiency of the EV battery and this constraint is divided by the EV
0 ≤ ℘ ch ch chmax
(15) discharging efficiency ηdis
ESU (⊔)ηESU ≤ ℘ ESU EV as a whole to compute the actual energy
storage capacity of the EV battery. Constraint (19) computes the primal
℘ dismax
ESU ≤ ℘ dis dis
ESU (⊔)/ηESU ≤ 0 (16) value of energy stored in the EV battery when EV arrives at home.
Constraint (20) ensures that the amount of energy stored in the EV
where the constraint (11) computes the total power supplied/consumed battery 𝒞max
EV should not violate the defined charging/discharging re­
power of the ESU ℘ ESU (⊔) during a particular time slot ⊔ in this
strictions while delivering power. Constraint (21) computes the amount
constraint ⊓ESU is the binary variable shows the ESU is either currently is
of power consumed by the EV for charging ℘ ch EV considering its total
in the charging or discharging state; (1 = charging) and (0 = discharg­
charging efficiency and restricts over charging during time ⊔ when EV is
ing). The constraint (12) is defined to computes the rated energy storage
parked at home. Constraint (22) deals with the discharging of an EV
capacity of ESU 𝒞ESU (⊔)considering the allowed charging/discharging
battery when it is providing load scheduling services to HPMF. Note the
capacities by the consumers with the collaboration of binary variable
participation time of an EV in load scheduling as the power storage
and charging efficiency divided as a whole by the overall discharging ⌊ ⌋
device is ⌊⊔arr ,\⌋, while if (\ +1), ⊔dep is applied, in this state an EV is
efficiency ηdis
ESU to compute the actual energy storage capacity. Constraint
individually considered as a domestic energy consuming appliance. Next
(13) computes the energy storage limit of the ESU 𝒞int
ESU with respect to section discuss in detail about the adopted calculation method of \.
the defined value at the start of operation. Constraint (14) ensures the
charging/discharging values of the ESU 𝒞ESU (⊔) should not low or
2.1.4. Management of the energy trading with utility grid.
exceed from 20%, and 80% respectively. Constraint (15) ensures the
As we stated in previous sections, an HPMF should also be capable of
total consumed power by the ESU should be lower than the allowed
governing energy exchanging process with the utility gird [35]. In
maximal power for higher efficiency. Constraint (16) deals with the
general perception, HPMF is considered to be capable of residential load
discharging power of ESU and ensure that the discharging restriction
shifting from peak hours to valley hours to evade worse overloads during
must be followed by the ESU during ESU2H operation.
peak hours which can cause serious damage to the distribution system
and to the grid. Therefore, this energy exchanging capability of HPMF is
2.1.3. Management constraint of the electric vehicle (EV)
considered as the most helpful in load leveling, although, this system
In contrast to the domestically installed energy storage systems, an
causes some economic losses to the grid by making consumer indepen­
EV required less maintenance, installation and operation costs. In recent
dent in his own energy procuring prospective, but on broader scale this
years due to the most recent advancements in EV technology and
system ultimately benefits the grid by assuring the reliable operation
because of the massive on road EVs penetration it has become easier for
[1]. By adopting this system, the grid side expanses in term of mainte­
a consumer to integrate them with home power management systems
nance and operation also reduced because, HPMF itself flatter the load,
[33,34]. Similar to the ESU, the management constraint for EV has been
thus the need of expensive gasoline powered peaking plants in any grid
formulated by determining its maximal and minimal energy storage
could be minimized. Moreover, due to the use of real time pricing in
capacity constraint and charging/discharging power constraint and
HPMF the grid can also create novel business models using real time
calculated by following constraint as follows;
pricing strategies i.e., by employing real time pricing strategy a grid can
⌊ ⌋
℘ EV (⊔) = ℘ ch dis
(17) encourage consumers to take part in the demand side management
EV (⊔)⊓EV (⊔) + ℘ ESU (⊔)(1 − ⊓EV (⊔) ), ⊔ ∈ ⊔arr , ⊔dep
model to reduce the overall energy purchasing and consumption costs in
𝒞EV (⊔)=𝒞EV (⊔− 1)+℘ ch ch dis dis the DAEM.
EV (⊔)⊓EV (⊔)Δ⊔ηEV +℘ EV (⊔)(1− ⊓EV (⊔))Δ⊔/ηEV ,⊔
⌊ ⌋ The energy trading between the grid and HPMF is managed by the
∈ ⊔arr ,⊔dep
constraint (23). Constraint (24) deals with the power demand of peak
(18) hours, it focuses on eradicating the possibility of developing new load
peaks throughout the low cost hours as follows.
𝒞EV (⊔ − 1) = 𝒞int
EV , ⊔ = ⊔arr (19)

