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Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128

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Low load resistance training with blood flow restriction decreases

anterior knee pain more than resistance training alone. A pilot
randomised controlled trial
Vasileios Korakakis a, b, *, Rodney Whiteley a, Giannis Giakas a
Aspetar, Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: To evaluate if application of blood flow restriction (BFR) combined with low-load resistance
Received 25 July 2018 training (LLRT) would induce significant anterior knee pain (AKP) reduction compared to LLRT alone.
Received in revised form Design: Randomised Controlled Trial.
17 September 2018
Setting: Institutional physiotherapy clinic.
Accepted 17 September 2018
Participants: Forty males suffering from AKP were randomly allocated in the LLRT-BFR or LLRT group. BFR
was applied at 80% of complete vascular occlusion. Four sets of open kinetic chain knee extensions were
implemented in both groups using a pain monitoring model.
Blood flow restriction
Main outcome measures: Pain (0e10) was assessed immediately after LLRT-BFR or LLRT application and
Resistance training after a physiotherapy session (45 min) during shallow and deep single-leg squat (SLSS, SLSD), and step-
Ischaemia down test (SDT).
Rehabilitation Results: Significant immediate pain reduction was found in LLRT-BFR group in SLSS, SLSD and SDT
(d ¼ 1.32, d ¼ 1.12, d ¼ 0.88 respectively), but no difference was found in LLRT group. Following the
physiotherapy session pain reduction was sustained in LLRT-BFR group in both SLSs and SDT (d ¼ 1.32,
d ¼ 0.78, d ¼ 0.89 respectively). For the control group significant pain reduction was only found in SLSS
(d ¼ 0.56). No significant between-group differences were observed.
Conclusions: The pain reduction induced by LLRT-BFR could indicate this intervention as a pre-
conditioning process prior to the rehabilitation of AKP.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction where resistance training can't be performed with high loads (Chiu,
Wong, Yung, & Ng, 2012; Herrington & Al-Sherhi, 2007).
Anterior knee pain (AKP) is a non-specific diagnosis often used Recently, significant attention has been drawn to blood flow
to describe patellofemoral disorders and miscellaneous pain in the restriction (BFR) training which involves low-load resistance
knee (Wood, Muller, & Peat, 2011). Patellofemoral pain prevalence training (LLRT) combined with partial BFR (LLRT-BFR) by using
has been estimated to be as high as 40% (Witvrouw et al., 2014), inflatable cuffs placed at the most proximal part of the exercised
while it is a well-established complication following anterior cru- limb. Evidence indicates a moderate effect of LLRT-BFR compared to
ciate ligament reconstruction and/or meniscal surgery (Culvenor, low-load resistance training on increasing muscle strength in in-
Cook, Collins, & Crossley, 2013). Evidence suggests that quadri- dividuals suffering musculoskeletal weakness (Hughes, Paton,
ceps resistance training improves function and decreases patello- Rosenblatt, Gissane, & Patterson, 2017). In terms of musculoskel-
femoral pain (Kooiker, Van De Port, Weir, & Moen, 2014). However, etal pain, preliminary research suggests that the lower load training
the effect of exercises may be attenuated in the presence of pain associated with BFR had comparable effectiveness with traditional
strengthening despite the reduced absolute load with BFR training
in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (Giles, Webster,
* Corresponding author. Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar McClelland, & Cook, 2017). Interestingly, participants with painful
Doha, PO Box29222, Qatar. resisted knee extension in the BFR group had a significantly greater
E-mail addresses:,
increase in knee extensor torque than those in the standardised
(V. Korakakis).
1466-853X/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
122 V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128

