Magadha Empire Printable

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defeated Anga

Sister of Prasenjit
Advantageous Position (son of Kaushal king)
Bimbisara Diplomatically -
Rajgriha (surrounded by 5 hills) Chellana (Lichchavi)
(544-492 BC) 3 wives
Patliputra (situated at the confluence of Reason for Madra Caln (Panjab)
ganga & son)
expention sent his physician Jivaka to Ujjain (suffering
from Jaundice)
Availability of large no. of Elephant
defeated Lichchavi
Great Leaders
Harayanka dinasty
defeated Koshala (married to king’s daughter)

Northern Black Polished Ware Pottery Ajatashatru

killed his father
(son of Chellana)
Panchmarked silver coin - Nishka / satamana
Magadha Empire Patronized 1st Buddhist council

Artisans & merchants - Guilds / Shrenis defeted Vaishali using war engine

Udayin Shifted capital to Patliputra

craft was hereditary
Dynasties Shishunaga defeated Avanti & merged with Magadha
Iron Ploughshare - Agriculture surplus Society Shishunaga dinasty
Kalashoka Patronized 2nd Buddhist council
Bali - compultary Offering to god
Mahapadmananda Ekrath titel (means - empire builder)
Rich Peasants - Gahapatis
Nanda dinasty
Dhanananda Alexandar invaded India (326BC)
Peasants - Pay tax 1/6th of their Poduce
Mouryan dinasty Chandragupta Maurya
Village headman - Bhojaka / Gramini Post

Customs tax collector - Shaulkika /


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