{ ⌊ ⌋ ℘ 𝒢 (⊔) = ℘ E (⊔) + ℘ AC (⊔) + ℘ waterheater (⊔) + ℘ 〉 (⊔)⊓〉 (⊔) + ℘ ESU (⊔)
0.2𝒞max max
EV ≤ 𝒞 EV (⊔) ≤ 0.8𝒞EV , ⊔ ∈ ⊔arr , ⊔dep − 1
(20) 〉=1
𝒞EV (⊔) ≥ 0.8𝒞max ⊔ = ⊔dep − 1
EV + ℘ EV (⊔) − ℘ PGR (⊔) (23)
⌊ ⌋
0 ≤ ℘ ch ch
EV (⊔)ηEV ≤ ℘ chmax
EV , ⊔ ∈ ⊔arr , ⊔dep (21) ℘ 𝒢 (⊔) ≤ ℘ PGR (24)

℘ dismax
EV ≤ ℘ dis dis
EV (⊔)/ηEV ≤ 0, ⊔ ∈ ⌊⊔arr , \⌋ (22)

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

2.2. Formulation of the objective function The proposed Algorithm 1 computes the value of \, while the stages of its
execution are listed below.
The main objective of this research work is to reduce the power Stage 1. Primarily it computes the ℛTPEVch ⋅ℛTPEVch which is the
consumptions cost for a consumer, which could be easily computed by average price of electricity when EV is connected to the home.
the constraint (25) as follows Stage 2: Conducts analysis of the whole time horizon, and filters
hourly slots those could be used for charging an EV. Moreover, only that

min𝒞ost(℘ 𝒢 ) = ℘ 𝒢 (⊔) × ℛTP(⊔) × (Δ⊔) (25) hourly slot having lower charging cost in contrast to the ℛTPEVch hourly
⊔=1 slot is used for charging.
Stage 3: Determines the power storage capacity of EV that remained
3. Proposed home power management framework un-charged in previous time slot and execute actions to fully charge EV
at maximal capacity in the contemporary time slot.
By using simultaneous charging/discharging approach for ESU and Stage 4: Computes ℘ EV during each time slot in which EV charging
EV, in this section we have proposed an efficient home power man­ has been carried out by selecting a lower value of charging power
agement framework (HPMF), which ensures optimal load scheduling referencing ℘ temp as the minimal value.
profiles for a smart home. Further detail of the proposed model is as Stage 5: Computes 𝒞EV of the previous charging cycle carried out in
follows: the last hourly slot till the value of 𝒞EV is lower or homologous to the
minimal capacity, after that, this algorithm stops computation and ac­
3.1. Modelling of the simultenous charging/discharging framework for EV quire the value of \.
and ESU Further detail of the proposed Algorithm 1 is as follows; (1) Basic
reason of computing values from bottom to top is to increase the EV
In quest to reduce the energy procurement cost for a prosumer, and discharging duration; (2) Because, most of the times, the charging of an
to enhance the economic outcomes for the grid by intelligently man­ EV is carried out during night hours or in the early morning when most
aging the charging/discharging of the ESU and EV to reduce the battery of the SH load is turned off or acquiring low power. In order to compute
degradation ratio, we have proposed an optimal charging/discharging the total power consumption ℘ EV value of an EV, the variables ℘ DRMAX ,
scheduling strategy for both ESU and EVs. In this method, whenever an ℘ E , ℘ AC , ℘ waterheater and ℘ chmax
EV are used. (3) In quest to ensure appropriate
EV connects with the HPMF for feeding households, primarily it is amount of residual power in EV for transportation, the proposed Algo­
ensured the operating duration of EV in V2G mode is restricted to [⊔〉 , \]. rithm 1 halt the computations when EV power storage capacity drops

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the proposed collective charging/discharging framework for ESU and EV.