quadriceps strengthening group (Giles et al., 2017). Additionally, in into the LLRT-BFR group (n ¼ 20) or the LLRT group (n ¼ 20). A block
a non-controlled study (Korakakis, Whiteley, & Epameinontidis, randomisation with randomly mixed block sizes was generated by
2018) a single LLRT-BFR bout reduced AKP immediately post- using a randomisation web site (
exercise and the moderate to large effect was sustained for at Random codes were sealed in opaque envelopes and envelopes
least 45 min. Importantly the pain reduction allowed the patients were delivered to the physiotherapist providing the intervention by
to perform exercises with higher absolute training knee loads, an administrative assistant not involved in the study. The physio-
which were typically otherwise associated with symptoms. therapist who performed the intervention was not involved in the
Laboratory studies report that acute exercise (isometric, aerobic, inclusion process, or any subsequent evaluation of the patient.
or resistance) reduces sensitivity to painful stimuli in healthy in- Initial assessment for eligibility and physical examination, outcome
dividuals with effects ranging from small to large depending on assessment (at all follow-up sequence) and physical therapy ses-
pain induction method and exercise protocol (Naugle, Fillingim, & sion were conducted by physiotherapists blinded to group alloca-
Riley, 2012). Regarding the type and intensity of exercise the tion and previous evaluation data of the patient.
hypoalgesic effect has been reported: i) moderate to large for iso-
metric exercise at a low to moderate intensity held for longer
duration (i.e. until task failure, >5 min), ii) moderate to large for 2.5. Initial evaluation, outcome measures and intervention group
aerobic exercise when performed at moderate to high intensity allocation
pace (i.e. 75% of VO2max) for relatively longer duration (>10 min),
and iii) small to large for dynamic resistance exercise when per- A standardised history and physical examination was conducted
formed at relatively high intensity (75% of 1 repetition maximum) by a physiotherapist. Patients that met the inclusion criteria were
(Naugle et al., 2012). While in chronic pain populations the evaluated in three functional tests (shallow single leg squat - SLSS,
magnitude and direction of the effect sizes were highly variable and deep single leg squat - SLSD, and 20 cm step down - SDT) and were
strongly depended on the condition and the intensity of the exer- asked to rate their pain on an 11-point numeric rating scale (NRS
cise (Naugle et al., 2012). To our knowledge, limited reports with 0e10) as in a previous study (Korakakis et al., 2018). Upon
conflicting results exist in the literature regarding lower limb completion of the initial assessment and baseline testing the
musculoskeletal conditions; focusing on patellar and Achilles ten- physiotherapist contacted an administrative assistant who then
dinopathy and assessing an acute exercise-induced (heavy 45-s delivered the sealed randomisation envelope to the treating phys-
isometric contractions) hypoalgesic effect (O'Neill et al., 2018; Rio iotherapist shortly before intervention.
et al., 2015; Rio et al., 2017).
Given that acute exercise alone can induce a hypoalgesic 2.6. Blood flow restriction pressure calculation
response and the preliminary evidence of BFR-induced pain re-
ductions following LLRT, we hypothesised that the hypoalgesic ef- We used partial vascular occlusion of the lower limb set at 80%
fect LLRT would be augmented with the addition of BFR. Therefore, of complete arterial occlusion following a previously described
the main objective of this randomised controlled trial was to standardised procedure with aim to attain personalised BFR
evaluate if application of LLRT-BFR would induce significant AKP (Korakakis et al., 2018). A wide BFR cuff (Sports Rehab Tourniquet©)
reduction compared to LLRT alone. of 10 cm width and 116 cm length was attached to the proximal
thigh at the inguinal fold region while the patient was lying prone.
2. Methods By using a vascular Doppler probe on the popliteal artery, the cuff
was inflated to the point at which the pulse was eliminated and this
2.1. Study design complete occlusion pressure (mmHg) was recorded and the in-
dividual's 80% partial occlusion calculated for the intervention.
The present study was a pilot randomised controlled trial with
two intervention arms and conducted at the rehabilitation
department of our sports medicine hospital. Ethics approval and 2.7. Interventions
informed consent were sought and obtained.
This study has been designed and reported in line with the The only difference between groups in LLRT was the application
CONSORT recommendations for reporting randomised trials or not of BFR. Before the initiation of exercise intervention all pa-
(Fig. 1). tients were familiarised with the exercise protocol. The LLRT con-
sisted of open kinetic chain knee extensions (90 -0 ) performed
2.2. Sample size calculation slowly (2 s concentric, 2 s eccentric phase, paced by a metronome).
A modified pain monitoring approach (Korakakis et al., 2018;
Recruitment followed a sample size calculation accounting for a Thomee, 1997) dictated the loading to a maximum of 5 kg (vari-
type-I error rate of 0.05, and a power of 95%. The assumption of an able adjustable ankle weights) such that the patient reported a
effect size of 0.60 in pain reduction was based on data from a maximum of 4/10 pain during familiarisation. Patients were
previous study assessing effectiveness of LLRT-BFR in similar pop- instructed to complete four sets of open kinetic chain knee exten-
ulation (Korakakis et al., 2018). sions, where the first set to maximum possible repetitions followed
by three sets of 15 repetitions with 30 s rest between sets. Termi-
2.3. Participants nation of the first set was indicated by: i) failure to shadow the pace
of the metronome or ii) failure to fully extend the knee joint
We enrolled 40 male adult patients who had consulted a sports (Korakakis et al., 2018).
medicine physician in a primary-care setting for AKP complaints. The physiotherapist stressed the importance that all repetitions
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described in detail in Fig. 1. were performed at each set and in case that the patient was inca-
pable of finishing the repetitions the adjustable weights were
2.4. Randomisation and blinding accordingly reduced.
The patients in the LLRT-BFR group had the BFR-cuff inflated
Patients who met the eligibility criteria were randomly allocated throughout the session.
V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128 123

