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University of Science and Technology Haouari Boumediene USTHB

Faculty of Computer Science

Departement : AI & DA

Module : Computer Architecture

Course teachers : Pr. AMROUNE M. & Mme Faiza Djidel
Section : L1 ING C, L1 ING B.

Series No. 1

Exercise No. 1:

1. Encode the following decimal numbers :

(b) (110,23046875)10 = (…..,….)16
(c) (55, 616)10 = (….,…..)8.
(d) (102, 23)10 = (….,…..)2

2. Give the representation of the numbers in the differents bases.

(a) (10011, 11101)2 = (……,….)16=(……,….)10
(b) (A23C,CC09)16 =(……,….)8=(……,….)10
(c) (414, 23)5= (……,….)3
(d) (13, 5)8=(……,….)16
(e) (102, 221)16=(……,….)4

Exercise No. 2: Complete the following table:

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal


Exercise No. 3:

Let A=(257)10

1. Is there a base system X such that: A= (230)x?

2. Is there a base system Y such that: A= (145)y?
3. Let B=(24580137656814)9. Convert B to the base system 3.

Exercise No. 4:

We consider in N the integers 34, 21, 1314 written in base A. What is this base knowing that:

(34)A x (21)A = (1314)A.

1. Let B= (310302011312232122313332000301023322)4. Convert B to the base system 16.

Exercise No. 5:

1. Perform the following operations in the base 16.

A43C+5BCD; 2345+54EB; 9F4B+BFFF.

2.Perform the following operations in the base 8.

753+628; 574+367

Exercise No. 6:

1. Write the following number in base 5:

5 × (5 × (5 × (5 × 4) + 3) + 2) + 1

2. Write in base 4 the number written in base 16 as (A2B1)16 without converting it to

base 10.

3. Find the base B such that:

(61)𝐵 = ((12)5 )2

Exercise No. 7:

Let X= (0.010010010…010…)2

1. Calculate the decimal value of X.

2. Let Y= (0.abcabcabc….abc…)2
a. Give the expression for Y in terms of X, a, b and c.

b. Deduce the decimal value of Y1=(0.011011011…011….)2

Exercise No.8:

Perform in binary the following operations, verify in decimal the resultats.

111001 111000 11000 11100101 111

+ 1101 - 11001 * 1001

110011001 110011001 11000

+ 1101101 * 101 * 1001

- 1101101 1111010 1011

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