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

from the set minimal limit. ( ⃒ ⃒ )

After determining and using the resultant \ value, the proposed ℘ EV (⊔) = − min ℘2(⊔), ℘ disable
EV (⊔), ⃒℘ dismax
EV (⊔)⃒ηdis
EV (32)
charging/discharging scheduling scheme for ESU and EV is presented in
Fig. 2. The scheduling scheme will primarily compute the maximal 𝒞EV (⊔) = 𝒞EV (⊔ − 1) + ℘ EV (⊔)Δ⊔/ηdis
EV (33)
consumer allowable charging/discharging power of ESU and EV Stage 3: IfℛTP(⊔) ≤ ℛTPESUDIS and ℘1(⊔) > 0 then both ESU and EV
considering overall energy storage capacity constraint of the battery will not be discharged.
which are computed using Eqs. (26)–(29). Stage 4: If ℘1(⊔) < 0, then HPMF have surplus energy. If this con­
℘ chable
( max
)/( ch
(26) dition is satisfied, then both energy storage devices i.e., ESU and EV will
ESU (⊔) = 0.8𝒞 ESU − 𝒞 ESU (⊔ − 1)
be charged, and the required amount for their charging power is
℘ disable
( max
) ch
(27) computed by the constraints (34 – 37) as follows:
ESU (⊔) = 𝒞 ESU (⊔ − 1) − 0.2𝒞 ESU ηESU /Δ⊔
( )
( )/ ch ℘ ESU (⊔) = min − ℘1(⊔), ℘ chable chmax dis
ESU (⊔), ℘ ESU (⊔)/ηESU (34)
℘ chable
EV (⊔) = 0.8𝒞max
EV − 𝒞 EV (⊔ − 1) ηEV Δ⊔ (28)
( ) ch 𝒞ESU (⊔) = 𝒞ESU (⊔ − 1) + ℘ ESU (⊔)ηch
ESU Δ⊔ (35)
℘ disable
Ev (⊔) = 𝒞EV (⊔ − 1) − 0.3𝒞max
EV ηEV /(Δ⊔) (29)
( ⃒ ⃒ )
℘ EV (⊔) = min − ℘2(⊔), ℘ chable (⊔), ⃒℘ dismax (⊔)⃒ηch (36)
Note, after computing the charging/discharging scheduling strategy EV EV EV