Inclusion criteria Patients referred for

Age >18 years physiotherapy

Diagnosis of anterior knee pain confirmed
by history, physical examination ± imaging Patients in waiting-list referred
Pain during at least in 1/3 functional tests for physiotherapy with anterior
BMI<25 or non-overweight individual knee pain complaints by
Unobstructed knee ROM and no pain in physician (n=57)
passive end-range knee extension

Exclusion criteria Excluded (n=17)

Hypertension (SAP≥140 mmHg)
Screening for eligibility

History of deep venous thrombosis (n=1) History of deep venous

History of endothelial dysfunction thrombosis (n=1)
Peripheral vascular disease (n=1) Peripheral vascular disease
Diabetes (n=6) (n=1)
Infection Diabetes (n=6)
Spinal or referred pain Bilateral knee symptoms
Bilateral knee symptoms (n=4) (n=4)
Previous experience of BFR training Overweight/obese (n=5)
Overweight/obese (n=5)

LLRT-BFR or LLRT (n=40)


Allocated and received allocated Allocated and received allocated

intervention (n=20) intervention (n=20)


Lost to follow-up (n=0) Lost to follow-up (n=0)


Lost to follow-up (n=0) Lost to follow-up (n=0)

Fig. 1. CONSORT statement flow diagram.; Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; ROM, range of motion; SAP, systolic arterial pressure; BFR, blood flow restriction, LLRT, low load
resistance training.

2.8. Post-low load resistance training interventions and outcomes participants. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were
assessment examined and compared with a student's t-test, along with esti-
mation of normality. A 2-way repeated measure ANOVA, with
Immediately following the intervention a physiotherapist blin- group as the between-patients factor and time as the within-
ded to the group allocation of the patient and the previous pain patients factor, was used to evaluate significant differences in
evaluation rated the participants’ pain at the same functional tests. pain at the time points (pre-intervention, post-intervention, and
Subsequently, all participants independent of group allocation 45 min later). Between-group comparison was analysed on an
underwent a standardised physiotherapy session by a blinded intention-to-treat basis. The level of significance was set at 0.05,
physiotherapist, consisting of lower limb resistance training, core and the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons was set at
and balance exercises. Finally, another blinded assessor re- 0.017. All analyses were conducted in SPSS v21 (IBM, Amarok, USA).
examined the functional tests and recorded pain levels. As measures of treatment effect we calculated effect sizes for
pain reduction and number needed to treat for an additional
2.9. Statistical analysis beneficial outcome (NNT) as the reciprocal of the absolute risk
reduction (ARR) (Cook & Sackett, 1995). A standardised effect size
Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, and per- of pain reduction for within and between group differences was
centages) were used to describe the characteristics of the calculated using Cohen's d and interpreted using thresholds of 0.2,
124 V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the participants.

