Application To SP Complaint Cell Hyderabad - Mohsin Unar - FIR - PROTECTION - Adv. Abdul Samad

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The Superintendent of Police

(Complaint Cell), Hyderabad



Mohsin Unar
S/o Waris Unar
Adult, Muslim, R/o Flat No. 2,
Block No. 20/21, Bismillah Tower,
Wadhuwah, Qasimabad, Hyderabad…………….……Applicant


1. Zohaib Rajper S/o Unknown

Adult, Muslim, R/o Flat No. 1,
Block No. 20/21, Bismillah Tower,
Wadhuwah, Qasimabad, Hyderabad
Cell No. 0300-3353148
2. 3 Unknown persons….……………………Accused Persons

Respected Sir,
The applicant above named respectfully submits as

1. That, the applicant is a law abiding and peace

loving citizen of Pakistan and having been endowed with
certain fundamental rights as envisaged under the
Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973.

2. That, the applicant is the student of LLB of 4th

year at Indus Law College, Hyderabad and he used to reside
with his friends at the above mentioned address.

3. That, on dated: 15-01-2024 at about 03:15 am

(mid night) the applicant came to his flat and opened the
main gate of plaza and entered into it, all of sudden the
accused persons came and they also tried to enter into the
plaza but the applicant unintentionally locked the main gate
from inside.

4. That, thereafter the accused persons annoyed and

started using abusive and filthy language as they were drunk
and when applicant resist them they started mercilessly
beaten the applicant and started aerial firing and issuing
murderous threats to the applicant while pointing pistol
towards the applicant.

5. That, thereafter due to intervention of local people

the accused persons went away while issuing threats for dire
consequences to the applicant.

6. That, thereafter the applicant approached to the

concerned PS Bhitai Nagar for lodgment of FIR but the police
officials refused and only recorded NC, but the police did not
bother to inquire the matter and all in vain.

7. That, thereafter on dated: 20-01-2024 at about

04:34 (mid night) the accused persons having drunk and
knock the door of applicant while the applicant and his
friends busy in preparation of exams and inquired about the
applicant and when applicant came they started misbehave
with applicant and hold him from coller and dragged from the
flat and then started mercilessly beaten the applicant and
pointed the pistol towards the applicant and they tried to
kidnap the applicant but on hues, cries and requests by the
applicant and his friends namely (1) Asfar (2) Hasnain Raza &
(3) Abdul Samad the accused persons run away while aerial
firing and issuing murderous threats to the applicant and his
Therefore, it is requested to your kind honour sir
may kindly issue directions to the SHO PS Bhitai Nagar for
lodgment of FIR against the accused persons and provide
protection to the applicant and his friends.

The applicant shall remain thankful to you for this

act of kindness.

Dated: 20-01-2024 Applicant

S/o Waris Unar
CNIC No. 45409-2896153-5
Cell No. 0316-3477487

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