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Test Unit 2

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50

LISTENING 5 The aim of the programme is to tell

1 TRACK 3 You will hear an interview A how to solve their problems without the
with a marriage guidance counsellor.
Choose the correct answer, A, B, C need for a marriage guidance
or D. counsellor.
1 When the interviewer tells Melanie about B how to identify couples who may be in
the article he read, she finds it need of counselling.
A unbelievable.
C what marriage guidance counsellors do
B inaccurate.
in their work.
C upsetting.
D how to communicate with their partners
D shocking.
more effectively.
2 Melanie says that most problems could be
solved by
A better communication. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
B less television. 2 Complete the sentences with the
C equal sharing of household duties. missing words. The first letters are
given. There is one space for each
D less spending by one or other partner. missing letter.

I’m not normally a t t r a c t e d to boys

3 A good marriage guidance counsellor who don’t read any books at all.
A ask too many questions. 1 She was b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disappointed
B give advice. when she didn’t get a puppy for her
C try to make the people coming for birthday.
guidance calm down. 2 I’m writing a story about a couple who are
D interrupt customers, no matter what m _ _ _ _ in love with each other but their
they say. families are trying to keep them apart.
3 The whole class let out a g _ _ _ _ when
4 When talking about pre-marriage
counselling, the counsellor does not talk the teacher announced another test.
about problems caused by 4 She used to p _ _ _ through the keyhole
A financial matters. when her mother was wrapping birthday
B the parents of the young couple. presents.
C disagreements about the wedding. 5 My father is l _ _ _ _ _ than life. He always
D one or other partner seeing someone attracts a lot of attention.
else. _____/5

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the sentences with the 2 They _____________________________

correct form of the verbs in the box.
(know) each other for ten years before
There is one extra word.
they started dating.
meet make do have give fall go
3 Her decision made us very happy as we
If she doesn’t make you feel at ease, then __________________________________
you should say something. (try) to convince her to join us for ages!
1 My whole family met me at the airport. 4 It was a shock to find out that they
They ______________ me a huge wave __________________________________
when they saw me. (not tell) us the truth that whole time.
2 She was the most beautiful woman I’d 5 Up until that moment I ________________
ever seen and I knew I was ___________________ (fully/not realise)
______________ for her from the first how much he loved her.
moment. _____/5
3 You should apply for the summer job. You
______________ all the
requirements. 4 Choose the correct option.
4 I’m going to ______________ a day off First-borns, that / who / which are used to
studying. I’m too exhausted to learn being given responsibility, make great
anything else.
5 They started ______________ out with 1 She invited grandma to dinner, which / that
each other last summer and they’re still / who turned out to be a very bad idea.
together now. 2 Jim is the friend that / whose / where
_____/5 I share my flat with.
3 Janet, whose / that / who is generally
4 Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets. a great friend, has been getting on my
Use the Past Perfect Simple or Past nerves lately.
Perfect Continuous.
4 I like people who / that / whose sense of
I was confused because he hadn’t humour is similar to mine.
mentioned (mention) any of that to me
before. 5 They’ve closed down the hotel which / that
/ where we stayed last year.
1 I wasn’t surprised because I ___________
_______________________ (already/find
out) about the whole thing from Karen.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

USE OF ENGLISH 2 The doctor came to see my mother. She is

feeling better now. VISITED
5 Complete the text with one word in
each gap. My mother, ________________________,
is feeling better.
Moving in
3 I was looking for love for a few years.
Before my grandmother came to live with my
Then I met my wife. BEEN
family, I’d had my own bedroom. I’d spent
a long time arranging everything so it was I _____________________________ love
perfect for me. The room, 1__________ is at for a few years before I met my wife.
the top of our house, had white walls, a yellow 4 My boyfriend is very sociable and loves
carpet and big windows overlooking the
countryside. It always used to be the quietest entertaining people. SOUL
place in the house and I made sure to keep My boyfriend is the __________________
everything very 2__________ and tidy. That all __________________.
changed when my grandmother moved in and
5 I felt much happier after I finished my
I had to share with my sister. Sally, 3________
I’d describe as a free 4__________, has relationship with Sarah. UP
always been the complete opposite to me. She Having ___________________________,
has a vivid 5__________ and is very creative,
I felt much happier.
so she’s always painting big colourful paintings
which she has put up all over our room. She
never puts anything away and she finds it _____/5
impossible to keep quiet, which I can’t stand.
Learning how to live with her took a long time,
but now she is moving out and I know I’m
going to miss her. READING
7 Read two texts about weddings. For
questions 1-5, choose the correct
6 Complete the second sentence so that answer, A, B, C or D.
it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use the words in capitals. You can use ALL SAINTS' AND ALL SOULS'
up to six words. ON a week-day morning a small
congregation, consisting mainly of women and
When our car broke down, that man
girls, rose from its knees in the church called
helped us. WHO
All Saints'. They were about to disperse, when
He’s the man who helped us when our car
a smart footstep, entering the porch and
broke down.
coming up the central passage, arrested their
attention. Everybody looked. A young cavalry
1 Anna is so creative. She always has such soldier in a red uniform strode up the aisle,
original ideas. BOX with an embarrassment which was only the
Anna is so creative. She always ________ more marked by the determination upon his
face to show none. A slight flush mounted
____________________________. his cheek but he never paused till he came
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