of ESU and EV, the execution procedure adopted to implement this

scheduling is further simplified by these two conditions. 𝒞EV (⊔) = 𝒞EV (⊔ − 1) + ℘ EV (⊔)Δ⊔/ηch
EV (37)
Algorithm 1: Computation of the \ value. Stage 5: Determine amount of power exchanged between grid and
Input: 𝒞max chmax
, ηch HPMF.
EV , ℘ EV EV , ⊔arr , ⊔dep , T, RTP, ℘ DRmax , ℘ E , ℘ AC , Pwaterhearter
Output: \ Condition (2): during [1, ⊔arr ] and [\, 𝒯 ], EV would not be associated
1. Calculate RTPEVch with the HPMF and would not being acting as power consuming device.
2. for {(⊔ + 1)toT } do The computational stages of the condition (2) are described here as
3. ℘ EV (⊔) = 0 follows;
4. 𝒞EV (⊔) = 0
Stage 1: If \ < ⊔ < ⊔dep , then EV will be connected with the HPMF as
5. ℘ temp (⊔)←℘ DRmax − ℘ E (⊔) − ℘ AC (⊔) − ℘ waterhearter (⊔)
6. end for a load, while if ℛTP(⊔) ≤ ℛTPEvdis then EV will be charging. In has to be
Next action = Determine hourly slots with RTP ⊔arr : ⊔dep − 1 lower than
noted that, in this case, the required amount of rated power for charging
RTPEVch an EV and its battery storage capacity will be computed using the con­
8. For {〉 = range of action : ( − 1) : ( − 2)} do straints (37)–(38). Otherwise, the EV will not take any action, as follows;
9. if = (range of action) then ( )
10. 𝒞EV (action(〉) )←(0.8) × 𝒞max EV ℘ EV (⊔) = min ℘ temp (⊔), ℘ chable
EV (⊔), ℘ chmax ch
ESU (⊔)/ηEV (38)
11. end if
{ (
℘ EV action min ℘ temp (I\⌈⌉§(〉) ) ,
Stage 2: Compute ℘1, ℘2 values and determine either contempo­
℘ chmax
EV /ηch
rarily available power in the EV and ESU is in surplus or insufficient.
13. 𝒞EV (action(〉 − 1) ) = 𝒞EV (action(〉) ) − ℘ EV (action(〉) ) × ηch
EV × Δ⊔
These values are computed without determining the rated charging or
14. if 𝒞EV (action(〉 − 1) ) ≤ (0.3) × 𝒞max
EV then discharging capability of the ESU.
15. \ = (〉 − 1) Stage 3: IfℛTP(⊔) > ℛTPESUdis and ℘1(⊔) > 0 then ESU will be dis­
16. Exit charged. Otherwise, ESU would not perform any action.
17. end if
Stage 4: If ℘1(⊔) < 0, in this case HPMF will perform charging of the
18. end for
Return \ ESU.
Stage 5: In this step, the amount of exchanged power between the
grid and HPMF will be calculated
Condition (1): in [⊔arr , \], the EV will be employed as the power storage It has to be noted that, at this stage the actual cost of battery could
unit to further enhance the operation load scheduling flexibility of not be neglected, because, currently it is the most expansive part of EVs
HPMF and it will also increase the economic benefits for the consumer. available in the market. Therefore, the EV will only be utilized to power
The stages adopted to implement condition (1) are following; households when the cost of electricity will be much higher than the
Stage 1: Computed value of ℘1, ℘2 either denote the surplus or threshold, or ESU failed to fulfill domestic energy demand.
insufficient power of the HPMF without taking into account the
charging/discharging of ESU and EV. 3.2. Modelling of the proposed optimization approach
Stage 2: If the computed value of ℘1(⊔) > 0 then it shows currently
insufficient amount of power available in the HPMF, hence ℛTP(⊔) > Correlating the controlling objective with the proposed ESU and EV
ℛTPESUdis and HPMF will acquire power from the ESU. Note; the amount power optimization model, a robust home power management frame­
of discharged power and the overall energy storage capacity of ESU will work (HPMF) has been proposed, as presented in Fig. 3. Primarily, this
be determined by the constraints (30)–(31). Note; if ESU discharges to HPMF acquire initial information from all sources; for instance, it re­
the allowable limit after powering households, even than the current ceives data of the computed available time horizons, real time pricing
required energy for performing smooth HPMF operation is insufficient, information from the grid, the technical specifications data of the do­
then the real time electricity price will be determined in such manners mestic households, time granularity data, etc., after that, in the initial
that: if it is high then EV will be used to power the households i.e., step, it optimizes the power procurement of TA loads to ensure con­
ifℛTP(⊔) > ℛTPEVDIS , then EV will be discharged though V2H mode, sumer comfort In last, to achieve the set target of cost reduction
while the limit of EV discharging will be determined by constraints (32) following the defined controlling strategy by simultaneously managing
and constraint (33) or else EV will not be discharged. the charging/discharging operation of ESU, EV and power consumption
( ⃒ dismax ⃒ dis ) of all households connected with HPMF, the optimal solution is
℘ ESU (⊔) = − min ℘1(⊔), ℘ disable ⃒ ⃒
ESU (⊔), ℘ ESU (⊔) ηESU (30) achieved.

𝒞ESU (⊔) = 𝒞ESU (⊔ − 1) + ℘ ESU (⊔)Δ⊔/ηdis

ESU (31)

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

4. Simulations of the proposed model

In this section, we briefly explain the simulation test results of the

proposed HPMF method, which proves robust load scheduling capability
of the proposed model and economic benefits of the real life