Characteristic LLRT-BFR group LLRT group P value of difference (95% CI)

Patient (n) 20 20 n/a

Age (years) 29.1 ± 6.6 29.7 ± 7.6 0.776 (5.2 to 3.9)
Height (cm) 179.8 ± 5.1 179.2 ± 4.3 0.701 (2.4 to 3.6)
Weight (kg) 77.0 ± 9.6 73.7 ± 5.5 0.189 (1.7 to 8.3)
Duration (m)(range) 3.2 ± 2.8 (1e12) 4.3 ± 3.3 (1e13) 0.297 (3.0 to 0.9)
Baseline pain (NRS)
Single leg squata 4.6 ± 2.3 3.8 ± 2.3 0.309 (0.7 to 2.2)
Single leg squatb 5.6 ± 2.6 5.1 ± 1.8 0.480 (0.9 to 1.9)
Ste-down test 4.2 ± 2.4 4.1 ± 2.6 0.851 (1.4 to 1.7)
Anterior knee pain diagnostic category (n/%)
Patellofemoral pain 10/50% 9/45% n/a
Post-operative ACL AKP 7/35% 8/40% n/a
Meniscal repair/removal 3/15 3/15% n/a

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation unless otherwise indicated.

Abbreviations: LLRT: low load resistance training; BFR: blood flow restriction; 95%CI: 95% confidence intervals; n: numbers; cm: centimetres; kg: kilograms; m: months; NRS:
numeric rating scale; AKP: anterior knee pain; n/a: not applicable.
Shallow - To the mid-point between greater trochanter and popliteal crease.
Deep - To the level of the popliteal crease.

0.5, 0.8 for small, moderate and large effect, respectively (Cohen, both SLSs and SDT, except one participant in SDT immediately post-
1988). We aimed to estimate clinically meaningful effects of the intervention (0.5/10 increase). In the LLRT group for each individual
intervention in patient rated terms, (Farrar, Young, LaMoreaux, test 20% of the participants reported increased symptoms post-
Werth, & Poole, 2001) therefore the substantial benefit in ARR intervention and 15% following the physiotherapy session.
calculation was set at 30% reduction from baseline pain.
Individual participant pain data for all three functional tests 4. Discussion
were also presented for clinical interpretation of the results.
LLRT-BFR significantly reduced pain in functional activities
3. Results immediately post-intervention, and this was sustained for at least
45 min, with large effect sizes, an effect not seen in the LLRT group.
No significant differences were observed between LLRT-BFR and There were no non-responders in the LLRT-BFR group in contrast to
LLRT groups for any of the variables assessed at baseline (p > 0.05, the LLRT group where 20% of the participants reported symptoms
Table 1). worsening post-intervention. We suggest that LLRT-BFR may be
used to reduce knee pain before rehabilitation, providing clinicians
3.1. Within-group differences a window of opportunity for knee loading exercises, which are
typically otherwise associated with symptoms. The variability of
Significant immediate pain reduction with large to very large clinical presentations in terms of broad pain severity and different
effect sizes were found in the LLR-BFR group in SLSS, SLSD and SDT pathologic categorisations suggests this may be a generalizable
(all P < 0.001; d ¼ 1.32, d ¼ 1.12, d ¼ 0.88 respectively), but no sig- finding. We note that no patients in LLRT-BFR group reported any
nificant differences (all P > 0.017) were found in LLRT group where adverse effect during this trial.
the effect sizes were small to moderate (Table 2 and Fig. 2).
Following the physiotherapy session (45 min) pain reduction 4.1. LLRT-BFR and LLRT independently reduce pain post-
was sustained in LLRT-BFR group in both SLS, and SDT (P < 0.001; intervention
d ¼ 1.32, d ¼ 0.78, d ¼ 0.89 respectively). For the LLRT group sig-
nificant pain reduction was only found for the SLSS (d ¼ 0.56), but Low load exercise with or without BFR reduced pain, however
not for SLSD and SDT (Table 2 and Fig. 2). only the effect of LLRT-BFR was significant and large. Evidence
suggests that acute exercise reduces sensitivity to painful stimuli in
3.2. Between-group differences healthy individuals and specific chronic pain populations (Naugle
et al., 2012), however there is limited and/or conflicting evidence
No significant between-group differences were found immedi- for painful lower limb musculoskeletal conditions (Korakakis et al.,
ately post intervention or following the physiotherapy session 2018; O'Neill et al., 2018; Rio et al., 2015; Rio et al., 2017). Laboratory
(Table 2). The effect sizes calculated were very small to moderate studies measuring pain intensity in healthy individuals using
(range d ¼ 0.06e0.35), except the SLSD immediately post- resistance exercise reported large effect sizes immediately post-
intervention that presented a non-significant moderate to large exercise (similar to the current study) and small effects 15 min
effect size (d ¼ 0.61). There was a 117%, 237% and 82% greater post-exercise (Focht & Koltyn, 2009; Koltyn & Arbogast, 1998). By
reduction in pain immediately post-intervention in the LLRT-BFR observing the individual data (Fig. 3) the additive effect of BFR
group relative to the LLRT group in SLSs, SLSD and SDT, respec- seemed to be sustained 45 min later compared to LLRT group that
tively. Also, there was a 92%, 73% and 82% greater reduction in pain presented variable responses following the physiotherapy session.
post physiotherapy session in the LLRT-BFR group relative to the Both studies used load equal to 75% of 1RM, a load not applicable to
LLRT group in SLSs, SLSD and SDT, respectively. clinical populations with AKP as usually aggravation of symptoms
The NNT calculated are presented in Table 3 and the individual forces clinicians to reduce resistance load (Chiu et al., 2012;
participant data for pain in functional tests used as outcome Herrington & Al-Sherhi, 2007). To our knowledge, only one study
measures are presented in Fig. 3. No participant's symptoms in (Korakakis et al., 2018) in AKP patients has examined the acute pain
LLRT-BFR worsened compared to baseline at all follow-up points in response to LLRT-BFR reporting moderate effect sizes. The broader
V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128 125