close to the altar railing. Here for a moment ‘Shall it be tomorrow, Frank?’ she asked.
he stood alone. ‘Tomorrow! I don't go through that experience
again for some time’.
‘Tis a wedding!’ murmured some of the
‘But after all,’ she expostulated in a trembling
women, brightening. ‘Let's wait!’ The majority voice, ‘the mistake was not such a terrible
again sat down. There was a creaking of thing! Now, dear Frank, when shall it be?’ ‘Ah,
machinery with a quarter-jack and small bell when? God knows!’ he said, and turning from
beneath it, the automaton being driven by her walked rapidly away.
the same clock machinery that struck the large adapted by Pearson
bell in the tower. The jack had struck half-past
eleven. ‘Where's the woman?’ whispered
some of the spectators. The young sergeant
1 At the start of the story, the people in the
was as silent as he was still. The silence grew
to be a noticeable thing as the minutes went
A knew there was going to be a wedding
on, and nobody else appeared, and not
that morning.
a soul moved.
B could see how the soldier was feeling.
The rattle of the quarter-jack again, its blows C had left before the soldier arrived.
for three quarters, caused many of the D noticed the soldier’s uniform before
congregation to start that artificial coughing anything else.
which betrays a nervous suspense. But the
soldier never moved. There he stood, upright 2 While everyone was waiting for the bride,
as a column, his cap in his hand. The clock A the soldier didn’t move at all.
ticked on. The women threw off their B the women stared at the expression on
nervousness, and giggling became more the soldier's face.
frequent. Then came a dead silence. C there was no sound in the church apart
Everyone was waiting for the end. The from the bell.
sergeant had not yet turned; every woman in D the soldier showed his nervousness.
the church was waiting to see his face, and he
appeared to know it. At last he did turn, and 3 The thing which frightened the woman the
stalked resolutely down the nave, braving most was
them all. A realising she was in the wrong church.
Opposite the church was a paved square. B arriving at All Soul’s church.
The young man on leaving the door went to C seeing the expression on Frank’s face.
cross the square, when, in the middle, he met D waiting for Frank in the middle of the
a woman. The expression of her face, which square.
had been one of intense anxiety, sank at the
sight of his nearly to terror. ‘Well?’ he said.
‘O, Frank – I made a mistake! – I thought
that church with the spire was All Saints', and Your wedding day should be the happiest day
I was at the door at half-past eleven to of your life but it can also be one of the most
a minute as you said. I waited till a quarter to stressful and expensive days too. How can you
twelve, and found then that I was in All Souls'. make sure your wedding day is unforgettable
But I wasn't much frightened, for I thought it for the right reasons?
could be tomorrow as well.’ Firstly, consider your budget carefully. Yes,

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience but However, it isn’t their day and they shouldn’t
you don’t want to be paying for it for the rest of dictate to the bride and groom who is going to
your life. The most important thing is that it is be invited or any other details.
the day when two people who love each other Finally, your wedding is the first day of your
are joined together as one. That will happen married life. Whatever happens, try to enjoy it.
whether you have a small party in your home
town for your immediate family and close 4 The writer says that people should think
friends or if you get married on a Caribbean carefully about
beach. A the likely weather conditions on their
Secondly, the more special and unique your wedding day.
wedding day is, the more can go wrong. In your B the likely cost of their wedding.
local town, you will probably know caterers, C the best kind of food for their wedding.
photographers and DJs who you can trust. All D the guest list for their wedding.
the people on your guest list will be able to
afford to come. Things may go wrong but they 5 Overall, the writer thinks that
won’t be major disasters and will be the sort of A you should laugh at problems however
things you can laugh at in the future. If you serious they are.
travel somewhere exotic, you may have B it is important to let both sets of parents
delayed or cancelled flights, upset stomachs or make decisions for you.
extreme weather conditions that could C a wedding day is special because of
completely ruin your big day. Special friends what it means for the bride and groom.
may not be there because of the cost or lack of D expensive weddings are more stressful
time. but also more special.
Whatever you decide, make sure it is a joint _____/5
decision. Both sets of parents can be consulted
for advice, especially if they are paying for it.


9 Do the writing task.

Osiemnaste urodziny w wielu krajach przyjmuje się za dzień, w którym młody człowiek staje się
dorosły. Napisz artykuł do szkolnej gazetki, w którym opiszesz błędy często popełniane przez
młodych ludzi wkraczających w dorosłość oraz zaproponujesz, jak można tych błędów uniknąć.

Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy
wskazanej w poleceniu.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____



© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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