4.1. Parameters of the simulated model

To test the performance of the proposed model, we have used a full

day 24 h’ time horizon, while the used time-granularity is fifteen mi­
nutes. Fig. 4 presents the power generation statistics of the photovoltaic
power plant acquired from the ENTSOE (European Network of Trans­
mission Systems Operations) [36]. In this paper, we have mainly focused
on the power optimization of a single house, therefore, the amount of
electricity generated by the domestic PV plant is relatively low, how­
ever, the acquired data from ENTSOE is rated in Megawatt (MW), hence
we have converted this data into Kilowatt (kW). Fig. 5, presents the real
time pricing data (RTP) [37]. While Tables 1 and 2 depicts the technical
specifications of the households and other important information of the
power system. The cost of power vended to the grid has been set 50% of
the real time price, whereas the cost of purchased power from the grid is
restricted to five kW. Infer, at 6:30 pm EV arrives home, while it departs
at 7:30 am from home in the morning. Note, to simulate the behavior of
temperature uncertainty we have obtained outdoor temperature data of
the summer season of the year 2020 from Ref. [38], while the data of the
hot-water demand has been obtained from Ref. [39].
The simulation testing has been carried out on a computer running
on Windows 8.1, equipped with Intel Core i5 processor clock speed 2.7
GHZ with 8 GB RAM. MATLAB R2016a version with “YALMIP” and
“CPLEX” is used as the computing and programming software.
Fig. 3. Complete flowchart of the proposed home power management frame­
work optimization. 4.2. Load scheduling capability analysis

Results of the load scheduling capability of the proposed HPMF are

presented in Figs. 6–11. In this analysis, the allowed range of indoor
temperature has been set between 73(◦ F) to 80(◦ F), while the allowed
range of hot water temperature is set between 120(◦ F) to 130(◦ F)
respectively. Figs. 6 and 7 presents the level of hot water and indoor
temperature; it could be analyzed the HPMF ensures temperature values
within the acceptable range. Hence, it has been proved the proposed
HPMF can increase consumer motivation to adopt the optimal load
Fig. 8 shows the determined optimal load scheduling profile of all
households. It could be analyzed these households perform their
assigned tasks effectively within the defined time horizons and even
continuous operation of the non-interruptible households is ensured. As
analyzed, most of the households operate when the power generation
proportion through PV plant is high (review Figure 0.4) or the real time
Fig. 4. Power generation pattern of the photovoltaic (PV) plant during sum­
mer season.
energy price is minimal. Moreover, the power generated by PV is pri­
marily employed to level the power consumption of households, after
that surplus energy generated by PV is used to charge ESU, review Fig. 9.
In case, still the energy produced by PV is in surplus, then this will be
sold back to the grid as shown in Fig. 11. In addition, on EV arrival at
home at 8 pm, power generated by domestic PV plant is negligible or
zero, in this case EV will be charged from the grid. Hence, the proposed
HPMF method not only ensures comprehensive economic benefits for
domestic prosumer, but also increases the use of energy generated by
Fig. 9 presents the statistics of the energy amount released by the
ESU during higher energy cost time horizons i.e., 8:35am, 9:50am, 5 pm,
6:30 pm and 8 pm, either to fulfill the total required power or to
contribute to the insufficient power. However, even there are other
higher cost time periods i.e., at 12:35am and 3:32 pm the per kW
Fig. 5. Statistics of the real time electricity pricing (RTP). electricity rate is high therefore, the required energy during these time
periods is acquired form PV, because PV output at that time is enough to

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

Table 1
Household parameters [9,23,28] and determined total usage time according to the computed optimal schedule.
Load Type List of Households Maximal Power (kW) Minimal Power (kW) Starting Time Ending Time Total Running Duration

NA Computer Phones Lights 1.2 1.2 8am 8am Full day (24 h)

TA Air Conditioner 3.1 0 8 am 8 am Full day (24 h)

Electronic Water Heater 3.6 0

SH Dish-washer 1.20 1.20 10 am 3 pm 2h

6 pm 10 pm
Rice-Cooker 0.80 0.80 10 am 12 pm 0.75 h
4 pm 7 pm
Washing-Machine 1.50 1.50 9 am 10 pm 1 h wash
10 am 12 am 2 h dry
Electric Oven 2.02 2.02 10 am 7 pm 2h
Robot Vacuum-Cleaner 0.72 0.72 8 am 12 am 5h
Hair-dryer 1.85 1.85 8 am 11 pm 0.5 h
Humidifier 0.16 0.16 8 am 12 am 4h
Vacuum-Cleaner 1.25 1.25 2 pm 6 pm 0.5 h

Table 2
Technical parameters of EV [9], ESU [3], indoor temperature and hot water
ESU technical specifications EV technical specifications