Table 2
Mean NRS pain score at baseline, immediately post intervention, and following the physical therapy session and within- and between-group differences.

Shallow Single Leg Squat (SLSS)

Baseline Immediately post intervention Post physical therapy session

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d

LLRT-BFR 4.6 ± 2.3 2.0 ± 1.6 2.6 (1.5e3.7) <0.001/1.32 2.0 ± 1.5 2.5 (1.5e3.6) <0.001/1.32
LLRT 3.8 ± 2.3 2.6 ± 2.7 1.2 (0.1e2.3) 0.028/0.48 2.5 ± 2.3 1.3 (0.2e2.4) 0.013/0.56
DВ (95%CI) 0.75 (0.7 to 2.2) 0.6 (2.0 to 0.8) 0.5 (1.8 to 0.8)
P value/d 0.309/0.32 0.374/0.29 0.428/0.26

Deep Single Leg Squat (SLSD)

Baseline Immediately post intervention Post physical therapy session

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d

LLRT-BFR 5.6 ± 2.6 2.9 ± 2.3 2.7 (1.6e3.8) <0.001/1.12 3.7 ± 2.3 1.9 (0.8e3.0) <0.001/0.78
LLRT 5.1 ± 1.8 4.2 ± 2.2 0.8 (0.2 to 1.9) 0.167/0.43 4.0 ± 2.2 1.1 (0.1e2.2) 0.055/0.55
DВ (95%CI) 0.5 (0.9 to 1.9) 1.3 (2.8 to 0.1) 0.3 (1.7 to 1.1)
P value/d 0.480/0.23 0.052/0.61 0.674/0.13

Step-down test (SDT)

Baseline Immediately post intervention Post physical therapy session

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d Mean ± SD DW (95%CI) P value/d

LLRT-BFR 4.2 ± 2.4 2.2 ± 2.2 2.0 (0.8e3.2) 0.001/0.88 2.2 ± 2.1 2.0 (0.9e3.1) <0.001/0.89
LLRT 4.1 ± 2.6 3.0 ± 2.5 1.0 (0.2 to 2.3) 0.112/0.41 2.9 ± 2.2 1.1 (0.1e2.2) 0.033/0.47
DВ (95%CI) 0.1 (1.4 to 1.7) 0.8 (2.3 to 0.7) 0.7 (2.1 to 0.7)
P value/d 0.851/0.06 0.281/0.35 0.316/0.32

Note: Statistically significant differences are indicated in bold.