ESU (kWh) 8.5 𝒞max
ESU (kWh) 35
ESU (kWh)
3.2 𝒞int
ESU (kWh)
℘ chmax
ESU (kW)
3.4 ℘ chmax
ESU (kW)

℘ dismax
ESU (kW)
− 3.4 ℘ dismax
ESU (kW)
ηch dis
0.95 ηch dis

Parameters to calculate indoor- Parameters to calculate hot-water-

temperature temperature
Fig. 7. Obtained temperature of the hot water results after implementing the
𝒯 max
◦ 80.2 𝒯 max
◦ 130.2 proposed HPMF.
𝒯 min
◦ 73.4 𝒯 max
◦ 120.1

𝒯 int ◦
F 77.3 𝒯 max
◦ 70.2
x 0.90 𝒯 ◦F 70.2
y − 11.2 𝒯 ◦F 80.3

Fig. 8. The determined optimal load scheduling pattern of the households.

Fig. 6. Obtained indoor-temperature results after implementing the pro­

posed HPMF.

power the desired households, hence no need to purchase additional

power from the grid. As ESU can only supply limited amount of power,
besides the PV generation also depends on intensity of sunlight, there­
fore, at 8 pm, ESU discharges to its minimal capacity, after that due to no
PV output and unavailability of surplus power ESU could not be charged
prior to 7:40am next day morning.
In the meanwhile, EV arrives and connects to the HPMF, EV provide
assistance to the ESU in discharging i.e., at 8 pm to minimize the ratio of
drawn power by the grid in peak hours, as presented in Fig. 10. It could
be analyzed by Fig. 10, EV is only charged during low cost hourly slots to
Fig. 9. Available amount of charging/discharging power and overall power
decrease the charging expenditure. By adopting this strategy, it is storage capacity of ESU under HPMF.
ensured that the EV will be fully charged to its maximal capacity prior to

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

interface according to his own priority.

4.2.1. Competitive analysis

To check the performance of the proposed model, in this section we
have carried out a detailed economic competitive analysis of the pro­
posed HPMF model. Table 3 presents detail of this comparison. It could
be analyzed that, when ESU and EV are not available and HPMF is un­
able to avail V2H mode, the overall expanse of energy procurement is
significantly high as analyzed by the Scenario 1. Based on the result of
Scenario 1, Scenario 2 minimizes this cost about 15.30%. While, on the
basis of Scenario 2, Scenario 3 minimizes the overall cost by 7.19%,
while basis of Scenario 3, Scenario 4 minimized the overall procurement
price by 9.07%. Hence, it is proved that, by the integration of ESU and
Fig. 10. Available amount of charging/discharging power and overall power
EV the total cost of energy procurement can significantly decrease in a
storage capacity of EV under HPMF.
smart home, while the proposed HPMF model with collective charging/
discharging capability of ESU and EV can significantly increase pro­
sumer living style and comfort level. Comparison of the computational capability. In general, a HPMF