Abbreviations: NRS: numeric rating scale; SD: standard deviation; DW: within-group difference; 95%CI: 95% confidence intervals; d: Cohen's d; LLRT: low load resistance
training; BFR: blood flow restriction; DB: between-group difference.

Shallow Single Leg Squat Deep Single Leg Squat Step-down Test
10 10 10
9 9 d = 0.78 9
8 d = 1.32
8 d = 1.12 8
d = 0.89
7 d = 1.32
7 7
d = 0.88
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
Pre Post 45m Pre Post 45m Pre Post 45m Pre Post 45m Pre Post 45m Pre Post 45m

Fig. 2. Pain reduction and effect sizes following interventions in LLRT-BRF and LLRT groups in the functional tests used as outcome measures at the three time points (pre-
intervention, immediately post-intervention, and 45 min). In all tests numerical rating pain scale was improved immediately after intervention and sustained following a physical
therapy session only in the LLRT-BFR group, but no significant between-group effects were found. Brackets denote significant difference to pre-intervention (p < 0.017).; Abbre-
viations: LLRT: low load resistance training; BFR: blood flow restriction; Pre: baseline pain; Post: post-intervention pain; 45 m: pain following a physical therapy session lasted
45 min.

inclusion criteria and the sample size configuration used in the approach e that has several clinical implications - was that exercise
previous study may explain the difference in effect sizes reported activity that does not cause pain above 4 of 10 is safe. In previous
here. Potentially the pain reduction induced by LLRT-BFR and studies (Silbernagel, Thomee, Eriksson, & Karlsson, 2007; Thomee,
documented by individual patient data could indicate this inter- 1997) the use of a pain monitoring approach has been advocated as
vention as a preconditioning process prior to the rehabilitation resulting in avoidance of excessively heavy tissue loading. In the
session. present study this assumption was partially supported by the re-
Is it the BFR or the low load and the pain monitoring system that sults. Both groups were comparable at baseline, followed the same
augmented the effect of exercise? pain monitoring system and loading, and presented no between-
We aimed to challenge the knee with minimal load by using a group differences; nevertheless, only some of the LLRT group the
pain monitoring approach dictated the loading to a maximum of exercise had worsening of their pain (Fig. 3). It should be noted that
5 kg, such that the patient reported a maximum of 4/10 pain during between-group differences in individual patients’ characteristics
training. The message transferred to the participants by this and confounders other than those examined here might have
126 V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128

Table 3 LLRT group had the same conditions with patients that were
Treatment effect expressed as number needed to treat. benefited in the LLRT-BFR group. A plausible explanation can be
Outcome Immediately post Post physical therapy session attributed to the addition of BFR that, through unclear and
intervention currently unexplored mechanisms, was found to induce a beneficial
Substantial benefit 30% Substantial benefit 30% effect.

SLSS 17/20 9/20 2.5 16/20 9/20 2.9 4.1.1. BFR-induced pain reduction may be evident but the
SLSD 15/20 9/20 3.3 9/20 8/20 20.0 mechanisms of action are unclear
SDT 15/20 9/20 3.3 12/20 8/20 5.0 BFR training is a relatively novel approach in rehabilitation of
Substantial pain reduction was based on at least 30% pain reduction from baseline musculoskeletal clinical conditions (Hughes et al., 2017). Some
pain. Patient benefitted from interventions are presented as absolute numbers. mechanisms of action in terms of muscle strength improvement
Abbreviations: LLRT: low load resistance training; BFR: blood flow restriction; SLSS:
and size gain have been explored (Hwang & Willoughby, 2017); but
shallow single leg squat; SLSD: deep single leg squat; SDT: 20 cm step down test;
NNT: number needed to treat.
no study has examined the mechanism of BFR training inducing
acute pain reduction. Recently, it has been suggested that the
mechanisms may include: i) conditioned pain modulation through
driven this outcome. From a clinical perspective, observation of the
the diffuse noxious conditioning controls (DNIC)-like effect, ii) ex-
pain reduction pattern at the individual level does not indicate the
ercise related release of endogenous substances which inhibit
presence of sample/condition confounders, nor “washed out ef-
nociceptive pathways, and iii) induced hypoxia following BFR
fects” due to the heterogeneity of AKP. Both groups had equally
training (Korakakis et al., 2018). We cannot discount the possibility
distributed clinical conditions and the patients worsened in the
that the effects seen are the result of the placebo effect, given that

LLRT-BFR group LLRT group

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Pre Post 45min Pre Post 45min
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Pre Post 45min Pre Post 45min

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Pre Post 45min Pre Post 45min

Fig. 3. Individual participant data for the pain in functional tests used as outcome measures at the three time points (pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention, and 45 min).
Note due to the same numerical rating pain scores reported for different participants some lines in the graphs overlap. Cases that did not improve or worsened immediately
following intervention are shown in red, and those that improved are shown in grey.; Abbreviations: LLRT: low load resistance training; BFR: blood flow restriction; Pre: baseline
pain; Post: post-intervention pain; 45 m: pain after a 45 min physical therapy session.
V. Korakakis et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 34 (2018) 121e128 127

the “control” group in the study underwent LLRT. Evidence sug- Ethics approval
gests that in RCTs the placebos are “near inert” as their analgesic
effect is very small; 3.2 points on a 100-point pain scale (Kamper, Granted from Anti-Doping Lab Qatar (ADLQ e ethics board).
Machado, Herbert, Maher, & McAuley, 2008). The current study
showed no subjects to have increased pain with exercise in the Contributors
presence of BFR, whereas the exercise group had a more variable
response e although on average the group's pain was reduced. VK and RW contributed to the conception and design of the
Clinically the implication here is that BFR may be a more reliable study. VK performed BFR assessment and protocol, extracted and
method of reducing pain such that therapeutic loading can be analysed the data, and wrote the manuscript. RW and YG critically
applied than simple low load exercise. revised and edited the manuscript for intellectual content.
Recent research (Giles et al., 2017) in patellofemoral pain
patients assessed the effectiveness of low-load BFR strength- Funding
ening (30% of 1RM, 1 set of 30 repetitions and 3 sets of 15 rep-
etitions) compared to usual strengthening (approximately 70% of None declared.
1RM, 3 sets of 7e10 repetitions) in pain reduction with activities
of daily living (ADL) among other outcome measures. They re-
Provenance and peer review
ported a 93% greater relative reduction in ADL pain at BFR
compared to usual strengthening group over the 8 weeks of
Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
intervention. While this group did not evaluate the acute effect
on pain, but these results were suggestive that BFR may have a
potential acute effect on pain that was not evident at the follow-
up at 6 months where the BFR intervention had stopped. In the
The authors would like to thank the following physiotherapist
present study pain reduction may partially explain the fact that
for their contribution in the study: Andrew Cole, Pedro Nunnes,
almost none of the participants in the LLRT-BFR group reported
Matthew Azzopardi, and Abdallah Itani.
worse pain from baseline, despite the knee loading during the
physiotherapy session - an observation that was not evident in
the LLRT group. The pain reductions in the LLRT-BFR group References
relative to the LLRT group in all clinical tests used in the present
Chiu, J. K., Wong, Y. M., Yung, P. S., & Ng, G. Y. (2012). The effects of quadriceps
study, both immediately post-intervention and at 45 min, strengthening on pain, function, and patellofemoral joint contact area in per-
ranging from 73% to 237%. sons with patellofemoral pain. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Reha-
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