mathematical model comprises of both discrete-binary-variables and
continuous binary variables, and its MILP’ problem might be computed
by several Heuristic-algorithms”, for instance, “Particle-smarm-optimi­
zation” (PSO) method, “Genetic-algorithm” (GA), “Binary-learning-dif­
ferential–evolution” (BLDE) method, “Binary-particle-swarm” (BPS)
method, “Differential-evolution” (DE) method [40]. Note, all of the
above stated methods and computational algorithms are significantly
heavy algorithms require extreme computing power to solve the
Fig. 11. The amount of power traded between gird and HPMF. constraint for optimal solution. Due to this contingency their optimal
convergence is regarded as not stable. Therefore, in this research work
we have used CPLEX mathematical solver as an alternative. Thus, for
departure to ensure consumer satisfaction while driving. Furthermore,
performance and efficiency analysis of the implemented computational
the rated energy storage capacity and charging/discharging power of EV
model, we have compared the obtained results with each of the upper
and ESU are within the set bounds. In this paper, the selected dis­
stated algorithm after solving them similar to our model, the obtained
charging cost threshold of ESU and EV also minimizes their charging/
comparison results are listed n Table 4. The average computational
discharging cycles, which will eventually increase the useable life of
duration and reduced cost statistics of all the “Heuristic-Algorithms” has
been acquired after twenty irritations (scheduled power optimizations).
The traded energy statistics between HPMF and the grid are pre­
As it could be analyzed by the statics of Table 4, the used CPLEX
sented in Fig. 11. During higher real time pricing hours, the excessive
mathematical solver exhibits significantly better computational results
power will be supplied back to the grid to generate profit for prosumer i.
within minimal time.
e., between 12 pm and 1 pm, respectively. During low price hours,
Note, in this paper we have only focused on the power optimization
HPMF will initially buy the required energy amount for charging EV or
of a single house, since a single house do not have several households,
ESU i.e., during 9 pm to 10 pm respectively. Moreover, the amount of
therefore, the computational time is very minimal, and do not required
purchased power from the grid during each hourly time slot is lower
huge computational resources. Even if in future any new appliance will
than the maximal power drawing limit to avoid the new grid peak
be included in the HPMF system, its performance will remain same.
In quest to enhance the satisfaction level of a prosumer, in near
future, artificial intelligence (AI) approach might be considered as the Sensitivity analysis. To further evaluate the factors directly
feasible way of power optimization. It is a fact that AI can systematically associated with the energy cost, we have carried out a sensitivity anal­
prepare a record of prosumer power consumption habits, by deter­ ysis of the ESU and EV discharging cost. Statistics of this analysis are
mining and preparing record of different household’s duration of use presented in Figs. 12 and 13. For analysis, we have imposed a condition,
with turned on and turned off time. Then AI based model can reevaluate the ESU discharging cost is likely to escalate from 0.16 times of the
the optimization constraints to reduce the grid participation level of a ℛTP𝒜VG to 3.5 times of the ℛTP𝒜VG , respectively. Fig. 12 presents the
prosumer. Through advance communication network, for instance, by case results, when the discharging cost of ESU was lower than 1.2 times
using ZigBee, Mobile networks (e.g., 4G, 5G technology) and Bluetooth of the ℛTP𝒜VG , and this cost is gradually reducing. Main reason of this
it is possible to automatically control the use of different households price decrease is, as the discharging cost is increasing, ESU may halt
according to the HPMF defined schedule, although, if a prosumer does supplying storage energy, during periods when electricity price is low.
not want to obey this schedule he owns the right to update HPMF Conversely, with the continuous increase in discharging cost, the

Table 3 Table 4
Cost statistics comparisons between different cases. Performance statistics comparison of simulated algorithms.
No of ESU EV in V2H Charging/discharging Cost Solver No of Size of Cost Time
Scenarios mode Scheme “cents” Algorithm Iterations Population “cents” “seconds”

1 Nil Nil Nil 375.108 PSO and BPS 1005 550 292.970 55.7920
2 Yes Nil Nil 318.072 DE and BLD 504 210 274.932 71.3461
3 Yes Nil Nil 295,320 PSO and BPS 1005 550 279.167 101.0324
4 Yes Yes Yes 266.698 CPLEX – – 266.9874 10.078

U. ur Rehman et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 134 (2022) 107358

Fig. 12. Influence of the ESU discharging cost insertion on the overall elec­
tricity procurement price.

Fig. 15. Life time energy storage capacity degradation analysis of the Elec­
tric Vehicle.

both ESU and EV batteries with and without our proposed HPMF. Test
result show that as compared to the unregulated and uncontrolled
charging/discharging, our proposed HPMF has significantly extended
the life of both battery units as presented in Figs. 14 and 15. We have
inferred that both EV and ESU consists of Lithium-ion battery cells. To
test the lifetime charging/discharging impact we have carried out sim­
ulations with and without our model for 12 years’ service life.
Fig. 13. Influence of the EV discharging cost insertion on the overall electricity By simulation analysis it is determined that due to the controlled
procurement price. charging/discharging in our model the life of ESU and EV batteries
dropped very slowly and even after 12 years only 10% energy storage
capacity drop is scene. It is evident in Fig. 14, that as compare to the
unregulated charging/discharging our proposed HPMF increases the
ESU life, this is because it restricts ESU from depleting from the set limit
and also controls over charging. Due to this restriction, even after 12
years of use the total storage capacity of ESU under HPMF is 90%, in
contrast due to unregulated charging about 30% drop in storage ca­
pacity is recorded.
On the other hand, it could be analyzed by the Fig. 15, that after 12
years of service, still the total energy storage capacity of EV is above
92%, whereas due to un-regulated charging overall 22% drop in EV
energy storage capacity is analyzed; However, in both cases major drop
is reported in ESU storage capacity with and without HPMF as compared
to the EV, because, in contrast to EV, ESU storage capacity is low and it
acts as the primal source of energy in HPMF due to this issue, it is
depleted twice as much from the EV to power household appliances and
used extensively more than the EV in energy storage services during the
12 years’ period. Note to model the behavior of an EV battery we have
also considered the EV parked time at office, its total parked time
Fig. 14. Life time energy storage capacity degradation analysis of the Energy without plugged, charging time at the mega charging stations and total
Storage Unit (ESU).
transportation time [23]. Hence, by this analysis we have concluded that
our proposed home power management system can effectively control
discharging duration and energy level of ESU will reduce. On the other and optimize the power dispatch of a smart home.
hand, when the discharging cost is far greater than the highest real time
price throughout the day, ESU will never discharge in this scenario 5. Conclusion
during any hourly slot. Hence, whenever ESU discharging cost is greater
than 1.2 times of the ℛTP𝒜VG , the overall energy consumption cost will In recent years, the use of HPMF in smart houses has rapidly emerged
increase gradually. Moreover, because of the heavy use of EV battery its and considered as a prosumer friendly system having the capability of
performance is generally not better than ESU, therefore, EV discharging automatically optimizing the power consumption of households. In this
cost will always be greater than ESU. Thus, in order to analyze EV dis­ research work, we have classified domestic households in three different
charging impact on the overall cost, the EV discharging cost has been categories and modelled each category according to their technical
intentionally enhanced by “1.2” times ℛTP𝒜VG to “2.2” times ℛTP𝒜VG . specifications and nature of use to ensure consumer satisfaction. After
Similar to the ESU, it is evident by Fig. 13, when the discharging cost of that, a robust MILP’-based HPMF model has been proposed to optimally
EV is equal to “1.19” times ℛTP𝒜VG , the statistics are highly in favor of schedule the use of all essential households, ESU, EV and power
the consumer. generated by renewables to guarantee minimal electricity cost and
To further analyze the life time effectiveness of our proposed model, consumer satisfaction. In addition, to intelligently integrate ESU and EV
we have conducted the energy storage capacity degradation analysis of

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Ubaid ur Rehman has received his Bachelors and Master’s
residential microgrids, Int J Electr Power Energy Syst, Volume 108, 2019, Pages
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[36] European Network of Transmission System Operators [Online]. Available: https Academic Excellence, form the Department of Engineering and
://transparency.entsoe.eu/generation/. Information Technology, University of Lahore, Pakistan, in
[37] National Climatic Data Center [Online]. Available: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/ 2016 and 2019 respectively. He is currently working as the
smart energy systems researcher and doing research for devel­
[38] Verena Heinisch, Lisa Göransson, Rasmus Erlandsson, Henrik Hodel, Filip oping robust EVs aggregation algorithms in smart grid at the
department of Electronics and Electrical Systems, University of
Johnsson, Mikael Odenberger. Smart electric vehicle charging strategies for
sectoral coupling in a city energy system, Appl Energy, Volume 288, 2021, 116640, Lahore, Pakistan. His research interests include renewable en­
ISSN 0306-2619, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116640. ergy generation technology, distributed power generation and
[39] Du PW, Lu N. Appliance commitment for household load scheduling. IEEE Trans. micro grids, power electronics applied in power system. He has
Smart Grid 2011;2(2):411–9. also served as the smart grid researcher at the National Uni­
versity of Science and Technology. During his professional
[40] Abdullah M. Shaheen, Shimaa R. Spea, Sobhy M. Farrag, Mohammed A. Abido. A
review of meta-heuristic algorithms for reactive power planning problem, Ain career he has contributed as a leading researcher in several research projects related to
Shams Eng J, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 215-231, ISSN 2090-4479, https://do smart grid optimization and published several research papers in ISI indexed Journals and
i.org/10.1016/j.asej.2015.12.003. IEEE Conferences.


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